Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Q's first ever "walk" - Chloe Kisses - Mother-In-Law-Experience  (Read 10772 times)


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she knows she is a BBW. 

I have a problew with that tag, who the fuck is any pro$$ie to label herself Beautiful (its subjective) the term BW (Big woman) or BFW (Big Fat woman) are ok but to label themselves beautiful just because she's fat, how would it work, size 10 ok, size 14 packing the pounds on, aize 16 losing it, size 18 obese, size 20 beautiful  :dash:

And you mentioned warts and face like a bag of spanners  :unknown:

Offline dubs

I have a problew with that tag, who the fuck is any pro$$ie to label herself Beautiful (its subjective) the term BW (Big woman) or BFW (Big Fat woman) are ok but to label themselves beautiful just because she's fat, how would it work, size 10 ok, size 14 packing the pounds on, aize 16 losing it, size 18 obese, size 20 beautiful  :dash:

And you mentioned warts and face like a bag of spanners  :unknown:

I read the first B as 'bloody'


  • Guest
I have a problew with that tag, who the fuck is any pro$$ie to label herself Beautiful (its subjective) the term BW (Big woman) or BFW (Big Fat woman) are ok but to label themselves beautiful just because she's fat, how would it work, size 10 ok, size 14 packing the pounds on, aize 16 losing it, size 18 obese, size 20 beautiful  :dash:

And you mentioned warts and face like a bag of spanners  :unknown:

This is very true I have often wondered why so many give themselves a BBW tag think it started more so in America where a lot were saying it out there and basically what it means is yes I am fat and wont be ashamed of my meat flaps I will embrace it!!!!! but the beautiful should not really be used for any over weight person.


  • Guest
This is very true I have often wondered why so many give themselves a BBW tag think it started more so in America where a lot were saying it out there and basically what it means is yes I am fat and wont be ashamed of my meat flaps I will embrace it!!!!! but the beautiful should not really be used for any over weight person.
I thought it was big breasted woman and hijacked by the fatties.

The current meaning is an oxymoron anyway.


  • Guest
She's been surprisingly quiet on UKE although she is making a point of regularly updating her avatar with "recent selfies" - of her arse and legs! Nothing that in any way shows her size.

She made a comment about her profile takedown on AW fishing for support and sympathy....there still seem to be a few punters 'behind' her so maybe her arse really is her best feature?  :sarcastic:

Certainly has not been half as gobby so no doubt waiting til the heat dies down a bit.

She has updated her selfie on UKE with a black pvc type look dress now, so must be taking note.


  • Guest
I thought it was big breasted woman and hijacked by the fatties.

The current meaning is an oxymoron anyway.

No its def Big used. I think it should be BPW big proud woman now that sounds better to me :thumbsup:


  • Guest
She has updated her selfie on UKE with a black pvc type look dress now, so must be taking note.

Perhaps she should put a full body shot up holding a recent paper, instead of the deliberatly deceptive helicopter shots  :wacko:


  • Guest
Perhaps she should put a full body shot up holding a recent paper, instead of the deliberatly deceptive helicopter shots  :wacko:

Her website now says size 16 and ff bust but looking at her pictures on her website her boobs especially the ones in the bath don't look very big and ff cups is very big boobs unless she had a boob job or something else :unknown:


  • Guest
She's fucked on here and UKE and not in a good way


  • Guest
Bloody hell I thought you was serious about size 26 and that is way way big that is why I could not understand why she would exaggerate so much. But yes your right better to quote your size nearer to what you are. The situation is though punters can walk if they want but its still a wasted trip going there and finding out.

So do you think if you found her facially attractive and a bit younger you might have stayed am I getting the right impression that it was not just her dress size but you did not find her attractive to stay??

Definitely a combination of factors, and sure, if she looked maybe just 5 years older and a dress size larger than I was expecting I might have stayed - but as I said before she literally didn't look even remotely like her profile - I mean, seriously, not at all. 

The glimpses of her face in her pics suggest someone much more facially attractive and by no possible stretch of anyone's imagination does her shape today bear any resemblance to a single one of her profile pics. She's just a lump. 

Chloe could walk by you in the street after you'd been looking at her profile all day long and you would never recognise her. That's the bizarre thing!! :unknown:

Offline wombat

Out of interest I clicked on one of the links to the UKE forum listing for this lady and spotted a forum user with the same username as mine (albeit with a pic as well). It is not me...


  • Guest
Out of interest I clicked on one of the links to the UKE forum listing for this lady and spotted a forum user with the same username as mine (albeit with a pic as well). It is not me...
Hmm...interesting - I don't know you that well but recognised the name and assumed it was you.  :unknown: 

Seems an unlikely co-incidence.


  • Guest
Out of interest I clicked on one of the links to the UKE forum listing for this lady and spotted a forum user with the same username as mine (albeit with a pic as well). It is not me...

I just checked, that is UKP member WombatFit.


  • Guest
I just checked, that is UKP member WombatFit.

So maybe he stopped going to the gym lately?!?  :lol:


  • Guest

Definitely a combination of factors, and sure, if she looked maybe just 5 years older and a dress size larger than I was expecting I might have stayed - but as I said before she literally didn't look even remotely like her profile - I mean, seriously, not at all. 

The glimpses of her face in her pics suggest someone much more facially attractive and by no possible stretch of anyone's imagination does her shape today bear any resemblance to a single one of her profile pics. She's just a lump. 

Chloe could walk by you in the street after you'd been looking at her profile all day long and you would never recognise her. That's the bizarre thing!! :unknown:

Yes I had a feeling from how you wrote the review that it was not just because she had gained some weight but her looks and age was not for you. Sometimes we can all get impressions from photos and sometimes there even much better in the flesh or sometimes you wonder  how the pictures look so different to reality.

You was probably more pissed off because you travelled in to London too which is a pain in the arse at the best of times both with public transport or driving and trying to find parking. This can take quite a bit of time out of your day for a wasted journey!


  • Guest
Yes I had a feeling from how you wrote the review that it was not just because she had gained some weight but her looks and age was not for you. Sometimes we can all get impressions from photos and sometimes there even much better in the flesh or sometimes you wonder  how the pictures look so different to reality.

You was probably more pissed off because you travelled in to London too which is a pain in the arse at the best of times both with public transport or driving and trying to find parking. This can take quite a bit of time out of your day for a wasted journey!

I'm a lazy fucker and as a ressult usually do outcalls to mine - it does take someone special for me to get off my arse and drive into town.  Fortunately that neck of the woods does have a reasonable amount of plan b options but it was a bit of a panic phoning around from the car park.  If I hadn't managed to fit in a nice hour with young miss Miley it would have left an even worse taste in my mouth.  But I had been looking forward to a nice 2 hour leisurely session rather than a frantic panic and a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am.


  • Guest
I'm a lazy fucker and as a ressult usually do outcalls to mine - it does take someone special for me to get off my arse and drive into town.  Fortunately that neck of the woods does have a reasonable amount of plan b options but it was a bit of a panic phoning around from the car park.  If I hadn't managed to fit in a nice hour with young miss Miley it would have left an even worse taste in my mouth.  But I had been looking forward to a nice 2 hour leisurely session rather than a frantic panic and a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am.

Yes I get that.


  • Guest
So maybe he stopped going to the gym lately?!?  :lol:

There's a great restaurant attached to my gym (DL). Always thought that was a bit odd

Offline claretandblue

I have a problew with that tag, who the fuck is any pro$$ie to label herself Beautiful (its subjective) the term BW (Big woman) or BFW (Big Fat woman) are ok but to label themselves beautiful just because she's fat, how would it work, size 10 ok, size 14 packing the pounds on, aize 16 losing it, size 18 obese, size 20 beautiful  :dash:

And you mentioned warts and face like a bag of spanners  :unknown:
"Bbw "- fat and ugly,  "bubbly" - fat and ugly, "busty" - fat and ugly
Might be harsh and I am sure there are some exceptions but in the main I steer clear of these profiles


  • Guest
I think that most men probably, although they might not readily admit it, secretly admire women with the fuller form. I know when I used to attend popular pubs that hosted strip shows in the 90s and 00s I and many fellow drinkers thought they’d chosen a great night if a stripper was on that had big boobs or a big bum. Many Rubenesque women with Marilyn Monroe-like hour-glass shapes are, I would guess, considered by many men to be examples of physical perfection. I include myself in that group, so, for me, the 2nd B in BBW I would agree stands for ‘beautiful’ and deservedly so.
I’ve never seen Chloe Kisses personally, but if she is now has sufficient anatomical credentials to warrant a listing in the website she sounds like she’s all woman and possibly a good VFM punt for big tit and big bum flesh hounds.
She’s certainly in good company on that website, as I’ve seen Sophie JJ from Essex (BustySophie), BBW Zoe (tours), Big Tits Betti (sadly gone home), and Sammi Curves (London/Herts) and I found all of them, without exception, lovely cuddly girls with a desire to please and provide punter satisfaction.
As Chloe Kisses says she’s based in MK, fairly local for me, I’m a little curious and more than slightly interested in maybe paying her a visit, to see if she is really is right up there with the good company of the other BBW girls on prettybigescorts.
To give the UKP negative reviewers Quesadilla & Bangers their due, both reports are coordinated in that both implicate age (older) and size (larger) as contributory factors, so both reports are aligned in saying similar things, which can assist credibility. Although Bangers did say he rather liked her bottom … I think it was mainly on her alleged personal hygiene that he mainly scored her negative.
From all what has been said about Chloe I think the thing that would most put me off is the fact that she has previously been a smoker, and all the potential harm that might have done. It might well be the effects of nicotine that has contributed to her ‘bad teeth’ that the OP refers to. Although Chloe herself says on UKE that she quit smoking 3 years ago, so she might be more adorable and kissable as a result now.
However I do remain a little puzzled by how at odds both these negative reviews are with well over 30 glowing P/net reviews on Chloe, some quite recent, which almost unanimously give her a ‘Yes’ recommendation. That is indicative that the punter would commend, and make a return visit. I would make a guess that at least some of these 30 odd punters, that have seen and reviewed her on P/net, are here on UKP as well. Am I alone in this bewilderment?


  • Guest
I think that most men probably, although they might not readily admit it, secretly admire women with the fuller form. I know when I used to attend popular pubs that hosted strip shows in the 90s and 00s I and many fellow drinkers thought they’d chosen a great night if a stripper was on that had big boobs or a big bum. Many Rubenesque women with Marilyn Monroe-like hour-glass shapes are, I would guess, considered by many men to be examples of physical perfection. I include myself in that group, so, for me, the 2nd B in BBW I would agree stands for ‘beautiful’ and deservedly so.
I’ve never seen Chloe Kisses personally, but if she is now has sufficient anatomical credentials to warrant a listing in the website she sounds like she’s all woman and possibly a good VFM punt for big tit and big bum flesh hounds.
Good post and comments, thanks.
I am definitely a fan of the Rubenesque figure myself - my other recent review was a glowing positive of Ellie Rose who for me is near the epitome of Rubenesque curves.  But for me there is a point where a lady gets so large that she is no longer Rubenesque because all the curves get filled in. Then she becomes "fat" or as James rightly says BFW.  The "beautiful" part of the BBW tag definitely needs to be earned on merit and. I genuinely don't want to be mean, and I would normally never be so blunt about an escorts looks - but her profile pics really do imply a certain amount of facial beauty which set a totally unrealistic expectation compared to the lady I met.

However I do remain a little puzzled by how at odds both these negative reviews are with well over 30 glowing P/net reviews on Chloe, some quite recent, which almost unanimously give her a ‘Yes’ recommendation. That is indicative that the punter would commend, and make a return visit. I would make a guess that at least some of these 30 odd punters, that have seen and reviewed her on P/net, are here on UKP as well. Am I alone in this bewilderment?

I am slightly bemused for sure - but some punters I have heard in the past say clearly they are not interested in looking at the mantle while stoking the fire - so if she gives a decent service that could account for the positive reviews.  Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks and all that.  :unknown:

As I said - the reason for such a resounding negative was because for me the issue was false advertising. Simply no resemblance between her and her profile pics. 

Offline claretandblue

I think that most men probably, although they might not readily admit it, secretly admire women with the fuller form.
Nope not at all, I work hard to stay in (reasonably ) good shape,why on earth would I admire a girl for being a fat slob?

Offline lostandfound

I think that most men probably, although they might not readily admit it, secretly admire women with the fuller form.

I disagree - it's just your personal taste. It would be like me saying most men admire women with an athletic figure - which is my personal taste. As I've reached the age of reason I understand that because I think something it doesn't make it a universal truth!


  • Guest
I think that most men probably, although they might not readily admit it, secretly admire women with the fuller form. I know when I used to attend popular pubs that hosted strip shows in the 90s and 00s I and many fellow drinkers thought they’d chosen a great night if a stripper was on that had big boobs or a big bum. Many Rubenesque women with Marilyn Monroe-like hour-glass shapes are, I would guess, considered by many men to be examples of physical perfection. I include myself in that group, so, for me, the 2nd B in BBW I would agree stands for ‘beautiful’ and deservedly so.
I’ve never seen Chloe Kisses personally, but if she is now has sufficient anatomical credentials to warrant a listing in the website she sounds like she’s all woman and possibly a good VFM punt for big tit and big bum flesh hounds.
She’s certainly in good company on that website, as I’ve seen Sophie JJ from Essex (BustySophie), BBW Zoe (tours), Big Tits Betti (sadly gone home), and Sammi Curves (London/Herts) and I found all of them, without exception, lovely cuddly girls with a desire to please and provide punter satisfaction.
As Chloe Kisses says she’s based in MK, fairly local for me, I’m a little curious and more than slightly interested in maybe paying her a visit, to see if she is really is right up there with the good company of the other BBW girls on prettybigescorts.
To give the UKP negative reviewers Quesadilla & Bangers their due, both reports are coordinated in that both implicate age (older) and size (larger) as contributory factors, so both reports are aligned in saying similar things, which can assist credibility. Although Bangers did say he rather liked her bottom … I think it was mainly on her alleged personal hygiene that he mainly scored her negative.
From all what has been said about Chloe I think the thing that would most put me off is the fact that she has previously been a smoker, and all the potential harm that might have done. It might well be the effects of nicotine that has contributed to her ‘bad teeth’ that the OP refers to. Although Chloe herself says on UKE that she quit smoking 3 years ago, so she might be more adorable and kissable as a result now.
However I do remain a little puzzled by how at odds both these negative reviews are with well over 30 glowing P/net reviews on Chloe, some quite recent, which almost unanimously give her a ‘Yes’ recommendation. That is indicative that the punter would commend, and make a return visit. I would make a guess that at least some of these 30 odd punters, that have seen and reviewed her on P/net, are here on UKP as well. Am I alone in this bewilderment?

Go on then Robbie, do it and report back your honest findings, it could be your first review on here!!  :hi:


  • Guest
Go on then Robbie, do it and report back your honest findings, it could be your first review on here!!  :hi:


I've seen the evidence

Offline Belgarion

To be fair to Chloe, she did tell me on UKE to walk if a WG is not as advertised on her profile.

So fair play to Q for walking.

I had a punt a couple of months ago with a lady I had wanted to see, review on here as well (outcall).

She looked completely different, size wise as well. Did not have the balls to send her away so went through with the punt.

Not sure why some WGs feel the need to be creative with the truth. There is a market for everyone

Offline Stiltskin

There is a market for everyone

+1 on that! To my utter amazement sometimes, there seems to be a market for everything on AW.

What annoys me is when you're looking for a certain type of girl and they all seem to be trying to look younger and slimmer than they really are. Not everyone is after a cat walk model.


  • Guest
+1 on that! To my utter amazement sometimes, there seems to be a market for everything on AW.

What annoys me is when you're looking for a certain type of girl and they all seem to be trying to look younger and slimmer than they really are. Not everyone is after a cat walk model.

Exactly! Many of my best ever punts have been with ladies who were definitely "rubenesque" - stick insects don't interest me.  Curves and something to hold onto are essentials. Size 12, 14 even 16 in my experience can be very sexy and we all know there's a market for larger ladies than that. If you're genuinely a good service provider you will attract more punters, almost regardless of age/size.  :unknown:

Offline smiths

This is a message to Chloe who no doubt either reads UKP or someone passes info to her. Assuming what the OP has said about you being a size 20 or perhaps more is true yet you advertise as a size 16 if its true YOU need to be honest and stop deceiving punters as its low life behaviour and there is NO excuse for it. If the OP is wrong please provide PROOF by posting a full length picture of yourself that is very clear with a newspaper dated the day you take the picture.

Chloe you post about honesty and dodgy punters but if you are lying then you are no better than those people and you are trying to get money off punters on false pretences, be honest and have the honesty to advertise as the size you are.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 02:58:47 pm by smiths »


  • Guest


  • Guest
Well this has been an amusing ten minutes.

i do remember her moaning on about Bangers review getting bumped on the other site and few people holding her hand and comforting it about her.

At least bangers did the decent fluffy thing and went through with it. !

Offline Bangers and Gash

At least bangers did the decent fluffy thing and went through with it. !

  :mad: :mad:

Offline Bigus Dickus

Well this has been an amusing ten minutes.

i do remember her moaning on about Bangers review getting bumped on the other site and few people holding her hand and comforting it about her.

At least bangers did the decent fluffy thing and went through with it. !

 :lol: :lol: :lol: Fucking fluffies!  :rolleyes:


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Hidden Image/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

Reading between the lines and trying to paint an accurate picture in my mind.

It's not pretty


  • Guest
Hidden Image/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

Reading between the lines and trying to paint an accurate picture in my mind.

It's not pretty

It's pretty alright - pretty close!!!  :scare:

Now you know why I ran - not walked - to the nearest exit!  :lol:


  • Guest
This is a message to Chloe who no doubt either reads UKP or someone passes info to her. Assuming what the OP has said about you being a size 20 or perhaps more is true yet you advertise as a size 16 if its true YOU need to be honest and stop deceiving punters as its low life behaviour and there is NO excuse for it. If the OP is wrong please provide PROOF by posting a full length picture of yourself that is very clear with a newspaper dated the day you take the picture.

Chloe you post about honesty and dodgy punters but if you are lying then you are no better than those people and you are trying to get money off punters on false pretences, be honest and have the honesty to advertise as the size you are.

Exactly - she is now posting regular updated profile pics on UKE which she claims are recent.  Which bear little resemblance to the lady I saw. 

But here's the strange thing - lots of lovely ladies on UKE are posting pics of themselves naked or in underwear, and yet Chloe is only posting pics of herself wearing baggy jumpers.  Or her legs (in stockings no doubt to hide the cellulite) but always vertically up in the air - where gravity of course makes them look much slimmer!!  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline Roth

Nightmare punt. :scare:  Well done for walking Quesadilla.  :thumbsup:

Offline Mr Farkyhars

Am I alone in this bewilderment?

Quite possibly. It's well known that P/nut reviews are as unreliable as AW feedback, because both sites have a degree of pressure that can be brought to bear against honest reviewers.


  • Guest
Quite possibly. It's well known that P/nut reviews are as unreliable as AW feedback, because both sites have a degree of pressure that can be brought to bear against honest reviewers.

I'm sure that's why Chloe tries to post so much on what she sees as the most active forums, to intimidate punters into suppressing the truth about her. She went ape-shit on Pnet when I dared to mention that she'd been lying about her age. A lot of guys want a quiet life, so might hold back any negatives about such a vocal forum presence.

She was not happy when she was locked out of here and she seethes that it's now become the busiest punting forum in the land and she has no access to it.

She's all over Admin's sister site UKE now for he same well as the fact that she must have a very dusty phone to be quite so prolific.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 10:15:54 am by vt »


  • Guest
Quite possibly. It's well known that P/nut reviews are as unreliable as AW feedback, because both sites have a degree of pressure that can be brought to bear against honest reviewers.

Thank god for UKP

Offline backofthenet

lots of lovely ladies on UKE are posting pics of themselves naked or in underwear,

They are aren't they? If RaquelVIP posts any more pictures of that little trot of hers I might just blow a load in my pants (sorry, off topic)


  • Guest
They are aren't they? If RaquelVIP posts any more pictures of that little trot of hers I might just blow a load in my pants (sorry, off topic)

Agreed, big time

Offline Belgarion

I am confident this can be easily resolved

Chloes gone to great lengths to prove her age and added some pics

She'll probably post a full length picture soon

Offline Roth

I am confident this can be easily resolved

Chloes gone to great lengths to prove her age and added some pics

She'll probably post a full length picture soon

We are holding our breath.  :wacko: :wacko:

Offline Cuntminion

Okay read through the negative review I'm not trying to take sides but actually trying to be rationable here
Q didn't like what he saw and walked fair enough its his right to walk but I don't agree with the plus size 20 and mid fifties bollocks
Seeing other current photos of girl who is reviewed recently posted I'm of the opinion its age and size have been grossly exaggerated in a negative way I'm not a cheerleader, I have no intention to punt Chloe and exactness on age and size is not a big deal for me but I believe in being fair and from what I have seen to what has been described and is the basis for the neg review differs greatly


  • Guest
Okay read through the negative review I'm not trying to take sides but actually trying to be rationable here
Q didn't like what he saw and walked fair enough its his right to walk but I don't agree with the plus size 20 and mid fifties bollocks
Seeing other current photos of girl who is reviewed recently posted I'm of the opinion its age and size have been grossly exaggerated in a negative way I'm not a cheerleader, I have no intention to punt Chloe and exactness on age and size is not a big deal for me but I believe in being fair and from what I have seen to what has been described and is the basis for the neg review differs greatly

Well said sir. Chloe has now posted proof of her age on UKE - 45. I definitely think there's some exaggeration going on as Q likes to create a big drama in which he can place himself right in the centre to conduct it. From what I understand he was let back just to post reviews. What better way to mark his grand return than to go completely over-the-top and court controversy, again.

Offline Cuntminion

Well said sir. Chloe has now posted proof of her age on UKE - 45. I definitely think there's some exaggeration going on as Q likes to create a big drama in which he can place himself right in the centre to conduct it. From what I understand he was let back just to post reviews. What better way to mark his grand return than to go completely over-the-top and court controversy, again.

Thing is I would never have known this review existed if he had not repeatedly linked in London reviews

South east is not my board, but if he wants to court controversy by promoting his "bad time" at every opportunity then expect opinions from all over

You want attention then that's what you get

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I paid particular attention to this review became of the bold claims made which I feel after seeing current pictures are a gross exaggeration

I'm not pro punter or wg I will treat case by case and I wouldn't and couldn't stand by the side and watch with either a punter or wg be really torn to shreds if I felt it was not correct and in this case op is well off


  • Guest
Thing is I would never have known this review existed if he had not repeatedly linked in London reviews

South east is not my board, but if he wants to court controversy by promoting his "bad time" at every opportunity then expect opinions from all over

You want attention then that's what you get

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I paid particular attention to this review became of the bold claims made which I feel after seeing current pictures are a gross exaggeration

I'm not pro punter or wg I will treat case by case and I wouldn't and couldn't stand by the side and watch with either a punter or wg be really torn to shreds if I felt it was not correct and in this case op is well off
He exaggerates everything with one aim to make himself look better.  Like he was lucky he went to a regular after to rescue the day FFS he had seen her once !  What's that about ?

Offline Roth

He exaggerates everything with one aim to make himself look better.  Like he was lucky he went to a regular after to rescue the day FFS he had seen her once !  What's that about ?

He seems to be quite needy and attention seeking.   :wacko: :wacko:  Weird behaviour surely to link the South East negative review of one prossie (although it happened in London so should be in the London section IMHO) to 2 positive reviews of totally different prossies.  :dash: Deffo what's that all about? :unknown: