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Author Topic: Do Pro$$i£$ Deserve Respect ?  (Read 29957 times)


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I think he may be suffering from post-punt ecstacy, so I don't want to burst any bubbles. BUt seriously guys, this phrase about respecting prostitutes (better call them "working girls" or "service providers" eh?  :cool: ) yeah - it's not just tosh it is a reaction to accusations by the sisterhood that punters 'don't treat prossies respectfully.'

Fucking bollocks. The door is then wide open to suggest respectfulness by taking them presents, giving them tips, always making oh-so-'constructive' comments, and generally giving them more than their due.

Save your apple for your teacher. Save politeness for prossies and the rest of the human race that you don't personally know from Adam.

Too right! Isla was pretty damned good! * Ahem* back to the issue at hand.

The issue here though is the fact that respect is a word that has multiple meanings as I've outlined above. Therefore you argument only holds water if we ignore the other meanings of of the word respect. You are saying if we say WGs deserve respect we are then elevating their profession to a automatic high level of respect which is usually reserved for very elusive professions. The professions are usually considered worthy of elevated respect if it follows some of the following criteria;

Highly difficulty role,
The perceived value to society,
Relative selflessness of the role,
Level of skill and / or commitment to training before achieving this professional status
The contribution that role has to culture, medicine, education or another social attribute
Roles which care for the mentally and/or physically sick, infirm, needy, vulnerable,

This list is very far from exhaustive but you get what I'm driving at here.

As the OP opened with something to the tune of Do you respect WG's or are they morally bankrupt. That sets the tone of this debate. I'm sure neither you and certainly not me agree with this dichotomy at all. Although given we are entering into a debate and that was the foundation of it we need to address it. It is not irrelevant as you say but it does betray a certain misunderstanding of the word respect in this context. The two are not actually mutually exclusive, you can be morally bankrupt but still command respect. Thatcher for example was immoral in her treatment of vast swaiths of the population of the UK and although I disagree with her policies, politics and rhetoric I still respect her for the remarkable states person and politician that she was.

I agree with many of your points Marm, you're spot on!

First off, prossies are like tradespeople. Respect doesn't come into the question if you are punting with one, any more than with the electrician who comes to service your fridge. You owe that person politeness, end of.

I agree, WGs should be treated with the same respect as you would show to tradespeople absolutely and no more than that either. A WG does not fall into the above criteria for elevated respect purely on the basis of their profession say as a Judge would . (This is obviously subjective but I would confidently argue this point) You say being polite I say treating with respect. I think in many ways we are agreeing on this point but we are simply using different phrases to mean a similar thing. I do still though disagree with the word polite doesn't cover it though and I'll go on to explain why.

Again just to reiterate, I do not think that prostitution is a profession that deserves elevated respect or worship from anyone. I am just arguing it deserves the same base level of politeness and respect as you would give a trades person. Equal rather than elevated.

I also agree that a lot of the empowerment rhetoric spouted by WGs and their advocates often confuses the word respect. The movement had originally set about to stop people using WGs as toys, they are human beings who deserve the respect you would afford to any other human being. Their career choice does not in anyway erode that basic level of respect that should be afforded to all people doing all jobs. I personally agree with this 100%. I again must reiterate equality rather than elevated respect. There should be a minimum level of respect for every human being and I would argue the term politeness does not suffice. I can be polite to people I have absolutely no respect for, I do regularly in my profession. I am polite to a neighbour who was very abusive to their partner and consequently had an indirect part to play in their untimely death, I do not respect them. Manners and being polite are social rules and is independent of respect. Respect in this context is a lot more than merely superficial lip service (pun intended :P ) but rather a deeper social philosophical concept.

This doesn't mean I care for, admire or adore everyone when I first meet them, I simply give them the same level of respect I'd give any stranger. I respect their feelings and their rights, that is more than politeness but an empathic understanding and a belief that everyone is entitled to the same rights and liberties as everyone else. A WG has every right a plumber / mechanic or lawyer should have.

That said, if a WG was to wrong me she'd feel my wrath just like any other service provider but within the confines of that relationship. You are entitled to be angry if a WG has mislead you. Entitled to demand your money back if they try to rip you off. You're entailed to complain and warn others of using their services. You are not entitled to assault - physically or sexually. You are not entitled to rob them. You are not entitled to physically threaten them, their loved ones or their possessions.

All of the above does not fit within being polite, but a respect for another human being.

I genuinely look forward to your reply Marmalade!  :drinks:


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All human beings deserve respect! What a nasty thought to treat any woman with violence or rudeness! UNLESS ,they do it to you!

....It's hilarious.....


  • Guest
All human beings deserve respect! What a nasty thought to treat any woman with violence or rudeness! UNLESS ,they do it to you!

....It's hilarious.....

I think this means you agree with my point on respecting WGs?

Offline Marmalade

Well I think we all would agree that all human beings deserve respect. The question is, do "prossies" deserve respect? Am I suggesting they are not human?? Or that they should be treated badly?? No, I am suggesting they should be treated with politeness. Using the term 'respect' towards a specific, anonymous group of people that you do not know might sound nice but is fundamentally flawed. When it is used generally by punters towards prostitutes, rather than the term 'politeness', it is creating a mindset that works against punters' interests.

Let's take the 'respect' idea and put it under the microscope for a minute.

When you meet a prostitute, do you get to know her as a person, find out about her family, her life outside her job, her history and hopes and aspirations, the way she is developing her life and her character? In other words, do you really know her? Of course you do not. Not only is it not any of your business, but it is totally against the ethos of your reasons for being there. You may have the illusion that you 'respect' her, but actually you do not have enough information to build such an opinion - that is, unless you give away respect very lightly, in which case it becomes meaningless.

What happens if you do actually know her as a person?

Let us take the two examples that I think mutualrespect mentioned.

Firstly there is the ex-girlfriend. You actually know something of this person, including her values. And it is a person's values upon which we largely discover feelings of respect. But in this instance, he did not respect her decision to become a prostitute. He might still have respect for her as a person deep down, but he does not respect her as a prostitute.

The second example is whether one can respect the decision of a member of one's family to become a prostitute. Again, the answer was "no." You might respect the person, but you do not respect her as a prostitute.

It is clear that most people do not 'respect' prostitutes even if they are nice to them, wish them well, appreciate their services and differentiate between varying levels of service, support their rights and so on. It does not make them vicious horrible people. Neither does it mean they are direspectful.

The truth is people like to think they respect prostitutes because a) in theory they believe all human beings deserve respect; b) they are nice to people, including prostitutes when they buy their services, and c) it makes them feel better about themselves. It is also a quick holier-than-thou response as soon as some sisterhood wench copmplains about punters' 'attitudes.' In other words, it feels great all round, burt it is fundamentally dishonest.

The only adjustment needed is to remember to treat prostitutes with politeness - this is what you owe any stranger by the way. Given th nature of their work, you should also demonstrate discretion, hygeine, gentleness (probably), honesty, a reasonable concern for her safety and well-being while in your employment, and other qualities one might expect of a reasonable punter. "Respect" and "disrespect" should not need to come into the equation.

Having established the facts, let's examine the downsides of ignoring them.

The mindset of "respect" is one which the sisterhood actively encourage and it is not hard to see why. Politeness, honesty, gentleness and all the qualities that might reasonably be expected of a prospec tive employer are not enough for them. Nay, they want an elevated status that puts the employee at least on the same level as the employer. Given the downtrodden position of prostitutes in society, it is quite understandable that they should do this, but also incorrect. They should be seeking the same sort of rights that any other temporary employee is entitled to. The more honest of the prostitutes support groups are indeed seeking exactly that. It is mostly the more vitriolic, chip-on-the-shoulder, internet-savvy pro$$ies that tend to be making a fuss about the word "respect." They claim that if you do not give them "respect" then you are "disrespectful" or "disrspectful to women" or a "dodgy punter" or a "danger" and so on. The last poster immediately took the bait and labelled the alternative to respecting prostitutes as 'viciousness.' How ridiculous. The correct alternative is, as I have suggested, politeness.

Respect has many meanings but to go back to the mindset it easily creates, thin of the other sections of society that demand respect. The police, for instance, demand respect. Like it or not, they are in a position of authority. Your professor at college demands respect. If you don't respect, you probably won't learn much. As a child, your parents demand respect. If you don't respect, they will probably kick your butt, or make you go to your room, or take it out of your pocket money.

This is the sort of 'respect' the sisterhood long after. They want to be in a position of authority. Exactly the situation they have on Prossienet!

Respect is earned. It is not a right. If someone has not earned that respect in your eyes, that does not mean you are disrespecting them. It simply means the situation has not arisen to determine whether they have earned your respect yet. The artificial nature of the relationship between punter and prostitute means (and should mean, in nearly all cases) that you never reach the situation where you know them so well that they have earned such an accolade. You should not be getting to know them that well and they in turn should not be laying their personhood on the line to you for such an appraisal.

Using the language of 'respect' towards an unnamed, unknown group of individuals is incorrect and potentially harmful. Treat your prossie with politeness, consideration and all those other things I have mentioned. If you "call" those things "respect" you are both fooling yourself and creating an unstable situation.

Offline Marmalade

It's also important to add that, in the two cases I drew attention to where the poster had not respected prostitutes, it was not on account of their poor performance or devotion to the job, but merely that they were prostitutes.

Additionally, no-one really thought the worse of him for it and there is no suggestion that he was a 'bad' person.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 05:04:30 am by Marmalade »

Offline Sonny Crockett

This is my view on this.....

A WG that is very professional in her approach, shows an interest in what I want in the meet, has excellent comms, treats me like a person both pre-meet and at the meet, gives an excellent service and shows an excellent attitude = DESERVES MY RESPECT!!!

A Pro$$ie that is unprofessional in her approach, bad with comms, lies about services, messes me around when I want to arrange a meet by using certain tactics as bait, flakes out on bookings, fobs me off, insults my intelligence, gives a bad service, shows a poor attitude, and sends abuse when negative feedback is given = DOESN'T DESERVE MY RESPECT!!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 06:38:54 pm by Sonny Crockett »


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This is my view on this.....

A WG that is very professional in her approach, shows an interest in what I want in the meet, has excellent comms, treats me like a person both pre-meet and at the meet, gives an excellent service and shows an excellent attitude = DESERVES MY RESPECT!!!

A Pro$$ie that is unprofessional in her approach, bad with comms, lies about services, messes me around when I want to arrange a meet by using certain tactics as bait, flakes out on bookings, fobs me off, insults my intelligence, gives a bad service, shows a poor attitude, and sends abuse when negative feedback is given = DOESN'T DESERVE MY RESPECT!!

Are you still sore about the Naughty Slut Soph thing? 


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This is my view on this.....

That's an old thread to bump !

No Slut Soph or retirement speech today ?   :dash: :dash:
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 06:42:30 pm by vw »

Offline SamLP

That's two old threads bumped over the past week  :dash:

Lots of opinions you want to express, a lot of resentment towards one girl with veiled digs at her all the time. Get over it. All she did was cancel on you a few times. You didn't even lose any money or had a shit service. I've had much worse and I didn't let it affect me to the point I would quit punting but still continue to post daily on a punting forum. Forget it or just arrange a punt to get over it.

Offline The_Don

Even Admin has commented on these bumps. 


Stop bumping old threads, this one is nearly 3 years old.

Offline AnthG

This is my view on this.....

A WG that is very professional in her approach, shows an interest in what I want in the meet, has excellent comms, treats me like a person both pre-meet and at the meet, gives an excellent service and shows an excellent attitude = DESERVES MY RESPECT!!!

This was a really old topic to bump. I remember this the first time, it became controversial.

But some things to think about from what you have said. Any WG pretty much will not be interested in anything about you. It will all be pretend.  The girl cares about your money and that is it. There will be some who as part of their business strategy present a sense that they are interested in you but it will just be all part of the service and to secure repeat bookings from you.

So you could kind of argue the second girl in your example is actually just being open, honest and direct about it all of what it is. You see her for sex and that is all.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 07:30:34 pm by AnthG »
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline hendrix

This was a really old topic to bump. I remember this the first time, it became controversial.

But some things to think about from what you have said. Any WG pretty much will not be interested in anything about you. It will all be pretend.  The girl cares about your money and that is it. There will be some who as part of their business strategy present a sense that they are interested in you but it will just be all part of the service and to secure repeat bookings from you.

So you could kind of argue the second girl in your example is actually just being open, honest and direct about it all of what it is. You see her for sex and that is all.

This is always worth remembering  :thumbsup:

Offline Nagilum

A business provider should give respect to their customers at all times if they want repeat business. If they choose not to, then like any business you deal with  you can take it elsewhere. 

This is no different with punting.  If respect is given then respect is reciprocated by me, returning to spend more money with you. View punting for what it is - A trade for services.

Ask yourself, when you buy a Happy Meal... Do you not respect the staff serving you?  Of course you do, otherwise you will get a crappy service.  If you give that respect through politeness and they delivery a crappy service you go eat somewhere else.

<------ 666 "the number of the beast" - Iron Maiden
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 07:44:06 pm by Nagilum »

Offline SamLP

A good WG will provide a top service with a top attitude and make you believe she cares or wants to pleasure you. Very much the GF experience a lot of punters seek.

A good punter will secretly know it's all an act and not become all fluffy, even if a WG genuinely develops some sort of affection or attraction to a punter, her number one goal is to get their money.

Offline hullad

I have always respected the ladies, some do not deserve it and I have found them in the minority.

I visit a couple regular and its a business relationship it does not stop showing mutial respect.

You should always treat people how you would expect people to treat you .

Offline The_Don

You should always treat people how you would expect people to treat you.

Or until they step over that line (depends on that person). Then they may be shown, disrespect, contempt or disregard, due to there actions/words


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I respect all WGs as human beings and I am always respectful when using the services they offer
Until they give me cause to lose even basic respect for that particular WG

but do pro$$I£s deserve respect, no not really plenty other jobs out there are more deserving of respect
prossies do nothing that is  particularly  deserving of respect

they get paid very well for the time/service they give :hi:


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I do respect their acting skills  ;)

Offline One Eyed Snake

Do the girls respect us ? It's nice been kept on hold in a car park, It's nice that the Ee girls try to rob us. They need to earn respect, there's very few girls that I respect.

Offline Ali Katt

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Do the girls respect us ? It's nice been kept on hold in a car park, It's nice that the Ee girls try to rob us. They need to earn respect, there's very few girls that I respect.
Not even the ones with big jubblies that suck a mean dick?

Offline covertlook

All human beings deserve respect! What a nasty thought to treat any woman with violence or rudeness! UNLESS ,they do it to you!

Have to  agree in principle. Everyone deserves an assumption that they are worthy of respect. They then have the opportunity to rapidly confirm or refute that assumption. First impressions...

Offline AnthG

All human beings deserve respect! What a nasty thought to treat any woman with violence or rudeness! UNLESS ,they do it to you!

....It's hilarious.....
Have to agree in principle. Everyone deserves an assumption that they are worthy of respect. They then have the opportunity to rapidly confirm or refute that assumption. First impressions...

But the problem is that is causing confusion is there is two definitions of respect. One definition means to in effect be courteous to.

Quote from: Cambridge Dictionary
to treat something or someone with kindness and ​care:

Another meaning however is to show admiration towards someone due to them having special qualities that earn that.

Quote from: Cambridge Dictionary
admiration ​felt or ​shown for someone or something that you ​believe has good ​ideas or ​qualities:

People seem to be talking in cross purposes in the topic. Of course you should be courteous​ to WGs like you should be to everyone.

But the other meaning which is what this topic was asking about. Should you put WGs on a pedestal​ and think they innately contain special qualities inside them just because they are WGs? Special qualities that other people don't have (as the whole point of respect means they are some small portion of society better than the rest so deserve admiration).

So basically that is what is up in air.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 11:25:07 pm by AnthG »
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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17 posts on this bumped up thread that I have just read.

That's a good while of my life I will never get back again  :dash:

And not a single mention of TK.


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If a hooker provides a good service as advertised then yes she deserves respect. If she lies, has fake pics, is older than claimed and doesn't perform as advertised then no she doesn't. Simple really.

Offline Dani

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I am sure I might have said this before but no one deserves respect. It has to be earned. Treating people in a respectful way is a different matter and everyone no matter what job they do deserves that until they show that they don't. There is a huge difference between respecting someone and being respectful towards someone.

Should anyone be respected just because they do a certain job?  Of course not as doing any job does not mean that person isn't a twat or arrogant or many other reasons we don't respect someone

So no a prossie doesn't deserve respect but they do deserve to be treated in a respectful manner unless they show they are not worthy of that

Offline Ali Katt

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I am sure I might have said this before but no one deserves respect. It has to be earned. Treating people in a respectful way is a different matter and everyone no matter what job they do deserves that until they show that they don't. There is a huge difference between respecting someone and being respectful towards someone.

Should anyone be respected just because they do a certain job?  Of course not as doing any job does not mean that person isn't a twat or arrogant or many other reasons we don't respect someone

So no a prossie doesn't deserve respect but they do deserve to be treated in a respectful manner unless they show they are not worthy of that
+1 But I can't believe this thread still has legs.

Offline Cuntminion

I am sure I might have said this before but no one deserves respect. It has to be earned. Treating people in a respectful way is a different matter and everyone no matter what job they do deserves that until they show that they don't. There is a huge difference between respecting someone and being respectful towards someone.

Should anyone be respected just because they do a certain job?  Of course not as doing any job does not mean that person isn't a twat or arrogant or many other reasons we don't respect someone

So no a prossie doesn't deserve respect but they do deserve to be treated in a respectful manner unless they show they are not worthy of that


Pretty much just polite respect on a human level

Treat as you wish to be treated


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Agree with Dani. Start on a neutral.playing field and see if shes good or great. That earns respect. Being professional etc.

If shes a primadonna timewaster then all that shit goes out the window. Excuses like no condoms is unprofessional to even allow a booking etc in the first place.

One should although not respect a wg - they shouldnt disrespect without good reason.


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I respect anyone who works hard. Does not matter the trade. I do not look down on working girls. I wish I could get paid for having sex!

Offline Sonny Crockett

Agree with Dani. Start on a neutral.playing field and see if shes good or great. That earns respect. Being professional etc.

If shes a primadonna timewaster then all that shit goes out the window. Excuses like no condoms is unprofessional to even allow a booking etc in the first place.

One should although not respect a wg - they shouldnt disrespect without good reason.
