Why is it always a black guy as the stud? I know IR scenes normally generate the most views but bloody hell. It's a bit annoying always seeing so much promo vids of black guy white SP interactions but the reality is NBA policies are everywhere, what a mindfuck
I understand you point PYWM but have to realise that most of these WG’s are doing IR scenes for the ££££ regardless if she finds black men attractive or not as people mentioned here. I agree some of reason for this is due to stigma about IR relationships dying off and rightly so, but also due to women wanting the resources due to more black males moving up the ladder and rap/hip hop/black culture being the biggest money making entertainment machine right now.
That said I remember a Lana Rhodes podcast stating the idea guy is Arab or white guys. The best looking/high value calibre Woman of other races like Miss Rhodes (well girls that think they are high value as I doubt a pornstar is high value woman especially now as she is pregnant) will generally won’t mess with black men because yes on the socio-economic ladder we come up short compared to super high value non-black men. Even the rich/wealthy ones (athletes, rappers etc) the non-black women they get are still aren't in the same league as the ones that of the rich/wealthy non-black men get as most rich black men don’t have many professionals that have a long life span. At best these "high value" non-black women will only entertain a rich black men for some bedroom action for a night or two and maybe a date/relationship but nothing serious if you’re a typical rich black man who aren't thinking smartly about your money. And only non-black women that want to deal with these rich black men who are rappers or athletes are these trashy Instagram thots or pornstars like Ava Austen who are with these black men for attention, fun, cheating, it is trendy to be with a black man or to have these men put a baby in her for that child support. That not saying that this high value women will not mess with a black guy who is on same level as super wealth non-black men but they aren’t many super wealth black man out there in the world.
Back to the topic. While IR relationships are on the raise they is still a certain number of these non-black women who will have their fun with us black men as in hook ups and sex but never take us serious as most white guys are normally richer than most black men and therefore rather settle down with white guy. They will use black guys as a dildo and white husband as a cuck. And yes it is insulting to black men when a women are only with us as a fetish but not with us for us. So all these black men hyping up IR relationships will have rethink why these Instagram non-Black women thots/pornstars are interested in them - hint it not only due to the size of members down their or your amazing personality.
I could go on but I have talked about this topic more in depth in other threads. But my thoughts on this is I don’t care. Most women are not marriage material these days anyways in the west and I will never date/marry pornstars or escorts ever. So I care less if escorts would ever take a black guy seriously outside this hobby or not. I only care if she will suck my cock and be fucked senseless by me. That and being honest with her NBA policy if she has one. End of day I here to fuck this escort and bounce and have her return to her cucked husband/partner if she has one. Simple.