Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1388964 times)

Offline puntingpumping1920

But no sound, obvs  :rolleyes:

If you don't like me posting GIFs then put me ignore lol
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

I'm not a teenager. Point is it's a thread about videos isn't it.
Go elsewhere or start a new thread to jerk off to your GIFs  :sarcastic:
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

I'm not a teenager. Point is it's a thread about videos isn't it.
Go elsewhere or start a new thread to jerk off to your GIFs  :sarcastic:

If I don't like what someone posts I put them on ignore so I don't see their posts
I nearly put you on ignore lol
You said you saw Aletta Ocean for £800.......that's a lie lol
She has been charging 1k or more for 5 years
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

If I don't like what someone posts I put them on ignore so I don't see their posts
I nearly put you on ignore lol
You said you saw Aletta Ocean for £800.......that's a lie lol
She has been charging 1k or more for 5 years

- I personally don't see the reason to block people on the internet unless one is a petulant child. Each to their own.

- As for your attempt to try and discredit me - how cute. Resort to ad hominem to distract from the matter at hand: taking time out to make your GIFs to post on a VIDEO thread, when the video was readily available. To be fair would make sense for a separate "for posterity" GIF thread, given that vids often get taken down quickly for one reason or other.

- As for Aletta I punted her in mainland EUrope at 2K Euros for 2 hrs. That works out around 800 quid, no?
External Link/Members Only

No need to be a hater  :hi:
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline bst

800 p/h to be clear. As I originally said.

Previously punted her at what worked out about 800 p/h.

But as I said above, that ad hominen was well cute. Nice try to discredit me.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

- As for Aletta I punted her in mainland EUrope at 2K Euros for 2 hrs. That works out around 800 quid, no?
External Link/Members Only

No need to be a hater  :hi:

Those rates are recent
So the punt happened not long ago
Can you show proof of the confirmed booking lol
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

The punt happened in Q42019.

Are you still clutching? Because you've gone from it can't have been within the past 5 years, to it must have been very recent.

I would keep "proof of the confirmed booking" from a punt 18+ days ago let alone one 18+ months ago because........?
As I said, don't be a hater  :hi: and cute ad hominen  :sarcastic:

Continue to jerk off to your GIFs. I can tell it - and this site in general - means a lot to you.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline puntingpumping1920

The punt happened in Q42019.

Are you still clutching? Because you've gone from it can't have been within the past 5 years, to it must have been very recent.

I would keep "proof of the confirmed booking" from a punt 18+ days ago let alone one 18+ months ago because........?
As I said, don't be a hater  :hi: and cute ad hominen  :sarcastic:

Continue to jerk off to your GIFs. I can tell it - and this site in general - means a lot to you.

The booking didn't happen
Of course you don't have proof  :lol:
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

The clutching is too funny.
Green. Eyed. Monster.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline bst

You should have punted her back in the day with Sugarbabes International if you're feeling green over spending green.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

The clutching is too funny.
Green. Eyed. Monster.

You said you was black, right
She doesn't see black clients
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

More clutching.

When did I say I am black  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Stop it man. That's a third L now.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline bst

On a separate note I am disappointed she has an NBA policy. I don''t fuck with racist bitches. Where's your proof she has this policy?
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline ratedj

You said you was black, right
She doesn't see black clients

Maybe it's best to just leave this episode and move on.

Offline bst

Indeed. The string of failed GOTCHAS is GOP levels sad. Or Iain Duncan Smith vs Blair at PMQs, for those of us old enough to remember.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

More clutching.

When did I say I am black  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Stop it man. That's a third L now.

I thought you was black not going to lie
So, if you paid £600 in deposit. 
You had to email/ text and phone don't have proof of booking
That's all BS
No1 believes that
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

You can think a lot of things, but as we've just shown you're holding Ls and are continually wrong. I take it on this occassion you went back in my posts, and realised you fucked up regarding not being a literal brother  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

This man thinks I keep paper trails of my punts Lol. I don't know how you punt but I have no idea why you would have comms from 18+ days ago let alone 18+ months ago as I said. I seem to recall you uploading texts from Emma Louiseee and one other (English Dreamgirl off top of my head) so maybe you keep such texts ad infinitum. But i can assure you I don't punt like this Lol. I assume it's cos you take this forum so seriously, you keep all comms for posterity. I sadly, do not. And have no need to. Even if someone fucks me over I wouldn't post the comms as it would potentially out me.

But are you still clutching?  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
The fact I have said "as I said" at least 5 times now shows how your BS is circular  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: DM me if you wanna chat and let's not derail the thread any further. You already do that enough with your shit GIFs in lieu of posting a perfectly fine videos which the prossies have posted on social media themselves (so my point about deletion doesn't even apply for a lot of them)  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline bst

On a separate note I am disappointed she has an NBA policy. I don''t fuck with racist bitches. Where's your proof she has this policy?

You asking me for proof of my punt 2 years ago  :sarcastic: but didn't supply proof of this by the way. Seriously I don't fuck with racist bitches. So if that's the case I may alter my revisit plans. I am also surprised with her in particular. She still does IR scenes with her independent production company.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline bst

But take it to DMs as I said. That retirement punt is planned for 2022 - 2023 latest. Given you've been around here since 2015 and clearly take it seriously, I'm sure you'll still be around. So when I book I will happily send you all comms in real time. I can give you a blow by blow summary after the punt itself too. If I'm descriptive enough maybe you can make a GIF out of it  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

You asking me for proof of my punt 2 years ago  :sarcastic: but didn't supply proof of this by the way. Seriously I don't fuck with racist bitches. So if that's the case I may alter my revisit plans. I am also surprised with her in particular. She still does IR scenes with her independent production company.

Her rates wasn't even 2K two years ago
Her rates have increased
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

They were as they stand now, or virtually the same. I defo paid 2K euros for 2hrs in Q42019. But keep clutching.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline bst

Maybe you can use your coding skills to find a Q42019 archive from her rates? Just to give yourself another L  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

They were as they stand now, or virtually the same. I defo paid 2K euros for 2hrs in Q42019. But keep clutching.

In 2019 her rate wasn't 2K for 2hrs
I see her profile all the time on Kingsley
That's why I know you're BS
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mace-window

You said you was black, right
She doesn't see black clients

Wow. This whore thinks she all that after getting some customers who are paying her £1K to suck some rich Arabs dick in Dubai. Like PYOWM (payyourownwaymate) pointed out earlier, these type of women will be ok fucking black dudes in a porn shot from what I remember yet won't do so in real life due to (let be real) racism. From how much she charges for non-blacks to see her for a hour (£1k - £2k), I think reason she aren't seeing black guys is due to her thinking she is better than them. While I doubt many men regardless of sex want to see an aging whore that looks like a beat up race horse. Smh... And I bet you she will remove NBA policy once rich dudes no longer want to see her.

Offline bst

In 2019 her rate wasn't 2K for 2hrs
I see her profile all the time on Kingsley
That's why I know you're BS

 :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Prossies have different rates for different outlets, I don't need to tell you that, given your 100 odd reviews and probably 500 odd punts. That is not to mention different regional locations, let alone whole different countries.

Keep holding Ls though. Feel free to give yourself another by finding web archive from Q42019 like I said.

Also still waiting on your to substantiate the racism claim. That a big accusation and as I touched on, very disappointing and surprising given wider context in relation to her.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

 :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Prossies have different rates for different outlets, I don't need to tell you that, given your 100 odd reviews and probably 500 odd punts. That is not to mention different regional locations, let alone whole different countries.

Keep holding Ls though. Feel free to give yourself another by finding web archive from Q42019 like I said.

Also still waiting on your to substantiate the racism claim. That a big accusation and as I touched on, very disappointing and surprising given wider context in relation to her.

I have been following her for years
It has never been 2k in 2019 for agencies or independently
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mace-window

Sounds like a good reason for both men to move on and find someone decent for themselves. Then again, there are people who get off on this sort of thing. I have never understood why some men like being cucked.

Indeed I agree. I think people who like being cucked is likely due to the man believing he can't get anyone as good or better than their current partner and don't want to have her leave him. So he will put up with her shit. And with today's society (yes I am going there as this cuckhold relationships have increased) certain amount of women have been more up front and outspoken with their terrible attitude that they will tell their partner that they will have another man fucking them. And they know the man will put up with this as these certain type of Wife have picked a beta male instead of regular man.
In the end are both parties happy? The cuck I know is 99% is not happy mean while the wife I am not to sure  but I bet she aren't happy especially if she finds a bull that she find attractive but can't be with due to the bull just seeing her as a pump and dump. Only person that is happy in this relationship is the bull. End of the day the cuck should grow a pair and leave that partner if she ever ask for a cuckhold relationship.

Offline puntingpumping1920

Maybe it's best to just leave this episode and move on.

I will leave it alone
He said he punted her at 2K in 2019 when she wasn't charging 2K/2hr at that time (Agency/ Independently)
That's why I knew he was lying because the prices he was posting was wrong
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline puntingpumping1920

Wow. This whore thinks she all that after getting some customers who are paying her £1K to suck some rich Arabs dick in Dubai. Like PYOWM (payyourownwaymate) pointed out earlier, these type of women will be ok fucking black dudes in a porn shot from what I remember yet won't do so in real life due to (let be real) racism. From how much she charges for non-blacks to see her for a hour (£1k - £2k), I think reason she aren't seeing black guys is due to her thinking she is better than them. While I doubt many men regardless of sex want to see an aging whore that looks like a beat up race horse. Smh... And I bet you she will remove NBA policy once rich dudes no longer want to see her.

I heard she was picky with races from another punter if you book independently
I will try and see her in August via Kingley
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

I have been following her for years
It has never been 2k in 2019 for agencies or independently

Well given your determination to clutch vs me I already knew you were a sad bastard. So pointless to say you're a sad bastard for cyber stalking a prossie you know you can''t book (still haven't seen you substantiate this claim).

I tried to get her rates page on Wayback machine but seems no cigar. As I said, use your computer skills to find it, and I'll give you another L  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:. I'm sure you can find it. You may even have some GIFs of the pages at the time  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
I recall her having EU, GBP, and (possibly) AED rates listed at the time I booked. Certainly there were dates with her various locations, on the "Booking me" page I believe. So funny you seem to think you know/knew all of her rates and for different locations. The page/site was a lot more comprehensive than it is now - I assume due to covid.

Here's a spam website that ripped Kingley I's ad in 2018 and listed the London rates as 1hr: £1,200 2hr: 2,000, +1,000 per hour after that, then 7,000 for the overnight. The 2hour and overnight with Kingley is the same three years ago as it is now. So funny your line of trying to discredit me is false say the prices have changed since 2019.
An Austrian agency seemed to have her at 1,800 Eur for 2 hours in 2015 External Link/Members Only. That gives 200 Eur difference between 2015 and 2019 (my punt) and/or 2021 (now). I'm staring into the void that is my supposed fake rate of 2K for 2hrs?

So I'm staring into the void of you point - what
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline bst

I will leave it alone
He said he punted her at 2K in 2019 when she wasn't charging 2K/2hr at that time (Agency/ Independently)
That's why I knew he was lying because the prices he was posting was wrong

False accusation.
First and foremost you clearly jumped thinking I meant I paid 800 pounds for ONE hour. When I revisited my comment it was clear I implied it wasn't a GBP punt, nor was it one hour long. So you then tried to clutch other ways.
Yet there's no evidence suggesting she wasn't doing 2hour bookings for 2K Euro in 2019, not has she increased any of her prices during that time period.
The only difference is between what she charges via different outlets.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

Well given your determination to clutch vs me I already knew you were a sad bastard. So pointless to say you're a sad bastard for cyber stalking a prossie you know you can''t book (still haven't seen you substantiate this claim).

I tried to get her rates page on Wayback machine but seems no cigar. As I said, use your computer skills to find it, and I'll give you another L  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:. I'm sure you can find it. You may even have some GIFs of the pages at the time  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
I recall her having EU, GBP, and (possibly) AED rates listed at the time I booked. Certainly there were dates with her various locations, on the "Booking me" page I believe. So funny you seem to think you know/knew all of her rates and for different locations. The page/site was a lot more comprehensive than it is now - I assume due to covid.

Here's a spam website that ripped Kingley I's ad in 2018 and listed the London rates as 1hr: £1,200 2hr: 2,000, +1,000 per hour after that, then 7,000 for the overnight. The 2hour and overnight with Kingley is the same three years ago as it is now. So funny your line of trying to discredit me is false say the prices have changed since 2019.
An Austrian agency seemed to have her at 1,800 Eur for 2 hours in 2015 External Link/Members Only. That gives 200 Eur difference between 2015 and 2019 (my punt) and/or 2021 (now). I'm staring into the void that is my supposed fake rate of 2K for 2hrs?

So I'm staring into the void of you point - what

You're the sad guy one......Pretending to fuck escorts you never fucked lol  :vomit: :vomit:
Incel behaviour
2K/ 2hr you never saw her in 2019....FACT
Maybe in 2020
It's not cyber stalking. 
I see her agency prices/ independent prices every time I look at agencies.
I use agencies every week. I may make a booking this year (A real one)
Let it lied lol
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

Just because you continue to make up things to still try and discredit me (funny how this all started simply because I pointed out your GIFs are useless) doesn't mean that's the reality.

Please find me any evidence of her changing prices since 2019.
There is none.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline mace-window

I heard she was picky with races from another punter if you book independently
I will try and see her in August via Kingley

I bet she is picky with all the non-white races. Again another whore who is up her ass and ego who is past her prime and ruined her face. That and most non-white people look better than her right now. That said why would you see an escort with such views though?

Offline bst

False accusation.
First and foremost you clearly jumped thinking I meant I paid 800 pounds for ONE hour. When I revisited my comment it was clear I implied it wasn't a GBP punt, nor was it one hour long. So you then tried to clutch other ways.
Yet there's no evidence suggesting she wasn't doing 2hour bookings for 2K Euro in 2019, not has she increased any of her prices during that time period.
The only difference is between what she charges via different outlets.

You clearly jumped thinking I meant 800 for one hour.
Now you are trying to farcically claim she hasn't been 2K for 2 hours for years.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

False accusation.
First and foremost you clearly jumped thinking I meant I paid 800 pounds for ONE hour. When I revisited my comment it was clear I implied it wasn't a GBP punt, nor was it one hour long. So you then tried to clutch other ways.
Yet there's no evidence suggesting she wasn't doing 2hour bookings for 2K Euro in 2019, not has she increased any of her prices during that time period.
The only difference is between what she charges via different outlets.
She wasn't charging 2K Euro in 2019 in Budapest
I've been following her rates
I remember her rates because I was going to see her last year 
I will just see her this year because her prices keep increasing
Stop the lies lol
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

That said why would you see an escort with such views though?

This is the question. Clearly he is obsessed with this WG and hating on anyone who has shagged her.
FWIW I wouldn't have shagged her if I knew she had these views (he has substantiated now, albeit with suspect hearsay mind you).

Incel behaviour

I see her agency prices/ independent prices every time I look at agencies.

Only incel here is you. Explain how you keep tabs on her independent prices while scrolling agency pages?
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline bst

She wasn't charging 2K Euro in 2019 in Budapest
I've been following her rates
I remember her rates because I was going to see her last year 
I will just see her this year because her prices keep increasing
Stop the lies lol

Did I say I saw her in Budapest? Regardless, there is no evidence for this. You are just throwing unsubstantiated comments out as fact in hope that they stick.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

Only incel here is you. Explain how you keep tabs on her independent prices while scrolling agency pages?

When you book an agency girl you check her independent rates
She wasn't 2K/2hr in 2019.....That's a fact
Stop the lies lol
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mace-window

Hidden Image/Members Only

Just looking at the video and her profile and this WG I recognise the this lady. Actually was talking about her couple of months ago and this lady is Miss Vivienne Hardy aka Megan Carter May aka Kinky Posh Girl (External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only ). And looks like she is back whoring herself again.

Offline JontyR

So I'm guessing - although you'd need to ask her- that when Ava Austen fucks on camera, with a production crew et al with agreed limits for cash that she isn't at that moment identifying as white. And if she is getting it from a woman with a strap on in the same situation External Link/Members Onlyshe isn't identifying as bi or whatever.

Genuinely grateful for those sharing your truth here. As a white straight bloke, I can give some inverse insight. A lot of white folk don't identify as white, and the reason for this is because society is set up for us generally so we don't have to. That's the essence of white privilege. Same that I don't have to identify as male or straight. It's just a genuine given. Male privilege, straight privilege.

Offline bst

When you book an agency girl you check her independent rates
She wasn't 2K/2hr in 2019.....That's a fact
Stop the lies lol
More dumb crap from you. You never booked her, did you? So why cross check? Unless cyberstalking incel.
You even state the booking you wanted to make (despite contradictorarily saying she wouldn't see you cos NBA) was in 2020. So how you know 2019 rates so well?

Just because you say something is a fact doesn''t mean it's a fact though does it.

Please find me the links. I am sure you have the computer skills to get the timeshot. The fact you've made no effort to do so or get any other ads from 2019 speaks volumes. You just wish to say your BS and hope it sticks.

Here are a string of comments on this site alone, in addition to the spam links I already posted, suggesting her links haven't changed much or at all in 3 years.

1500 euros an hour  :D
€ 75,000

External Link/Members Only

Please note:

1/ a FAF pornstar
2/ it is for a month

An hour is an eye watering € 1,500 & i doubt she'll take many bookings for less than a couple of hours unless it suits her schedule

Getting a quick booking in before hooking up with some loaded geezer for the rest of the day / night.  Lucky loaded F****R  :dash:
I will just see her this year because her prices keep increasing

You add BS like this to try and play into your own made up rhetoric on her prices.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

More dumb crap from you. You never booked her, did you? So why cross check? Unless cyberstalking incel.
You even state the booking you wanted to make (despite contradictorarily saying she wouldn't see you cos NBA) was in 2020. So how you know 2019 rates so well?

Just because you say something is a fact doesn''t mean it's a fact though does it.

Please find me the links. I am sure you have the computer skills to get the timeshot. The fact you've made no effort to do so or get any other ads from 2019 speaks volumes. You just wish to say your BS and hope it sticks.

Here are a string of comments on this site alone, in addition to the spam links I already posted, suggesting her links haven't changed much or at all in 3 years.

You add BS like this to try and play into your own made up rhetoric on her prices.

You never booked her for 2hr for 2K Euro or Pounds 
Her 2hr rate has changed
Which you said you booked her for lol 

You wouldn't know her 2hr rate because you never booked her 
Stop the lies lol

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mace-window

Just looking at the video and her profile and this WG I recognise the this lady. Actually was talking about her couple of months ago and this lady is Miss Vivienne Hardy aka Megan Carter May aka Kinky Posh Girl (External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only ). And looks like she is back whoring herself again.

On top of that she has a porn hub account: External Link/Members Only.

And a twitter account: External Link/Members Only

Onlyfans account: External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: June 12, 2021, 10:50:45 pm by mace-window »

Offline bst

Stop the lies lol

Repeating this and not backing it up does nothing apart from create smoke and mirrors, which is of course exactly what you want.

So we have now seen evidence that she did 2K for 2hrs in past years. Also 1.5K Euros for 1 hour in both 2018 and first half 2019.
SO her 1hr didn't change.
Your claim to discredit me is that her rates have risen and it was lower than 2K for 2hrs before.
So 1hr was 1.5 and 2hr was less than 2K? Makes no sense.

Don't worry, I'm on computer now trying to find 2019 ads for her. Get your apology ready.

And I'll point out again, your only reason for trying to discredit me is cos I pointed out your GIFs are besides the point on this thread. Hilarious.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

Repeating this and not backing it up does nothing apart from create smoke and mirrors, which is of course exactly what you want.

So we have now seen evidence that she did 2K for 2hrs in past years. Also 1.5K Euros for 1 hour in both 2018 and first half 2019.
SO her 1hr didn't change.
Your claim to discredit me is that her rates have risen and it was lower than 2K for 2hrs before.
So 1hr was 1.5 and 2hr was less than 2K? Makes no sense.

Don't worry, I'm on computer now trying to find 2019 ads for her. Get your apology ready.

And I'll point out again, your only reason for trying to discredit me is cos I pointed out your GIFs are besides the point on this thread. Hilarious.

I will wait for printscreen advert touring in 2019/Q4 she was charging 2K/2hr
« Last Edit: June 12, 2021, 10:58:16 pm by puntingpumping1920 »
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline bst

I will wait for printscreen advert touring in 2019/Q4 she was charging 2K/2hr

I could say same thing for you. Show me her EUR rates weren't same 2019. Or at any point in the last 3-5 years in fact - that they increased like you falsely claimed.
You've shown nothing, zip. Just blown smoke and acted like everything you say is fact. Nothing you have said is any more based upon facts than say me as a United fan still claiming that United are the best team in the world. Whereas, I've showed you the pattern of her prices clearly in 2018-19.

Anyway, I've found it regardless, incel. Seems Wayback Machine just had maintenance. All up now.

External Link/Members Only 17th October 2019
External Link/Members Only "Booking me" page had city dates exactly like I recalled!
Certainly there were dates with her various locations, on the "Booking me" page I believe.

I'll await your apology. Good luck booking her/continuing to cyberstalk her  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: Green. Eyed. Monster.
 :music: :music: :music: :music: :music:

Man, you held some Ls over this! Again, just to try and discredit me cos I called out your GIF BS!
No hard feelings, man.
Banned reason: Doesn’t listen to warnings
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline puntingpumping1920

I could say same thing for you. Show me her EUR rates weren't same 2019. Or at any point in the last 3-5 years in fact - that they increased like you falsely claimed.
You've shown nothing, zip. Just blown smoke and acted like everything you say is fact. Nothing you have said is any more based upon facts than say me as a United fan still claiming that United are the best team in the world. Whereas, I've showed you the pattern of her prices clearly in 2018-19.

Anyway, I've found it regardless, incel. Seems Wayback Machine just had maintenance. All up now.

External Link/Members Only 17th October 2019
External Link/Members Only "Booking me" page had city dates exactly like I recalled!
I'll await your apology. Good luck booking her/continuing to cyberstalk her  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: Green. Eyed. Monster.
 :music: :music: :music: :music: :music:

Man, you held some Ls over this! Again, just to try and discredit me cos I called out your GIF BS!
No hard feelings, man.

I knew her rates hadn't changed since 2018
That wasn't hard to find
I was trying to catch you out.
If you booked someone paid cash/ wired deposit/ made phone calls/ sent emails you're going to leave a paper trail
Showing proof of rates doesn't mean you booked her
Show proof of booking
« Last Edit: June 12, 2021, 11:47:00 pm by puntingpumping1920 »
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral