Thanks to letting me know. You are right that porn stars in their twilight years don't age well (Snookie or someone else mentioned early before on this thread looks dreadful now as an escort). That said still want to see Stacey Saran at least once. Though £350 is very steep.
Honestly, unless you're early on in your punting career, paying double the money for some worn out porn whore is a waste of time and cash. There are better looking women all over London who will provide a better service. Fact is, most porn stars don't enjoy sex. They do it for money, drugs, supporting deadbeat boyfriends and raising their profile as escorts and strippers.
Been on a few porn sets back in the gonzo glory days of the late 90s in the US and I don't think I saw one woman who was into it, and frankly I can't blame them. Porno sex is closer to stuntwork than actual sex.
I've seen plenty of porn stars myself over a decade ago but I don't recommend it. Never lives up to expectations of seeing so-and-so in front of the camera. If you see a woman who is still in the prime of her porn career, then it might be good, but most likely you'll wish you spent the money elsewhere.