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Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1447727 times)

Offline Rhyspaul

In what way am I taking advantage of anyone?

Banned reason: Very little contributed in 5 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline tesla

In what way am I taking advantage of anyone?

you really don't get it?  members on here have contributed by reviews and posting helpful information to help other members, IE contributing. by reading their posts YOU are taking advantage whilst giving NOTHING in return!

I warned you to stop pushing the issue, you are not going to be around much longer.

Offline sunnyj

Anyone got her porn name or videos? Her profile says "Published Model and Pornstar".
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Offline Stealthmode

Anyone got her porn name or videos? Her profile says "Published Model and Pornstar".
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

any WG with an iphone is a pornstar now. Should like a sales ploy.

Offline davidgood

Anyone got her porn name or videos? Her profile says "Published Model and Pornstar".
External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Difficult to be sure but this might be Luci Reign who has done a  couple of Fake Taxi shoots such as this one;-

External Link/Members Only

Lots of girls claim to be porn stars now, but unless they specify what they have done such as Fake vids or Pascals Sub Sluts then their claims are a bit iffy.



Offline Avg_Joe

Anyone got her porn name or videos? Her profile says "Published Model and Pornstar".
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any WG with an iphone is a pornstar now. Should like a sales ploy.

no shit, that one describes herself as a "high Class Escort" then in the same breath as the "naughtiest slag in canary wharf" and "Flithy Fuck Slut"....... yup, sounds real high class that, and published??.... does that mean some ex posted some pics online ?
Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline davidgood

Have just done a double check, I should have done earlier, and found that 'the' Lucy Reign is on AW and does list all the porn she has done;-

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You can see she charges porn star prices, but not as expensive as some.

It will intersting to see if anyone can actually link Lucy Lou to porn. She has been working around London for a year or two, used to ne called lisaannemarie.



Offline bobby_dizzler

Difficult to be sure but this might be Luci Reign who has done a  couple of Fake Taxi shoots such as this one;-

External Link/Members Only

Lots of girls claim to be porn stars now, but unless they specify what they have done such as Fake vids or Pascals Sub Sluts then their claims are a bit iffy.



I reckon that's her. From what I can tell some of the tats are a match, like the chest one.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 03:27:38 pm by bobby_dizzler »

Offline sunnyj

Have just done a double check, I should have done earlier, and found that 'the' Lucy Reign is on AW and does list all the porn she has done;-

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

You can see she charges porn star prices, but not as expensive as some.

It will intersting to see if anyone can actually link Lucy Lou to porn. She has been working around London for a year or two, used to ne called lisaannemarie.


Thanks davidgood for checking her profile and the details. :hi:

Offline davidgood

This SP has just been reviewed in the East Section as Tammy the Temptress

External Link/Members Only

Although she may not have done much porn recently she did do a lot in the past under the name of Georgette Neal.

A sample of her work;-

External Link/Members Only


« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 06:34:33 pm by davidgood »

Offline Zeusthedoc

This SP has just been reviewed in the East Section as Tammy the Temptress

External Link/Members Only

Although she may not have done much porn recently she did do a lot in the past under the name of Georgette Neal.

A sample of her work;-

External Link/Members Only



Fucking hell David Hasselhoff hasn't aged well

Offline Comicman

Georgette Neale now that is a blast from the past seen quite a few of her videos just wish she was in London  :dash:

Offline davidgood

Georgette Neale now that is a blast from the past seen quite a few of her videos just wish she was in London  :dash:

Her AW profile says she is in Cheshunt, which is only a couple of miles north of the M25. So you could quite easily visit and give us another review.



Online uncle jessie

Have just done a double check, I should have done earlier, and found that 'the' Lucy Reign is on AW and does list all the porn she has done;-

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

You can see she charges porn star prices, but not as expensive as some.

It will intersting to see if anyone can actually link Lucy Lou to porn. She has been working around London for a year or two, used to ne called lisaannemarie.


External Link/Members Only think this is her at cumperfection ? .
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 09:58:22 am by daviemac »

Online NightKid

I reckon that's her. From what I can tell some of the tats are a match, like the chest one.

What are you on about, Lucy Lou and Lucy Reign are clearly 2 different people, and their tats are different.

Can I have some of what whatever it is you're smoking?  :lol:  :wacko:
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 10:38:55 am by NightKid »

Offline davidgood

What are you on about, Lucy Lou and Lucy Reign are clearly 2 different people, and their tats are different.

Can I have some of what whatever it is you're smoking?  :lol:  :wacko:

Unless someone else comes up with a link to a clip of Lucy Lou in porn star action then I think we can take it that she is not actually a 'published porn' star.

As I said earlier, most that actually are, mention what they have done or it is easy to find their work under their AW profile name.



Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline king tarzan

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Avg_Joe


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External Link/Members Only

£350 PH  :wacko: Gorgeous tits though  :thumbsup:


she's starting to show her age a bit, and those veneers make her teeth look too big for her mouth
Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline king tarzan

she's starting to show her age a bit, and those veneers make her teeth look too big for her mouth

looks like a cheap shitty inflatable doll  :scare: :scare: :scare: :scare: :scare: :scare: :scare: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :vomit: :vomit:
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline JonasG

Offline mace-window


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£350 PH  :wacko: Gorgeous tits though  :thumbsup:


Always fancied her for some reason. But she has great tits and her blowjob skills are amazing.

Online Marquis

Anyone know if this lass is still working? Although the video is probably around 10 years old I would be there like a shot if her minge is still for hire.

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Offline paulitor23

Always fancied her for some reason. But she has great tits and her blowjob skills are amazing.

Saw her on Tottenham Court Road a few years ago with a punter who was at least 20 years older. She was in a pink velour tracksuit and looked a right mess. Wrinkly, ratty extensions, talking loudly like she was on something and the poor old punter looked embarrassed as hell to be walking around with a juvenile middle aged bimbo.

These over the hill porn stars are the worst escorts and their acidic lifestyles age them way faster than the average woman. They're like boxers who come out of retirement. Nobody wants to see that shit.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 08:26:27 am by paulitor23 »

Offline mace-window

Saw her on Tottenham Court Road a few years ago with a punter who was at least 20 years older. She was in a pink velour tracksuit and looked a right mess. Wrinkly, ratty extensions, talking loudly like she was on something and the poor old punter looked embarrassed as hell to be walking around with a juvenile middle aged bimbo.

These over the hill porn stars are the worst escorts and their acidic lifestyles age them way faster than the average woman. They're like boxers who come out of retirement. Nobody wants to see that shit.

Thanks to letting me know. You are right that porn stars in their twilight years don't age well (Snookie or someone else mentioned early before on this thread looks dreadful now as an escort). That said still want to see Stacey Saran at least once. Though £350 is very steep.

Offline paulitor23

Thanks to letting me know. You are right that porn stars in their twilight years don't age well (Snookie or someone else mentioned early before on this thread looks dreadful now as an escort). That said still want to see Stacey Saran at least once. Though £350 is very steep.

Honestly, unless you're early on in your punting career, paying double the money for some worn out porn whore is a waste of time and cash. There are better looking women all over London who will provide a better service. Fact is, most porn stars don't enjoy sex. They do it for money, drugs, supporting deadbeat boyfriends and raising their profile as escorts and strippers.

Been on a few porn sets back in the gonzo glory days of the late 90s in the US and I don't think I saw one woman who was into it, and frankly I can't blame them. Porno sex is closer to stuntwork than actual sex.

I've seen plenty of porn stars myself over a decade ago but I don't recommend it. Never lives up to expectations of seeing so-and-so in front of the camera. If you see a woman who is still in the prime of her porn career, then it might be good, but most likely you'll wish you spent the money elsewhere.

Offline paulitor23

Azalea Estrada - External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only - bonus: features a disgraced former UKIP member!

Offline paulitor23

Violet Tattoo - External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only - the way she holds those legs back is something else!

Offline mace-window

Violet Tattoo - External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only - the way she holds those legs back is something else!

That's the girl on that Louis Theroux Documentary right?

Offline Stealthmode

That's the girl on that Louis Theroux Documentary right?

Yeah. Tried to arrange when she first popped up around a year ago. A pain to pin down

Offline paulitor23

That's the girl on that Louis Theroux Documentary right?

Which one? Don't think I've seen it.

EDIT: Never mind. Found it. Going to watch it now!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 04:03:21 pm by paulitor23 »

Offline Stealthmode

That's the girl on that Louis Theroux Documentary right?

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she pops up in the documentary as well, as a friend

Offline mace-window

Yeah. Tried to arrange when she first popped up around a year ago. A pain to pin down

OK. From what I remember from he Documentary is that she has some mental illness and a bad past, so does not surprised me that she is crap with communications. Anyways she not my type. If she cleaned herself up and did not get those terrible tattoos she would look a lot more attractive to me.

Offline mace-window

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she pops up in the documentary as well, as a friend

Wait wait. She was in it. Did not notice her at all.

Offline davidgood

Wait wait. She was in it. Did not notice her at all.

In the final version she only featured in a few short shots and I seem to recall she made a bit of fuss after the screening that most of comments were edited out.


« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 04:28:02 pm by davidgood »

Offline mace-window

In the final version she only featured in a few short shots and I seem to recall she made a bit of fuss after the screening that most of comments were edited out.



Yeah I just seen an article of both her and her friend complaining about how BBC handled the whole thing.

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And her twitter post on it: External Link/Members Only

To me it reads out that she is pissed off that she was left out of most of the Doc.

That said she looks interesting (that is nicest way to put it). And from the reviews she has a decent review ratio but not someone I would be interested in meeting. Personally not a fan of arty/left wing/hairy armpit ladies of my age range unless they are very attractive or have something that make them stand out from rest of the WGs. 
« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 04:48:54 pm by mace-window »

Offline paulitor23

Yeah I just seen an article of both her and her friend complaining about how BBC handled the whole thing.

External Link/Members Only

And her twitter post on it: External Link/Members Only

To me it reads out that she is pissed off that she was left out of most of the Doc.

That said she looks interesting (that is nicest way to put it). And from the reviews she has a decent review ratio but not someone I would be interested in meeting. Personally not a fan of arty/left wing/hairy armpit ladies of my age range unless they are very attractive or have something that make them stand out from rest of the WGs.

Talk about the narcissism of today's youth. You never know where you're going to go in life and sex work hopefully isn't forever, so one day I assume it might be beneficial to not be "that prossie off the Louis Theroux doc".

Social justice warrior, "empowered-feminist" WGs are the absolute worst. Allegiance to the radical left is a mental disorder by itself. I've had the misfortune of booking some lefty students and the whole progressive rhetoric seems to be an excuse to not shower and dress nicely.

Offline mace-window

Talk about the narcissism of today's youth. You never know where you're going to go in life and sex work hopefully isn't forever, so one day I assume it might be beneficial to not be "that prossie off the Louis Theroux doc".

Social justice warrior, "empowered-feminist" WGs are the absolute worst. Allegiance to the radical left is a mental disorder by itself. I've had the misfortune of booking some lefty students and the whole progressive rhetoric seems to be an excuse to not shower and dress nicely.

Tell me about it. I used to have "friends" of that irk until they abandoned for being normal. I taken quick read of twitter page and it's filled with her tiktok videos shitting on clients, her saying 9 to 5 person make more money than her escorting gig and sadly her mental health. In the past I used to be pissed off of those types of people but these days I feel sorry for them.

Offline acer123

This SP has just been reviewed in the East Section as Tammy the Temptress

External Link/Members Only

Although she may not have done much porn recently she did do a lot in the past under the name of Georgette Neal.

A sample of her work;-

External Link/Members Only




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« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 11:02:35 pm by acer123 »

Offline JonasG

Offline Home Alone

Classic mature woman. ❤

... who, looked at another way, is another SP jumping on what seems to be the increasingly common 'Deposit' bandwagon.