Seen she and that goodlooking barebacker Taylor Jay has teamed up for a tour of some sorts. Does she now do the same?
I recon these duo bookings never actually happened. A fellow punter told me he enquired and was told only solo slots with Lola were left.
Thinking out loud:
- I've seen none of the usual joint pics that escorts do. That is none on aw, or none on their very illustrated twitter accounts.
- I noticed that Lola was actually showing location "City of London," while Taylor Jay was "Shoreditch."
Ok just a stone's throw, but you would think they would sync locations etc.
Taylor Jay seems to now pretend to escort, but just cam and sell other various content. I believe some call it a
scam girl.
Why Lola would agree to pretend to tour with her, fuck knows.
All in all if correct about Taylor Jay, it's probably for the best. Barebacking skank; albeit one with a hot body.