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Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1445211 times)

Offline tantric talents

I don't think I will ever look at Adele in quite the same way again  ;)

Offline kboy94


I've booked her in the past her blowjobs are amazing i need to see her again soon

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Banned reason: Boasting about punts, No reviews in 5 years
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Offline Ladypleaser

« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 02:17:48 pm by Ladypleaser »

Offline sale77380

This one is HOT.  Can anyone put a name to her?

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Offline ManOFSteel

Great thread. I've fucked Sanji and Fatime and they were both worth it.

Offline aanimator

Offline Zeusthedoc

Think she has a thing for black guys...!

she also seems to BB'ing the black guy(s)....

Offline Zeusthedoc


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Looks like a new fake taxi on the way, not found the whole video yet

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Had a quick  dig to see if I could find it, but doesn't like it's around yet. Did manage to find this:

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Added her to my H/L!


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Beautiful Cute Babe (tina)
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These videos are one of my favourite because you really can see how beautiful this girl is. Unfortunately when I saw her the experience of sex was horrendous, it was like fucking a fragile old lady, any movement and she would complain. She was very friendly before and after the punt, but who really gives a fuck about that.

Anyone know whether this girl has a new profile or whether she has left  :unknown:

Although she has negative feedback from some, I am happy to see her and report back to see if there is an improvement :)

Offline Zeusthedoc

Anyone know whether this girl has a new profile or whether she has left  :unknown:

Although she has negative feedback from some, I am happy to see her and report back to see if there is an improvement :)

your choice - i usually have a fairly strict approach to shit SPs.


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your choice - i usually have a fairly strict approach to shit SPs.

I see your point of view and you're probably right  :) but for me I want to see the best looking wgs rather than the best performing as that's why I'm in this game  :dance: I'm seeing Khloe in a couple of weeks when I'm in London so hopefully that goes well as well.

If only someone can find this girl, I'd be really great full

Offline Zeusthedoc

I see your point of view and you're probably right  :) but for me I want to see the best looking wgs rather than the best performing as that's why I'm in this game  :dance: I'm seeing Khloe in a couple of weeks when I'm in London so hopefully that goes well as well.

If only someone can find this girl, I'd be really great full

can you say a bit more....


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can you say a bit more....

I just mean that I have no problems seeing a girl who has been described as "mechanical" in most of her reviews if she's "hot" in my view as that's what I look for. Obviously girls with attitude problems are no goes for me etc despite thier looks.

Offline Zeusthedoc

I just mean that I have no problems seeing a girl who has been described as "mechanical" in most of her reviews if she's "hot" in my view as that's what I look for. Obviously girls with attitude problems are no goes for me etc despite thier looks.

Fair enough - you punt for the reasons that you do. I look for the complete opposite in a punt. I enjoy either a filthy fuck or a decent gfe

Offline paul_2407

Dying to see this she's on my HL.

Same here - will be keen to see the FakeTaxi video when it's released. Just as an intro to May ;)

Offline Sex Bob-omb

Same here - will be keen to see the FakeTaxi video when it's released. Just as an intro to May ;)

Her self gagging videos are an intriguing watch too

Offline robbie54321

Dear oh dear, if that's the same girl those AW photos are very flattering!!


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reckon the majority of the ladies in this guys videos are uk based escorts

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reckon the majority of the ladies in this guys videos are uk based escorts

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Nice! Any idea who any of them are?

Offline Zeusthedoc

Dear oh dear, if that's the same girl those AW photos are very flattering!!

They do say the camera adds 10-20lbs. I guess it depends on how many she ate.

Offline SWAaron

Offline ashore

Didn't see the posted already but this girl has a few bits under the name kat varga

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Offline aanimator

Offline CoolTiger

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It may be my mistake but they have the same chest tattoo and I thought that they were both Polish...

This Sara has also been know as Zara Love/ Sara Kane etc

Have a look at this:

I don't think they're the same.

One's Polish and the other is British ... that said, I remember Sara Kane having an AW profile though.

Just caught up with this thread.

Thanks for posting my review on Sara Kane.

I'm sure this is her new profile:

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