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Author Topic: Do you think she has a tape measure.  (Read 1184 times)

Offline alftupper

New girl in Nottingham offering anal at extra £50, but only if under 6". So will she take your word for it, or will she be measuring you up.

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Although at £50 and 6", it sounds like doesn't really want to offer the service.


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you could always slide a spacer on to reduce length

Offline WelshClipper

I can't make out if you are a newbie or experienced punter. If newbie what on earth are you doing paying 50 extra for anal. If experienced, then I would look for another girl who includes anal in the price.  :unknown:

Offline RedKettle

she is not going to get many punters leaving a review that includes anal!  :D

Offline cock custard

Unless she means under 6 " circumference  :yahoo:

Offline themightyimp

Unless she means under 6 " circumference  :yahoo:

Diameter?   :drinks:

Radius????   :scare:
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Offline alftupper

I can't make out if you are a newbie or experienced punter. If newbie what on earth are you doing paying 50 extra for anal. If experienced, then I would look for another girl who includes anal in the price.  :unknown:

Sorry if I didn't make my position clear. No. I'm not going to pay £50 extra for anal.

What I find ridiculous about her profile, is the extra charge and the size condition. Anyone with any experience is going to look at this, and know that anal with her is not a realistic proposition. 

Offline j122

£50 for a spot of bum fun is a ridiculous price  :dash:

Offline kingkong69

Offline j122

This one didn't charge extra but will only take up to 3" .......... Why doesn't she just say no :dash:

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Offline Kingy28

So is about £8.33 per inch

Possibly, but if the giver has a 4" cock, then it works out at £12.50 an inch!!!