Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Naughty_Nicky - Leeds  (Read 1314 times)

4 review(s) for Naughty_NICKY. (2 positive, 1 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline lateluxury

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only


Communication - Very good
Pictures on AW - Accurate
Service - As described on her AW profile
Venue - Clarence Dock

I met Nicky a few days ago and had a great time.

The meeting was arranged via text a few hours before I was ready to see her. Communication was very good and she supplied me with her post code and the name of her building. She is located in Clarence dock which is not far from the city centre.
I originally planned on meeting her at 6:30 but was running late and didn't end up arriving until 7pm. Upon arrival I parked up (free parking) and let her know I was finally here. She subsequently supplied me with her apartment number and direction to the block of apartments.

5 mins later I was outside her apartment. Within a second of me knocking she opened the door and I can confirm that she is the girl on her AW profile, which had me grinning in anticipation of what was to come. I booked Nicky for one hour for £100. I was offered a shower after a brief chat and took her up on it as I was coming from work. Shower done and dusted we proceeded to french kissing, OWO, and sex in many positions. Round one done and we had a nice chat for 5-10 min. Her english is very good and from what I gathered she shares her apartment with a friends who is also a wg. Chat done we proceeded to round 2, lots of moaning, deep french kissing and of course sex in a variety of positions that ended with doggy. Another chat for 5-10 min with some cuddling, a quick shower and I was on my way with a smile on my face albeit a little exhausted.


  • Guest
Profile says she's in Dundee now - you must have scared her off!  :D


  • Guest
Nice one lateluxury.... yet another one for the Hot List!  :)