Sugar Babies

Author Topic: busty leila - Thornton heath - If your desperate - Pump & Dump only  (Read 730 times)

3 review(s) for cheeky leila x (0 positive, 2 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

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Pump at dump worthy when all other prossies locally have gone to bed and your stuck between choosing from nothing or a wank.
saw her last week, when it was very late.

Location: Thornton heath 4 mins walking from the football ground.

Girl: Facially as per the pics - but everything else is flattering as fuck, I knew from an educated guess though so no surprises. I have nothing positive to say about her body but I will say that she is nice and friendly.

Services: owo, sex.

Her blowjob was enthusiastic, lengthy, wet, deep, shaft play.....but it was all a let down because it was toothy  :thumbsdown:

tried a few positions - doggy, missionary but ultimately it was just a pump and dump.

Paid £40

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Offline punk

She is on the large side, juddering behind type,unless they are more accommodating,i find that size difficult to shag most of the time.

Offline pumps

She is on the large side, juddering behind type,unless they are more accommodating,i find that size difficult to shag most of the time.

The reach isn't an issue for me  :sarcastic:. But it was a desperate hour and balls needed emptying.