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Author Topic: Gambia - any experiences?  (Read 138801 times)

Offline Houngan

Yeah. It's still saying 38c. I'll be at GTS for around 10am anyway if anyone's there say hi. I'm 6 foot 1 ISH, shaved head and tattoos down both arms.

Offline bhudda

I think I may have corrupted my lass. She told me she never drinks ... but has been tempted to the odd nip of my duty free whisky this week. Last night I made her a whiskey, sugar and hot water to medicate her cold. She has to get up before 7 to get ready for work and this morning I heard her making herself another for breakfast! I like a drop of whiskey ... possibly sometimes more than is good for me ... but I've never had it for breakfast!

Offline bhudda

Yeah. It's still saying 38c. I'll be at GTS for around 10am anyway if anyone's there say hi. I'm 6 foot 1 ISH, shaved head and tattoos down both arms.

Saw you this morning I think ... didnt want to disturb your brekkie (or mine) so I didnt immediately say hello. I started typing my last message and by the time I posted it you had gone! Not to worry, I'm an anti-social bastard anyway.  :lol:

Offline Houngan

Where was you sat? I was on the left as you go in on the 6 seater table. Was you on your own?

Offline bhudda

I'm not ignoring hougan... just went to pm so you dont have to endure our "I'll have a rose in my lapel and carry a copy of the times" type chat

Offline Houngan

I tried replying to you bhudda but it said I've hit my spam limit on messaging you?..... I aren't even totally sure how I remove the restrictions on my account to be honest but I read your message and will reply on there when it lets me send one.

Offline bhudda

Another tip ...

I always bring a small supply of paracetamol,  diarrhoea tablets, plasters, decongestants etc with me (as I'm sure most people do). When I left last time the lass seemed very happy that I gave her what i had left. Yesterday i went to a pharmacy to buy her some cold and flu tablets ... the sort that are like lemsips but in tablet form, contain paracetamol,  a decongestant and something for coughs all in one. A packet of 16 was 800 dalasi ... about £10 ... or a little more than a weeks wages for her.

If you bring some cheap medicines they would probably be gratefully received if you dont use them.

Offline Houngan

Yeah it's same with ibuprofen. Obviously in England it's what 30 to 40p a pack? Over here 450 dalasi. They are 400mg tablets instead of 200mg like in the UK but yeah definitely more expensive. I had to get some last time when I pulled my back out.

I did have a cold over here the first time too but I didn't take anything for it so had no idea they was that price for what's essentially paracetamol and caffeine. Funnily enough colds do seem really common here though the locals always blame the dust.

Also I'd recommend definitely making sure you have enough condoms.... You can buy them here but a lot of places sell ones I've never heard of. I only use skyn ones myself and I've definitely not seen them over here at all.... Lube however you can buy but again it's cheaper in the UK. I didn't see anal lube though so if that's your thing bring your own.... Unfortunately I left mine in my rucksack last time I came and the security at Manchester pulled it out did a drug test on it and I was joking with him whilst he's holding the anal lube and telling him you can't buy it here then he slots it back into the bag and has a giggle ....

Oh and one other tip. Bring a bullet vibrator with you!!!! The girls I've been with love them and I can confirm they work just as well with girls who have been cut still..... Stuff like that is available here but only from sellers on Facebook ect and it's kinda hush hush.....

Online webpunter

Skyns are the way to go
The non latex ones are x-large nice & comfy
& unless a UKPer has the danger of them falling off  ;) deffo much better especially when there is johnsons / massage / suntan oil in play

Bullet vibrator, great idea
Maybe get several & some replacement batteries [bet they are loads of dalasi there & harder to buy as an obscure size]

Worth a trip to superdrug stocking up ona good selection for personal use & then prezzies
A weeks wages for some medication as you mention WTF 

& without mentioning Banjul Belly in detail whenever i go away just in case i get it then some savlon as the ring piece can get very sore
& i'm not referencing batting stuff !, for starters this is illegal in TG people can get banged up for up to 14 years [or paying a whopping bribe to get off this]

Offline bhudda

I brought a spare head for my electric toothbrush with titillation in mind but she couldn't take me seriously

Offline bhudda

With the recent discussions regarding food ... it turns out what you really need is a live in gambian to shop and cook ... this evening we passed a market in our taxi and she stopped the driver and  bought 2 big fish for 450 dalasi and some salad for another 100.

She put one fish away for tomorrow (says she will make yassa) and fried the other with onions, lemon juice, pepper and chilli, and ser ed it on a salad of lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers... simply the best thing I've had here.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline toon972

I have had a few meals made for me and every one has been as good as a restaurant meal. They cook on a one ring camping gas type thing as well.

Offline Houngan

Been a good day so far.... Met up with bhudda for breakfast... Nice guy.

Got a girls number on the walk back down stood outside the "Tesco extra" the small shop joined onto kololi sands near the beach. Not totally convinced though as shes 24 but looks so much younger and she's very short..... With all the recent postings about peados here on the what's on Gambia Facebook page I am super paranoid about walking around with anyone that looks young !!!! .... But she is very pretty just very petite...

Then went back to apartment. Freshly repaired and serviced air conditioning which is now like ice. 22 now feels like 16 before which is good for me but not so much for the girl as she's under a blanket shivering whilst I'm topless chilling out..... Then went for a quick walk on the beach alone. Just the front strip Infront of Senegambia/kololi sands and got approached by 2 local girls together. One kinda cute with massive eyes and the other in full veil ect. Cute face though but couldn't see much else.... Turns out they both work really local in senegambia at the same place and said if I come at a certain time they finish 30 mins later so they can sit with me then..... Again I've learned in Gambia this is basically a guaranteed thing. However I'm with a girl till Saturday now so will have to see what happens. I got like 4 to 5 girls already always asking when we are meeting ect and only 5 full days left so need to make some decisions soon.

Offline bhudda

I had a nice day, met hougan at breakfast, he's a right cunt. (Joke!). Showed me a photo of his current squeeze ... gorgeous lass.

The attention i was getting the first couple of days seems to have largely withered ... i think they must only have eyes for H these days. I think it probably helps if you sbow a bit of interest, whicb it is pointless me doing really. Though as i sit here watching my lass make yassa i cant complain.

Went for a long walk on the beach today and was offered numerous massages of course ... but not sure they count really.

I also learned you can get two newly weened goats (boy and girl) for about £240 and 9 months later they make a family ... which is always handy to know. I actually saw two pigs making a family as well ..  never a dull moment.

Offline Houngan

Hahahaha.... Yes that's the thing because you have the girl for the rest of the time your there your focus isn't quite the same so it's definitely different to mine... Also evenings are much easier generally I find to find girls who are actively looking and if your with the woman then they arent gonna come near.

Regarding girls though.... I'm pretty sure if you was actively looking it would be pretty easy to hook up.... If you have a woman cooking and sex on tap and everything else and she's cute and trustworthy then it's all good. The grass isn't always greener especially here...  :d

Also the goats seem expensive.... Did they add a toubab tax ontop of the price?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 08:38:34 pm by Houngan »

Offline bhudda

Well i went to a bird watching place near kotu bridge, and having escaped the chaps who wanted me to pay them to walk up a nature trail with me i pretty quickly encountered a homestead of another chap who wanted me to pay etc etc

However it turned out this chap was recognised as a foremost authority on birds in gambia (he showed me a book with his name in it) and he asked me for 700 dalasi to show me some owls. I offered 400 and he snatched my hand off. We walked for some time and eventually saw two little splodges high up in some trees that he assured me were owls (experienced bird watchers probably have decent binoculars and cameras etc, but they could have been big pigeons as far as i knew).

We then set oft back ... which could have meant basically the trip cost 200 per splodge. However i asked him about goats and he told me all the rudimentries you need to know about how to get in to the goat breeding business. So i paid him 600 dalasi in the end ... more for the goat knowledge than the bird stuff. (H knows why im interested in goats ... i wont bore anyone else about it more than i already have).

You can get baby goats cheaper, that havent been weaned, if you just want to kill and eat them ... the auctioneer will have them killed for you there and then ... but if you want weaned ones you can take home and raise for breeding then he says that is the price. Not having been to the auction yet i can only take his word for it.


Online JontyR

Jeez Bhudda, until now this thread has had all of its viewers trying to work out exactly how to get to Gambia.

Then we get your updates. I'm not criticising but, after getting your balls caught in a vice on day one, you've since had the shits and the snots. Now for today's highlights we are learning the finer parts of goat husbandry.

All of a sudden Skegness doesn't look such a bad option.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 09:43:42 pm by JontyR »

Offline bhudda

I will put a bit more about goats ... skip this post if you dont give a shit about goats ... apologies that it isnt at all on topic for ukpunting ... i wasnt sure if i should post it but ...

For about 6 months of the year my lass earns 3000 dalasi a month ... so has to live on about 100 dalasi a day ( the price of 1 small beer) . For the other 6 months of the year she doesnt earn anything at all (when the season ends)

But its not just her ... she has parents and siblings who are all either too old or too young to work, and probably couldnt get jobs even if they werent ... bird guide man told me unemployment rate is 60% and theres no social security.

So her 3000 dalasi basically buys a big bag of rice and some onions and other veg most months. The rent on her parents house is 1000 dalasi a month ... but this is because it is a hovel with a roof that needed replacing years ago and in the rainy season they basically sleep under a sieve ... or more accurately, dont sleep at all. Most months they cant pay the rent but if they manage to build up a surplus of rice she doesnt buy a bag that month and pays the rent instead.

The landlord wont fix the roof because they only pay 1000 a month and because he wants them to fuck off so he can demolish the hovel and build a better house.

I could help by sending £50 a month or something like that ... but that is just papering over the cracks and aslo i dont want to take on a long term commitment and feel responsible for the rest of my life.

A couple of breeding goats, if shes careful and lucky, in the long term could help achieve a degree of financial independence and help move them out of abject poverty. But you may as well ask her to find £1 million as £240 ... i figure if i buy some goats i dont have to feel guilty if i dont pay something every month for the rest of my life. Of course there are probably a million others in her situation but you cant help them all.

I asked how she makes the delicious yassa we just ate when someone hasnt bought the fish ... she just makes it with more onion instead.

Sermon over

Offline bhudda

Jeez Bhudda, until now this thread has had all of its viewers trying to work out exactly how to get to Gambia.

Then we get your updates. I'm not criticising but, after getting your balls caught in a vice on day one, you've since had the shits and the snots. Now for today's highlights we are learning the finer parts of goat husbandry.

All of a sudden Skegness doesn't look such a bad option.

My humble apologies ... i promise not to mention goats again ... though i may post a photo if they are very cute

But i can confirm if you want to pull as many hotties as you can handle you will probably do better here than in skegness

Ps as my lass is too knackered to go out every night i have to fill my evening somehow  :lol: and in ukpunting spirit ... we did have a shag before she started cooking
« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 10:12:33 pm by bhudda »

Offline Houngan

Hahahaha.... Yeah. I've been to Skegness too and I'd rather not pull there :P....

Trust me it isn't all goats and the shits haha... You could spend a week here and have a few different girls a day. Or you can do it another way like bhudda is doing it and have a comfy no worrys trip with a girl you wouldn't pull in the UK who appreciates you being around them....

It all depends what you want to get out of the trip and I think bhuddas way is she's taken care of him. Cooked for him. No doubt kept the place tidy. Saved him money on food and probably taxis so the goat post is just trying to give her a little bit comfier future as he's right the wage here for locals suck. Even the police get paid peanuts...

If you just want to come out here. Hang out with a 20 year old black woman who will give you whatever you want all day.... Then trust me it's easy.... You could also avoid the shits probably if you didn't risk eating local stuff and stuck to things you know but some of.the local dishes are really good to be fair. Better than Indian food in the UK.

Online webpunter

I have had a few meals made for me and every one has been as good as a restaurant meal. They cook on a one ring camping gas type thing as well.

You only need one ring

Offline bhudda

Hahahaha.... Yeah. I've been to Skegness too and I'd rather not pull there :P....

Trust me it isn't all goats and the shits haha... You could spend a week here and have a few different girls a day. Or you can do it another way like bhudda is doing it and have a comfy no worrys trip with a girl you wouldn't pull in the UK who appreciates you being around them....

It all depends what you want to get out of the trip and I think bhuddas way is she's taken care of him. Cooked for him. No doubt kept the place tidy. Saved him money on food and probably taxis so the goat post is just trying to give her a little bit comfier future as he's right the wage here for locals suck. Even the police get paid peanuts...

If you just want to come out here. Hang out with a 20 year old black woman who will give you whatever you want all day.... Then trust me it's easy.... You could also avoid the shits probably if you didn't risk eating local stuff and stuck to things you know but some of.the local dishes are really good to be fair. Better than Indian food in the UK.

Beef benechin tomorrow so long as she writes me the shopping list ... perhaps we should invite you and your lass over ... though we only have 2 plates  :lol:

Online webpunter

Jeez Bhudda, until now this thread has had all of its viewers trying to work out exactly how to get to Gambia.

Then we get your updates. I'm not criticising but, after getting your balls caught in a vice on day one, you've since had the shits and the snots. Now for today's highlights we are learning the finer parts of goat husbandry.

All of a sudden Skegness doesn't look such a bad option.

Skeggy ?  :scare:
What you are missing is the vibe
I've been to TG forever ago, albeit with trailer-in-tow
So no action with the local burds pour moi however you get a feel of the place
Wall to wall action for those into our fave sport [quite a few women of a certain age too]

Compare this for example to knocking shops in southern spain
Yes some real fitties, some of em so cold they dont need air conditioning, & £120 the hour & upwards

Whereas you would struggle to spend £120 in a day in TG unless you really tried, everything incl. with the burd too
I wouldn't be into some burd moving in for a week, before the waterworks start happening a day before your departure
Two days tops, ok three if an absolute stunner & norty as
Rotate to appreciate & help more burds in the community, levelling up etc

Its on my to-do list for a visit next winter
A week ten days in the posh gaff that 'hoonigan' is in, laying down rubber [well skyns non latex] wherever he goes  :hi:

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Offline bhudda

I think its also important to remeber that its a fucking nice place ... maybe not if your ocd about cleanliness etc ... but next time i come my mrs will probably come with me ... but im happy with that cos its just a nice place to be

Online webpunter

I think its also important to remeber that its a fucking nice place ... maybe not if your ocd about cleanliness etc ... but next time i come my mrs will probably come with me ... but im happy with that cos its just a nice place to be

It is indeed a nice place
Also a small place, what could possibly go wrong ?
'Hello bhudda' numerous times
Your Mrs, 'a lot of people, mostly women, seem to know you'  :scare:

As to cleanliness when i was there it was just fine [think basic] & it'll have come on since loads
Given our fave sport with all the activities involved, in TG not the plushest hotels restaurants etc makes jack shit difference

Some people have a high tolerance to stuff, i do
& IMO this is developed & enhanced by visiting lots of varied places
Its like people who eat pure organic food all the time from the likes of Waitrose & bollox farm shops, weaklings
Tolerances are built up having a kebab at 2am from a dodgy shop [after 8 pints of Nelson] or a dog burger at the footy
If it doesnt kill you it makes you stronger

Good luck with your Hyacinth Bhudda on your forthcoming trip  ;)

Offline paulo069

Please can anyone provide address or directions to where Brittania has moved to as struggling to locate

Offline Houngan

It's across the road from Palma rima hotel the new Britannia lounge. It has a big white sign sticking out of the side with it's name on it.

So basically turn down Palma rima road. It's on your left side if your walking down right near the top of the road.

And I set the hooligan as my avatar about time I got one....

Also regarding cleanliness..... The hotels I've been to are pretty clean and the restaurants I've never had an issue with apart from mouldy bread once on a burger.... When I do get the Banjul belly I'm pretty sure this is due to me eating way to much spice or pepper.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2024, 01:54:39 pm by Houngan »

Offline bhudda

Yes, a chose my words badly when I said cleanliness... I thinks webpunter's word "basic" is more what I meant.

Online webpunter

And I set the hooligan as my avatar about time I got one....

hooligan & hoonigan  :hi:

Online webpunter

Yes, a chose my words badly when I said cleanliness... I thinks webpunter's word "basic" is more what I meant.

I'd be more conerned about taking Mrs Hyacinth Bhudda to TG  :scare:

Offline bhudda

I've obviously regained my charisma ... was offered extra incentives to buy by two different vendors at the craft market this morning ... would have been even more of a boost to my self image if either had been attractive  :P

Offline bhudda

Had another walk up the beach ... a juice seller was keen to give me her number but she wasnt my type. However further along it became apparent that the saturday shift of massage ladies was more attractive than I've though on previous days. I managed to resist the first 2 but the third worked at a place that also sold drinks and I was ready for a cold one so sat down just to get the lie of the land. The lass was good looking but also fun to talk to so I agreed 600 for 30 mins plus 800 HE. I dont know if this is a good deal. 10 mins in I extended to 60 mins cos I was enjoying it (60 mins 1000).

Shes a delightful woman, called Ashtou or astou or Asia or isha ... basic looking cafe on the beach behind sand beach hotel.

Said if I came back monday sex was on the cards for 3000 but I expect that's negotiable, and that she would be up for an evening out as well but I probably wont have time.

Offline Houngan

Might have a wander down just for a cheeky massage on Monday then.... Keep meaning to but been a bit preoccupied.

I've not been up to much really been out and about obviously and got a couple more girls number. One from manjai is seriously hot.... Definitely wouldn't mind few round with her so gonna try also arrange something for the Monday and Tuesday before I fly home Wednesday

Offline bhudda

I got back just in time to shower before the lass came home from work. But she called to say was it ok to spend 400 for a kilo of string! (She would borrow the 400 from a colleague and I would give e it her so she could repay it) Sounded like a lot of string but I assumed she wanted it in connection with things I'm not allowed to mention again, which we are hoping to buy this evening. 10 mins later she walked in with a big back of giant prawns ... she had been saying shrimps ... not string. She has a bit of an accent. That's dinner sorted.

Offline Houngan

Haha yeah.... I'm having fish benechin home made before the girl goes home although I think she's now off in the morning by the sounds of it....

So trip update so far : this one has had a lot more interest than when it was Ramadan ... Way too many phone numbers and interest than to possibly meet everyone also there's a quality Vs quantity situation too to contend with ....

I came out here on the 10th with a full box of skyn condoms. 144 of them off Amazon as it's way cheaper to buy in that box.... I'm now at 47 condoms left in the box..... So it's been a very successful trip. I've also gone through almost 250ml of liquid silk .... It will definitely be used up before the end of the trip.

Also the rechargeable bullet I brought has been pretty cool to be honest but the girl I'm with now is absolutely obsessed with it so probably gonna let her take it with her. There less than a tenner anyway.

So overall so far (and I have 3 full days left starting tomorrow) it's been heaven....  Some amazing weather hitting 38c this week and lot of absolutely stunning girls about and I've met a few more contacts for incase I need to rent a different apartment next time.....

So next trip I land on the 8th of may.... For almost 3 weeks. I've secured my current apartment for like 14 of the days and have a good hotel to relax the first 5 days there.....  The only bad thing is the flight is 13 hours with a stopover in turkey. Price was reasonable though and includes 2 suitcases with like 48kg total allowance (although I'll only bring one).

So this is definitely gonna be my last trip until atleast November to Gambia. I plan on a trip to Malaysia in September possibly and after that in November I will either go to Gambia again or I will visit Ghana (Accra) or Mombasa...

Offline bright0nbreezy

I've also gone through almost 250ml of liquid silk .... It will definitely be used up before the end of the trip.

Just out of interest, why you use so much lube?  Does the hot weather dry everything out?  :D

Offline Houngan

Condoms break less with more lube.... Obviously I'm on prep anyway but I still don't want that to happen.... Also it takes me atleast 30 mins to cum... Sometimes if it gets too hot or I feel overheated I don't cum at all so take a break then obviously new condom....

Also obviously during long sessions the condom has a tendency to dry up and so does the lube ... Which then can rub the girl (and me).... And then obviously there's anal.... So yeah I use way more lube here than before....

Also if the girl is cut.... They tend to be more naturally dry. I am not sure if this is because of them feeling less pleasure or not..... But again I'd rather she wasn't in any pain or there was any rubbing and they tend to appreciate the lube.... Also obviously this stops them getting sore so much so more sex anyway ... Oh and skyn condoms do tend to get dry. Maybe it's because there not latex.

Offline bright0nbreezy

Also if the girl is cut....

How common is this in TG?  I've never seen it before.  What a brutal thing to do to someone.

Offline Houngan

How common is this in TG?  I've never seen it before.  What a brutal thing to do to someone.

74 percent of girls between 14 and 45 or something are cut here.... It's something I hate too so generally I will try find girls without it done. Another reason why sometimes I go with the same girls sometimes...

Saying that I have been with a girl here who was cut and could still orgasm from oral but again I'd rather they had it still ...

Offline bhudda

My lass cums quickly with oral ... possibly because she claims she never experienced it before me... never know how much to believe though.

Had another walk up the beach today and spotted astou the massage girl perched on a sand bank. I didn't want another massage today but sat down for a chat for half an hour cos she is pleasant company  .  I gave her 200 dalasi to compensate for her time I was wasting only to discover she only averages about two customers a month (especially at this time of year when there are more massage providers than customers). She said she sometimes sits staring at the sea for 2 weeks between customers so she was glad to have someone to talk to. I should have asked for my 200 dalasi back. Again, you never know how much to believe.

Offline Houngan

My lass cums quickly with oral ... possibly because she claims she never experienced it before me... never know how much to believe though.

Had another walk up the beach today and spotted astou the massage girl perched on a sand bank. I didn't want another massage today but sat down for a chat for half an hour cos she is pleasant company  .  I gave her 200 dalasi to compensate for her time I was wasting only to discover she only averages about two customers a month (especially at this time of year when there are more massage providers than customers). She said she sometimes sits staring at the sea for 2 weeks between customers so she was glad to have someone to talk to. I should have asked for my 200 dalasi back. Again, you never know how much to believe.

2 a month?.... Gambia is still pretty busy though? I mean it's a tiny bit quieter yes but there's loads of people still about. I can't imagine she's sat there all day just doing that much business..... I think more likely just trying to see if you would be generous.

On my side of things. Took a new girl out to fajara today, turns out shes Nigerian and doesn't speak a word of wollof and the taxi drivers English was as good as my wollof..... So that was fun but we got there in the end....

Now. Started off super shy, she wouldn't even look at me without giggling when we met up again (we only spoke briefly in person before). Turns out she's only been here a year and doesn't date much at all..... Anyway we ate dinner at yosh then I sat down next to her as it was 2pm and the staff apart from 1 cook downstairs was praying.... Minutes later we are kissing and it was super intense. The girl can kiss and is literally pulling me into her. Next minute her nipple is in my mouth in the empty upstairs of the restaurant  :D.... And kissed her neck and she's literally moaning and starting to squeeze her legs together. Had to calm things down pretty quick when a staff member came back upstairs but honestly could have taken her right there  :dash:.

So what started off me thinking I wasn't sure.... Turned into me wanting her way more than I normally do when I'm out with a girl.... Really different to Gambian girls though. Totally different accent and different features. Had amazing lips too, really soft... She's coming over tonight at 9 after she's cooked for her parents as they both work all day in education... So will see what happens. I think I'll give it 10 mins before the urge takes over.

Offline bhudda

I see there are a few folk around, particularly near the bigger hotels, but walk up the beach and there's barely a sole about, apart from a few "hello my old friend" scammers. I feel like Robinson crusoe sometimes.

We got on to the subject when discussing the economics of her business. She shares the massage room with another woman who pays the rent for it. In return out of 1000 dalasi for an hour she gives this woman 700, and only keeps 300. Any she makes from extras she keep all of it. I asked how much the rent was and she said 4000 a month. So I asked why she didn't rent a room herself and then keep all the fees ...she said she couldn't ever afford 4000 a month ... I said she would only need to do 6 massages a month to be in profit ... when she said etc etc

My lass seems keen to please and be pleased on my last night here, though taking a little rest now.

Offline Houngan

Safe trip home tomorrow mate. Wednesday for me  :cry:

Offline Houngan

So back home now since like 4am. Had a great time.out there obviously and spent the last 2 days with a Nigerian girl.... Honestly really different to the typical Gambian girl I have met and a little bit loopy.... But really good personality and very good sex drive haha.... Can't complain. Way way way softer lips than any Gambian I've been with too.

Oh well. I fly back on the 7th but done land until early ours of the 8th.

Offline bhudda

Safe trip home tomorrow mate. Wednesday for me  :cry:

glad to hear you got back safe.

On my last afternoon, with my lass still working, i wandered up the beach to the massage lady again, with no firm plans as to what may happen but strong suspicions. 

Usual massage with multiple reach unders etc, and when I turned over quickly progressed to her playing with my cock and balls with her bra unfastened and her knickers round her knees - groping not discouraged. After a few minutes of this she suddenly stripped completely naked and went to climb on board. Best to take your own condoms cos she would have climbed on bare back otherwise.  Anyway, to cut a long story short, it was very nice :-)

We'd had not discussed in any detail before this happened so didn't know what to pay ... i gave her 2400 or 2600 dalasi ... so 1000 for massage and a tip of 1400 or 1600 (can't remember exactly).
Nice girl.


Offline Houngan

Best to take your own condoms cos she would have climbed on bare back otherwise.

daaaaamn, i think at this point i would have gone soft!... but yeah i will probably try a massage place next time although not sure i would go full service haha....

Offline Goodtimegary

Hi has anyone been end july beginning of august?

Offline southcoastpunter

i asked a similar question a little while ago but just "out of season" rather than July/August (and season ends end of April (i think) and re-starts November). This was the reply:

It is very quiet out of season, a lot of hotels and apts are finished for the season. Palma Rima road is quiet as is Poco Loco. The only places for girls is the strip and of course Time Inn. I went in June and stayed at Palma Rima hotel and there was only about 10 guests there. The pool was closed as was the restaurant and very little staff. There was not many girls about but also not many tourists. To pick up girls you would have to go to Time Inn which was the busiest place. I travelled with Air France.

see also reply - 1564 too.

Offline Houngan

Hi has anyone been end july beginning of august?

this is right in the middle of the rainy season.... i would avoid going at all between june and the end of october (have a look at youtube for flooding or rain in gambia and you will see why)....

the streets will basically be flooded, never mind chasing girls you will be chasing your flipflop down the road.... 3 weeks even before i went last november there was still flooding.