Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Where's your punting phone?  (Read 2949 times)

Online threechilliman

No, I don't personally want to know and you shouldn't tell anyone, but are you sure of it's location right now? I had a nasty moment this morning when I went to get mine - not there. You can imagine what went through my mind. Where is it? Did I clear it after my last punt?

After a frantic hour, I found it very close to where it should have been - I'd simply misplaced it. And before anyone asks, no it hasn't been seen by anyone as the location is secure. I just thought I must have left it somewhere else.

Sweat over, this is just to serve as a reminder. Make sure. Go and check!



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Personally I prefer just to swop my SIM card out, the punting sim is buried at the bottom of my wallet.

Offline Dani

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The best bet would be to never leave it at home at all. Try to leave it at work or somewhere else the wife has no access to
Women are rather determined and if we have an inkling a man is up to something we will search everywhere including in your wallet for those who hide a SIM card there. Your wallet might always be in your pocket but not while you are sleeping.  As I said women can be very single minded and will search everywhere they can

Online threechilliman

The best bet would be to never leave it at home at all. Try to leave it at work or somewhere else the wife has no access to
Women are rather determined and if we have an inkling a man is up to something we will search everywhere including in your wallet for those who hide a SIM card there. Your wallet might always be in your pocket but not while you are sleeping.  As I said women can be very single minded and will search everywhere they can

I don't keep it at home for these reasons and even where it is hidden would only possibly link it to me. It didn't stop me requiring a change of underwear this morning as my mind ran riot though. I work with a number of women who enjoyed 'Doctor Foster'......


Offline mh

this is just to serve as a reminder. Make sure. Go and check!

Yes a good thing to get people to check. I know where mine is now, but last year after my pre-Christmas punt I forgot to return it to my usual stowage place and ended up with it in my laptop bag at home all over the Christmas break. And I didn't realise it was there until the day I went back to work... Easily done.

Online threechilliman

I forgot to return it to my usual stowage place....

That's what I thought I'd done and then you go 'Where the fuck is my phone!' It became my sole objective of the morning to find my phone.



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Mine got the punting phones equivalent of a Vikings burial last week along with the first Autumn leaves, so unless Mrs Y has some connection with the Viking female god Frigg (what a name  :lol:) I doubt she will ever find it.

Seriously it was never a problem for me, I had a few customers that were either in the middle of nowhere with shit reception on all but one provider or didn't allow camera phones thus giving me plenty of reasons for having multiple basic phones.
So hiding it in plain view was the least suspicious option for me.   


Offline sublimetoridiculous

Don't have a punting phone as I have no reliable place to hide it.

So use my normal phone but careful to clean up any calls or messages that should not be there. I also put WG's numbers on the block list just in case one should phone or text when I'm not expecting it. Then unblock when required.


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Mine is switched off when not in use, plus it needs two passwords (phone and SIM) when switched on, plus it will go to sleep mode after 2 minutes inactivity, with password again required to open it (this last feature is a MUST for a punting phone).

The biggest plus is that I have no prying other half, but I still practice safe sex, safe punting phone sex that is!  :hi:

Offline claretandblue

Tucked away in my desk at work switched off,only problem is it has only 2 bars of charge left and a while back I broke the charger so will either need to get a new phone or charger or take it into a Vodafone store and ask then to charge it!


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Tucked away in my desk at work switched off,only problem is it has only 2 bars of charge left and a while back I broke the charger so will either need to get a new phone or charger or take it into a Vodafone store and ask then to charge it!

You can probably get a charger from one of those dodgy 'all phones repaired' shops for a fiver.

Offline claretandblue

You can probably get a charger from one of those dodgy 'all phones repaired' shops for a fiver.
Good idea,it is an old style phone but still sold in Vodafone stores so I guess not to hard to track down
I got the wire trapped round my chair a few months back and it ended up snapping, just goes to show the battery power you can get out of these things  :hi:

Online threechilliman

Tucked away in my desk at work

I personally wouldn't leave mine in my desk. 5 nosey women in the office - fuck knows where they look when I'm not around. I don't trust 'em...



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I know where mine is and the wife has got next to no chance of finding it.  Its also easily explained should there be a need to.

I did do a very foolish thing recently tho, it was running out of charge so i took it into a clients house and asked to plug it in while working.  Stupidly i forgot it when i left and the client came out to give it back to just as i was pulling away. - not that bad but i did it twice in one day  :dash: :dash:

Offline claretandblue

I personally wouldn't leave mine in my desk. 5 nosey women in the office - fuck knows where they look when I'm not around. I don't trust 'em...

its locked mate , but there is no way anyone would be trying to go through other peoples desks, sackable offence and not something that would happen at my firm thankfully...

Offline dave_59

In boot of car, in the tyre well.
Turned off and well out if sight

Offline Malvolio

You can probably get a charger from one of those dodgy 'all phones repaired' shops for a fiver.

You can probably get a new phone of the most basic kind for a fiver.

Online threechilliman

its locked mate , but there is no way anyone would be trying to go through other peoples desks, sackable offence and not something that would happen at my firm thankfully...

Don't trust anyone my friend, honestly....


Offline claretandblue

Don't trust anyone my friend, honestly....

I don't ,but unless there is someone picking locks and then rifling through draws to find well concealed and switched off mobiles I should be ok!

That said I am now careful to not be seen using it in the workplace, so if I plan on punting I put it in my suit jacket first thing, I work with a lazy bunch so I am usually first in so no one around to see  :hi:

Offline anonyorks

Hidden in plain sight, there's that many phone shops I just get new sims every other month or so as most PAYG run out after 30 days anyway.

Offline Turtle1

Can't leave it at home lol, besides I keep the sim separate, I have a separate hiding place for those.


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Cheap PAYG in my work bag. OH knows I have one for back up, poor signal etc, as I travel around to different workplaces. Phoned her once, from a landline, asking her to make an urgent call to a client, as smartphone not getting a signal.  She then suggested I buy a back up cheap mobile.

Always set up a smokescreen with a valid reason ;)

Its always Off, locked with PIN and wiped clean of calls / texts every time. Why anyone would store numbers is beyond me...

I like the no camera phones reason too, adding that one to my reasons list, very plausable that.. :thumbsup:

Online maxxblue

Cheap PAYG in my work bag. OH knows I have one for back up, poor signal etc, as I travel around to different workplaces. Phoned her once, from a landline, asking her to make an urgent call to a client, as smartphone not getting a signal.  She then suggested I buy a back up cheap mobile.

Always set up a smokescreen with a valid reason ;)

Its always Off, locked with PIN and wiped clean of calls / texts every time. Why anyone would store numbers is beyond me...

I like the no camera phones reason too, adding that one to my reasons list, very plausable that.. :thumbsup:

If you have a 'valid' reason for having a punting phone, and it is switched off and it is protected with a PIN, does it really matter if numbers are stored?  :unknown:
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 10:05:30 pm by maxxblue »


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My punting phone is my normal phone its duel sim so i just disable the punting sim.

Offline Malvolio

Cheap PAYG in my work bag. OH knows I have one for back up, poor signal etc, as I travel around to different workplaces. Phoned her once, from a landline, asking her to make an urgent call to a client, as smartphone not getting a signal.  She then suggested I buy a back up cheap mobile.

Always set up a smokescreen with a valid reason ;)

Its always Off, locked with PIN and wiped clean of calls / texts every time. Why anyone would store numbers is beyond me...

I like the no camera phones reason too, adding that one to my reasons list, very plausable that.. :thumbsup:

If your planned punt goes tits-up, it's good to have some alternative numbers to hand of WGs you've seen before and would see again.  If she has a name like Cumslut Claire you might want to stick to initials though...

Online myothernameis

No, I don't personally want to know and you shouldn't tell anyone, but are you sure of it's location right now?

Is your phone locked, a colleague in work left his phone in the canteen, and it wasn't locked, let the fun begin

Another colleague posted some naughty pictures but not graphic, and posted them on his Facebook account, under the comment of virgin wants sex now, this went out to all his friends including his mum  :scare: :scare:

He didn't know until his mum phoned him   :mad: :mad: :mad:

Offline purple_t

Personally I prefer just to swop my SIM card out, the punting sim is buried at the bottom of my wallet.

Much easier than trying to hide an entire phone.

The happy one

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I don't ,but unless there is someone picking locks and then rifling through draws to find well concealed and switched off mobiles I should be ok!

That said I am now careful to not be seen using it in the workplace, so if I plan on punting I put it in my suit jacket first thing, I work with a lazy bunch so I am usually first in so no one around to see  :hi:

A little while ago I was involved in a very bad car accident. Not my fault so I could not have done anything to avoid it.

Long and the short. My desk was opened as they needed access to stuff and my phone was put aside for my other half to pick up if I needed it or for when I returned

Taught me to have a friend who knows about my side line who in the event of death or some such will go to the secret places I have for phone Camara memory sticks and destroy them all for me

So no nastys for any one who clears my things

Offline itk

Back of the garage, under the bench and in an old paint tin. SIM card is replaced every time the credit is gone from it.

Offline _Bender_

In the desk at work but I rarely use it, seems more of a hassle than it's worth. Once got seen at work with it and all my colleagues joked asking if I was dealing drugs!

Even my 79 year old mother in law owns a smartphone so I always feel wary if I'm seen with with a punting phone.

Offline NIK


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Mine's still in the shop!  :D
Well does that means you intend to get one then !

Offline NIK

Well does that means you intend to get one then !

No chance.
Even should I begin punting again one phone is enough for me.
It has been for nigh on 20 years.
Then again I don't have another half to fret about as so many of you do.
Sometimes I wonder why men who have to go through so much hassle and anxiety just to get a punt bother.  :unknown:

Online threechilliman

No chance.
Even should I begin punting again one phone is enough for me.
It has been for nigh on 20 years.
Then again I don't have another half to fret about as so many of you do.
Sometimes I wonder why men who have to go through so much hassle and anxiety just to get a punt bother.  :unknown:

Easy. Nothing beats the feeling after a great punt!!



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Dual sim phone for me, after a few months I bin the Punt Sim, once a year I get a new phone.

Offline Qwerty

You guys do know that Mumsnet members read this forum?

How many of you have just given a whole bunch of OHs suggestions as to where to pry?

Offline andyrou

Thought I had a great hiding place in the boot of my comp car in spare wheel compartment until me and er-indoors was watching that Doctor Foster bollocks with that fuckable Suranne Jones who's other half was playing away with some 21 year sort and she found the love phone with all sorts of shit on it plus condoms and wash bag.

That series was a nightmare, must have been a female writer, as no red blooded man would have written or produced that shit and dropped us it in like that!

Offline 3HK

I use my normal number and normal phone, I normally change my whatsapp picture when I arrange a punt but I'm going to order a pay as you go sim card now.

Offline Equilibrium

I've always have had two phones for as long as I can remember, despite one being an Iphone , the other does allow me to switch sims, hence I find it easier to just keep the 'extra' sim inside the case of the phone and use it whenever necessary.