Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Raquel Blonde - Birmingham  (Read 4253 times)

29 review(s) for Luxury Blonde-Raquel (21 positive, 2 neutral, 6 negative) [Indexed by ]


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I have been thinking a lot about this review over the past few hours because I am dealing with a well liked WG who gives excellent service and in no way do I wish to detract from that. I am also quite a softy despite my outward mouthiness. But this forum is about telling it like it is and as long as my review is truthful, it can only be a positive for all fellow punters and perhaps to the benefit of the WG if she learns from her transgressions.

I was particularly excited because this was my first review of a date that has happened since I joined UKP (rather than my archive) and the first date I have ever set up with an EE lady. Finally my choice was decided by the great reviews on UKP and also PM's received from Raquel saying she would love to see me. I read them with a sense of hollowness now.

I contacted Raquel around 9am on Saturday for a booking for 1 hr at 6pm same day, I received an immediate response that said to place a booking and this I did at 10am. She told me where she was located and looked forward to see me. I have all the emails to back this up. I was well excited.

At ten minutes to four (15.50) I have an email as follows ''sorry my bad monthly period just came and we have to cancel the booking .please rebook for next week''. I know this stuff happens so I sent a message back saying no problem and will try again some other time. I then went to plan B, paid 120 instead of 100 and that was the end of that.

But my mind mused on this over the weekend. In my 60 years I have noticed a woman usually gets some warning that the period is about to start. How could Raquel be fine and dandy at 10 but bad by 4? Not one to judge I left it.

Sunday, Raquel does not work, it is her day off but first thing Monday morning, being suspicious I checked her profile. It looked the same as it ever does and no 'available today' so I thought right she really does have her period and I moved on. Then I checked again at noon and swipe me there it was 'available today'. The bad period at 4pm Saturday was gone at noon Monday. It's a miracle !!!!!

Now I get into the world of conjecture, a punter came along for a Saturday night punt and had more money to offer than me.
Or a regular came along and insisted he have a date at 6pm. In either case Raquel was faced with a decision and decided to bump me.

I am not vindictive nor sour grapes, I moved on to plan B and it was fine, but if there is one thing I cannot stand above all else it is hypocracy. WGs ask us to be clean, polite, on time and payup. All we ask of the is to be fair and provide a good service. I think I was short changed and it makes a mockery of her profile where she says ''BOOKING REQUESTS have PRIORITY'' Obviously I didn't.  Even if she had told me the truth I would have been OK.

I was very much looking forward to seeing Raquel, the reports, the photos. I was nervous booking an EE girl but was encouraged by all the glowing reviews.

Pros: By all accounts gorgeous like all the reviews

Cons: Not past pulling a fast one if it suits her purpose.

Would I contact her again. No. This review will create a barrier between us. But I hope she reads this, takes on board what I have said and goes on to be the best piece of ass on AW. Which she certainly has the ability to be.

Why neutral not negative. Thought long and hard about this. Don't want to discourage her. Don't want to fault her obvious talents. Its more a warning than anything else. I wish her the best but hope she never does this again.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 03:17:59 pm by Hawkwind71 »

Offline Johny Stone

It looks to me like she  used excuses with at least one other punter:

Neutral    xxxx (10)    19/09/2015 21:57    Seeking Services
     Meeting didn't happen, shopping and getting her hair done was more important than honouring a pre arranged booking with a client.
Disputed:    U are such a .....i text u 2h before the booking to rearange for another day.I am a human not machine. Tks for damage my profile..still 39positive

From her answer she clearly thinks she did nothing wrong.
That`s a shame as she looks stunning and could be one of the good Romanians on aw.


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It looks to me like she  used excuses with at least one other punter:

From her answer she clearly thinks she did nothing wrong.
That`s a shame as she looks stunning and could be one of the good Romanians on aw.

Yeah and she responded that she wasn't a machine but a human being. In my case the table was turned, she was treating me like a punter machine that could be tossed aside.

Apparently that's not a problem ......


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Nice review HW - definitely you were had and very decent of you to make it a netural not a neg. I have a similar dilemma at the minute and that's helped me actually.  :hi:


  • Guest
Nice review HW - definitely you were had and very decent of you to make it a netural not a neg. I have a similar dilemma at the minute and that's helped me actually.  :hi:

That's what its all about, helping. Wish the WGs would see that.   :(

Offline Placebo88

I have no idea what were the actual reasons behind her cancellation in the above report but just wanted to add something another WG communicated to me as regards the menstrual cycle.Apparently girls still have periods if they are on the pill but they can be very erratic and the girl does not know when to expect them - I had previously though that the pill meant no periods .

If she was having a period and reads extensively on this site she may have been aware of the Miss Olivia ' Blobgate ' incident and thought better of it.

Incidentally does a WG working during her period put punters at a greater risk of infection should the girl have anything as a lot of posters on SAAFE seem to see it as no big deal to just continue working with a sponge in which seems the totally opposed to most of the opinions I have read on UKP.

Offline Placebo88

Also there are ways of getting a period over with quickly ; I know suction methods exist , and if you consider how much a couple of missed days would cost a successful WG taking such actions would be a wise choice.

It is your choice , but I would try to make another booking with Raquel.You have written nothing at all vindictive or untrue , just a report of your actual experience.If she did turn you down based on that or gave you a poor service then that is something I would consider as unprofessional and a mark against her!


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Hawk, you were stood up but it happens. Get over it, make another booking and give her a good shaggin......she is lovely when you get to see her.
If I was a betting man I would venture to suggest that there are far more broken bookings from the punters side than from the WG' side. Just a thought!!


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Welcome to the "Hole in foot club." I've managed to shoot myself in the foot a couple of times with pro$$ies I wanted to see. It is a difficult dilemma when you're stood up and whether you should review the circumstances. Fair play to you, it's good to know.


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Hawk, you were stood up but it happens. Get over it, make another booking and give her a good shaggin......she is lovely when you get to see her.
If I was a betting man I would venture to suggest that there are far more broken bookings from the punters side than from the WG' side. Just a thought!!

Dodo I agree with what you say, but honestly this was not sour grapes, I actually had a good plan B punt so not at all disappointed. But I had spent most of the day looking forward to a top notch girl and let down. I know there are more idiots on the punter side, but that does not excuse dropping someone because a better offer comes along.

As I intimated in my review, I think she was caught between a rock and a hard place. Easier to let down the guy she had never met. But a ''bad 36 hr period''   Come on girl, wake up.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 06:07:14 pm by Hawkwind71 »


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Welcome to the "Hole in foot club." I've managed to shoot myself in the foot a couple of times with pro$$ies I wanted to see. It is a difficult dilemma when you're stood up and whether you should review the circumstances. Fair play to you, it's good to know.

Tell me about it. This was so blatant I really had to say something. I've moved on but my review stands and it is how I saw the situation from beginning to end.

I repeat not sour grapes, a review is a review nothing more. For the next guy she might be throwing roses out the flipping window as he approaches.


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Also there are ways of getting a period over with quickly ; I know suction methods exist , and if you consider how much a couple of missed days would cost a successful WG taking such actions would be a wise choice.

It is your choice , but I would try to make another booking with Raquel.You have written nothing at all vindictive or untrue , just a report of your actual experience.If she did turn you down based on that or gave you a poor service then that is something I would consider as unprofessional and a mark against her!

Only if Raquel comes on here to defend herself will we get to hear her side. My bet is she will lie low on this one. I don't think the issue is whether or not you should escort while on the rag. Raquel made it clear she wanted to cancel because of it. Plus there are a lot more things associated with the cycle than just blood. Mood, headaches, lethargy, cramps, soreness. If Raquel had just a few of these things it would take longer than 36 hrs to be up for a good shagging.

I know another escort who told me she stops for a good few days around her period. She knows her performance is affected and will put punters off so she just shuts down. (amazing what girls will tell you).

Geezus. The more I write this, the more convinced I am that the 36 hr period was just a ruse (sic)


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Lots of punters wanting to pay a vist off the back of good reviews maybe.

I booked for last Monday morning and she canceled had the landlord in to do some work apparently.

I would like to book again though when im free.


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,,Hope my reply will not be deleted like previus ones..because i really want this to be posted,,

Dear Hawkwind71 first of all if i want to thank u for contact me and try visit me 2 days ago.
I bet if u were a woman u will understand 100% my problem and was very easy to understand my text message.
Maybe is not good what i say now but i have a baby in my since i had the baby my ,,bad,, period changed a lot and i dont have a fix period.
U can make a separate question just for the escort girls and ask them about this problem. Especialy the mothers.
I am very professional escort and never cancel a booking if i dont have a HARD and SERIOUS reason.

saturday i didnt work after period start...sunday  i had day off...and monday i start just after 2 pm when i was felling little better ...but just oral and massage things BUT....I DID THIS BECAUSE I REALLY NEED SOME CASH because my period is finish!!!

Now sorry for my bad english. :angelgirl:

Thank u for the Neutral review and tks u damage a little my image... :thumbsdown:

Maybe after 1 or 2 month i will leave UK so .... who meet me before ,,know me,, better           :thumbsup:

Comes in mouth

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I have no idea what were the actual reasons behind her cancellation in the above report but just wanted to add something another WG communicated to me as regards the menstrual cycle.Apparently girls still have periods if they are on the pill but they can be very erratic and the girl does not know when to expect them - I had previously though that the pill meant no periods.

Depends on the pill.  There are two types:

COCP containing oestrogen and progesterone (eg. Microgynon 30)
Normally taken for three weeks and then a one week pill-free interval, during which they have a withdrawal bleed, which is essentially like a period.  Unscheduled bleeding (in the middle of the packet) is unusual and could be a sign of an STI or cervical cancer.  There is the option of "tricycling" the packets - taking three packets back to back (ie. for 9 weeks) and then having a week off for a bleed.  There's a greater chance of unscheduled bleeding towards the end of this, but it's still unlikely, and therefore would be a good option for an escort - or in fact any woman who doesn't like to menstruate!

POP containing only progesterone (eg. Cerazette)
Taken continuously.  Women taking it will have anything from a regular, normal period to nothing, but most will have a bit of spotting irregularly.  This pill is slightly less reliable, but there is not an increased risk of thrombosis like there is with the COCP.

Incidentally does a WG working during her period put punters at a greater risk of infection should the girl have anything as a lot of posters on SAAFE seem to see it as no big deal to just continue working with a sponge in which seems the totally opposed to most of the opinions I have read on UKP.




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,,Hope my reply will not be deleted like previus ones..because i really want this to be posted,,

Dear Hawkwind71 first of all if i want to thank u for contact me and try visit me 2 days ago.
I bet if u were a woman u will understand 100% my problem and was very easy to understand my text message.
Maybe is not good what i say now but i have a baby in my since i had the baby my ,,bad,, period changed a lot and i dont have a fix period.
U can make a separate question just for the escort girls and ask them about this problem. Especialy the mothers.
I am very professional escort and never cancel a booking if i dont have a HARD and SERIOUS reason.

I am glad Raquel came on to defend herself. But by the looks of things she should have simply said no on the Saturday morning, that would have saved me a 125 mile journey plus expenses and a wasted day. Surely she can see how it looks when the available today sign goes up the next business day and i am not sure what she was offering if she felt so lousy. All in all a lack of communication and lack of interest in the punter.


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I repeat. Maybe i didnt made myself understood....
Saturday i start a normal day i work half of that i didnt know my period will start ..i had some small back pain but wasnt sure is from period.
Sometime is from the bad weather from UK.
I respect all punters and i love my job.

Next time dont hurry to put a review ,,,just visit me and after if u are not happy u can put even a negative one.....

Take care


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I see not to much guys who reply to defend or atack me...thats fine

Love u all

Good night

Same Raquel :dancegirl:


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Well, I have to say, all credit to Raquel for taking the trouble to post an explanation rather than duck the issue as I guess most girls would.    Have another try Hawk you won't be dissapointed. :wacko:
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 08:21:05 pm by Dodo »


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Well, I have to say, all credit to Raquel for taking the trouble to post an explanation rather than duck the issue as I guess most girls would.    Have another try Hawk you won't be dissapointed. :wacko:

Cant do that Dodo. She has taken offense at me and I have proved one thing to myself. It is difficult to post a non positive review on here as it is anywhere else. I still say a little more communication on the day would have resolved this. But she has PM'd me and panicked that I would leave a negative review

My experience with this has shown me that negatives/neutrals are dangerous waters anywhere, look at the disaster with Claire Delaney and that awful debacle with Seaguller.

Raquel simply focused on the neutral review and how that would affect her phone ringing. She wasn't interested in constructive criticism even if I got the story partly wrong.

And for anyone reading this, I did get it partly wrong. But my premise that WGs are quite happy to drop a punter at a moments notice with little regard whilst punters make one mistake and they are banned. 

Give me strength.

Its all rather soul destroying.


  • Guest
Well, I have to say, all credit to Raquel for taking the trouble to post an explanation rather than duck the issue as I guess most girls would.    Have another try Hawk you won't be dissapointed. :wacko:

Maybe with another girl....he missed the opportunity by his review.


  • Guest
Maybe with another girl....he missed the opportunity by his review.

I have also learned that WGs cannot take any criticism whatsoever.

I regret the review for the grief it has caused me. Its just not worth it.  :(

Offline blue80

Nothing to stop you booking her outside of AW and just calling her to arrange a booking or set up another AW account to arrange the booking with her


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Nothing to stop you booking her outside of AW and just calling her to arrange a booking or set up another AW account to arrange the booking with her

Nah not interested,

I have punted for two years now. Out of about 60 contacts, three including this one have gone bad.

That's batting well over 90%. Pretty darn cool though I say it myself.   :yahoo: :drinks:


  • Guest
Nothing to stop you booking her outside of AW and just calling her to arrange a booking or set up another AW account to arrange the booking with her

Did u consider yourself inteligent with your ideea?


  • Guest
Did u consider yourself inteligent with your ideea?

Dont worry Raquel, I promise I will not do this. I will leave you in peace.

Neat idea though......

« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 09:27:40 pm by Hawkwind71 »

Offline Placebo88

I see not to much guys who reply to defend or atack me...thats fine

Love u all

Good night

Same Raquel :dancegirl:

The reason that this site is so respected and of value to those who book escorts is its openness and honesty.Following on from this it is therefore also of great benefit to the business of escorts who provide a good service as it highlights their quality.If it was just like the Adultwork feedback system it would be greatly devalued - some of the feedback on there is so toadying and undeserved that it makes me feel sick !

This site ( UKP ) has been very good for you Raquel and undoubtedly has a large part to play in your deserved success.You are clearly a very good escort who has an excellent professional attitude as well as being very attractive and your reviews on here have made many regular customers aware of this.

Its strength is that if a customer is not happy or has a complaint then they can and should voice it so long as they explain their reasons properly.I do not think that either this Neutral report ( which was clearly explained and you have had the opportunity to address ) or the earlier Negative review ( which I think should have been a Neutral ) will be of any harm to you - both were clearly explained and give people the chance to make their own mind up.

The sites existence also ensures that good escorts maintain their quality service and good reputation which is a positive for both good escorts and their customers.

Based on my positive opinion of you from previous reviews and reports on UKP I did believe that your reason ( having period ) for cancelling this appointment was genuine ; you seem to have a great professional attitude to ensure that you are successful for yourself and your family back home which I full respect.The 2 posts that I made earlier in this thread were both in support of you due to all the good things I have read about your attitude ( and also some of your helpful earlier posts ) on UKP.

My criticism would be that you have taken too much offence at the 2 instances of criticism , neither of which were severe and both of which were by decent members.You have to learn that not everything is going to be perfect and accept any criticism in a calmer and more tolerant manner.Your responses on this thread adding to the explanation of the cancellation were very helpful but I fell you are treating the reviewer unfairly.

Honesty is the key to this site ; I offered some defense of you  in my posts based on the already established facts , not because I am a favourite of yours , or White Knight as they are known.That kind of thing is delusional and posts by members know to do this carry little weight !

Keep up your high standards and you will for the most part get positive feedback here .You will inevitably get the odd bit of criticism as different people have different tastes and you will not always be perfect yourself , things happen.Rationally assess any criticism , see if it can help you to make improvements and if necessary respond in a calm manner ; people will respect you for that !


  • Guest
hmm not sure what else good can be said of this post

People post what happened this is neutral review from Hawkwind71, i for one appreciate your posting of what happened with a 90% success rate that is brilliant better than the 40% that i have, all the time and money i have wasted so far! hoping this forum will help improve my odds.
Raquel with all your positive reviews you should not be put off from what happened on this one occasion we thank you for posting your point of view

This should be positive criticism, learn from it not get angry with people.
Getting in arguments with people You will never ever win just make you look bad
Sometimes it better not to post or at least just think hard before you post

Worrying about Negative reviews you have none just feed backs quote from Hawkwind71 from original review

External Link/Members Only

Would I contact her again. No. This review will create a barrier between us. But I hope she reads this, takes on board what I have said and goes on to be the best piece of ass on AW. Which she certainly has the ability to be.

Wishing you good health and to your child and hoping you stay in England.


  • Guest
I see not to much guys who reply to defend or atack me...thats fine

Shit happens, you have a dissatisfied punter who has expressed an opinion, you're human, get over it. If you've lied and shit on a punter you deserve a negative, if it was genuine there's not much you can  do about it.

As a punter who still has you on my hotlist I'm not put off by the review as others have not been put off by my negative review of Emily. I would suggest you don't make a habit of letting punters down.

In my experience women are bleeding miserable and bad tempered for a quarter of the best years of their lives with only two possible cures, chocolate and the sight of male blood.

Hawkwind, you may have had a lucky escape!


  • Guest
I have also learned that WGs cannot take any criticism whatsoever.

I regret the review for the grief it has caused me. Its just not worth it.  :(
I am struggling to understand why it is such a big were let down, yes, but with a proactive call from the girl, its not as if she dumped you on the doorstep. Do you believe her explanation which she didn't need to give........all she has done is respond to your concerns and answered them
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 11:32:17 pm by Dodo »


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,,Hope my reply will not be deleted like previus ones..because i really want this to be posted,,

Dear Hawkwind71 first of all if i want to thank u for contact me and try visit me 2 days ago.
I bet if u were a woman u will understand 100% my problem and was very easy to understand my text message.
Maybe is not good what i say now but i have a baby in my since i had the baby my ,,bad,, period changed a lot and i dont have a fix period.
U can make a separate question just for the escort girls and ask them about this problem. Especialy the mothers.
I am very professional escort and never cancel a booking if i dont have a HARD and SERIOUS reason.

saturday i didnt work after period start...sunday  i had day off...and monday i start just after 2 pm when i was felling little better ...but just oral and massage things BUT....I DID THIS BECAUSE I REALLY NEED SOME CASH because my period is finish!!!

Now sorry for my bad english. :angelgirl:

Thank u for the Neutral review and tks u damage a little my image... :thumbsdown:

Maybe after 1 or 2 month i will leave UK so .... who meet me before ,,know me,, better           :thumbsup:

I dont see this post as being anything other than an honest explanation of what happened. She certainly does not attack Hawk or appear to be over just seems a polite reply to a neutral review? Or am i missing something??
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 11:43:51 pm by Dodo »


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I dont see this post as being anything other than an honest explanation of what happened. She certainly does not attack Hawk or appear to be over just seems a polite reply to a neutral review? Or am i missing something??
I think they both have been doing the right thing, Hawk was upset as I had personally chatted on PM about this and was really looking forward to a positive EE experience. 

Hawk is within his rights to rate review any way he pleases, could easily have been a negative lots of them about for similar, he could have also delayed review and went back, he decided no chance its EE and now is missing out again on a great pool of talent.

Raquel is always objective her 1st neg she suggested is should me neutral for minor issues, and comes across fair. Everyone wants excellent reviews and everyone to like them. But that's life it doesn't happen, I know a few don't get me here that's fine.

Raquel advice to you, stop reading & counting reviews, majority like you and have a good time, only time to worry is when the dust settles on your phone.


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Hawkwind well done for posting your review it took some doing to so on a current board favourite. The impression I get from Raquel is that she's only concerned in how it affects her purse rather than anything else which is to expected from a Romanian.


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Letting calmer heads prevail the following morning and despite the fluffy white knighting in Dodo's comments, I stand by my review, the reason for her cancelling may have been valid but the way it was handled was miserable and as far as I am concerned exactly what WGs object to only in reverse.

Namely, cancelling a punter 2 hrs before is stressful and 'disrespectful'

She could have said 'my period has started so I just wanted to give you the option of cancelling if you wish'. She could have given me a massage, shower, OWO, boob grab, chat, HE ....why would that have made me give her negative feedback. She admits she was offering that service on monday afternoon so why the cancel on me. She focuses on one thing, that men judge women with their dicks and if we don't get a fuck then we will give a negative review on AW. In my experience we think with our dicks but we don't judge with our dicks, I would have given her a glowing AW positive for doing the best she could.

As AW mentions, far too many WGs cancel for the reasons given by Raquel. She even PM'd saying the reason she cancelled is she was afraid I would give a negative review because she was 'full of blood'. Give me a break, would I really be that callous?

In conclusion, she invited me to book, she confirmed at 10am, this was my first dip in the EE pool, she is a beautiful girl, I was excited as fuck, I travelled 125 miles, I got within a hairs breadth and she cancelled without a thought.

Now where can I find a good British Fuck......   hmmmm 


  • Guest
Letting calmer heads prevail the following morning and despite the fluffy white knighting in Dodo's comments, I stand by my review, the reason for her cancelling may have been valid but the way it was handled was miserable and as far as I am concerned exactly what WGs object to only in reverse.

Namely, cancelling a punter 2 hrs before is stressful and 'disrespectful'

She could have said 'my period has started so I just wanted to give you the option of cancelling if you wish'. She could have given me a massage, shower, OWO, boob grab, chat, HE ....why would that have made me give her negative feedback. She admits she was offering that service on monday afternoon so why the cancel on me. She focuses on one thing, that men judge women with their dicks and if we don't get a fuck then we will give a negative review on AW. In my experience we think with our dicks but we don't judge with our dicks, I would have given her a glowing AW positive for doing the best she could.

As AW mentions, far too many WGs cancel for the reasons given by Raquel. She even PM'd saying the reason she cancelled is she was afraid I would give a negative review because she was 'full of blood'. Give me a break, would I really be that callous?

In conclusion, she invited me to book, she confirmed at 10am, this was my first dip in the EE pool, she is a beautiful girl, I was excited as fuck, I travelled 125 miles, I got within a hairs breadth and she cancelled without a thought.

Now where can I find a good British Fuck......   hmmmm

I've called dodo lots of names in the past but if I had to choose one member to describe as fluffy in the WM region he wouldn't have made the top ten, however with this particular prossie young dodo seems to have caught the cunt-struck virus & is struggling to shake it off.

OP, for what its worth I find your review written as a matter of fact & not the usual emotional rant that some punters write when ditched by a fuck about prossie.

As for writing negatively about a well liked prossie I believe you did exactly the right thing & for any newbies out there worrying about doing the same don't worry, the attempted fluffy coup fizzled out last week when they either got banned or found they had no bollocks & were last seen galloping back to fluffington castle. 

The prossie herself seems to be a looker & performer (based on reviews) but that doesn't give her the right to fuck a punter about without a negative comment. Reading some of her posts she could also do with learning how to react to criticism without resorting to snide attempts to belittle punters, after all this is still a punters forum & not a prossie automatic right to reply or a flirting platform. 


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i have a baby in my country..

Then why are you not at home looking after it?


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As for the period excuse, surely any decent girl would contact the guy and say sorry I've come on, but I will give you a free blowjob meeting and then a full service at a later date (Chargable) unless she claims to be bleeding from both ends  :sarcastic:

Offline Placebo88

Lots of wise and well considered points being made in this thread which would make good reading for all members.Almost a shame that it is only on a local board where it will not get the exposure and attention it deserves.

I have respect for both members ( so don't get too annoyed with me ! ) but feel that is this instance both Hawkwind and Raquel are totally overreacting.

I believe Raquel's reason for the cancellation and from his later posts it seems that Hawkwind may also have accepted it now.It was unfortunate and an inconvenience but she cannot be blamed for it .As to the offer of reduced service , maybe she only though of the idea later.The cancellation seemed sensible in light of the reaction to  Miss Olivia's Blobgate and so on.2 hours notice seems adequate to me, especially when I think of the number of reports of outright standups ( mostly by British girls incidentally ).I though you were W Midlands , maybe Raquel though the same and was not aware you had already traveled 125 miles ?

Hawkwind's review / post was fair and honest and clearly separated the actual facts from his inferences allowing readers to decide for themselves.Like with her negative review , Raquel provided some helpful and informative responses.At the same time there was also some unnecessary and undeserved sniping, showing an inability to take criticism, lack of rationality and possibly that she is a bit highly strung - whilst she may see it as passionately defending her corner and reputation it does not create a good impression and I would have some worries that this attitude could rear its head if all was not perfect during a booking ( which is what it is really all about ! ).

Like almost all , Raquel's reasons for escorting are its financial rewards ; which it perfectly fine ( and preferable to guys like me who are never going to ' please ' a woman ! ).From what I have read she is sensible enough to have realised that providing a quality service and having a good professional working attitude equals more success - that is how you do a job well !Tjis is why I was initially inclined to believe her.

Hawkwind , this one has ended up a bit of a mess and is bad luck but don't rule out all EEs based on one unfortunate incident.Birminghams's finest are almost all EEs ( Pola and Michelle Independent being the creme de la creme ) and I am sure a visit to one of them would restore your faith!


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I am actually feeling pretty good about how all this has all panned out. I feel a lot of support plus welcome guidance on where I have erred. There is a lot to learn from this on all sides. I won't say anymore and I may yet try another EE with a friends guidance.  ;)

But imagine if you will that I have a bad experience with Michelle Independence. What the hell would I do, write a neutral review.

..... think jumping in the Brum canal would be preferable.    :timeout:

Offline Cuntminion

Offline Cuntminion

I bet if u were a woman u will understand 100% my problem and was very easy to understand my text message.
Maybe is not good what i say now but i have a baby in my since i had the baby my ,,bad,, period changed a lot and i dont have a fix period.
U can make a separate question just for the escort girls and ask them about this problem. Especialy the mothers.
I am very professional escort and never cancel a booking if i dont have a HARD and SERIOUS reason.

saturday i didnt work after period start...sunday  i had day off...and monday i start just after 2 pm when i was felling little better ...but just oral and massage things BUT....I DID THIS BECAUSE I REALLY NEED SOME CASH because my period is finish!!!

Maybe after 1 or 2 month i will leave UK so .... who meet me before ,,know me,, better           :thumbsup:

I repeat. Maybe i didnt made myself understood....
Saturday i start a normal day i work half of that i didnt know my period will start ..i had some small back pain but wasnt sure is from period.
Sometime is from the bad weather from UK.
I respect all punters and i love my job.

Next time dont hurry to put a review ,,,just visit me and after if u are not happy u can put even a negative one.....

Take care

Use Google excuse generator. Next time

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@OP  Thanks for review.

Although small consolation, she did at least contact you to cancel and not just go AWOL on you. That would have led to a negative for sure.

Also there are some WG's that use sponges and continue to work...IMO, that's not so good either, especially when you get down to RO!!

On balance, due to some good reviews, Raquel would still remain on my hotlist as she looks like a seriously hot fuck...of course there's still Michelle Independent in the West Midlands you can see..


  • Guest
@OP  Thanks for review.

Although small consolation, she did at least contact you to cancel and not just go AWOL on you. That would have led to a negative for sure.

Also there are some WG's that use sponges and continue to work...IMO, that's not so good either, especially when you get down to RO!!

On balance, due to some good reviews, Raquel would still remain on my hotlist as she looks like a seriously hot fuck...of course there's still Michelle Independent in the West Midlands you can see..

Its not the period I mind, its the sense that if the shoe was on the other foot and I had been sick at 4pm I would have probably been labelled a timewaster with bad feedback on AW. Also she was offering a limited service on the monday so why could she not have done the same for me. I just wanted to meet her given the fabulous reviews but never had the chance. Not bleeding heart, not sour grapes, just not how I like to be treated.

As for Michelle, sure she is lovely but no, I have gone back to the territory I am comfortable with. God forbid I have a bad experience with her, not going to chance it. My foray into the world of EE was short lived.

My plan B was an English tour girl from Leicester, comms fantastic, arranged over the phone in 2 minutes and was on my way within the hour. Happy as Larry.

Thanks for the advice   :hi:

Offline Cuntminion

Its not the period I mind, its the sense that if the shoe was on the other foot and I had been sick at 4pm I would have probably been labelled a timewaster with bad feedback on AW. Also she was offering a limited service on the monday so why could she not have done the same for me. I just wanted to meet her given the fabulous reviews but never had the chance. Not bleeding heart, not sour grapes, just not how I like to be treated.

As for Michelle, sure she is lovely but no, I have gone back to the territory I am comfortable with. God forbid I have a bad experience with her, not going to chance it. My foray into the world of EE was short lived.

My plan B was an English tour girl from Leicester, comms fantastic, arranged over the phone in 2 minutes and was on my way within the hour. Happy as Larry.

Thanks for the advice   :hi:

Ee girls are awesome if you find the right one much prefer over English


  • Guest
Ee girls are awesome if you find the right one much prefer over English

I don't doubt it for a second.    :D


  • Guest
Not quite sure what's going off here other than there are a whole lot of posts that seem to be making an assumption or five.
As I see it, and this is consistent with my 'fluffy' posts on the subject:-

...Hawk pens a perfectly reasonable review which he generously gives a 'neutral...if I'd been let down two hours before a meeting with Raquel it would have been a negative from me.
...the georgeous, wonderful Raquel who is a top punt and who I am clearly in lurrrrrve with  :wacko: posts a reply that gives a reasonable explanation......all credit to her for doing that.
...Hawk sort of accepts the explanation but understandably is still a tad pissed problem with that
...all sorts pf comments then come flying in about Hawk being correct in posting his review even though, unless I've missed it, no one complained that he had.
...can't find anything particularly agressive or sensitive from Raquel in her posts

That seems about it....simples
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:48:07 pm by Dodo »

Offline Cuntminion

Not quite sure what's going off here other than there are a whole lot of posts that seem to be making an assumption or five.
As I see it, and this is consistent with my 'fluffy' posts on the subject:-

...Hawk pens a perfectly reasonable review which he generously gives a 'neutral...if I'd been let down two hours before a meeting with Raquel it would have been a negative from me.
...the georgeous, wonderful Raquel who is a top punt and who I am clearly in lurrrrrve with  :wacko: posts a reply that gives a reasonable explanation......all credit to her for doing that.
...Hawk sort of accepts the explanation but understandably is still a tad pissed problem with that
...all sorts pf comments then come flying in about Hawk being correct in posting his review even though, unless I've missed it, no one complained that he had.
...can't find anything particularly agressive or sensitive from Raquel in her posts

That seems about it....simples

Dildo dropping a neg or neutral on a popular sp is a thankless task

If genuine and I believe so I will commend the reviewer


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Dildo dropping a neg or neutral on a popular sp is a thankless task

If genuine and I believe so I will commend the reviewer
Everyone includuing myself has.......that is exactly why I cannot understand the fuss. Guys are arguing about nothing that needs arguing happens all the time because to many do not RTFP's


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Dildo dropping a neg or neutral on a popular sp is a thankless task

This for me goes to the heart of the matter. Plus the reaction of the WG herself.

 It is the lesson I have learned.

Thanks Com.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 09:04:13 pm by Hawkwind71 »


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This for me goes to the heart of the matter. Plus the reaction of the WG herself.

 It is the lesson I have learned.

Thanks Com.
Hawk, read back on the thread.....your review was appreciated and accepted as an honest neutral. Can't see what your being so sensitive about.