Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Reviews - Long or short  (Read 1126 times)


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What's the general consensus on review length? 

I see some on here like an English essay exam question answer, other are very short and straight to the point. Do people like reading the longer ones, eg - she had a slight scar under her left tit, behind the dimple next to the pimple.


  • Guest
I prefer the short straight to the point ones   :sarcastic:


  • Guest
I don't mind as long as they aren't full of fluffy guff or are so sparse it takes 5 pages of questions to find out if she kisses.


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I like them long and as full of fluffyguff as possible.


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Offline Malvolio

Offline PLeisure

Why go with the "general consensus" ?

What do you prefer...  :hi:


  • Guest
Given a choice between a and b I choose option c both of the above. At the start of each review a brief summary that includes the key information at a glance, followed by a longer blow by blow account .  If the girl is of no interest - or the reviewer is one I know does not share my taste - I can ignore the longer piece.  But better to have the extra detail and not need it than need it and not have it.  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
I prefer short. But if it's a girl I'm interested then I'll read a long one. I'll even read the porn novels/fluff pieces sometimes. I'm pretty sure I do it to to annoy myself in the same way I do when I read certain Facebook posts - no idea why, maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment.

To be honest though people should write however they want as long as they're not doing any harm.


  • Guest
Reviews can be long or short, it's your style of writing that determines if it'll be a helpful review or not.

Fluffy reviews aren't helpful as, like the definition of the term, it makes something bigger and better than what it actually is. Creative flair is one thing, embellishment and being flamboyant is another.


  • Guest
How much do we get paid again? Oh that's right - we do it for free. So I think it's up to us. Sometimes I write long reviews, sometimes short, depending upon how I feel at the time. I write it for me, to reflect upon my punt, and to share with others who have shared with me. Think my review is too short or too long / who cares?


  • Guest
Reviews can be long or short, it's your style of writing that determines if it'll be a helpful review or not.

Fluffy reviews aren't helpful as, like the definition of the term, it makes something bigger and better than what it actually is. Creative flair is one thing, embellishment and being flamboyant is another.

Ok, so if you could just pin down and define exactly what a "fluffy review" is that would be great.  Because according to you being creative is ok but embellishment is not right? Oh, hang on, embellishment is just adding detail for decoration. Err...isn't that the same as being creative?  And what about flamboyant? Err, isn't that just confidence and style - ie creativity???

As I've said before if there are such a thing as "fluffy punters" (and I'm not saying such a thing even exists) then they would sit at one end of a spectrum, and at the opposite end would sit misogynistic punters who have zero respect for women/escorts and see them as just warm, moist fuck toys to be used as they see fit. For example Zzzxx who recently admitted to secretly filming escorts against their will and uploading videos to the public internet.

But it would be a spectrum, not something black and white.  In my view reviews and punters at either extreme would be bad, and most of us hopefully would sit somewhere in the middle.  Assuming that to be the case, then as long as our reviews are appreciated by likeminded punters then they are valuable - to some extent almost regardless of where on that spectrum we sit although I for one would argue against extremes either way, even though it seems nigh impossible to draw a line. 

Offline iPad3

I like to keep them short and to the point, being a gentleman I never reveal details of what goes on in the bedroom element of the punt , this would of course betray my chosen companions trust. I always like to remind my fellow punters to book said lady and that they should treat her well if they do so.

Cheers !! :hi:

Offline wristjob

I think more information is always useful, you can always ignore it. Personally I used to write somewhere in between, maybe 20-20 lines. I think there is certain information that does need including such as location, what services you went for, what were refused, cost more etc. I find kissing is an annoying area - it can vary widely, is important to many people yet there is often not much detail on how well she kissed. Another are I like covered is face - again important to many people yet most profiles don't have face pics. As long as the above is there with some words to join it up all good.

I do find too much detail a slog. I definitely don't care if you took her flowers or she didn't have earl grey tea. Also too much on sex positions. I generally assume it's a given she's do most positions so graphic detail on all that is superfluous unless she actually refused or was a lazy cowgirl etc.

Offline smiths

What's the general consensus on review length? 

I see some on here like an English essay exam question answer, other are very short and straight to the point. Do people like reading the longer ones, eg - she had a slight scar under her left tit, behind the dimple next to the pimple.

Whatever length a reviewer chooses. When admin posted about reviews he said he used to post short reviews and used one of Steve2s as an example of a review he saw as just fine. But entirely up to the punter to decide which is one of the very good things about UKP in my view.

Offline smiths

I don't mind as long as they aren't full of fluffy guff or are so sparse it takes 5 pages of questions to find out if she kisses.

Indeed, for ME its handy to know what services she offers, did she charge what she advertises at or try to ask for extras, what was her attitude like, what area and first part of postcode ideally is she in, what age roughly was she, where from did she say she comes from in not a Brit and did she look like her photos, and if she has a link always include that and if its an A/W link include her numbered link as that will bring up any other reviews on the same WG on here using that link.


  • Guest
I like to keep them short and to the point, being a gentleman I never reveal details of what goes on in the bedroom element of the punt , this would of course betray my chosen companions trust. I always like to remind my fellow punters to book said lady and that they should treat her well if they do so.

Cheers !! :hi:
I hope you remember to tell them to raise their prices too.  ;)

Online threechilliman

Given a choice between a and b I choose option c both of the above. At the start of each review a brief summary that includes the key information at a glance, followed by a longer blow by blow account .  If the girl is of no interest - or the reviewer is one I know does not share my taste - I can ignore the longer piece.  But better to have the extra detail and not need it than need it and not have it.  :thumbsup:

Pretty much how I do it, the last sentence being particularly important. I have a shocking memory, so my reviews help me to remember what happened and helps me decide whether I want to see a girl again. I had one last year with a reg that i didn't review and have no recollection of it whatsoever.


Offline lostandfound

I don't mind - so long as they're within rules set by admin, I appreciate th effort made by the poster putting up the review. I tend not to read the long ones, though if it was a provider I was thinking about seeing I suppose I might do.

Offline Daffodil

Personally I think long reviews are a waste of the internet. I can rarely be arsed to read them. Mills and Boon? No thanks.

That said I appreciate that others love to ramble/be rambled to and I have no real problem with that.

Ideally I'd like short and snappy to kick off with (with a picture, it's not hard) and then if you want to pen the great romance story of the 21st century you can be my guest  :hi:

Offline sublimetoridiculous

What matters is whether all the essential information has been included. The ideal review has no replies on here, as all questions have been already answered in the content.


  • Guest
What matters is whether all the essential information has been included. The ideal review has no replies on here, as all questions have been already answered in the content.
Including all the relevant information won't stop people asking the questions. It's clear that some people ask question before they've read the entire review. However in general I think most reviewers would like to see a reply or two as feedback to, or just an acknowledgment of their review.

Offline regular_guy

each to their own,  but some short reviews really give me no information whatsoever so i ignore these.  Essays bore me after a few minutes.  I tend to read the ones that take 2-3 minutes to go through as that keeps my attention and as long as its got all the key points on what her place is like,  her attitude,  whats she will and wont do and then a summary on value for money and would the punter return then thats good as far as i'm concerned.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

How much do we get paid again? Oh that's right - we do it for free. So I think it's up to us. Sometimes I write long reviews, sometimes short, depending upon how I feel at the time. I write it for me, to reflect upon my punt, and to share with others who have shared with me. Think my review is too short or too long / who cares?


Most of my reviews will follow a certain structure that hopefully covers the bases - AW Link, Comms, Location, Cost, Girl's looks/personality, Events of the meet including services, Positives/Negatives, Summary and whether I would see again or recommend.

Exceptional meets will get a more befitting review.

Offline cueball

Why go with the "general consensus" ?

What do you prefer...  :hi:

This ^ is exactly how to do a ukp review


  • Guest
Silly question just like asking what the perfect punt is so different for all of us.

My perfect review is not having to write a bad one !

Offline RedKettle

Important thing is to write a review!  Length up to you.

Online threechilliman

Important thing is to write a review!  Length up to you.

Yep, any info is better than guessing.



  • Guest
I wonder what Stapler's views on this are? He seems to have an opinion on most things....  :unknown:

Offline nike

Given a choice between a and b I choose option c both of the above. At the start of each review a brief summary that includes the key information at a glance, followed by a longer blow by blow account .  If the girl is of no interest - or the reviewer is one I know does not share my taste - I can ignore the longer piece.  But better to have the extra detail and not need it than need it and not have it.  :thumbsup:
+ 1
I loathe and dismiss reviews that do not even offer basic information.

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

If it's too long then I'd wager a lot of it won't get read by 99% of people, unless someone is really interested in the girl in question. However when it's a couple of lines it seems almost pointless - on the east of england board the other day some bloke put up about 5 really short reviews in quick succession and immediately got banned, presumably the two things were related?


  • Guest
I like reviews with section headings in bold then easier to find the bits I'm interested in with ease.  Pictures always nice to (Not of the reviewer).