Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: A punter's view of the world  (Read 1141 times)

Offline nottguy

Not posted for a long while but something happened today that made me actuely aware that I'm part of this "alternative" world.

I'm heading out with the missus, there is a car on our street that I've not seen before, a very nice white BMW, the door opens and a stunning girl climbs out, dressed up in a figure hugging white dress. She looks like she's come from a well paid exec job but it's 6pm on a Sunday evening of a bank holiday weekend. My immediate thought is she's a WG on an outcall to one of my (very lucky, if it is) neighbours. Didn't look too closely at her face, she had an amazing arse that I wanted to take in and I didn't want to recognise her from my extra curricular activities and show any sort of recognition in front of the missus but I gave me a giddy little thrill to think about this girl being on the game even if it wasn't true.

Not expecting any reply but felt compelled to share my thoughts, it reminded me it has been far too long since I last punted. It's probably wishful thinking on my part that this girl is available but it's strangely nice to have an alternative view on seemingly innocent comings and goings. Probably also a sign that I've abstained from punting for too long and should re-engage sooner rather than later.

Offline PLeisure

I enjoy those private moments when you spot a potential WG in public and wonder to yourself, "does she?"  :drinks:

Wonder if her profile indicates anything along the lines of, "Please be reassured, I am the very model of discretion"  :D 


  • Guest
Great observation and it happened twice to me, once at a block flats where I was waiting to be let in for a punt (discretely I may add) Then this drop dead gorgeous blonde in a skimpy black dress climbs out of a limo and goes in ahead of me. Outcall?? To my incall punt building? The nerve.

Second time was better, walking along a street in Kensington suddenly found myself following an amazing piece of ass going in my same direction. She stopped at a door where she pressed a buzzer and waited looking a little awkward before disappearing indoors. Again very similar to what I have done myself but the other way round.

Both could have been completely innocent. As the OP says, its the slant my inner punter eye puts on the probable innocent situations that is so enjoyable and makes me appreciate our secret little world.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 10:23:44 pm by Hawkwind71 »

Offline Dime

Totally understand what the OP means. IMO, the exciting thing is the element of secrecy that both punters and WGs have. Coming on here, I feel like I'm part of a secret society in the sense that none of my family and friends know I punt, this is the same for WGs, in essence we live a double life. I have seen hot girls out in the street, in pubs and clubs on a Friday night, at uni and realize any one of them could be a WG in secret. A lot of WGs I see are just ordinary girls trying to earn money, usually students, or they have a daytime job. For me, the beauty of it is no one really knows for sure, and we can fantasise about certain girls being escorts.

Offline PLeisure

Had a quietly amusing moment whilst in a large health food store in Kensington a couple weeks back. Out of the organic shampoo aisle emerged two pneumatic EE girls, very well groomed and possibly enjoying their day off as they were in sloppy designer tracksuits. They were chattering away in Polish and caught my eye. Which they noticed and lowered their voices to whisper to each other whilst looking at me. I flashed a knowing smile their way, they reciprocated. That was enough entertainment for one afternoon, however. I made my way to the Male Health supplements area  :cool:


  • Guest
Had a quietly amusing moment whilst in a large health food store in Kensington a couple weeks back. Out of the organic shampoo aisle emerged two pneumatic EE girls, very well groomed and possibly enjoying their day off as they were in sloppy designer tracksuits. They were chattering away in Polish and caught my eye. Which they noticed and lowered their voices to whisper to each other whilst looking at me. I flashed a knowing smile their way, they reciprocated. That was enough entertainment for one afternoon, however. I made my way to the Male Health supplements area  :cool:

This could be a potentially hilarious thread. I agree Dime, just like secret society. It's the thrill that we know something they don't know. God I'm a lucky fucker.

Offline threechilliman

Great thread and I know exactly what you mean :thumbsup:


Offline purple_t

Had a weird moment myself yesterday. Was out with some friends, had a meal and some drinks. I wanted to get the last bus home but it never turned up! Didn't want to fork out for a taxi on my own, so rejoined my friends, some of whom were still out, so I could get a taxi with them.

I just wanted to get home but they dragged me to a nightclub. Arrived and there was a big group of girls dancing in the middle, with loads of blokes stood around the outside staring at them. Occasionally a guy would approach one of these girls and try his luck, only to get shut down. They would then return to the bar, somehow convincing themselves that having another drink would improve their chances. Most of these girls were barely above average lookswise but acting like they were god's gift to the world.

The whole time I was just thinking that these guys would be better off spending their money on punts rather than alcohol, at least then they could have guaranteed sex and probably of a better quality too, a wouldn't be hungover the next day.

That's when I realised I have the mind of a punter now, and not a 'normal' guy (whatever that is).

Offline Smoking joe

Ha, I was actually on my way to another meet and killed 5 minutes in a tesco express when I spotted a girl who I immediately recognised from awork, she was doing some grocery shopping, but even then looked filthy. I played it pretty cool and instead took pleasure from watching the faces of the security guard and other bloke shoppers who were walking around with their tongues out.

I actually checked out a mum at a soft play earlier, looked reasonably dirty, fake tan etc etc and my immediate thought was whether she was a wg. I think I need to get out more?
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Offline iPad3


I'm abroad currently and had a day off so went to the pool, saw 2 EE hotties in very sexy bikinis posing and taking photos of each other, my immediate thoughts were they are taking photos for their AW profiles.

I hope to see the photos pop up in London shortly as a duo booking will be made asap if I do!!

Offline Tiger63

This happened about 4 years ago at a mates wedding.
A guy who we all knew was there and he`d been  single all his life and to the best of our knowledge he`d never had a girlfriend.
He turned up with an absolute fkin stunner....even the women who were there were drooling, she was gorgeous. She was wearing a short blue dress with matching shoes and fantastic legs
She was all over him as well.
A couple of the lads were trying to find out who she was and where they`d met but she wasnt saying anything apart from what a lovely guy he was.
They stayed the night and in the morning they left in his car and we never saw her again.
We still ask him about her but he just says it was a quick fling he had.

Another quick one for you...I used to do a bit of taxi work in the late 80s and used to regularly get to pick up a couple of girls who worked out of a flat in Gateshead.
When they were doing incalls they would ask for me to drop punters off at their place.....I used to make the journey very uncomfortable for the punters..." what are you up to tonight then mate" or "Iam sure I know one of the girls who lives here mate" or the best one " do you need to stop at a cashpoint mate".
If I got the return it would be..." looking a bit flush there mate do you want the windows open" or a quick wink in the mirror and a " which one did you have mate"

Yes I know.....Iam a twat :dance: :cool: :hi:

Offline azrael

I'm heading out with the missus, there is a car on our street that I've not seen before, a very nice white BMW, the door opens and a stunning girl climbs out, dressed up in a figure hugging white dress. She looks like she's come from a well paid exec job but it's 6pm on a Sunday evening of a bank holiday weekend. My immediate thought is she's a WG on an outcall to one of my (very lucky, if it is) neighbours. Didn't look too closely at her face, she had an amazing arse that I wanted to take in and I didn't want to recognise her from my extra curricular activities and show any sort of recognition in front of the missus but I gave me a giddy little thrill to think about this girl being on the game even if it wasn't true.

I understand what OP's saying, im the oposite though i see a stunner and im like £120/130 or £150 anal included cim and swallows, i've been copped a fair few times by the ladies but just respond with a wink and the replies either a smile or a middle finger  :cool:

Offline PLeisure

I used to do a bit of taxi work in the late 80s and used to regularly get to pick up a couple of girls who worked out of a flat in Gateshead.
When they were doing incalls they would ask for me to drop punters off at their place.....I used to make the journey very uncomfortable for the punters..." what are you up to tonight then mate" or "Iam sure I know one of the girls who lives here mate" or the best one " do you need to stop at a cashpoint mate".
If I got the return it would be..." looking a bit flush there mate do you want the windows open" or a quick wink in the mirror and a " which one did you have mate"
 :dance: :cool: :hi:

Pure Evil..  :sarcastic:  :drinks:  :D