Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Georgia Banks  (Read 3298 times)


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FYI The happy one, and anyone else interested:-

The 40 min should be 30 min


But. Think it best that we leave it

You really are being to demanding and such hard work

Thanks for trying but I will leave it for a few weeks until I have met a few others

But so you you know

I will not be offering anything else except for half hours or full hours

No 40 min or 45

And once I start getting feedback my hourly rate will go back to £150


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This was Georgia Banks's first offer to me, which she sent via AW email:-

This was an email you replied to me with a little while ago Georgia:-


Well it is £100 for 40 min or £130 or an hour

Take your pick

Not going to do 45 min

But if you want you can book for an hour then either leave after 45 min

Or Take you time

As I have already taken £20 off my fee

No I am free from 11am

Not free at 11am

And yes that is all me

I have now had to take it down as someone I know has that photo of me and I don't want him seeing it so going to take a few more and add them when I can over the next day or two

Offline arthur

Hi The happy one. I've decided to bomb her out anyway now, she keeps messing me about with her rates. At first she emails me to say £150 an hour. Then she changes her profile without the pic that itk sent me, but her rate was showing £130 an hour. I sent her a message asking would she do 45 minutes, first she says yes but she'll only do 40 minutes for £100. but then she messages me to say that if I pop in less than an hour eg 40-45 minutes (as I'm only a one pop guy these days) She wants the full whack £130. I copied and pasted her original mail with the £100 for 40 minutes, only for her to say it was a typo. I've told her to forget it. I aint going to be piss balled about like that, I've had enough with some of these WGs trying it on all of the time.      :diablo:

The '3' and '4' are right next to each other on the keyboard, its clearly a typo. No one does 40 minute bookings anyway that's another clue she meant 30 as per her profile, she wont be seeing you so move on now, you do sound like hard work  :dash:

The happy one

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I thought that. He comes across as a little fixated.

Maybe her telling him to forget it for a while is a good thing


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If you mean that by asking questions, and trying my best to find out All that I can on Any WG, which Includes Georgia Banks, especially when she was using another girls profile. (which we should All be doing) Then Yes, I'm guilty as charged. "I'm Hard Work" The whole purpose of this site is to give each other info on WGs. Some of the guys on here have helped me a lot. I would like to think that I've also helped others to a degree. You can't lose site of the fact arthur, that this Georgia Banks, has fraudulently used the profile of a Dutch Pornstar, (Sandy Esko) so rightfully I was being ultra cautious with her.

Non of us want to get screwed over. We all need to know that there are scamming WGs out there. So coming on this site and helping each other is the Best Way of trying to be as sure as we can that the WG that we are booking to see is genuine, not trying to screw us over, constantly changing their rates.

I've already stated in an earlier comment on British/English WGs, whether they be white, brown, black, or whatever. If they're British/English, they seem to think they are something special, so they inflate their prices. Read above, this Georgia Banks has said that once she's got a few Positive FBs on AW, she's going to put her rates up to £150 an hour!

Now we all know that there are plenty of EE WGs out there who are offering their services at loads less. Ok I know that we've got the problem with the dodgy ones, particularly Romanian Girls, who've got themselves a bad name. Maybe I've been lucky, but I've seen quite few Romanian WGs over the last few months, and I've only had 2 not so good punts, one of which was a bait and switch, but still a good shag. So all in all, as I said in another comment, we get a Better Bang For Our Buck with EE WGs.
But as Always we need to do our homework on them. So again arthur, if I'm guilty of asking questions, doing my homework? Then Yeah I Am Friggin "Hard Work".
These WGs like Georgia Banks come out with these words to try and make themselves look like the offended ones, trying to justify what they're doing. You, and everyone else who allows themselves to get sucked in by these British/English dolly girls are Not Helping The Cause. You Keep Paying, And They'll Keep Taking, and Hiking their rates.I'm quoting "FACTS" here arthur, and we All Need To Wise Up. End Of Rant!   :diablo:


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 Wtf am I fixated on The happy one?    :unknown:

The happy one

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She is not using another girls profile. She is using her own profile. She used another girls photo.

She listened to what you said and removed it

When you first emailed her she was £150 same as when I emailed her

How much did she quote you then for a 45 min meeting

I will say it again


you are going into it like a forensic specialist but not noticing the facts

She has sent me a couple of photos of her today. And fuck me she is a stunner. She sent them when I asked her nicely what did she look like


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Yes ffs The happy one. I have to watch every f.....g thing I say with some of you guys. Ok she's using her own profile "AGREED" But itk warned me right from the start that her profile pic wasn't hers! She stole it from the Danish Porn Star Sandy Esko. So, if she's going to be decietful, and lie about her pic, what else will she lie about? Once trust is gone, it's gone as far as I'm concerened. How can anyone trust her with anything she says?
I, personally aint going to allow myself to get screwed over by her, or any other lying, overpiced prozzie. She's a money grabbing liar. If you want to see her? You can have her mate. But she won't get a bloody dime outta me. As I've informed you, she's told me that as soon as she starts getting FB she'll be upping her rates to £150 an hour. Well she can f..k right off as far as I am concerned, along with All of the other overpriced British/English WGs, White, Black, Brown, or any other frigging colour.

End of Rant.


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And before you say it again The happy one, I know that her rate was originally £150 an hour. Which to me is too much! (babe, or no babe) Yeah she's lowered her rate for now, but like she's said; As soon as she gets some feedbacks she's going to be upping her rates back to £150 an hour, no different than most of the rest of these greedy British/English prozzies. Well thanks, but for me it's No Thanks, when we can get a good session by a lot of these foreign WGs for anything between £80 & £100 an hour, and I've personally had a lot of good ones for those prices. Surely We All Want The Best Bang For Our Buck? Pun Most Definitely Intended

So that's now definitely my Rant Over.    :angry:


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Yet another new profile I've just recieved from AW. Just goes to compound my point. Yet another overpriced British/English prozzie. It's Very Rare (If Any?) to find a British/English WG who is offering her sevices for a fair price. One of these days some of you guys will wake up? I could fill this site up with lots more examples/profiles of these overpriced British English WGs.    :dash:  :dash:  :dash:  :dash:


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Sorry, forgot the link with me ranting on, here it is:-

Link to this Profile Page using External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - Get QR Code


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You can have this:-

Link to this Profile Page using External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - Get QR Code

Or this:-

Link to this Profile Page using External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - Get QR CodeRomanian

For the same rate. Need I say more?


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How about this? Look at her profile pics, Yeah British, but looks like a bloody druggie:-

Link to this Profile Page using External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only - Get QR CodeBritish

What I've put on here are just a couple of examples. WE All Know What The Score Is?

Some of you guys need to wake up, and smell the coffee. Either that that, or you've got more money than sense?

Yeah, I've been accused of being Hard Work, but who started with that accusation? Have you worked it out yet???? Georgia friggin Banks! Well Well.

A few weeeks ago I was being accused of being fluffy, and sticking up for a particular WG. But now you The happy one seem to be standing the corner of little miss innocent Georgia Banks. Well you go for her mate and give her justification for hiking her prices.

Offline arthur

The fact that she used a different pic on her profile has been noted and now linked to her profile through this thread, that's all that is needed for future punters to read through when researching her. If you wont be seeing her then that should be enough, time to move on and find another escort to try and see.


  • Guest
Yet another one. Nothing special about this one as far as I'm concerned. LOOK AT HER RATES?

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You can be sure of that arthur. Really Sure.

The happy one

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I hope I am not coming across as sticking up for her

I was trying to help you see that you had it slightly wrong in how you was trying to explain what was winding you up

For me I will see her at £130 she is about what I normally pay for an hour

I have her real photos she sent me so I am happy


When you first emailed her when she was £150 how much did she quote you for 45 min.

If she puts her rates up to £150 once she has good feedback that is up to her. You was happy to meet her at that rate

Maybe it will work for her maybe she will get a dusty phone.

Sorry if you thought I was having a go at you

Offline itk

Yes ffs The happy one. I have to watch every f.....g thing I say with some of you guys. Ok she's using her own profile "AGREED"  But itk warned me right from the start that her profile pic wasn't hers! She stole it from the Danish Porn Star Sandy Esko. So, if she's going to be decietful, and lie about her pic, what else will she lie about? Once trust is gone, it's gone as far as I'm concerened. How can anyone trust her with anything she says?
I, personally aint going to allow myself to get screwed over by her, or any other lying, overpiced prozzie. She's a money grabbing liar. If you want to see her? You can have her mate. But she won't get a bloody dime outta me. As I've informed you, she's told me that as soon as she starts getting FB she'll be upping her rates to £150 an hour. Well she can f..k right off as far as I am concerned, along with All of the other overpriced British/English WGs, White, Black, Brown, or any other frigging colour.

End of Rant.

For the second time RRR I did not warn you about this fake photos of this girl. If you're going to quote what people say to you make sure you get the right person.  :dash:
One more thing, for someone who said a few days ago you were bombing her out, just do that. Stop going on and on and on.....
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 11:39:27 am by itk »

Offline itk

Thanks for that cunnyhunt. I'm getting well suspicious sbout this one mate. Think I'll probably give her a miss. I "MAY?" be missing out on seeing a real babe, but I aint risking £120 for 45 minutes if there's the remotest possibility I may not get what it says on the tin? Do you think she's Ronseal cunnyhunt? Or anyone else?    :unknown:

There you go RRR, it was cunnyhunt who outed the fake pics.


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Apologies itk. It wasn't you who gave me the tip off about Georgina Bank's fake pics, it was cunnyhunt, so I do apologise for making that mistake.

When it comes to her pricing, she initially stated that she was charging £150 an hour, and £100 for 30 minutes. I then asked her if she would do 45 minutes? (as I'm only a one pop guy these days) She then said yes it'll be £120. Then she changed her rates on her profile to £130 an hour, so I asked her again what she would charge for 45 minutes. She answered by changing her mind and saying that she won't do 45 minutes, but she'll do 40 minutes for £100. When I agreed to that, she then said No I meant 30 minutes, Typo (fair enough, we all make typo's occasionally). She said if I want I can book her for 1 hour, if I pop after 40-45 minutes I could then leave early. But I'd still be paying for a full hour. It's then that I thought f...k this, I've had enough. Yes, she said to me; I think it may be better if you just leave it, which I Instantly agreed to do.

Full Story. Full Stop.