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Author Topic: My cock has been through complete hell this week  (Read 5860 times)

Big Cat

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A week or so ago it started to burn when I peed, so I went to the docs and got misdiagnosed with Ballanitis. Sat there putting cream on my dick for a week and obviously did nothing because the doc got it wrong.

Went back and was told actually, it's non-specific urethritis. Thing is by this point my eye (my actual eye) also became completely fucked. Red, watery, supremely irritated. Doc thought I had chlamydia for sure so sent me off to the GUM clinic.

I don't know who else has ever had their penis swabbed, but for me it was one of the most unpleasant feelings I've ever felt in my life. I was looking at the swab thinking there's no way that could possibly fit down my japseye without causing excruciating pain. Well, I was right. Call me dramatic but it absolutely killed me and I was miserable the whole day afterwards. But... nothing showed up on the swab so looks like I'm STD free for now.

Eye swab, blood sample, urine sample results coming back next week so if those come back positive for anything, I've got a fair idea of 4-5 WGs it came from. Will probably need to consult with someone here before opening that can of worms though, if it comes to that. 

Anyway, take the pain that comes from pissing with an NSU, and times it by a trillion after having your penis swabbed. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I sat on the toilet for half an hour each time I needed to piss, letting it trickle out super slowly in tiny spurts while I violently pinched my ear to balance out the pain. Horrible, just fucking horrible

Somewhat better this morning, I think the Doxycycline is kicking in. Getting some drops for my eye today too. Just need to wait on results hopefully Monday.

Not sure if anyone cares, just felt like posting about it in case somone's experienced something similar or does in the future. This is my first punt-related STD scare... not fun!



  • Guest
My cock went through hell too - over use!

I hope it all clears up soon. And no I'm not going to kiss it better! ;)

Big Cat

  • Guest
I hope so too mate, thrown a right spanner in my summer punting plans!

I did feel ridiculous checking UKP on my phone in the GUM clinic reception  :D almost slapped myself


  • Guest
Sounds shit, sorry your doctors shit.

I f eel your eye pain self inflicted wanking accident for me.

Have you tried some proper cranberry juice, very good for piss sting !

Offline dboy74

Hope the lil fella makes a full recovery  :thumbsup:

Offline claretandblue

Sorry to hear that big cat, you should have gone straight to the gum on day one ,they are generally very good while gp's are generally clueless. ..

As for whether you should name names on here I personally reckon it could cause you more aggravation than its worth

Big Cat

  • Guest
Sounds shit, sorry your doctors shit.

I f eel your eye pain self inflicted wanking accident for me.

Have you tried some proper cranberry juice, very good for piss sting !

Yeah, that's what I reckon; made penis/eye contact somehow. Thanks for the cranberry juice tip... will give that a go!

Hope the lil fella makes a full recovery  :thumbsup:

He's never been more little than when the nurse pulled that swab out!

Big Cat

  • Guest
Sorry to hear that big cat, you should have gone straight to the gum on day one ,they are generally very good while gp's are generally clueless. ..

As for whether you should name names on here I personally reckon it could cause you more aggravation than its worth

Yeah will keep that in mind for future, would have cleared up by now if I'd done that.

Not sure what I'll do if I get bad news on Monday, will need to think about it.... you're right though, could be more aggravation than it's worth!

Offline Boundless

I can concur about having the wotsit stuffed down your cock - bloody agony!
The doc at the GUM clinic was a total cunt, patronising, judgemental and a complete arsehole.
Ok so we turn up there because we've probably been doing something that we shouldn't but if he doesn't like working there he should fuck off and try stacking shelves for £6.50 an hour instead of moralising and doing his best to hurt you with his swab down the cock trick on his £80k salary!
 :angry: :angry:


  • Guest
Sorry to hear that big cat, you should have gone straight to the gum on day one ,they are generally very good while gp's are generally clueless. ..

As for whether you should name names on here I personally reckon it could cause you more aggravation than its worth
Think its unfortunate the big cat was quick to review so that cans open !


  • Guest
At least you'll be prepared for urethral sounding now!

Big Cat

  • Guest
Think its unfortunate the big cat was quick to review so that cans open !

The cans out... but whether it's opened is completely dependant on my results!

Offline NIK

A week or so ago it started to burn when I peed, so I went to the docs and got misdiagnosed with Ballanitis. Sat there putting cream on my dick for a week and obviously did nothing because the doc got it wrong.

Went back and was told actually, it's non-specific urethritis. Thing is by this point my eye (my actual eye) also became completely fucked. Red, watery, supremely irritated. Doc thought I had chlamydia for sure so sent me off to the GUM clinic.

I don't know who else has ever had their penis swabbed, but for me it was one of the most unpleasant feelings I've ever felt in my life. I was looking at the swab thinking there's no way that could possibly fit down my japseye without causing excruciating pain. Well, I was right. Call me dramatic but it absolutely killed me and I was miserable the whole day afterwards. But... nothing showed up on the swab so looks like I'm STD free for now.

Eye swab, blood sample, urine sample results coming back next week so if those come back positive for anything, I've got a fair idea of 4-5 WGs it came from. Will probably need to consult with someone here before opening that can of worms though, if it comes to that. 

Anyway, take the pain that comes from pissing with an NSU, and times it by a trillion after having your penis swabbed. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I sat on the toilet for half an hour each time I needed to piss, letting it trickle out super slowly in tiny spurts while I violently pinched my ear to balance out the pain. Horrible, just fucking horrible

Somewhat better this morning, I think the Doxycycline is kicking in. Getting some drops for my eye today too. Just need to wait on results hopefully Monday.

Not sure if anyone cares, just felt like posting about it in case somone's experienced something similar or does in the future. This is my first punt-related STD scare... not fun!

I cringed just reading this as it brought back horrible memories. My cock is extremely sensitive and I once had to have something similar around ten years ago.  I had two nurses and a female doctor around me. I recall her saying, 'You've gone very pale.' 'At least I have three nice ladies to look after me,' I squeaked before virtually passing out.  Was scared to even try to piss for hours afterwards. Never again!  :scare:

And to think some people actually pay to have things shoved down their dicks!  :crazy:
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 02:05:01 pm by NIK »


  • Guest
So i understand it was OWO which caused all these problems?


  • Guest
According to Doctor Google,  chlamydia can show symptoms one to three weeks after exposure but maybe longer on rare occasions.

Assuming this is chlamydia, then you should at least warn the girls you've seen in the last three weeks.

Be interesting to see who keeps her green light on. :thumbsdown:

 I'm not sure how long after possible exposure to wait for reliable test results, but I'd think anyone you've seen in the past week should be taking at least a week - -  probably two weeks - - off.

Unlikely to happen.  :bomb:


  • Guest
The cans out... but whether it's opened is completely dependant on my results!

And how long will that be? Who's booked in to see your most recent punts in the meantime?

Big Cat

  • Guest
I cringed just reading this as it brought back horrible memories. My cock is extremely sensitive and I once had to have something similar around ten years ago.  I had two nurses and a female doctor around me. I recall her saying, 'You've gone very pale.' 'At least I have three nice ladies to look after me,' I squeaked before virtually passing out.  Was sacred to even try to piss for hours afterwards. Never again!  :scare:

And to think some people actually pay to have things shoved down their dicks!  :crazy:

I'm still getting phantom shooting pains down my penis now and again when I think about it. Think I've been legit traumatised!

So i understand it was OWO which caused all these problems?

I guess so, I definitely didn't BB anyone.

Offline NIK

So i understand it was OWO which caused all these problems?

I believe it was for me. Although it was discovered when I was in hospital for something I believe unrelated. I was taken in with chest pains. They then discovered I had a urine infection. The cock investigation, whatever it's called, took place some weeks after I'd been discharged. After suffering the trauma of the investigation I was all clear.  :rolleyes:

Big Cat

  • Guest
According to Doctor Google,  chlamydia can show symptoms one to three weeks after exposure but maybe longer on rare occasions.

Assuming this is chlamydia, then you should at least warn the girls you've seen in the last three weeks.

Be interesting to see who keeps her green light on. :thumbsdown:

 I'm not sure how long after possible exposure to wait for reliable test results, but I'd think anyone you've seen in the past week should be taking at least a week - -  probably two weeks - - off.

Unlikely to happen.  :bomb:

The penis swab showed up negative, so it's unlikely I have chlamydia as far as I understand. I'm fairly certain it's just an NSU which will clear up in a week or so.

And how long will that be? Who's booked in to see your most recent punts in the meantime?

Should get all results back on Monday...


  • Guest
It's incredible - i will start gearing up for another punt today afternoon - and again this sort of stuff pops out. It will make you to think twice...

OP - i hope all your tests will be negative.


  • Guest
Sorry to hear that BC and hope the tests come back negative.

Remember the last time I was swabbed down there and yep, that was certainly an eye opener in more ways than one. And to think people pay for that? <shudders>

Offline Boundless

Sorry to hear that BC and hope the tests come back negative.

Remember the last time I was swabbed down there and yep, that was certainly an eye opener in more ways than one. And to think people pay for that? <shudders>

As I said, I think the cunt doctors do it deliberately!


  • Guest
Think its unfortunate the big cat was quick to review so that cans open !
By sheer coincidence I happened to text one of BC's recent reviews yesterday before this thread was started and she was at the Dean St Clinic getting the all clear! Won't name her unless she comes up as a possible source. BC unless you are reviewing a lot of WGs retrospectively you seem to get through a lot of different girls in a short amount of time, not criticising, just pointing out that it may be difficult for you to trace the source if it turns out that you do have something passed on to you by a WG.

Offline sushi

How can she know she's getting the "all clear" until she gets her results which I'm pretty sure takes about a week..


  • Guest
How can she know she's getting the "all clear" until she gets her results which I'm pretty sure takes about a week..
Dean St offer an express service, but I may be wrong. I haven't used them and the GUM that I use does take about a week.

Offline claretandblue

By sheer coincidence I happened to text one of BC's recent reviews yesterday before this thread was started and she was at the Dean St Clinic getting the all clear! Won't name her unless she comes up as a possible source. BC unless you are reviewing a lot of WGs retrospectively you seem to get through a lot of different girls in a short amount of time, not criticising, just pointing out that it may be difficult for you to trace the source if it turns out that you do have something passed on to you by a WG.
It won't be difficult,it will be impossible

Offline anyfucker

Dean St offer an express service, but I may be wrong. I haven't used them and the GUM that I use does take about a week.
Dean Street Express at 34 Dean Street normally text you the results within a few hours.
Some of the tests are done in-house and for the others (blood?) they have a service level agreement with an independent lab, several couriers every day.
AFAIK the only test that is instantaneous is one for HIV, you see it in front of your eyes.

Offline pork sword

FUCK ME!!!! All this makes me wanna 'hang my cock up' and retire off to the sunset..... :scare:

Offline winkywanky

Totally agree about DSE, they're brilliant. All results the same day.

The only caveat of course, is that some of the things they test for may not show up in your body for up to 3 weeks after exposure. So anything you've caught within the last 3 weeks from doing something unprotected (like OWO) doesn't necessarily show up.

And if you're a regular punter and going to DSE (you should go regularly, like the girls should) then it's probably worth getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B. 3 jabs within about a month, and then a final booster 6mths later. Better safe than sorry.

Offline winkywanky

...and it's all free and totally confidential, your GP doesn't even get to know.

Offline winkywanky

And sorry Big Cat, I should have of luck with whatever's ailing you, I hope it's nothing nasty.


  • Guest
BC wrote

"I don't know who else has ever had their penis swabbed, but for me it was one of the most unpleasant feelings I've ever felt in my life. I was looking at the swab thinking there's no way that could possibly fit down my japseye without causing excruciating pain. Well, I was right."

Having suffered a cystoscopy (fibre optic camera up the japs eye to the bladder) a couple of times then believe me the swab is trivial.  :scare: :scare:
Indeed, I have also had just the swab - and it was fairly trivial.  I am sure a LOT depends on the skill of the person doing the job. In both my cases it was a relatively young nurse, albeit slightly plump, and the bigger problem was not getting a hard-on. Maybe that would have helped?  :wacko:   OK, stings a little bit but not mega. It was enough to postpone a punt for a day but no more.


Offline arthur

Just reading about it hurts, I hope this never happens to me 

Good luck with your results, it may not be connected to punting at all

Online PLeisure

BCat, it's good that you (plus others in similar circumstances) continue to post such threads. We're all dedicated to our indulgences; that does need to be tempered with these reminders to play safe. 
Hope it all works out OK for you  :hi:

Big Cat

  • Guest
By sheer coincidence I happened to text one of BC's recent reviews yesterday before this thread was started and she was at the Dean St Clinic getting the all clear! Won't name her unless she comes up as a possible source. BC unless you are reviewing a lot of WGs retrospectively you seem to get through a lot of different girls in a short amount of time, not criticising, just pointing out that it may be difficult for you to trace the source if it turns out that you do have something passed on to you by a WG.

You're right mate, it would be pretty much impossible for me to trace the source and I don't fancy messing with anyone's livelihood/reputation so I guess despite a gut feeling on 1 or 2 girls, I'll keep shtum.

I should stress again though that I'm fairly positive I DON'T have an STD and that the results will come back negative (the penis swab turning out negative was a huge relief). I made this post more to share my pain of post-penis swab urination... and I guess to remind everyone of the risks we're open to when we punt. I'm certain I have a basic NSU and that I infected my eye myself by carelessly touching it.

Having suffered a cystoscopy (fibre optic camera up the japs eye to the bladder) a couple of times then believe me the swab is trivial.  :scare: :scare:
Indeed, I have also had just the swab - and it was fairly trivial.  I am sure a LOT depends on the skill of the person doing the job. In both my cases it was a relatively young nurse, albeit slightly plump, and the bigger problem was not getting a hard-on. Maybe that would have helped?  :wacko:   OK, stings a little bit but not mega. It was enough to postpone a punt for a day but no more.

That is undoubtedly worse than what I went through, but I feel like having pain when I urinated due to the NSU and then having the swab done ON TOP of that and having to urinate after... next level pain which I can't describe as trivial.

Thanks to everyone offering well-wishes and advice, much appreciated.

Big Cat

  • Guest
As I said, I think the cunt doctors do it deliberately!

My guy wasn't too bad, quite a gentle soul actually. Got lucky there!

Offline peter_bungee

I think it was johnnyboy who accused me of seeing girls when i started a similar thread funny he pops up whenever an std is mentioned  :lol:

I went through all this recently, i was getting small amounts of watery discharge and slight pain when peeing, had 2 full GUM clinic evaluations (for piece of mind) and multiple urine samples all came back clear and different docs gave me different antibiotics

Mine went further, i went to a urologist who gave me a cystocopy (u can read my thread) which makes the swab test look like a walk in the park!! My swab was ok but i had to be sedated for the full pipe

Your eye problem must be unrelated as unless a girl squirted in your eye dont see how it could be infected

My issue turned put to be NGU ie urethral irritation which doctors couldnt explain why, i was given some antibiotics and am now fine.   I personally overreacted and saw multiple docs /urologist as i have medical insurance.   I remember them all saying if for it to be std usually u experience sharp pains when pissing and thick discharge - i had neither

I personally have only done owo twice and dont do it now to be safe


  • Guest
I'm fairly positive I DON'T have an STD and that the results will come back negative

What ever the cause is still fucking stings.

What else can cause this other than sex ? I imagine wanking with bacon wrapped round it isn't to safe. But what else to avoid

I'm certain I have a basic NSU


  • Guest
I think it was johnnyboy who accused me of seeing girls when i started a similar thread funny he pops up whenever an std is mentioned  :lol:
Now don't start that again! I don't wish to go over old ground, but remember everything was based on what you had already posted in different threads, I just pulled them together in one place.  My other comment was to let the doctors do the job and not to rely on amateur online diagnosis.  Sensible advice I think.

To get back to this thread, the first thing that I did was to go back through BCs recent reviews to see if he had seen any of the girls that I had. I am sure that I am not alone in doing this and I suspect there are many London punters who have done the same. It turns out that we had seen a girl within a similar time frame, so I was of course quite interested in his comments, and by pure coincidence I had texted the same girl whilst she was at Dean St. Clinic waiting for results before the thread was started.  Worthy of a mention? Probably. Sorry if it seems I have a fascination with STDs; I don't, but I count myself lucky that despite only recently going for tests, in over twenty years of punting I have never contracted one.

Offline LoneWolf2020

blowjobs with those ultra thin condoms are brilliant. its hard to tell the difference. i think im going to play things safe from now on and rubber up for blowjobs too.

Big Cat

  • Guest
What ever the cause is still fucking stings.

What else can cause this other than sex ? I imagine wanking with bacon wrapped round it isn't to safe. But what else to avoid

Well I'm uncircumcised, and apparently this kind of thing can flare up in uncircumcised men if they've not washed properly down there.

Another cause could be, say, I scratched my bumhole and then had a wank without washing my hands.

It can also be caused through overly vigorous sex, which will damage the urethra temporarily and allow bacteria to do its thing easier (again this will be more common in uncircumcised men).

As I say, I'm fairly certain I've not got anything serious, but will post result when I get them.

Big Cat

  • Guest
I personally have only done owo twice and dont do it now to be safe

I'm done with OWO too. Well... that's what I say now anyway.

Offline LoneWolf2020

good luck, sounds like you're over the worst


  • Guest
I feel your pain dude. Same thing happened to me - including getting the red eye. Basically we have a bacterial infection in the cock and when you're in the shower if you wash your bits then touch your face without washing your hands hey presto bacteria transferred into eyes. Nasty.

I went to the gum had the massive dose of antibiotics, everything cleared up thank fuck. All my results came back negative so it wasn't an sti just a random bacterial infection. I did ring the gum clinic and asked "if it wasn't an sti what caused it?" The response was it could be anything.

Worst few weeks of my life that was!

Thankfully it will get better then the horn will take over and you'll be back punting before you know it ;)

Offline Marmalade

For people who travel it's worth getting all your jabs done including hepatitis and keeping a record of when and where, that way you know how long the shots last for.

Conjunctivitis eye infection is a known potential complication in chlamydia but can also be caused by other things of course and chlamydia can be symptomless in more than 50% of cases (it's the UK's commonest STI in young people). Most recent medical stuff I've read says it can persist for a long time or clear spontaneously after a year to four years. Doxycycline is the commonest treatment (which of course you can buy yourself although it's medically advised not to) partly I suspect as it's cheap. 100mg orally twice a day for 7 days. Chlamydia can get convoluted which is why GUM clinics tend to be recommended technically over GPs.

Offline Marmalade

I feel your pain dude. Same thing happened to me - including getting the red eye. Basically we have a bacterial infection in the cock and when you're in the shower if you wash your bits then touch your face without washing your hands hey presto bacteria transferred into eyes. Nasty.

I went to the gum had the massive dose of antibiotics, everything cleared up thank fuck. All my results came back negative so it wasn't an sti just a random bacterial infection. I did ring the gum clinic and asked "if it wasn't an sti what caused it?" The response was it could be anything.

Worst few weeks of my life that was!

Thankfully it will get better then the horn will take over and you'll be back punting before you know it ;)

This is it, sometimes they just can't tell. They whack it with a massive dose of antibiotics and see if there's a result!

Offline daveev

A few years ago, i got a kidney stone stuck in my urethra, and when i pissed it hurt, granted not like yours sounds like, they found it with a ultra scan and had to go up and grab it, just putting ideas out, cos they are little fucks, with razor blade like sides, and move every time you piss, making the urethra contract around them, maybe maybe not. 

Big Cat

  • Guest
I feel your pain dude. Same thing happened to me - including getting the red eye. Basically we have a bacterial infection in the cock and when you're in the shower if you wash your bits then touch your face without washing your hands hey presto bacteria transferred into eyes. Nasty.

I went to the gum had the massive dose of antibiotics, everything cleared up thank fuck. All my results came back negative so it wasn't an sti just a random bacterial infection. I did ring the gum clinic and asked "if it wasn't an sti what caused it?" The response was it could be anything.

Worst few weeks of my life that was!

Thankfully it will get better then the horn will take over and you'll be back punting before you know it ;)

Thanks mate, that's very reassuring. I started on the Doxycycline last night and eye drops earlier today, hopefully it'll be gone in a week and I'll be back in punt mode  :drinks:


  • Guest
On my one and only visit to a GUM clinic, when the nurse swabbed Hirohito's eye, I swore I would never go near a WG again, probably not even a female!
a week later as soon as I got the results (infection but not STD) I celebrated by booking a punt!


  • Guest
Thanks mate, that's very reassuring. I started on the Doxycycline last night and eye drops earlier today, hopefully it'll be gone in a week and I'll be back in punt mode  :drinks:
Give yourself plenty of time to recover mate. I had an NSU recently and my cock didn't feel better until three weeks after I took the single dose of antibiotics. Look on the bright side, save your punting money during that time for an extra special punt when you're fully recovered. I also learnt a valuable lesson - not to risk OWO. Too bad that I had to go through all that discomfort and worry to learn it though!

Also, all the talk about the swab in your chap's eye. It's not all that bad. Think of it as the first step towards diagnosis and recovery when we have symptoms of an STI. I don't want people to be frightened off from getting themselves checked out, by these scare stories. I've had worse happen to my cock! The infection itself hurt far more than a cotton bud!
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 09:02:12 pm by LL »