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Author Topic: WGs who tour: where to post review?  (Read 692 times)


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I'm getting my nerve up to post a couple of reviews. One of the WGs is one whom I met whilst she was in Oxford. She is based in Manchester but tours a lot and will be (so she says) giving up her flat soon and will only be touring.

Do I put her in the appropriate forum for Oxford (I think that is South East England) or do I put her in Manchester?

Offline Juankerr

I review touring Ladies in the area that I meet them but make a mention of the fact they were on tour.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 08:28:10 pm by Juankerr »


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Is there a way to duplicate reviews so that you cover the tour location and the WG's normal working location.

I want to write a negative review but this WG keeps moving between luton, Hertfordshire and leeds


  • Guest
Is there a way to duplicate reviews so that you cover the tour location and the WG's normal working location.

I want to write a negative review but this WG keeps moving between luton, Hertfordshire and leeds
James most people search by the AW number when checking people out (Or do I assume wrong ?)so likely the bad review will be found by most doing their due diligence.

Offline berksboy

  "most people search by the AW number when checking people out "   Am sure thats the best way to go .

Offline cueball

I'd post a review of a touring lass in the area I podged her, nw podge=nw review


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Offline Daffodil

If the prossie is always touring and/or I find it difficult to work out where her "base" is I'd post in the region I punted her.

If it's obvious she spends most of her time in x, only touring intermittently, I'd post my review in x. More likely to be useful to other punters then. She may never even return to the region you saw her.