Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: A moral issue  (Read 4046 times)

The happy one

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Three weeks ago I emailed a girl on adultwork. she replied with her number. we exchanged a few texts and then spoke on the phone.

She agreed to come to mine if I met her from the station and sent her the money for the train ticket. Alarm bells went off but it was less than £18

thought I can afford to lose that. well surprise surprise when the money cleared into her account I heard nothing from her

a few texts and calls and nothing.

Well this week after leaving it for a couple I went out and got another sim card and sent a text.
She replied have been texting on and off and have now arranged a date for this evening same thing can I pay the train ticket for her.

I have said that as I want her for three or four hours there will be no trains for her to get home so I will book a hotel where she is as it is 30 min away and maybe make it an overnight

she has jumped at this and has now sent me photos

a quick go on tineye and  her instagram account come up

now my issue

her adultwork profile is down

if the booking goes ahead tonight I am going to be a very happy guy
if it does not then part of me feels it should be game on for ripping punters off
she did have great feedback on her profile
but where would I stand outing someone as a prozzie on here with her number and her email and the photos she sent me

they could have been lifted

or do i say when it goes tits up that i have her instagram account details and see if she then wants to honour the arrangement or is that blackmail

Offline walshy101

if it goes tits up name and shame that is what this service is for to share good and bad experiances, personally i wouldent blackmail as the consequences are to high hope this helps

Offline itk

Personally I'd turn up and tell her it's me who she ripped off for the train fare. Then tell her to fuck off. Then name and shame her


  • Guest
Looks like a scam, I would have NEVER EVER sent that "train money". Regardless of how many feedback she has (which could be all fake on AdultWork).

I hope you are not going to send more money.

The happy one

  • Guest
Looks like a scam, I would have NEVER EVER sent that "train money". Regardless of how many feedback she has (which could be all fake on AdultWork).

I hope you are not going to send more money.

No that is why I suggested a hotel near where she is.

giving the reason that when we finsih there will be no trains. I get the feeling she wanted the job at first but then when it took over a week to sort out she lost interest

was thinking more about where i would stand if i posted her photo email phone number on here

if not her photo as i have no way of proving the photo sent was sent by the girl and not someone who has ripped it off


  • Guest
Shag her and at the end tell her you're the guy she ripped off. Enjoy the look on her face and better still, take a pic of her priceless expression!

Offline Cuntminion

I'm sure this is a known scam that's popped up here before

Offline Sir Lance-a-lot

My suggestion would be to call it off without leaving her time to arrange another booking, then tell her why.  You've lost £18, she will lose maybe £100+ in lost income.   Then contact Admin and get her on our blacklist for theft.

Offline Mansell

My suggestion would be to call it off without leaving her time to arrange another booking, then tell her why.  You've lost £18, she will lose maybe £100+ in lost income.   Then contact Admin and get her on our blacklist for theft.

Given where you now are I think this is your best solution. If you see her it just isn't going to go well as it will be in your mind the whole time and you may well do something you regret and end up in an even bigger mess ie you tell her, she starts shouting at you and you hit her, police come round and you get arrested for assault. It just isn't worth it, you've got a little bit of revenge on her, just settle for that.

Whilst I wouldn't have sent the train fair to a WG I had never seen before I think I would have just left it, life's far too short and the amount too small to get into all this kind of crap.

Offline Silver Birch

Personally I'd turn up and tell her it's me who she ripped off for the train fare. Then tell her to fuck off. Then name and shame her

I would bother going to any trouble meeting her, just do the last bit. She is a thief!

Tony Montana

  • Guest
If it does go ahead, you can still knock £18 off her fee.

Offline leatherlover

Just fucking name the bitch. Wants train money for a ticket less than £18 in circumstances where she charges / has charged £100 plus per hour? Scam artist all round.

Offline Clanger

As you say, the photos could be fake so they don't mean anything. If she was a no-show the first time and she didn't have a good explanation, I wouldn't risk any more money. If you go to Bristol or Exeter, the streets are full of beggars asking for "money for a train fare to get home", it's an old scam, very likely she's playing the same game.

If you've already sent her another £18 for another train ticket, then all you can do is cross your fingers that you haven't been fleeced. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

If she does turn up and things go well, I would shut up about the £18 you lost the first time and put it down to her being a bit flakey. I'd want my money if she was a thief, but I wouldn't care about a mere £18 if it's just a case of her being scatterbrained rather than malicious.


  • Guest
Even if you really want to see her then don't send the money, buy the ticket online and tell her she can pick it up from a ticket machine at a station of her choosing. If she objects then you've got a scammer on your hands.

Of course she can still not turn up but at least you know the £18 you've lost hasn't gone into her pocket, and the fact that she won't get the money should put her off accepting.

Offline Zeusthedoc

She sent you pictures, but are they hers?

Offline Mansell

Offline shagbambi

I dont think you can post her name and photos as you have no proof that the girl you are communicating with is one and the same.

The happy one

  • Guest
So Happy One what happened ?

well once i made the offer of getting a hotel near her as there would be no trains when i had finished with her i did not hear any thing back

i wonder how many she is fleecing for £20

i can not post a link to her adultwork page as she has taken it down or adultwork has

i will keep trying but only offering to get a hotel where she is will not be sending any more money

should see the photos she sent

if only she did work then she would make a mint and i believe i have the girl i am talking to genuine photos got no way to prove it

although she has said to whatapp her and given me the number

so i think it could be just a shit at managing her time 19 year old

too much dope and vodka not enough time in the real world

Offline nike

Quite a few posters haven't quite grasped the situation.  The op is not going to send her any more money because he is going to book a hotel near the wg,  no or very little travel,  on her part.
I personally would arrange everything, with her , and wait for her in the bar.  When she turns up , phone her and cancel , tell her why, and watch the look on her face.  :yahoo:

Offline Mansell

well once i made the offer of getting a hotel near her as there would be no trains when i had finished with her i did not hear any thing back

i wonder how many she is fleecing for £20

i can not post a link to her adultwork page as she has taken it down or adultwork has

i will keep trying but only offering to get a hotel where she is will not be sending any more money

should see the photos she sent

if only she did work then she would make a mint and i believe i have the girl i am talking to genuine photos got no way to prove it

although she has said to whatapp her and given me the number

so i think it could be just a shit at managing her time 19 year old

too much dope and vodka not enough time in the real world

Thanks for update, sounds like time to forget and move on. Bet the photo's a fake and you can waste far too much time on it. Plenty more where she came from  :D

Max Pleasure

  • Guest
She clearly has no intention  of turning up and will probably resurface on AW as a different profile.

The happy one

  • Guest
She clearly has no intention  of turning up and will probably resurface on AW as a different profile.

I am hope to stay frendly enough with her so that if she does resurface with the old one or a new one I can then do a report on here with a link

Online Yorkle

Does the instagram profile name begin with the letter 'R'?

If so, I've had dealings with her as well.  She is quite clever, checks train times and costs so that they check out and happily sends enticing photos.  Not so clever in that she will drop her prices easily if you haggle and will offer services not previoulsy mentioned with no issue - all signs to me that the punt will never actually take place.  Then I found her personal instagram profile and then a twitter account (not difficult to do), and after a little probing she finally admitted to me that they were her when she was scared I might out her to her friends and family on Twitter.  Scammer for definite.

The happy one

  • Guest
Does the instagram profile name begin with the letter 'R'?

If so, I've had dealings with her as well.  She is quite clever, checks train times and costs so that they check out and happily sends enticing photos.  Not so clever in that she will drop her prices easily if you haggle and will offer services not previoulsy mentioned with no issue - all signs to me that the punt will never actually take place.  Then I found her personal instagram profile and then a twitter account (not difficult to do), and after a little probing she finally admitted to me that they were her when she was scared I might out her to her friends and family on Twitter.  Scammer for definite.


sounds the same as me

only wants to come to you via train

and yes sounds very very convincing on the phone

Offline arthur

If its a scammer I think you should give as much info as you can, or whatever you can, to stop other punters getting scammed. Even the Rachel information could be valuable to stop someone else getting scammed, and as a Punters forum that's probably what most here would want


  • Guest
Folks, always remember to take a screenshot of the AW profile at the first sign of a scammer you're dealing with. The profile may disappear but we can at least put it up as a warning to others. And of course email the link to her  :cool:

The happy one

  • Guest
I have had 2 emails from others who have been caught

so I think it is something that has to be done

at the moment I have her email address as

she asks you to pay into an account held by a Sophie Taylor

intsagram when you tineye the photo is


Online Yorkle

She has been discussed before on here, just spent ages looking for the post, and here it is:;topicseen#msg788484

Hope the link works!  I was also sent the same bank details, but declined the kind offer to pay her up front.

The happy one

  • Guest
this girls phone number is


seems she has been at it a long time

Offline leatherlover

She has been discussed before on here, just spent ages looking for the post, and here it is:;topicseen#msg788484

Hope the link works!  I was also sent the same bank details, but declined the kind offer to pay her up front.

Well done Yorkie! According to the sort code, the bank is in Wellingborough. Not that that is conclusive in itself.

Offline Marmalade

A moral issue indeed. Encouraging scammers by paying their train fare even if you "can afford to lose it" sounds pretty immoral to me. Of course, a skanky scammer may still be a good fuck. Better to get your money back by deducting it from the fee (pay half before bed and 'half' when she leaves), apologise profusely for being so immoral as to encourage her in the first place, thank her for being a great fuck and look forward to her mending her lowlife skanky ways.


The happy one

  • Guest
Well now her details are up that's the end of that

Offline Garden69

An interesting post. I get it that she is a scammer but I can also understand why some genuine girls may want something up front but only if they can't see proof you are genuine. It is easy for any one to waste someone else's time by making an appointment and giving a false name and address. If I were a WG that would piss me off a lot. Equally a scam which would cost time and money !

Offline Boundless

I may have missed something along the way.
However, if you've sent her money, i.e. a bank transfer, won't she have your bank details and your real name?
If so, I'd be a bit worried as to what she might then do. Of course you both have something to lose in a mutually assured destruction scenario, but who will come off worse?

Offline smiths

An interesting post. I get it that she is a scammer but I can also understand why some genuine girls may want something up front but only if they can't see proof you are genuine. It is easy for any one to waste someone else's time by making an appointment and giving a false name and address. If I were a WG that would piss me off a lot. Equally a scam which would cost time and money !

I would never pay any WG even a regular in advance of the day in person as who knows what might happen in the meantime. For the whole of my 32 years punting so far the norm has been cash in person and I see no reason for that to change anytime soon.

I have also read of WGs with good reputations up until that point conning punters by asking and then disappearing with their deposits, they presumably knew they were retiring so thought why not see how many mugs they could con.

Timewasters do genuine punters no favours that's for sure but a smart WG knows she will get them so its a case of dealing with them, an occupational hazard as are bad WGs sadly to those of us that like a bit of variety every now and again.


  • Guest
Folks, always remember to take a screenshot of the AW profile at the first sign of a scammer you're dealing with. The profile may disappear but we can at least put it up as a warning to others. And of course email the link to her  :cool:
Or print as PDF which grabs the whole page for reference.  Often do this in case if internet issues.

Offline Silver Birch

However, if you've sent her money, i.e. a bank transfer, won't she have your bank details and your real name?

The only thing that will show on her statement is the amount £18 and whatever reference was used. If he put his punting name or punt date etc as ref. then no problem.

Even if he used his real name he could still remain anonymous, depending on how Googleable (unusual) his name is and whether his name/location could be linked to any other details given out or social media.

Obviously the bank could trace the payment, but I doubt they would reveal details to wg.

Offline Boundless

The only thing that will show on her statement is the amount £18 and whatever reference was used. If he put his punting name or punt date etc as ref. then no problem.

Even if he used his real name he could still remain anonymous, depending on how Googleable (unusual) his name is and whether his name/location could be linked to any other details given out or social media.

Obviously the bank could trace the payment, but I doubt they would reveal details to wg.

Maybe it depends on the account.
With mine if someone pays me it shows the name of the account holder and the reference as well.

Offline Boundless

Do we know for sure that it's girl let alone a WG?
Has anyone actually met her?
Could just be some dude phishing, using fake pictures and scamming guys into paying upfront.

Offline G-style

However, if you've sent her money, i.e. a bank transfer, won't she have your bank details and your real name?
you can walk into a bank and pay cash into a stated account. They don't need to know anything about you.
so if i have your account details I can pay you without anyone knowing who I am.
If you would like to test this then send me your account details with ref Nigerian Prince 419   :cool:


Online Yorkle

Do we know for sure that it's girl let alone a WG?
Has anyone actually met her?
Could just be some dude phishing, using fake pictures and scamming guys into paying upfront.

She sent me some pics which are of the same person as the Instagram and Twitter profile pics, so the only way somebody else could use these would be if they were a friend of hers on Twitter/Instagram as they are private accounts (ie not open to us to see). So it's either her doing the scam, or someone she knows doing it without her knowledge.  Either way, there wouldn't be a meet.

The happy one

  • Guest
She sent me some pics which are of the same person as the Instagram and Twitter profile pics, so the only way somebody else could use these would be if they were a friend of hers on Twitter/Instagram as they are private accounts (ie not open to us to see). So it's either her doing the scam, or someone she knows doing it without her knowledge.  Either way, there wouldn't be a meet.

A very nice sounding girl is in on the scam at the very least as I have spoken to her.

She was in no rush to get off the phone so is prepared to put the time in

And I used one of those pay as you go credit cards you get over the counter so there is no name or address that can be linked

£20 was no big deal it is the thought I had been conned that got me going

Offline Boundless

A very nice sounding girl is in on the scam at the very least as I have spoken to her.

She was in no rush to get off the phone so is prepared to put the time in

And I used one of those pay as you go credit cards you get over the counter so there is no name or address that can be linked

£20 was no big deal it is the thought I had been conned that got me going

Yes it would get me going too.
Glad to hear that she can't trace anything back to you, the scheming cow!

Might give her a ring though, be cheaper than a sex chat line.  :D
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 08:22:32 pm by Boundless »

The happy one

  • Guest
Yes it would get me going too.
Glad to hear that she can't trace anything back to you, the scheming cow!

Might give her a ring though, be cheaper than a sex chat line.  :D

she has a nice photo on whataps with her and her friend nearly up to thier bikini clad butts in the sea

The happy one

  • Guest
sorry for bumping this but it seems she has now closed her number down

anyone having any luck playing on twitter with her she still seems to have her other app


« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 07:13:38 pm by The happy one »

Offline Happylad

sorry for bumping this but it seems she has now closed her number down


She`s probably been reading this thread and realised that she`s been well and truly lumbered.

The happy one

  • Guest
phone is back on

there is a nice whatsapp photo for those who have it

looks like she must be trying to scam another few guys from the train fair