Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Attracting attention when your out with a WG  (Read 5966 times)


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When I've gone out with a WG for dinner, I have always found it a real buzz when I notice others checking her out. She has worn something simple but alluring (for my benefit), and sexy enough to keep me thinking about what I'll be getting when we get back to the bedroom.

It's possible the public are checking me out I do resemble a suave, marty feldman...

Offline Marmalade

Err...why?  It's quite similar to Internet dating in some ways surely? I look for compatible women online, arrange to meet them and if we get along I might see them again, then gradually we take things further.
With punting we start with sex - which I pay for (almost invariably) and see if we get along well enough to socialise - which I don't pay for. Ok well it varies sometimes I pay for drinks / dinner but often we take turns.
With "regular dating" we start off socialising - which I pay for (almost invariably as per above) - and see if we get along well enough to have sex - which I don't pay for. Although sometimes after a really expensive gift or trip it might feel like I just paid.
I think you'll find its not black or white polar opposites but a spectrum. AW, SeekingArrangement, WhatsYour where you pay for the privelege of a date with no guarantee of sex, to regular dating sites.
As others have said somehow you always pay somewhere along the line.
Fair enough if you can't see any comparison to me it's perfectly clear. 

You seem to be an experienced punter Quesadilla with lots of sense to offer your fellow punters. But maybe just not on this occasion.

A rhino beetle has horns. Antelopes have horns. They have lots of similarities but only for someone fixated on horns. Actually they are nothing alike. Pictures attached. One's a fucking insect. (Not saying prossies are insects of course  :D :D ).

Dating is based on mutual attraction. That's what it is, mutual attraction. Fucking a prostitute, however 'gf-hoho-ee' she is, is based on you wanting to fuck her when she doesn't want to be fucked by you but will force herself simply for the money.

Same in nature. Some elements combine readily, some downright fucking refuse except under extreme conditions (such as certain 'inert' gases which combine with other elements under extremes of pressure. That's rather like your "whore date." If you somehow start dating (i.e. not paying her) then you are dating and not paying.

To say one "dates" a prostitute is meaningless unless:

*You simply mean you booked an appointment for a certain date, which is using the word in a different sense;  :dash:
*You are pretending (i.e. role-playing) a date, in which case you are fooling yourself (willingly no doubt  :rolleyes:)
*She works as a prostitute but not while you are with her (i.e. you don't pay her. Very few jobs are 24/7.)  :rose:

All this 'pretend' shit has largely drifted over from the U.S.A. where punters use all sorts of code to avoid entrapment by those little fuckers in uniform. I'm not surprised you get roll-y-eyes using it on here. But if you want to talk in hyperlanguage that's up to you.

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When you look at that girl's eyes either your realise she's not a prostitute or you have probably become too jaded to recognise the genuine shared joy: it comes from the heart, radiates from the eyes and moves the mouth on the way! Beetles, of course, can't smile. They don't carry the 'apparatus.'

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool:  :hi:
« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 09:35:49 am by Marmalade »


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You seem to be an experienced punter Quesadilla with lots of sense to offer your fellow punters. But maybe just not on this occasion.
Flattery will get you everywhere Marmalade!  :blush:
A rhino beetle has horns. Antelopes have horns. They have lots of similarities but only for someone fixated on horns. Actually they are nothing alike. Pictures attached. One's a fucking insect. (Not saying prossies are insects of course  :D :D ).

Dating is based on mutual attraction. That's what it is, mutual attraction. Fucking a prostitute, however 'gf-hoho-ee' she is, is based on you wanting to fuck her when she doesn't want to be fucked by you but will force herself simply for the money.

Same in nature. Some elements combine readily, some downright fucking refuse except under extreme conditions (such as certain 'inert' gases which combine with other elements under extremes of pressure. That's rather like your "whore date." If you somehow start dating (i.e. not paying her) then you are dating and not paying.

To say one "dates" a prostitute is meaningless unless:

*You simply mean you booked an appointment for a certain date, which is using the word in a different sense;  :dash:
*You are pretending (i.e. role-playing) a date, in which case you are fooling yourself (willingly no doubt  :rolleyes:)
*She works as a prostitute but not while you are with her (i.e. you don't pay her. Very few jobs are 24/7.)  :rose:

All this 'pretend' shit has largely drifted over from the U.S.A. where punters use all sorts of code to avoid entrapment by those little fuckers in uniform. I'm not surprised you get roll-y-eyes using it on here. But if you want to talk in hyperlanguage that's up to you.

When you look at that girl's eyes either your realise she's not a prostitute or you have probably become too jaded to recognise the genuine shared joy: it comes from the heart, radiates from the eyes and moves the mouth on the way! Beetles, of course, can't smile. They don't carry the 'apparatus.'

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool:  :hi:

A prostitute is not an insect as you point out. She is a woman.  As you say her job is not 24/7 so off the clock she is just a woman. So we agree I hope that sometimes a prostitute is just a woman and fucks who she chooses not just who pays her. Likewise she can date someone she likes purely because she likes them.

So unlike an insect which may have horns but can never be a deer a prostitute is both a hooker and a woman.

As I said my view is it's not black and white simply a spectrum. Sometimes a WG may meet someone through her work and be attracted to them. It happens. We have a number of members here who have dated escorts without paying or even married them.  We also all know escorts who are married or in civvy relationships.

Really not sure why it's so controversial to suggest a punter can date a prostitute?

In my view if I pay for an hour or two of sex and spend another four or five hours socialising - or a whole weekend for that matter as was the case with one reg,  and I don't pay her for her time then I say she's spending that time with me out of personal choice and not because I'm paying her. 

She could of course in that time be working instead so for her to spend it with me involves loss of earnings. Even if she hopes she will eventually make that money back in future bookings it's still not smart if all she's interested in is the money. And there have been times when no money changed hands so certainly by your definition sometimes definitely they were dates.

But even when I did pay, spending a four day weekend with a WG for the price of a couple of hours as happened to me repeatedly. In many cases just to add I was not taking her away for expensive trips or even meals out, just a weekend mostly hanging out, chatting, watching movies or in bed.
Also during that amount of time it would be very difficult to maintain a pretense of liking someone you really didn't. Frankly if someone is that good an actress and doesnt charge you very much for the performance then the pretend date might just as well be a real date.  :unknown:

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck I really don't see how you make it an insect.


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I approached a girl recently who was Lithuanian. I was chatting her up and she was loving it, but then this guy came out of nowhere and her face totally changed and she hesitantly said "uh that's my boyfriend" and i just said hi to him and bye to her, and it was nice meeting her and excused myself, but it got me thinking she was probably being pimped. I never seen a woman's face change so quickly as her's did when he turned up.

It could really have been her boyfriend.


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I approached a girl recently who was Lithuanian. I was chatting her up and she was loving it, but then this guy came out of nowhere and her face totally changed and she hesitantly said "uh that's my boyfriend" and i just said hi to him and bye to her, and it was nice meeting her and excused myself, but it got me thinking she was probably being pimped. I never seen a woman's face change so quickly as her's did when he turned up.
So because she is East European she couldn't possibly have changed her face because she was caught out by her boyfriend.  Next time I see a woman's face change that's great because she is thus therefore a whore.

Offline claretandblue

Err...why?  It's quite similar to Internet dating in some ways surely? I look for compatible women online, arrange to meet them and if we get along I might see them again, then gradually we take things further.

With punting we start with sex - which I pay for (almost invariably) and see if we get along well enough to socialise - which I don't pay for. Ok well it varies sometimes I pay for drinks / dinner but often we take turns.

With "regular dating" we start off socialising - which I pay for (almost invariably as per above) - and see if we get along well enough to have sex - which I don't pay for. Although sometimes after a really expensive gift or trip it might feel like I just paid.

I think you'll find its not black or white polar opposites but a spectrum. AW, SeekingArrangement, WhatsYour where you pay for the privelege of a date with no guarantee of sex, to regular dating sites.

As others have said somehow you always pay somewhere along the line.

Fair enough if you can't see any comparison to me it's perfectly clear.  :unknown:

Not saying they are exactly the same of course. I have a totally different intention and my intention is usually clear based on what kind of site I'm using. But there are more similarities than differences.
I'm not sure if you really believe this or whether you have repeated it so often on here that it now becomes second nature?

The main thing is you enjoy yourself so hats off for that but it is not dating it is punting!

If you start taking wgs out and not paying for the sex part then granted that's different

Offline Marmalade

I don't think it's worth arguing it with you Quesi, but really it doesn't "make it a duck". I don't know how many girls you have dated, in the normal sense of the word, but if you ended up paying then they were not really interested in you.

And even a wife that is wholly funded by her husband is acting like a whore.

Anyway, enjoy yourself  ;) ;)

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Going back to the start of the thread, could it have been father and daughter? Many fathers are an embarrassment to their daughters.


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Err...why?  It's quite similar to Internet dating in some ways surely? I look for compatible women online, arrange to meet them and if we get along I might see them again, then gradually we take things further.

With punting we start with sex - which I pay for (almost invariably) and see if we get along well enough to socialise - which I don't pay for. Ok well it varies sometimes I pay for drinks / dinner but often we take turns.

With "regular dating" we start off socialising - which I pay for (almost invariably as per above) - and see if we get along well enough to have sex - which I don't pay for. Although sometimes after a really expensive gift or trip it might feel like I just paid.

I think you'll find its not black or white polar opposites but a spectrum. AW, SeekingArrangement, WhatsYour where you pay for the privelege of a date with no guarantee of sex, to regular dating sites.

As others have said somehow you always pay somewhere along the line.

Fair enough if you can't see any comparison to me it's perfectly clear.  :unknown:

Not saying they are exactly the same of course. I have a totally different intention and my intention is usually clear based on what kind of site I'm using. But there are more similarities than differences.

No its not? Just because you make a profile and put a picture up doesn't make the two things the same. With sugardating arrangements, or whatsyourprice, the sole reason they are present is for monetary gain or expensive gifts. No 20 year old stunner is going to be out and about with a bloke double her age unless he looks like Johnny Depp.

There's no guarentee of sex on these sites, but I've bee on seekingarrangement, and throw 500 for a "date" and you'll have your pick of the fittest girls in London on there, far better looking than most of the renowned wg's out and about. They're not as good in bed in my experience + I don't like the bullshit surrounding it. I'm 26 and on nights out can only pull 6's and on a good night a 7. Boo hoo for me. I have a disposable income that I use to fulfill my rather ridiculous apetite for fucking 10/10 stunners, so I use it to get sex. These sites involve a hell of a lot of bullshit around the issues.

The girls like to pretend they're "high class" and "not escorts in any way". If that sort of thing works for you, sure, go for it, but barring me wanting to fuck them, I have no interest in socializing with these women, or having them pretend that they find me so charming or incredibly goodlooking.  I'm neither, and I've been fine with that for years.

Also, this stuff about paying down the line is something a lot of punters tell themselves to ignore the harsh truth. Take away the money, and these girls wouldn't give a flying fuck about us. Fair enough, its the way the world works.

For a married punter whose wife doesn't work, sure, fair enough. I haven't punted in 6 months cause I got a solid fwb thing going with a girl at work. She' no stunner, but attractive and we have a great time. I don't pay anything more than 50% on average, infact. She's got a great career...I doubt I'll be making substantially more money than I don't see how I'd every "pay for it" if this continues? I'm guessing that's the way it is with most couples where both people bring in a decent income.

Regular dating and sugardating/socializing with an escort are totally different. One's about feelings and actually caring for the person, another is just an elaborate ruse around what you really want from her, her lips around her your dick, and what she wants from you, your big fat wallet.  :hi:  . Take away paying for more than 50% of the stuff, which I'm sure you/any punter who socially sees wg's outside the bedroom , and the fact that while she's not on the clock, she's doing basic marketing - keeping her loyal clients just that, loyal and coming back for more, and they'll vanish.

I mean no offense by my post, and if it works for you, go for it. Don't try to make these situations  out to be things they're not, it'll only hurt you in the long run.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 02:27:11 am by rafatheira »


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No its not? Just because you make a profile and put a picture up doesn't make the two things the same. With sugardating arrangements, or whatsyourprice, the sole reason they are present is for monetary gain or expensive gifts. No 20 year old stunner is going to be out and about with a bloke double her age unless he looks like Johnny Depp.

Women don't care half as much about how a bloke looks as men do about how a woman looks.  What they care about is that he can provide for her. Whether that's providing a long term stable environment to have kids, or just short term monetary gain, they are actually much more pragmatic than men in my experience.  Now, that said, in an ideal world a woman would rather have a guy that looks like Johnny Depp and and has wads of cash as well but only the very best looking women can hope for such good luck in life.

Also, this stuff about paying down the line is something a lot of punters tell themselves to ignore the harsh truth. Take away the money, and these girls wouldn't give a flying fuck about us. Fair enough, its the way the world works.

Exactly - take away the financial security from a married woman and see how much she cares about her husband. Let her catch him punting or having an affair and watch the look on her face as she extracts his testicles slowly through his wallet.  That is the way the world works.

Regular dating and sugardating/socializing with an escort are totally different. One's about feelings and actually caring for the person, another is just an elaborate ruse around what you really want from her, her lips around her your dick, and what she wants from you, your big fat wallet.  :hi:  . Take away paying for more than 50% of the stuff, which I'm sure you/any punter who socially sees wg's outside the bedroom , and the fact that while she's not on the clock, she's doing basic marketing - keeping her loyal clients just that, loyal and coming back for more, and they'll vanish.

I mean no offense by my post, and if it works for you, go for it. Don't try to make these situations  out to be things they're not, it'll only hurt you in the long run.

Dating and mating are simply ways we fulfill a basic biological imperative.  Evolution has made it extremely pleasurable for men to fuck women as a way to ensure the survival of the species.  For a woman of childbearing age they need to feel genuinely cared for as that's natures way of keeping you with them while your offspring need to be looked after.  Once you take the kids out of the picture - ie for a bloke who has had kids and no longer feels that imperative - it's amazing how a lot of that romantic shit goes out the window and you just want that feeling of lips on your dick.

Let me give you a few more instances to think about given your statement that civvy dating is all about feelings and caring.

I've remained on good terms with my ex wife who I split from last year - to the point where I talk about my punting with her and she talks about her civvy dating through OLD sites.  For her, in 95% of cases it turns out that all the guy is after is sex.  Often at first they pretend they're interested in her as a person and that they care about her but when sex is either not forthcoming quickly enough, or when they have sex and decide actually it wasn't all that, they move on.  So tell us again how regular dating is all about feelings and caring etc?  Because it seems to my ex to mostly be about guys wanting to have sex for free or as cheap as possible.   Now, I am sure there are some guys who genuinely go on civvy dating sites looking for a long term partner to care about but they do appear to be a minority.  And quite likely that's only the real mingers who don't have any cash to offer financial security in the first place.

I also have a bunch of married friends - many of them have had an affair at one time or another - a few split up as a result.  42% of marriages still end in divorce in this country as in most of the western world.  Why is this?  When probed as to why my friends split up in most cases they tell me it's because they weren't getting enough sex at home.  Married guys appear to have the same strong drive to just have a girl's lips around their dick - well you only have to look at this site to see that's often the case.  Where is all the caring and feelings that would keep a guy 100% faithful and keep divorce from happening?

Your version of the world just doesn't make sense does it? If civvy dating / marriage is all about feelings and caring why are so many guys not feeling the love for their missus / from their missus anymore?  A cynic might say that for the missus now she's got what she wanted - once she's had kids she has financial security thanks to the divorce laws in this country that will ensure half of everything the guy earns from here til he dies are hers anyway.  She doesn't need to try so hard anymore does she as she's got what she wants which is financial security?  If that's not the case why do so many guys here say that despite telling their wives what they really want their spouse is completely unwilling to oblige? 

So personally I would say there is more bullshit in civvy dating - with guys who want sex pretending that they care about the feelings of a woman they want to bone and women pretending it's all about feelings and caring when actually what they are really interested in deep down is securing financial security for themselves and their offspring. 

AW at the opposite end of the spectrum is far more honest and pragmatic.  Sugardaddy, Seekingarrangement, Whatsmyprice etc fall somewhere in the middle. It's still sex for money, but it's not as straightforward an arrangement. The women in these middle ground sites in my experience fall into two camps.  Those that are looking for short term financial gain - either to pay for nice things or pay their way through uni, and those that are looking for a genuine sugar daddy - ie an older established guy with enough money to give them long term security.  The only difference between these girls and AW girls is they are not prepared to admit to being prostitutes.

But at the end of the day in my view there's nothing wrong with being a prostitute. It's the oldest profession for a reason and in many cultures historically it was not frowned upon the way it is today - all thanks to those prudish Christian bastards btw - miserable fuckers  :diablo:

As I said earlier for me being single after a long marriage I had no interest in civvy dating - just wanted some good female company and a guaranteed shag and could readily afford to pay for it.  If in some case the WGs in question were willing to spend quality social time as well then it's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.  Many escorts I have met are very intelligent, shrewd, pragmatic, and good conversationalists.  Having done civvy dating and those other sites I'd rather spend time with a working girl who has no illusions than deal with all the bullshit and pretense.   As to getting hurt - err, surely you are much more likely to get hurt in civvy dating where caring and feelings come into it than in an AW meeting which is very pragmatic?  :unknown:

Offline LoneWolf2020

i must admitt i'm a member of the 'i dont get why guys take them out' brigade. I dont understand it and i dont think i ever will however that doesnt mean i would berate the guys that do that sort of thing. my attitude is if you enjoy doing it then thats all that matters, i, personally see it as a waste of money and time, Also it all seems very artificial....i mean if you tell a joke how would you know if shes laughing with you or at you? :unknown: but i'm not going to sit and preach to the guys that are into that sort of thing because its up to them.


  • Guest
i must admitt i'm a member of the 'i dont get why guys take them out' brigade. I dont understand it and i dont think i ever will however that doesnt mean i would berate the guys that do that sort of thing. my attitude is if you enjoy doing it then thats all that matters, i, personally see it as a waste of money and time, Also it all seems very artificial....i mean if you tell a joke how would you know if shes laughing with you or at you? :unknown: but i'm not going to sit and preach to the guys that are into that sort of thing because its up to them.
Its no different to the guys that drink cum from the condoms in brothel bins.  I know I would rather go out for a social than do that any day of the week, but each to their owns as you say.

If you don't get why ask your self why you do what you do.  You purchase what your not getting in real life. Much like if your wife won't let you wear a pink tiara during sex and the escort does.

Offline The_Don

Travelling to a punt location, (I was just on time) I noticed a girl on the bus (in traffic). So so to ok looking, but what really drew my attention was her cleavage (nearly fully displayed). She gave me a bad look and moved her magazine to hide it. I just smiled (to myself) and carried on walking. About a minute later I heard a girl call my putting name. I carried on walking, and then again she called it out. I looked around and it was the W/G. I booked (seen her 3 times before) and she was on the other side of the road. I crossed over and she gave me a big kiss. I then noticed the girl on the bus was watching us and I lol. The W/G asked what was so funny, I told her the girl on the bus gave me a funny look. So we walked down the road and W/G, who was much hotter than the girl on the bus.

The girl on the bus got off and then walked to the down the road just behind us. The W/G then took her coat off (she had a nice black and red number on, that showed her shape). Then processed to DFK me as I felt her up (not very discrete but I didn't care and she knew it). As the bus was going past (with people looking) and the girl that got off had to walk around us.

As I processed to punt the W/G. I opened the window (as I was hot) only to see the girl from the bus, smoking outside (the next hotel) and she looked across at me. She may have heard us going at it and I hope she did.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 02:01:15 pm by The_Don »


  • Guest
Interesting read through this thread and it has certainly made me think.

Quesadilla makes some excellent points in my view, and I can see why others don't get it.

As for me I like the hot matures who clearly cannot be whoring… can they?? Get a slim classy sexy milf who can actually hold a conversation - now that's fun as the older guys around all look on but cannot believe quite what they are seeing. I love the confusion, and it is much less so when with a seriously young girl.

Each to our own, thats why we punt  :cool:


  • Guest
Interesting read through this thread and it has certainly made me think.

Quesadilla makes some excellent points in my view, and I can see why others don't get it.

As for me I like the hot matures who clearly cannot be whoring… can they?? Get a slim classy sexy milf who can actually hold a conversation - now that's fun as the older guys around all look on but cannot believe quite what they are seeing. I love the confusion, and it is much less so when with a seriously young girl.

Each to our own, thats why we punt  :cool:

Might have to try this purely for the buzz lol.


  • Guest
i must admitt i'm a member of the 'i dont get why guys take them out' brigade. I dont understand it and i dont think i ever will however that doesnt mean i would berate the guys that do that sort of thing. my attitude is if you enjoy doing it then thats all that matters, i, personally see it as a waste of money and time, Also it all seems very artificial....i mean if you tell a joke how would you know if shes laughing with you or at you? :unknown: but i'm not going to sit and preach to the guys that are into that sort of thing because its up to them.

It is, for the most part, the guy seeking validation. Why would you care what other people thought about the woman you are with otherwise? If I'm socialising in public with a woman, I couldn't give a shit if I'm impressing strangers or not. As long as I am enjoying her company and we're in the moment, then members of the public's opinions, whom I don't even know or care for, do not matter to me. If I am out and see a guy with a hot girl, yeah naturally I'll check her out for a few seconds but then I will forget about her/the couple. She is with another guy so what would I accomplish by constantly checking her out? Absolutely nothing at all; unless of course I'm going to go introduce myaelf to her, which obviously I wouldn't do out of respect to her bf/husband/etc.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 11:51:30 am by Oberyn1 »


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No its not? Just because you make a profile and put a picture up doesn't make the two things the same. With sugardating arrangements, or whatsyourprice, the sole reason they are present is for monetary gain or expensive gifts. No 20 year old stunner is going to be out and about with a bloke double her age unless he looks like Johnny Depp.

There's no guarentee of sex on these sites, but I've bee on seekingarrangement, and throw 500 for a "date" and you'll have your pick of the fittest girls in London on there, far better looking than most of the renowned wg's out and about. They're not as good in bed in my experience + I don't like the bullshit surrounding it. I'm 26 and on nights out can only pull 6's and on a good night a 7. Boo hoo for me. I have a disposable income that I use to fulfill my rather ridiculous apetite for fucking 10/10 stunners, so I use it to get sex. These sites involve a hell of a lot of bullshit around the issues.

The girls like to pretend they're "high class" and "not escorts in any way". If that sort of thing works for you, sure, go for it, but barring me wanting to fuck them, I have no interest in socializing with these women, or having them pretend that they find me so charming or incredibly goodlooking.  I'm neither, and I've been fine with that for years.

I've been considering the likes of SA and WYP for a bit, but put off by the possible futile nature of it.

Would you say that your dates on there usually end in the sack, or with a goodbye kiss at the taxi rank?‎