Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: New to the Forums, New to Punting.  (Read 869 times)


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Hi everybody, I have finally got around to registering myself an account. I've been lurking the forums since the winter just.

After much internal debate and a recent financial influx, I have decided to treat myself to an escort/punt/lady of the night ect ect (I'm still learning the lingo around here.)

This will be my first visit to an escort, apart from a couple of quick, fifteen minute, Amsterdam, window delights, and I'm a little perplexed as to who to choose?
At first I planned to visit someone that I found completely aesthetically attractive, rather than someone with a little more to them than just a cracking arse and rack. But now, after reading a lot of posts, I find myself swayed towards the notion of seeing someone with a bit of personality as well. I was originally worried that I would become either attached or guilt-ridden, but I strongly think a friendly, relaxing person that can hold a conversation would ease my nerves and be a sensible first time choice, as apposed to a straight up "suck, fuck, cum" kind of person. I hope I'm making sense.

I'm fairly dead set on booking a visit to see Charlotte Winters, she seems down to earth and an all around nice lady, but I am completely open to suggestions, that's why I am writing this.

Mollie Matthews is looking to be pretty high up on my future hot list, hotter than the sun. (But can I justify parting that amount of coin, for just a pop on her groin?)

Looking forward to the future and my time here on UKP, thanks for reading.


Offline Corus Boy

I've never visited Charlotte but I can't remember seeing anything bad about her.

The HNDF over near Windsor Quay will not let you down.

Avoid the pretty looking Romanians!

I was in a similar situation not too long ago.  After a disappointing parlour experience, I went to see Suki (External Link/Members Only is her new profile) over in Penarth, and found the massage/HE was a good introduction.  I did see Charlotte next (External Link/Members Only) and she definitely tries to set you at ease and build up to the action.  She was recommended to me as a newbie, and I would second that.

Once you're hooked, this post is very useful to identify the usual suspects:

Hope that helps.

Offline Corus Boy

I was in a similar situation not too long ago.  After a disappointing parlour experience, I went to see Suki (External Link/Members Only is her new profile) over in Penarth, and found the massage/HE was a good introduction.  I did see Charlotte next (External Link/Members Only) and she definitely tries to set you at ease and build up to the action.  She was recommended to me as a newbie, and I would second that.

Once you're hooked, this post is very useful to identify the usual suspects:

Hope that helps.

Another good suggestion.  It looks like Suki's account has been hacked!  I called her this morning and she is still available.

Hoping that this is not too close to touting, but until she gets her profile sorted her number is;