Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Quitting Punting  (Read 2330 times)


  • Guest

I know this topic comes up and goes down like someones underwear but thought I would share my thoughts.

For the past two years I have spent almost 12K on punting at VH in Lutterworth and a couple of punts from AW. I have said every time afterwards that I am going to quit until the urge has come on a few weeks later. I am long term married and do not have sex at all so decided a while back I would look elsewhere without the aggro.

Recently I have found the excitement has gone from the punts and it is almost predictable to be comical. Also I have sensed that some of these girls are really sad deep down and do not want to do the job, nothing obvious but you can tell. So I end up on a guilt trip and feel sorry for them (they are all £140 an hour girls not drug addicts on street corners).

I think one of the things about sex is that someone actually wants you and it is a bit of buzz.

Anyway so I have thought about quitting many times as I feel shit about myself doing this.

I watched American Beauty and Kevin Spacey came out with the line "Craig has to pay women to fuck him!".

If I was not so unhappily married I would not be doing this, but I need some physical attention.

I did consider the fuck buddy milf etc sites but then thought that would be aggro ending up on your doorstep.

Any how what are peoples thoughts on quitting and how to they feel afterwards and about the girls they see?




  • Guest
Thanks for signing up to UKPunting to tell us you've quit punting :rolleyes:

Offline Ipunter

Thanks for signing up to UKPunting to tell us you've quit punting :rolleyes:

12K...That's about 120 punts. Get the reviews up, never know might get you back into the game.

Offline cueball

Offline Cuntminion

Fuck I gotta watch American beauty again

Craig has sense how did it end for Lester  :D

Oh it's only a plastic bag nothing magical

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

Your guilt trip makes no sense as a first post ? And it seems your trying to make some members consider there actions... Are you a woman by any chance  :bomb:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Thanks for signing up to UKPunting to tell us you've quit punting :rolleyes:

Within 15 minutes of joining as well.       :bomb: :bomb:

Offline Cuntminion

Within 15 minutes of joining as well.       :bomb: :bomb:

Man knows what he wants  :unknown:

Offline smiths


I know this topic comes up and goes down like someones underwear but thought I would share my thoughts.

For the past two years I have spent almost 12K on punting at VH in Lutterworth and a couple of punts from AW. I have said every time afterwards that I am going to quit until the urge has come on a few weeks later. I am long term married and do not have sex at all so decided a while back I would look elsewhere without the aggro.

Recently I have found the excitement has gone from the punts and it is almost predictable to be comical. Also I have sensed that some of these girls are really sad deep down and do not want to do the job, nothing obvious but you can tell. So I end up on a guilt trip and feel sorry for them (they are all £140 an hour girls not drug addicts on street corners).

I think one of the things about sex is that someone actually wants you and it is a bit of buzz.

Anyway so I have thought about quitting many times as I feel shit about myself doing this.

I watched American Beauty and Kevin Spacey came out with the line "Craig has to pay women to fuck him!".

If I was not so unhappily married I would not be doing this, but I need some physical attention.

I did consider the fuck buddy milf etc sites but then thought that would be aggro ending up on your doorstep.

Any how what are peoples thoughts on quitting and how to they feel afterwards and about the girls they see?



See you later then, bye. :rolleyes:

Offline wheeliebinwanking


I understand there maybe a chance that you're a troll / woman / or a pre pubescent child . . . but like the legal system, I'll presume you innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, many other forum members will not. To be fair, this forums attracts many of the above as well as fantasists

However, some folk come on here for a cathartic release. Whilst I empathise with you..many on here will not. Do not be offended by such replies.

So you've spent £12k...that seems quite a lot. If you can easily afford it, why sweat it? That's about a punt a week right?

The WG game is the oldest trade in the book, don't feel guilty for wanting some physical attention, but if you're unhappy and considering quitting then you need to find another life enriching / affirming hobby as you're clearly not getting it from punting anymore.

Take a break, find yourself...


  • Guest
Driving up the m1 this evening I broke up the tedium of the 50mph endless stretch by stopping off at the services. There was a really pretty English girl working in the waitrose there who I had a nice chat with as I bought some random stuff. She was on the shift working 14:00-22:00. I left thinking "she's easily a £140 an hour girl - she could make much more money on aw and work less hours". Then I had a word with myself and actually thought good on her, well done to her for sticking at a low paid job on cack hours.

I wonder how many pretty girls do get suckered into making some easy big money webcamming or escorting?

Fair play to all of them.

So here's my contribution to this pointless rambling thread. As opposed to the ops at least my story is true ;)

Offline shagbambi

Thank you for taking the time to review your punts over the last two years.  Your contributions will be sorely missed by your fellow punters.


Offline wheeliebinwanking

Driving up the m1 this evening I broke up the tedium of the 50mph endless stretch by stopping off at the services. There was a really pretty English girl working in the waitrose there who I had a nice chat with as I bought some random stuff. She was on the shift working 14:00-22:00. I left thinking "she's easily a £140 an hour girl - she could make much more money on aw and work less hours". Then I had a word with myself and actually thought good on her, well done to her for sticking at a low paid job on cack hours.

I wonder how many pretty girls do get suckered into making some easy big money webcamming or escorting?

Fair play to all of them.

So here's my contribution to this pointless rambling thread. As opposed to the ops at least my story is true ;)

Nice one....

I found my mind quite hyperactive after a session with a SP. I normally go the massage HE route and as I prefer Asian ladies...a few days after a HE/HJ massage I can't look at one onthe street without thinking whether she does 'massage'

To be perfectly honest and add to the self loathing theme...I do not like myself for it. Normally passes after a few days. But punting in general can skew one's perception. That girl you 'chatted' with could be a student or on a journey to betterment...she needn't rely on her looks / body


  • Guest

I know this topic comes up and goes down like someones underwear but thought I would share my thoughts.

For the past two years I have spent almost 12K on punting at VH in Lutterworth and a couple of punts from AW. I have said every time afterwards that I am going to quit until the urge has come on a few weeks later. I am long term married and do not have sex at all so decided a while back I would look elsewhere without the aggro.

Recently I have found the excitement has gone from the punts and it is almost predictable to be comical. Also I have sensed that some of these girls are really sad deep down and do not want to do the job, nothing obvious but you can tell. So I end up on a guilt trip and feel sorry for them (they are all £140 an hour girls not drug addicts on street corners).

I think one of the things about sex is that someone actually wants you and it is a bit of buzz.

Anyway so I have thought about quitting many times as I feel shit about myself doing this.

I watched American Beauty and Kevin Spacey came out with the line "Craig has to pay women to fuck him!".

If I was not so unhappily married I would not be doing this, but I need some physical attention.

I did consider the fuck buddy milf etc sites but then thought that would be aggro ending up on your doorstep.

Any how what are peoples thoughts on quitting and how to they feel afterwards and about the girls they see?



So which bitter twisted hooker at VH in Lutterworth (or previous hooker now sacked due to bad attitude) are/were you?

May I suggest, as politely as I can,that you fuck off to SAAFE or mumsnet.


  • Guest
Yeah I do think the punting has corrupted my brain slightly, I'm relatively comfortable with playing the "how much would I pay for an hour with..." Game in my head when looking at colleagues etc. on the flip side I can also have a normal conversation with girls without thinking about sex every few minutes so it hasn't screwed me up too much  ;)

In reference to self loathing - I only get it after the (thankfully) rare awful punt. The one where you paid for half an hour but end up out of there in 15 having had the most depressing shag of your life. Then i wonder what the fuck I'm doing.

Offline The Hound

..cracks me up whenever anyone does the 'I'm quiting, goodbye cruel world' speech....can never figure why they just don't quit and get on with it and shut the fuck up!

Offline pumps

Long term married and you managed to spend 12k in two years without your Mrs spotting it, Well done.

P.S. thanks for all the reviews you posted on this forum.

Offline FCB

Yeah, OK, whatever, bye bye.
I don't understand why someone needs to anounce they're quitting punting, but to sign up to UKpunting and then use the first post to say he's quitting is ridiculous.

Offline smiths

..cracks me up whenever anyone does the 'I'm quiting, goodbye cruel world' speech....can never figure why they just don't quit and get on with it and shut the fuck up!

Thing is so many don't stick to it, one punter on here read about another punter saying he got a STI or thought he might of and posted that was it he was out, less than a week later he was posting about having an overnighter with a WG. Talk about a quick change of mind. :rolleyes:

Offline threechilliman

Like WBWing, I'll assume innocence until proven otherwise.

I don't know VH in Lutterworth, but assume you've spent £12K in two years shagging the same girls over and over? No wonder you're bored. Get out and find some new girls - that for me is where the excitement lies. I only return to girls where I think I can develop things a bit. In 16 months I've seen 58 girls, but only gone back to 6 of them. 2 of those have now been abandoned with 1 girl added to the 'Return' HL leaving 5. Only 1 is sure to get another visit this year.

Variety man, variety.....



  • Guest
Surely with your extra £500 a month (savings from not punting any more) you can afford a fairly good therapist - so you don't have to bother us!?

Offline The_Don


I know this topic comes up and goes down like someones underwear but thought I would share my thoughts.

For the past two years I have spent almost 12K on punting at VH in Lutterworth and a couple of punts from AW. I have said every time afterwards that I am going to quit until the urge has come on a few weeks later. I am long term married and do not have sex at all so decided a while back I would look elsewhere without the aggro.

Recently I have found the excitement has gone from the punts and it is almost predictable to be comical. Also I have sensed that some of these girls are really sad deep down and do not want to do the job, nothing obvious but you can tell. So I end up on a guilt trip and feel sorry for them (they are all £140 an hour girls not drug addicts on street corners).

I think one of the things about sex is that someone actually wants you and it is a bit of buzz.

Anyway so I have thought about quitting many times as I feel shit about myself doing this.

I watched American Beauty and Kevin Spacey came out with the line "Craig has to pay women to fuck him!".

If I was not so unhappily married I would not be doing this, but I need some physical attention.

I did consider the fuck buddy milf etc sites but then thought that would be aggro ending up on your doorstep.

Any how what are peoples thoughts on quitting and how to they feel afterwards and about the girls they see?



1) have a tee-shirt!
Hidden Image/Members Only

2) PMS
Hidden Image/Members Only

3) Trot on
Hidden Image/Members Only

« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 07:35:55 am by The_Don »

Offline NIK

Driving up the m1 this evening I broke up the tedium of the 50mph endless stretch by stopping off at the services. There was a really pretty English girl working in the waitrose there who I had a nice chat with as I bought some random stuff. She was on the shift working 14:00-22:00. I left thinking "she's easily a £140 an hour girl - she could make much more money on aw and work less hours". Then I had a word with myself and actually thought good on her, well done to her for sticking at a low paid job on cack hours.

I wonder how many pretty girls do get suckered into making some easy big money webcamming or escorting?

Fair play to all of them.

So here's my contribution to this pointless rambling thread. As opposed to the ops at least my story is true ;)

There are often many pretty girls doing 'normal' jobs whose looks would put the make up and tattoo covered, enhanced prossies to shame.

Offline Punting Valley

Like WBWing, I'll assume innocence until proven otherwise.

I don't know VH in Lutterworth, but assume you've spent £12K in two years shagging the same girls over and over? No wonder you're bored. Get out and find some new girls - that for me is where the excitement lies. I only return to girls where I think I can develop things a bit. In 16 months I've seen 58 girls, but only gone back to 6 of them. 2 of those have now been abandoned with 1 girl added to the 'Return' HL leaving 5. Only 1 is sure to get another visit this year.

Variety man, variety.....


Bored? I think he just had a strange case of EAS and realised that the girl is never going to like him back. :sarcastic:


  • Guest
I'm sure we all have had some part of this feeling over the years but, we are still here contributing and perving. I had a right downer on Sunday night after perhaps inadvertedly humping a prossie who looking back ticks a lot of boxes as someone who may have had a sex change!!

Offline Silver Birch

Any how what are peoples thoughts on quitting and how to they feel afterwards and about the girls they see?

I did think about quitting but couldn't justify it.

I feel the girl's have got my money and will enjoy spending it.

Now do fuck off back to mumsnet  :bomb:

Offline cueball

Any how what are peoples thoughts on quitting

Well, I've tried patches, spray, electric cigarette and cold turkey, you just can't beat a nice hand rolled tab though.
I do use filters now though.

Oh, hang on

Offline FCB

Well, I've tried patches, spray, electric cigarette and cold turkey, you just can't beat a nice hand rolled tab though.
I do use filters now though.

Oh, hang on
:lol: :D

Offline Sonny Crockett

I go through periods when I have bad punts and wonder of it is worth continuing. I am currently going through one now, where in addition to the financial strain this fantastic hobby has put on me, I've decided to go into Punting Exile and make a temporary withdrawal. Of course I am not quitting as I enjoy it too much and intend to come back when I am ready!!!!

Offline Daffodil


I understand there maybe a chance that you're a troll / woman / or a pre pubescent child . . . but like the legal system, I'll presume you innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, many other forum members will not. To be fair, this forums attracts many of the above as well as fantasists

However, some folk come on here for a cathartic release. Whilst I empathise with you..many on here will not. Do not be offended by such replies.

So you've spent £12k...that seems quite a lot. If you can easily afford it, why sweat it? That's about a punt a week right?

The WG game is the oldest trade in the book, don't feel guilty for wanting some physical attention, but if you're unhappy and considering quitting then you need to find another life enriching / affirming hobby as you're clearly not getting it from punting anymore.

Take a break, find yourself...

"Take a break, find yourself"  :lol:


  • Guest
Thanks for the responses good and bad.

Reason to mention it here is that I am not likely to talk to people I know about the subject and it is a place to talk to people that have been doing the same thing as me so they will probably have an understanding or not.