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Author Topic: Declining bids on reverse booking  (Read 1267 times)

Offline Gordon Bennett

Gonna have a spare hour or two on Saturday and in fit of boredom and curiosity last weekend I set up my first reverse booking. Looks like a dead loss so far with only crackpots and munters bidding.
I want to decline/delete a couple of manifestly unsuitable bids but being a polite chap I was wondering if the delete bid function allows me to include a message? Y'know, "thanks, but I must decline blah blah blah". If not, I'll just leave them their.
Maybe some decent bids will roll in but frankly I can see me cancelling the whole thing if this flipping heat continues...... Can't be arsed to even have a wank let alone go punting.

Offline claretandblue

I just ignored/didn't reply, I'm sure these girls send out thousands of reverse bids and will in all probability just delete your polite reply

Online threechilliman

Delete and only keep the one's of interest. I whittled one down from 24 to 2.


Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

You can always send a separate email to the bidder.

I have just set up a RB too. Disappointing so far. A couple of the girls I have asked follow up questions to have not got back.

Probably worth deleting those you are not interested in timely as they may encourage other bids. Girls may be put off if they see you already have lots of bids, whereas if you are only holding your most preferred and a back-up or two, they may be more encouraged to bid.

Only speculation on my part. RB's are very hit (seldom) and miss (often).

Good luck, hope you are pleasantly surprised.

Online myothernameis

Gonna have a spare hour or two on Saturday and in fit of boredom and curiosity last weekend I set up my first reverse booking. Looks like a dead loss so far with only crackpots and munters bidding

set up a reverse booking for Fri, at airport while I stay overnight for my flight in the morning

£250 for 2 hr, and so far I have had 40 replies, one or two have caught my eye, but think this is very cheeky, I have 8 double bids, and its £1 less than I have asked, now these bids appear at the top of the page, pretty fly if I must say

Offline Morway

I instantly delete those who are bidding more than my max or those who are outside the age limit. In my RB i also ask the girl to say something about herself. If she don't or if she just say something rubish as "look at my feedback" or "i like golf" they also get deleted  :wackogirl:

If they give a decent description they spend more than 10 sec writing, I check the girls feedback and also background here at UKP and ask follow up questions to the best ones. And those few are the only ones I tell when I delete / choose someone else.

This last time I landed on External Link/Members Only  :hi:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 07:49:48 pm by Morway »

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

This last time I landed on
(don't tell me)....the ladder of her tights, whereas she landed on your snake ?   :lol:

Offline Jimmyredcab

but being a polite chap

No need to be polite, just delete the munters and time wasters, unless you feel that you may want to see them in the future.

Offline Spunky34

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I'm sympathetic on the point about being polite, and I don't like to be rude to people if they have responded sensibly, politely and have clearly read what I am after.  So to decide on a response, I tend to split them into:

Totally unsuitable bids (ie wrong services, bidding more than their usual rate, outside age range, bid without message or clear copy/paste message, or if it seems they have not read the booking):  these get totally ignored, and deleted as soon as I see them.  In my book, they have been rude or are chancing it, so I don't feel impolite for ignoring them.

Bids which are fine but I simply don't want to meet the girl (usually I just don't find them that attractive, but they offer all that I have asked for and are not being pushy) - I tend to leave these until I close it, then a very quick "thanks, but no thanks".  No point in dressing it up if you don't ever want to meet that person.

Bids which I would happily accept:  these get a simple acknowledgement when I first see them, then, to those who are ultimately unsuccessful, they get a very straightforward "thanks again, but I have decided to meet a different girl this time.  Perhaps we can meet in future".  Once or twice this has led to a meeting another time - and it. Usually means they will bid again, so it kind of keeps your options open.

Bids by email:  i don't mind if someone has a question about the booking, but you get one or two who for some reason bid by email, which makes it hard to keep track and you're rarely sure how much money they expect.  Not that long ago I had one stupid cow email me ages after I posted the RB saying "why don't you tell me how long you want to see me for and how much you want to pay".  My perfectly polite response that all of that was on the reverse booking and if she was interested, she should place a bid generated no further email from her.

Offline Marmalade

No need to be polite, just delete the munters and time wasters, unless you feel that you may want to see them in the future.
People have different ideas about politeness. If I decide to speak to someone, then I am polite unless I consider (by my standards) that they have waived such an entitlement (eg by being a fucking cunt). Politeness does not include forcing my hand if I decide I don't wish to speak to someone. So I delete munters, spammers, time wasters etc, even if their stock email is "phrased politely".

Offline Marmalade

Top performers rarely read RBs.

Offline Marmalade

Dusty phone = "oooh let's read the RBs and pretend I'm busy / he's lucky to get me / see I how much I can squeeze him for."