Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Newbie seeking SP who can handle any dick size - and offer WBTM (Wham Bang) Serv  (Read 3809 times)


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I am new to the world of punting - and have resisted taking this step for years (despite being in a sexless marriage for years) etc. My wife is away at the moment, and this weekend I went bananas and thought "fuck it", you only live once.

So I went onto Adultwork, defined my search criteria, and made some bookings. Over the weekend, I had sex with 6 different girls (one twice - more on that later), in half hour sessions. What's my complaint then?, I hear you ask? well the problem is that the reality was FAR different from what I had expected.

I thought I'd come in here to find out from people who are similarly "challenged" and/or have more experience in this particular "peculiar endeavour".

My complaints are based on these two issues

1. Excessive displays of GFE, oil massages (admittedly in my first punt - which in retrospect, was a scam to waste my time)
2. Hmmm, how do I put this ... girls struggling with the size of my "tackle"
I'm a very busy man, and I don't have time for chit chat; when I'm paying a girl for sex, the purpose of our meeting should be quite clear to both of us. I don't mean to be rude (and I'm generally not), but I'm paying to fuck, I just want a girl/woman who will drop her knickers and get on with what she's been paid to do. I'm not there for idle chit chat or to be massaged, or have some girl pretend to be "into" me - I am not bereft of female attention in my life. It's fucking sex I want, for fucks sake! I'm very much a "wham bam, thank you very kindly" kind of man, and I'm not at all impressed with the nonsense attached to what should be a straight forward cash for sex transaction.

The second thing is about the tackle size issue (yes, your guess about my ethnicity is probably correct!) - but jokes aside, this has been the biggest surprise to me. I must make it quite clear that I am not (well, at least by my reckoning) - "overly huge"; when fully erect, my equipment is just a smidgen over 9 inches (as measured by an ex girlfriend).

I work in a high testosterone environment, and sex provides a release for me - so I am quite "enthusiastic" when "going at it", and with the exception of one girl (more about her later) - ALL of the girls have complained that I'm too big, which was fucking annoying to me, because after the first two times that happened, I called before hand and told them my size, my expectations etc, and they have said "no problem, this is what we do", "its our job, we can handle it (which stands to reason - or so I would have thought)". BTW, I'm almost forty, so it's not like I have all the virility of a 20 something year old guy, so I'm frustrated that I can't get a single uninterrupted session, that I can "come", with the girls I've been with so far. I've often had to settle for a handjob, instead of actual sex - because the girls were in pain, or interrupted me, by telling me "don't go too deep", or something like that.

Basically mid coitus, I've had girls start crying or clearly in pain - so I had to stop since I couldn't deliberately hurt anyone doing their job. Girls also refuse to do doggystyle (my favorite) - "because it's too big". One case, a Singaporean girl was clearly in pain begged me to stop but also begged me to take a picture of my dick, because it was "so beautiful", and she wanted to show it to her girlfriends back home ....  I saw this as a cunning ploy to "flatter" and distract me, and end up wasting even more time - instead of doing what I was really there to do. Unsurprisingly, I dismissed that ridiculous request outright.

There is only one woman who I have successfully been able to orgasm with - but she is absolutely repugnant in the looks department. She is HUGE (must be over size 20), and her pussy is quite loose, and actually quite disgusting to look at. But at least, she lets me rut away like a "good un", so I can at least be satisfied. But I have to do that with my eyes closed, because seeing the loose folds of flesh of her stomach, her droopy/saggy breasts and her pale, blubbery, ginormous arse is a real "turn off".

So, my question is this - has anyone come across this problem before? - and more importantly, how did you resolve it ?

Does anyone on here know of any girls/women that are CLEAN, HEALTH CONCIOUS who can deal with a slightly larger than normal penis (without having an over used, over stretched pussy), and can engage in energetic sex at a drop of a hat without GFE and all that other superfluous nonsense?

I am in it just for the sex (just like the girls/women are just in it for the money), and since I can't last more than 30 minutes (and that's a gross exaggeration on my part), I would be looking for sessions for no more than half an hour.

Any recommendations?


  • Guest
I'm really puzzled, if you've only got 9 inches you shouldn't be having this problem.

Offline JamesKW

If you just want a wham bam service without GFE its best to go to one of the London Parties,all of which have been reviewed here.They all have a number of girls so if one cant cope you can move on to the next.

Online Anadin

I'm no where near 9 inches and I've had a few of escorts struggle with my size and some I've seen on screen with blokes well in excess of what I have. I guess you have to warm them up and that's just your burden of being well endowed..

That being said someone like External Link/Members Only is good for a quickie, don't know if she's exactly what you're looking for though.


  • Guest
This is the work of an absolute fantasist.  :wacko:


  • Guest
This is the work of an absolute fantasist.  :wacko:

Thats what i thought, hence my silly reply. Afterall, everyone else on this board has at least 10 inches and we have no problems.


  • Guest
That's right, i clearly said i was 15 inches but that wasn't the point of the pm anyway

Online GreyDave


I used to have this problem...

Until a mate sugested I fold it in half as 8 inches is less of a problem to most girls :D :D :D

Even better I folded it again and now at 4 inches and a wad of cash never have a problem getting in  :lol: :lol:

Online finn5555

What a huge prick the OP is  :dash: did anyone read all of his drivel   :unknown:

Offline Sonny Crockett

As far as I'm concerned, it's not about size....... it is what you do with it that counts!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline sexisjustgreat

''There is only one woman who I have successfully been able to orgasm with - but she is absolutely repugnant in the looks department. She is HUGE (must be over size 20), and her pussy is quite loose, and actually quite disgusting to look at. But at least, she lets me rut away like a "good un", so I can at least be satisfied. But I have to do that with my eyes closed, because seeing the loose folds of flesh of her stomach, her droopy/saggy breasts and her pale, blubbery, ginormous arse is a real "turn off".''

This is probably one of the funniest things i've ever read. You are great.
Banned reason: Slagging off site
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Offline sexisjustgreat

oh and if you want birds who don't complain as much go for milf's or slightly older girls/not asians.
Banned reason: Slagging off site
Banned by:

Offline Mr Farkyhars

I don't think the OP was even written by a man, let alone by a genuine punter. Phraseology and word choices.

Offline anyfucker

Perhaps the OP would like to provide some links for the six he has seen ??


  • Guest
I'm a very busy man,

So why waste time writing such a long boring post  :unknown:

I'd wager you're neither busy nor a man  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
I'm no where near 9 inches and I've had a few of escorts struggle with my size and some I've seen on screen with blokes well in excess of what I have. I guess you have to warm them up and that's just your burden of being well endowed..

That being said someone like External Link/Members Only is good for a quickie, don't know if she's exactly what you're looking for though.

Thanks for at least trying to help. I must say that fascination with dick size on hear is fucking annoying. I come on here with a genuine problem - and all people can focus on, is the size of my dick, make snide remarks - and think I'm "bragging".  I have said it once, and I'll say it again - If your sense of self worth is attached to the size of your dick, then you have the wrong priorities in life. Personally, I'll take a far bigger bank balance over a big(ger) dick any day - but that' s just me.

You may be right about warming them up first though, thing is that I don't really want to do DFK, fingering etc, because lets face it, I don't know who's been in there just before me (reverse oral is therefore - totally not an option). But the WGs have always used lube - so I don't know.

I thought someone will know a girl who is "naturally deep", and doesn't need too much warming up, so I can just go in, exchange pleasantries, do my business, thank her and then fuck off - just like going to see any other professional - I'm not really into all the other stuff, which I just see as a waste of time etc.

I don't want to sound rude or callous, but I'm paying to enjoy myself - If she happens to enjoy herself, then good for her, but I don't think its my responsibility to make er enjoy herself. I just want sexual release - nothing more.

You guys know more about this business than I do. If girls need a lot of "sweet talking", oral, fingering etc before they can get into the zone (even for a WBTM), then perhaps my understanding of punting is wrong, and it probably isn't for me.

I don't mind mature women (I'm not that young myself ;)) - but I thought the younger ones would be more energetic etc - I can't exactly imagine a MILF riding enthusiastically, or doing the splits etc.

Doing the rounds to find wo can provide the service is expensive (5 out of 6) result in no orgasm - and feeling guilty that I may have hurt the girl (for all I know, it may be a scam they are pulling - who knows?).

Seriously, if there are any girls who provide this kind of service, and can just "turn on a switch" and be ready for action (hopefully, they don't have over abused/stretched out pussies), then I would very much like to know.


  • Guest

I used to have this problem...

Until a mate sugested I fold it in half as 8 inches is less of a problem to most girls :D :D :D

Even better I folded it again and now at 4 inches and a wad of cash never have a problem getting in  :lol: :lol:

Priceless!  :lol:

To the OP: If you aren't a wind-up fantasist, just go a bit slower and let the girl warm up a bit first. After all that hole is designed to fit a baby's head through, so your 'baby's arm' dick should be OK for most girls.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 10:31:29 am by vt »


  • Guest
Perhaps the OP would like to provide some links for the six he has seen ??

Sexy baby lady
(Cried with real tears streaming down her eyes, and blurbed: "I tried to help you, but I just can't any more - it's too big". I never felt so bad in my life, as she was a very sweet girl)

DIRTY Anita 4u 
(wouldn't do anything other than mish, and nagged throughout - along with howls of "Ow!", and kept holding my dick so I won't go "too deep")

(complained like a bitch, - THIS GIRL TALKED THE WHOLE TIME, talked down to me because she said I should take my time, because my dick is too big, and kept stopping me, saying "You're too big, take it slow" - wouldn't do anything other than mish, her attempt at riding failed,because she said - it's too deep - and I'm "moving underneath her")

("Singaporean" girl who wanted to take a pic of my dic - but would only do mish, also kept holding my dick, so I won't go too deep, and she had the look of pain all over her face, so I had to stop, and then she thanked me for being a gentleman, because others would have continued, and she would not have been able to work for days. She kept holding her lower abdomen - as if in pain, and kept burping - I don't know what the fuck that was all about - possibly a scam again?.  She advertises as being Japanese - too bad I actually speak Japanese (which she didn't understand a word of), so she said she was from Sinagapore)

x Cat Nicol x
She could take a bit of a pounding, but struggled with doggy, and she is as UGLY as fuck - I had to close my eyes in mish, because it really was like fucking a fat pale frog - and she's got some wierd punk hairstyle now - just not a good look. I won't be back)

This is the only girl who could take a pounding. She grimaced a bit, but took it like a champ. Only problem is that she is one ugly woman. ALSO HUGE, pale and blubbery, with bits hanging all over the place. Her pussy looks like an open wound, hidden underneath mounds of cellulite.

She is the only one who understood that I was not into extensive foreplay etc, and did exactly what I asked, as soon as I arrived, polite pleasantries exchanged, then her clothes were off - ready for action. Just what I wanted. Although when her clothes came off, the sight was quite unpleasant.

Still, the fact that she did what I wanted, and allowed me to fuck how I wanted, made me overlook all her shortcomings. The next day I booked her again (directly after being frustrated by Kiki777) - but she had not bothered to cleann up and freshen up, she was sweaty and as I was doing doggy, I actually smelt this horrid combination of sweat and poo!. That was the last straw, it immediately killed my lust, and I had to settle for a massage.

Needless to say, I won't be going back.  So there you have it. One successful fuck in 7 punts.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 10:41:01 am by punterhunter »


  • Guest
If you just want a wham bam service without GFE its best to go to one of the London Parties,all of which have been reviewed here.They all have a number of girls so if one cant cope you can move on to the next.

Eww, er, no thanks. I don't think I can get a hard on with a bunch of naked guys in the same room as me - unless my understanding of a "Party" is different from what you're referring to.

Also, (as hypocritical as it may),the idea of going from one naked girl to the next - is a bit too "raw" for me, and sounds quite apalling. I know it doesn't make sense, since that's exactly what is happening when visiting a prossie.

But it's exactly the same as the kind of fucked up logic used when guys say: "I never pay for sex" - even though they shell out money for dates, drinks etc, in the hope of pussy. The brain is just strange sometimes.


  • Guest
If we needed any proof that the brain is strange sometimes .......

Offline herbie007

I'm no where near 9 inches and I've had a few of escorts struggle with my size and some I've seen on screen with blokes well in excess of what I have. I guess you have to warm them up and that's just your burden of being well endowed..

That being said someone like External Link/Members Only is good for a quickie, don't know if she's exactly what you're looking for though.

Hi Anadin

Have you seen Summer Raine recently.

I've heard she has become unreliable but I've had some great times with her and wouldn't mind another go.

Any info would be appreciated.  :drinks:

Offline SamLP

Plenty of girls out there who don't do a gfe experience. In fact even those that do will not do it if you tell them you're not interested in kissing etc.. You may want to read all the negative reviews on the London board. You may find what you're looking for, girls who don't kiss, don't touch, don't do oral without and want to put a condom on you within a minute of meeting you so you can hump away until you cum. No chit chat, no massage as they rush you out of the door.


  • Guest
Just a general question, have we ever had a "my big cock" thread that didn't turn out to be bullshit?

Offline timstella

Just a general question, have we ever had a "my big cock" thread that didn't turn out to be bullshit?
Yes of course! Terry 7 incher was totally pukka wasn't he? Oddly I've forgotten how big he said his was.

If the OP really is a BBC then he could easily get a job in porn and get paid to fuck girls that are prepped to the max.

Offline punk

This is one of the funniest threads.

Online Anadin

Hi Anadin

Have you seen Summer Raine recently.

I've heard she has become unreliable but I've had some great times with her and wouldn't mind another go.

Any info would be appreciated.  :drinks:

I saw her a few weeks ago and come to think of it she was unreliable. It was a really late night punt like 2am, I got to the area and had to wait 30 mins after the booked appointment to see her although that might have been the maids fault. It's not exactly a glamorous location and there is a really bright motion activated spotlight at the door so if it wasn't really late would not be discreet but I just needed some 'relief' and she provided that.

Offline JamesRockford

I don't think I can get a hard on with a bunch of naked guys in the same room as me - unless my understanding of a "Party" is different from what you're referring to.

Punterhunter - you sound like a stud.  But you're worried unduly when it comes to parties. 

What I've discovered from my recent entry to the party scene (Central London) was the following. 

The party was held in quite a friendly atmosphere.  There was a long table covered in cheeses, crackers, sweetmeats, carrots, grapes, and  crisps and little party bags with naughty surprises (mine were Smarties).  There was juice in the form of little cartons with a teenie straw.  At some point the hostess arrived with great fanfare, carrying a cake with candles on it.  Then there was the "blow job" which is AMAZING.  One of the girls blew really really hard ... until the candles were truly and utterly extinguished.  All the punters and girls clapped with delight.  But then the fun REALLY started.  Everyone started to go crazy NUTS, running around the room chasing each other, bouncing up and down.  There was music and the games escalated to treats like "Musical Statues", "Pass the Parcel", "Here comes the wolf" and so on.  Little groups of two, three or four went off to various areas to play together - my group played... Charades.  Then we went nuts again - we played Scooby Doo and I ate a slice of pizza "Doggy Style".

The vibe was really chilled - there was only one bit of ... cough... unpleasantness.  Some guy started screaming really loudly after drinking too much Tropicana and was furious that his balloon had burst.

But it was all cool again and the fun resumed.  Suddenly the lights went up and we couldn't believe it - our time was up and the party was over.  We were kicked out with a doggy bag (Walkers Crisps and plastic Ninja Turtles) - but I can't wait till the next party.

The next time you're wife is out of town - as soon as she's out of the driveway - just make a booking and dive into it, man - the party scene was made for you!

« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 03:42:30 pm by JamesRockford »

Offline punk

OP no need to worry,you can find what ever you want.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline JamesRockford

You may be right about warming them up first though, thing is that I don't really want to do DFK, fingering etc, because lets face it, I don't know who's been in there just before me

OK Punterhunter, I'm feeling generous so here are 2 top tips:

1. Etiquette: Always take the precaution of inspecting her pussy and calling out - just in case someone is still in there.  Manners don't cost anything.
2. Friction Rub: If you're in a REAL hurry then warm up the girl by laying her down and rubbing her pussy very very vigorously with both hands - make sure that the hands are very dry and preferably calloused.  Keep rubbing in a sanding motion until her pussy is red, and possibly you see steam rising.

Don't thank me.

Offline Marshall85

Sounds like after being in a sexless marriage for years, you've forgotten how to use your little man.  :P.

 You'll be hard pushed to find a girl who will accept 9 inches if you're trying to go like a pneumatic drill straight away. Sometimes slow and careful wins the race, ease your way in a couple of inches at a time, and as you notice the WG start to get wetter and hopefully moaning appreciatively go deeper, then once she's had time to become used to your size start to build up your speed, so by time you finish you should be able to get up to your pneumatic drill speed.

Others than that, you're going to have to look around for a numb bucket.  :scare:


  • Guest
I think we all have a suspicion as to why this particular marriage is sexless.


  • Guest
My dads c**k is bigger than yours :angry: :mad:
Best thread ever :thumbsup:

Offline herbie007

I saw her a few weeks ago and come to think of it she was unreliable. It was a really late night punt like 2am, I got to the area and had to wait 30 mins after the booked appointment to see her although that might have been the maids fault. It's not exactly a glamorous location and there is a really bright motion activated spotlight at the door so if it wasn't really late would not be discreet but I just needed some 'relief' and she provided that.

Thanks for the info, it's good to know she's still working.

It's a shame about her being unreliable though, I used to see her in when she used to work in Cheam and never had any problems back then.

Still fancy seeing her though she was a great shag, just don't fancy the trek all the way to Dagenham.

Thanks again.  :drinks:

Offline anyfucker

Yes of course! Terry 7 incher was totally pukka wasn't he? Oddly I've forgotten how big he said his was.

If the OP really is a BBC then he could easily get a job in porn and get paid to fuck girls that are prepped to the max.
Working in porn is more difficult than a party which the Op didn't fancy in that you have hot lights, a crew surrounding you all carefully looking at your dick and with the timer running as they don't want to spend any longer than necessary otherwise they go over budget. You have to be able to get it up quickly, keep it up then comes the money shot. You might be great in the bedroom but on set is different. Allegedly.


  • Guest
Punterhunter - you sound like a stud.  But you're worried unduly when it comes to parties. 

I could NEVER do the party thing.

I would feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE naked with even ONE man present - let alone several. Also, it would be a FUCKING HUGE SKELETON I would have in my cupboard, if one day I decided to run for public office or something (not saying that I would - but I could).

Out of interest, not wishing to be classist or anything, what do you guys do for a living?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 10:54:37 am by punterhunter »

Online finn5555

I could NEVER do the party thing.

I would feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE naked with even ONE man present - let alone several. Also, it would be a FUCKING HUGE SKELETON I would have in my cupboard, if one day I decided to run for public office or something (not saying that I would - but I could).

Out of interest, not wishing to be classist or anything, what do you guys do for a living?

What do you do  :unknown:

Offline timstella

Out of interest, not wishing to be classist or anything, what do you guys do for a living?

I am an ambassador, and enjoy spoiling girls by taking them gifts of Ferrero Rocher chocolates. Diplomatic immunity comes in handy too.


  • Guest
I successfully ran for public office
Dave c.

Offline shagbambi

Soho walkups sound ideal for the type of punt you want.  And the ladies are all within easy walking distance of each other should any refuse to see you.  A lot easier than visiting Brent, Hackney, Harrow, Haringey and Greenwich like you did one weekend trying to get your end off.

Offline JamesRockford

Out of interest, not wishing to be classist or anything, what do you guys do for a living?

I'm in quality control, for the adult escort industry.

Online hendrix

I was the greatest electric guitar player that ever lived. I then faked my death and became a punter as the groupies didn't believe I was "that guy" any more. The infamous "plaster casters" groupie set made a mould of my dick because it's so epic. Sounds like you're definitely not experienced. Learn to use your little wing.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 01:14:07 pm by hendrix »

Offline SamLP

Soho walkups sound ideal for the type of punt you want.  And the ladies are all within easy walking distance of each other should any refuse to see you. A lot easier than visiting Brent, Hackney, Harrow, Haringey and Greenwich like you did one weekend trying to get your end off.


Offline timstella

Learn to use your little wing.
Or in my case, Machine Gun.
I've come across some of your girls Hendrix. Little Miss Strange was complaining to me that you had put 'tyre tracks all across her back' and she was thinking twice about seeing you again.


  • Guest
If the op is to be believed his is more like a watchtower

Online hendrix

Or in my case, Machine Gun.
I've come across some of your girls Hendrix. Little Miss Strange was complaining to me that you had put 'tyre tracks all across her back' and she was thinking twice about seeing you again.

Don't punt with  Dolly Dagger - BBW who'll make you stagger.

Offline JamesRockford

If the op is to be believed his is more like a watchtower

Yep, poor chap is carting his colossal todger around London in a wheelbarrow - being rejected by one WG after the next.  Keep going old boy, nobody loves a quitter.


  • Guest
Yep, poor chap is carting his colossal todger around London in a wheelbarrow - being rejected by one WG after the next.  Keep going old boy, nobody loves a quitter.

I hope he's being careful to avoid the cross town traffic.

Offline JamesRockford

I hope he's being careful to avoid the cross town traffic.

Aw come on... we are talking about Mr Shaft here.

Who's the black private dick
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?
You're damn right
Who is the man
That would risk his neck for his brother man?
Can ya dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out
When there's danger all about"

Offline nigel4498

I could NEVER do the party thing.

I would feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE naked with even ONE man present - let alone several. Also, it would be a FUCKING HUGE SKELETON I would have in my cupboard, if one day I decided to run for public office or something (not saying that I would - but I could).

Out of interest, not wishing to be classist or anything, what do you guys do for a living?
I'm an exiled monarch.
Are you Chuka Umunna by any chance?

Offline JamesRockford

I would feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE naked with even ONE man present - let alone several. Also, it would be a FUCKING HUGE SKELETON I would have in my cupboard

Punterhunter mate... sounds like you're currently IN the cupboard/closet