Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Famous Lindsey xxx (the let down)  (Read 12566 times)

Offline driver

 External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Hi all,

my first review finally, after being a reader and fan of this site.

It had to happen sooner or later, the by now famous Lindsey is receiving her first negative feedback.
And this is not based on an encounter i've had with her, as that hasn't materialised. As i shall now explain to the best of my ability.

Through reading this site i've had a few positive meetings with some lovely girls, and before you all start beating me up for not reviewing them, my reason was they were so well reviewed i didn't see how i could lend any more to what had already been said. However in spite of that i shall start being a little more selfless and start reviewing.

Back to Lindsey. I first came across her a few months back and i added her to my HL. She ticked all the right boxes for me, apart from nationality. I don't normally see British girls, i normally prefer overseas girls. But made an exception for Lindsey, as she was getting such good reviews-had to experience what all the fuss was about. So off i send an email via AW at the beginning of March. Her comm.'s were good and professional, asking me to contact her again in early May as she was very busy.

Beginning of May comes around and i send another correspondence to the now very popular, very busy Lindsey. Then i wait, and i wait. No response. Ok, she's super busy, she works, she has a life etc... etc...Hold on let me stop myself, i'm making excuses for her. So i give up, much like i did in the early days of trying to book Platinum Cindy, anyway how can i book an appointment in two months time, i might not be horny on that day. In an ideal world i wake up horny and i can book the escort of my choice on the same day. If punting in London could only be that simple. Then i think, let me give her one more message-UTOPIA- she replies, and tells me she'll correspond via text message. No problem.

Lindsey is apologetic, telling me shes got trolls annoying and upsetting her, and tells me shes booked up for the next couple of months, but not to worry as she will sort something and be in touch. I did let her know i only had a small window for an outcall. No problem she'll be in touch i'm assured.

Then i hear nothing, so knowing shes busy, i send a message, and another, and another...I've had enough now, this girl is obviously too busy, and she can't juggle everything as well as other busy providers. Eventually i got to see Platinum Cindy, as she got more professional and organised, not that i like waiting months to see someone, hence that's why i haven't seen her as much as i'd like too.

Then i get another apologetic text, and letting me know a slot has developed on the 5th june. Cutting it fine with my window of outcall opportunity, i agree to the 5th of june. But no time has been proposed.

As it's going to be at my place, i contact Lindsey again, to 1- confirm the appointment date, and 2-sort out a time. What happens, you've guessed it- nothing..I've had enough now, just let go of it. There's plenty of other providers out there, time to move on. OH well, it wasn't meant to be.

I then got up today and i was having a little read on UKP, and being the eternal optimist, thought let me give her one more message. She replied, only this time she is not apologetic, she is not comfortable with seeing me, and doesn't want to put herself at risk coming to see me.

I didn't see that coming. And i am offended. And this is where it gets lost in translation. I sent a message to Lindsey explaining how disappointed i was at what i saw as poor comm.'s. She obviously misunderstood the tone of my message, hence her reply. I then responded to her, very respectfully, trying to understand her replies. I think sometimes its better to talk rather than send messages, then there's less room for confusion and misunderstanding.

As i'm writing this i'm still getting  or having correspondence with her, and its all getting messy. She's trying to tell me she sent me a picture message regarding the 5th june. My phone doesn't receive those.
And this is where i'm confused, if you sent me a picture message and i didn't reply, and then i send 3 messages via phone and AW, and there was still no response, it doesn't make sense whats shes telling me. If you got no response from a picture message, surely you'd guess they haven't received it, or it didn't happen.

Anyway i've had a bit of dialogue with Lindsey today, and i know she has totally misunderstood my messages to her. And one of my reasons for posting this review has been the things said to me.
She didn't like my tone
She felt at risk coming to see me
She's not comfortable seeing me, even though it was going to be at my home.
She didn't let me down, it was my fault, as my phone doesn't receive pictures.
Because of experiences with others her gut is telling her not to see me. That makes me laugh as i'm being judged for asking for an explanation.

At no time have i been rude, threatening, or out of order in anyway towards Lindsey. That is why i've made this review. To put it in the public domain, so's to speak.

Lindsey if you're reading this, its not to damage you in anyway shape or form. I don't think thats possible, your far too popular, and it won't make much difference as you're retiring soon anyway.
I am not going to apologise to you as i haven't been offensive.
In a nutshell your comm.'s were unprofessional and when i challenged that, you obviously didn't like it.
Well get used to it young lady, or change, as you can't go through life saying one thing and doing another. OR you can, but it will cause you a lot of headaches.

Congratulations on your first negative feedback.

Dave xxx


  • Guest
You are of course entitle to your opinion and if you feel a Negative is needed then you have every right to post a Negative.

Did you actually make the booking and confirm time and place/Location for the home visit as it was not clear on your post?

Offline shagbambi

This is NOT a review.

It is a whinge over a POSSIBLE booking.  And if she did cancel you, she has done it five days before the event, which is plenty of notice.

Grow up and book somebody else whose communication skills suit you.


  • Guest
This is NOT a review.

It is a whinge over a POSSIBLE booking.  And if she did cancel you, she has done it five days before the event, which is plenty of notice.

Grow up and book somebody else whose communication skills suit you.

 :D  Funny

Offline driver

Hi guys,

you two have had the good fortune to meet this young lady, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

The 5th of june was agreed, outcall to my home. I couldn't get a time, comm.'s were non existent.

And Mr Bambi, i'm entitled to share my experience, or lack of. It's not a whinge, it's a form of protection, my review. Lindsey telling me she felt at risk coming to see me. I told her to speak to Ameera, someone she's partnered with previously to verify me. This implies something which only Lindsey can share with us, her feeling at risk.I'm not threatening at all, so confused and offended by this.

Offline Bikerboy

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Hi all,

my first review finally, after being a reader and fan of this site.

It had to happen sooner or later, the by now famous Lindsey is receiving her first negative feedback.
And this is not based on an encounter i've had with her, as that hasn't materialised. As i shall now explain to the best of my ability.

Through reading this site i've had a few positive meetings with some lovely girls, and before you all start beating me up for not reviewing them, my reason was they were so well reviewed i didn't see how i could lend any more to what had already been said. However in spite of that i shall start being a little more selfless and start reviewing.

Back to Lindsey. I first came across her a few months back and i added her to my HL. She ticked all the right boxes for me, apart from nationality. I don't normally see British girls, i normally prefer overseas girls. But made an exception for Lindsey, as she was getting such good reviews-had to experience what all the fuss was about. So off i send an email via AW at the beginning of March. Her comm.'s were good and professional, asking me to contact her again in early May as she was very busy.

Beginning of May comes around and i send another correspondence to the now very popular, very busy Lindsey. Then i wait, and i wait. No response. Ok, she's super busy, she works, she has a life etc... etc...Hold on let me stop myself, i'm making excuses for her. So i give up, much like i did in the early days of trying to book Platinum Cindy, anyway how can i book an appointment in two months time, i might not be horny on that day. In an ideal world i wake up horny and i can book the escort of my choice on the same day. If punting in London could only be that simple. Then i think, let me give her one more message-UTOPIA- she replies, and tells me she'll correspond via text message. No problem.

Lindsey is apologetic, telling me shes got trolls annoying and upsetting her, and tells me shes booked up for the next couple of months, but not to worry as she will sort something and be in touch. I did let her know i only had a small window for an outcall. No problem she'll be in touch i'm assured.

Then i hear nothing, so knowing shes busy, i send a message, and another, and another...I've had enough now, this girl is obviously too busy, and she can't juggle everything as well as other busy providers. Eventually i got to see Platinum Cindy, as she got more professional and organised, not that i like waiting months to see someone, hence that's why i haven't seen her as much as i'd like too.

Then i get another apologetic text, and letting me know a slot has developed on the 5th june. Cutting it fine with my window of outcall opportunity, i agree to the 5th of june. But no time has been proposed.

As it's going to be at my place, i contact Lindsey again, to 1- confirm the appointment date, and 2-sort out a time. What happens, you've guessed it- nothing..I've had enough now, just let go of it. There's plenty of other providers out there, time to move on. OH well, it wasn't meant to be.

I then got up today and i was having a little read on UKP, and being the eternal optimist, thought let me give her one more message. She replied, only this time she is not apologetic, she is not comfortable with seeing me, and doesn't want to put herself at risk coming to see me.

I didn't see that coming. And i am offended. And this is where it gets lost in translation. I sent a message to Lindsey explaining how disappointed i was at what i saw as poor comm.'s. She obviously misunderstood the tone of my message, hence her reply. I then responded to her, very respectfully, trying to understand her replies. I think sometimes its better to talk rather than send messages, then there's less room for confusion and misunderstanding.

As i'm writing this i'm still getting  or having correspondence with her, and its all getting messy. She's trying to tell me she sent me a picture message regarding the 5th june. My phone doesn't receive those.
And this is where i'm confused, if you sent me a picture message and i didn't reply, and then i send 3 messages via phone and AW, and there was still no response, it doesn't make sense whats shes telling me. If you got no response from a picture message, surely you'd guess they haven't received it, or it didn't happen.

Anyway i've had a bit of dialogue with Lindsey today, and i know she has totally misunderstood my messages to her. And one of my reasons for posting this review has been the things said to me.
She didn't like my tone
She felt at risk coming to see me
She's not comfortable seeing me, even though it was going to be at my home.
She didn't let me down, it was my fault, as my phone doesn't receive pictures.
Because of experiences with others her gut is telling her not to see me. That makes me laugh as i'm being judged for asking for an explanation.

At no time have i been rude, threatening, or out of order in anyway towards Lindsey. That is why i've made this review. To put it in the public domain, so's to speak.

Lindsey if you're reading this, its not to damage you in anyway shape or form. I don't think thats possible, your far too popular, and it won't make much difference as you're retiring soon anyway.
I am not going to apologise to you as i haven't been offensive.
In a nutshell your comm.'s were unprofessional and when i challenged that, you obviously didn't like it.
Well get used to it young lady, or change, as you can't go through life saying one thing and doing another. OR you can, but it will cause you a lot of headaches.

Congratulations on your first negative feedback.

Dave xxx

What a misnomer the title and location of your "review" is....

You didn't have a booking. Therefore you can't post a review. Period.

And if Lindsey is unwilling to meet you, that is her right - I am glad she exercised that right and went with her instinct. It's called self preservation.

A waste of space....  :dash:

Offline The Beano

Sounds a bit odd, I've not had any problems contacting Lindsey, sometimes you have to be patient, but as you say, she is busy. And I don't see why you have to bring Cindy into the argument. Totally different business model.

Offline backofthenet

um - driver. Protip for you here. Just because this board is pro-punter doesn't mean that it would side with some dude with the grand total of six posts as opposed to a hooker who half the board has fucked, most want to marry, and all who have seen her are unanimous in praising.

So do us all a favour and rearrange this sentence - "on jog"

Offline claretandblue

We should run a sweep ,how long it takes for every lynsey reviewer to post on this thread defending their women  :D

Offline driver

What a misnomer the title and location of your "review" is....

You didn't have a booking. Therefore you can't post a review. Period.

And if Lindsey is unwilling to meet you, that is her right - I am glad she exercised that right and went with her instinct. It's called self preservation.

A waste of space..
I can list all the negative points of trying to book Lindsey, and have the texts to prove it.

I can see i've ruffled a few feathers amongst some of you satisfied Lindsey punters.

Why would you be glad see didn't see me? What have i done to upset you?

If she cancelled you, or her comm.'s with you were bad, would you be happy?

This is  a review site and my main reason for posting wasn't to discredit her, it was because she told me she felt at risk. And once again i'm haven't behaved in a manner that's been wrong. I think it was an excuse to break our appointment.

And the reason i mentioned Cindy was because when i first tried to book her i had all sorts of comm.'s problems, but she improved.

All you guys that have seen and enjoyed Lindsey's company can only see from one perspective, your own. Sorry to burst a bubble about one of your favourites. Sometimes we all make mistakes. And unfortunately she made a few with me.

BTW, no one going to congratulate me on my first post

Offline Bikerboy

I see your review count is 1.

I think I speak for a number of members on this forum when I state that
we hope the veracity, quality and volume of your reviews increase, to assist members.

That would be a vast improvement on the vindictiveness of your "review".

Oh dear...... ;) ;) ;)

Offline driver

Mr Net,

i'm confused, what's "on jog"

Offline driver


being vindictive is not my aim

Offline driver

Mr Bikerboy

the reviews shall be forthcoming

Offline The Beano

Mm... Mentioned Cindy twice and no other girls, and you usually go for overseas girls? (Cindy doesn't really fall into that category, she's European and speaks better English than me). Something fishy here!

Online hendrix


  • Guest
We should run a sweep ,how long it takes for every lynsey reviewer to post on this thread defending their women  :D

Please read my post C&B - I was asking for clarification

Offline Zeusthedoc

This thread shows that Lindsey has 43 reviews. I've not check. But I would say 42 of them are positive.

I'm in the process of trying book a session with Lindsey and will agree, its not easy, but patience is deffo a virtue.

That said, no confirmed booking means no review is allowed. You can start a thread about her explaining, but this 'review' is in bad faith

Offline driver

Mm... Mentioned Cindy twice and no other girls, and you usually go for overseas girls? (Cindy doesn't really fall into that category, she's European and speaks better English than me). Something fishy here!

Cindy's not british though is she.

My first preference used to oriental/asian, but finding good quality providers is a very hit and miss affair in London. Much better in South East Asia.

So i started to venture onto our european cousins, with some very good results, Ameera, Cindy, Creme Brulee, and Adele to name but a few.

My favourite asian is Exotic Vee, and i would see a lot more of her, if her hours suited me better.

So , my definition of overseas is anyone non-british


  • Guest
from your post
She didn't like my tone
She felt at risk coming to see me
She's not comfortable seeing me, even though it was going to be at my home.

she called the shots and said no
 thats punting
move on

Offline Big Bad R

This thread shows that Lindsey has 43 reviews. I've not check. But I would say 42 of them are positive.

I'm in the process of trying book a session with Lindsey and will agree, its not easy, but patience is deffo a virtue.

That said, no confirmed booking means no review is allowed. You can start a thread about her explaining, but this 'review' is in bad faith

Rubbish, there are numerous examples on UKP of negatives where the meeting never took place !

I, like others, am suspicious of a first review that slags off a well reviewed forum favourite. However the responses defending her are so predictable !!


  • Guest
Huh, i'm off tomorrow so i'm going to watch this thread "live"  :lol:

Offline Big Bad R

Huh, i'm off tomorrow so i'm going to watch this thread "live"  :lol:

Yep, I am betting on 4 pages by close of play tomorrow !

Offline poi

will fun to read this post during this week  :D. I am sure will about 10 +  pages by end of this week

Offline punk

Driver, why did you not drop all communication with her and just move on, clearly she was not really interested in the booking.

This reminds me of when a bloke is really interested in a woman, he has just meet and she is like "fuck that no way"

Offline Big Bad R

Rubbish, there are numerous examples on UKP of negatives where the meeting never took place !

I, like others, am suspicious of a first review that slags off a well reviewed forum favourite. However the responses defending her are so predictable !!

Apologies Dopebeats, reread, you clearly state  'confirmed booking'. Not 'meeting' my bad.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 11:35:31 pm by Big Bad R »

Offline Silver Birch

I have never seen Lindsay, never tried to contact her, never likely to, no connection whatsoever so can't be accused of white-knighting here.

But if a time has not been agreed, then it is not a confirmed booking.

Even if it was confirmed, if 5 days notice of cancellation is not long enough, what is acceptable?

If you cancelled a wg with 5 days notice and she left a negative review, would you feel it was deserved?

Offline iPad3

At risk of being shot down in flames I tried to make contact a month ago for a booking in early June, she read my message within a few hours but didn't bother responding.

Personally I can't be bothered if its that much hard work, hopefully I'll get a slot when she returns from abroad and she's not so overloaded.

Online hendrix

I have never seen Lindsay, never tried to contact her, never likely to, no connection whatsoever so can't be accused of white-knighting here.

But if a time has not been agreed, then it is not a confirmed booking.

Even if it was confirmed, if 5 days notice of cancellation is not long enough, what is acceptable?

If you cancelled a wg with 5 days notice and she left a negative review, would you feel it was deserved?

Agreed. But it sounds like driver isn't so much bothered about the meeting not happening, but is more concerned that Lindsey apparently didn't like his tone and didn't feel safe about visiting him. He states that he is "offended"  by that particularly.

Offline poi

If I want to very positive I can say you and her have some miscommunication issue which no need to have write negative review to get her or anyone attention .
I never message her but base of her review  here and in her profile I am sure she will respond if you ask her nicely .

BUT you put your name in history of UKP for first person to write negative about her  :D however IMO this is not a review as you didn't even have a fix date and time with her .

Offline punk

At risk of being shot down in flames I tried to make contact a month ago for a booking in early June, she read my message within a few hours but didn't bother responding.

Personally I can't be bothered if its that much hard work, hopefully I'll get a slot when she returns from abroad and she's not so overloaded.

Some people cant let things rest,that all i can say.

Offline G.Raff

This is NOT a review.

It is a whinge over a POSSIBLE booking.  And if she did cancel you, she has done it five days before the event, which is plenty of notice.

Grow up and book somebody else whose communication skills suit you.

+1 I couldn't have put better myself.

I've never seen Lindsey and don't intend to so not defending her personally, but c'mon, you never had a confirmed booking so you're being over sensitive and became capricious after she rejected you.
You should try to book renata_4_you  :lol:

Offline poi

  You should try to book renata_4_you  

LOL  :lol:

Exactly .

Even y book her she will switch off her phone when u in her road. 

Offline Sonny Crockett

I think what would help would be for the OP to write on here the exact text exchanges between him and Lyndsey. I have never met Lyndsey BTW.


  • Guest
I think what would help would be for the OP to write on here the exact text exchanges between him and Lyndsey. I have never met Lyndsey BTW.

I think if he did that we should also ask Admin to change the title of this thread to "DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY REALLY REALLY DESPERATE FOR SOMETHING TO FILL YOUR TIME"


  • Guest
I think if he did that we should also ask Admin to change the title of this thread to "DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY REALLY REALLY DESPERATE FOR SOMETHING TO FILL YOUR TIME"

 :D :D :D - This is getting funnier by the minute !!!

Offline Sonny Crockett

The only reason I mentioned this, is that he's claiming that Lyndsey refused to see him due to the tone of his messages, so I am curious as to exactly what it is he messaged to Lyndsey that caused her to refuse to see him.


  • Guest
I've been a little too busy to post much of late, but given how certain sections of this fine forum have descended into fanboy utopia, I'm beginning to see I didn't miss much.  :vomit:

I was one of the very first chaps to contact Lindsey many months ago and she is charming. Comms were superb then and she sent me face pics upon request.

I never wished nor attempted to book her as I don't find her remotely attractive. Not because she isn't per se, but rather because she isn't my type.

I therefore have no axe to grind.

It would be nice if the fanboys calmed down a little though and chilled the fuck out. No wonder the reviews section isn't as lively as it was until fairly recently.

Reading 40 reviews of the same girl is a major fucking snoozeville. But tearing into a first-time reviewer who was perfectly justified in what he has written is simply a joke.

After all, the first sign of a good performer flaking is when the comms go to shit, a la Kavita ... :wacko:

Offline rthunderbird

What a bunch of fluffy cunts are you lot, look the guy said he had a problem with her comms and despite trying to book since the beginning of March has had no luck and was offended by the way she as a service provider treated him along the way and all you fanboys jump on to defend her. I am not taking a side yet as I would be interested to see exactly what he sent her but Jesus is this what the London section is often like?

Bet Lynch

  • Guest
This specific woman is very popular, she likes to get filthy and dirty,and take the odd dildo, that said...some do need to calm down.
She is a prostitute.

She would not fart on any of you without payment. :hi: :hi:

Offline The_Don

She would not fart on any of you without payment. :hi: :hi:


sorry I have to do it

Or be farted on (without payment:unknown:

is this what the London section is often like?

London (and the review board here) offers a lot. Like most things different aspects, appeal to some and not others.   
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 06:32:14 am by The_Don »

Offline claretandblue

I've been a little too busy to post much of late, but given how certain sections of this fine forum have descended into fanboy utopia, I'm beginning to see I didn't miss much.  :vomit:

I was one of the very first chaps to contact Lindsey many months ago and she is charming. Comms were superb then and she sent me face pics upon request.

I never wished nor attempted to book her as I don't find her remotely attractive. Not because she isn't per se, but rather because she isn't my type.

I therefore have no axe to grind.

It would be nice if the fanboys calmed down a little though and chilled the fuck out. No wonder the reviews section isn't as lively as it was until fairly recently.

Reading 40 reviews of the same girl is a major fucking snoozeville. But tearing into a first-time reviewer who was perfectly justified in what he has written is simply a joke.

After all, the first sign of a good performer flaking is when the comms go to shit, a la Kavita ... :wacko:

When I saw a poster called "driver" I did wonder how long before you returned,letting mustafa sign up with his own account was very good of you....

Welcome back by the way  :hi:

Offline shagbambi

Driver, Claret and Blue

I have never seen Lindsey or tried to book her. So fan boy I am not.  And this is still not a review but a whinge.

Offline claretandblue

Driver, Claret and Blue

I have never seen Lindsey or tried to book her. So fan boy I am not.  And this is still not a review but a whinge.
and your addressing this to me because? ?

Offline Clooney

OK, I've held off posting on this thread until now, but it is fair to say that there were some  fairly serious mitigating circumstances here.

Without going into too much detail and without exposing Lindsey to every nutter out there, at this very time she was receiving some pretty chilling threats to her person and wellbeing. Some of her regulars will know this to be true. The OP won't.

Under these circumstances, and given that she is after all a 22 year old young woman, it would be understandable that she'd be jumpy, on high alert and suspicious of seeing new people. There are a lot of people out there who get jealous of new girls who prove popular. She had every right to take her security seriously.

Now, I'm not suggesting that the OP is a wrong 'un, but I am stating a fact. You may have been an unintended victim of her being viciously trolled.

When Little Katie (who I am waiting patiently to see) was suffering under similar circumstances, I sent her message saying that although I'd be disappointed if she chose not to see me, I'd entirely understand. Her safety comes first.

So, I'm keeping this even handed, but sometimes we need to cut people a bit of slack. For everyone who trashes Lindsey on here, remember that this is a 22 year old girl who may well have been terrified witless at the time.

Unfortunately this is the internet. Where any objective comment on anything quickly becomes a dig. Which quickly becomes a sneer, which quickly becomes anger, which may over time become a threat.

On the other end of these comments and in extreme circumstances threats, are young girls like Lindsey, Little Katie and before them, Miss KDD.

If you think I'm a "fluffy" for being concerned about a young girl - any young girl - being subject to threats or harassment, then you really are a wrong 'un...

Online hendrix

OK, I've held off posting on this thread until now, but it is fair to say that there were some  fairly serious mitigating circumstances here.

Without going into too much detail and without exposing Lindsey to every nutter out there, at this very time she was receiving some pretty chilling threats to her person and wellbeing. Some of her regulars will know this to be true. The OP won't.

Under these circumstances, and given that she is after all a 22 year old young woman, it would be understandable that she'd be jumpy, on high alert and suspicious of seeing new people. There are a lot of people out there who get jealous of new girls who prove popular. She had every right to take her security seriously.

Now, I'm not suggesting that the OP is a wrong 'un, but I am stating a fact. You may have been an unintended victim of her being viciously trolled.

When Little Katie (who I am waiting patiently to see) was suffering under similar circumstances, I sent her message saying that although I'd be disappointed if she chose not to see me, I'd entirely understand. Her safety comes first.

So, I'm keeping this even handed, but sometimes we need to cut people a bit of slack. For everyone who trashes Lindsey on here, remember that this is a 22 year old girl who may well have been terrified witless at the time.

Unfortunately this is the internet. Where any objective comment on anything quickly becomes a dig. Which quickly becomes a sneer, which quickly becomes anger, which may over time become a threat.

On the other end of these comments and in extreme circumstances threats, are young girls like Lindsey, Little Katie and before them, Miss KDD.

If you think I'm a "fluffy" for being concerned about a young girl - any young girl - being subject to threats or harassment, then you really are a wrong 'un...

Agreed 100%

If this is fluffy - you're a cunt :hi:


  • Guest

Haven't read all the thread, but got the gist.

The bottom line is, if the WG, for whatever reason, decides not to see you/me, then that's her choice. The next thing you do depends on the type of person you are.

1. Okay, no problem, plenty more to choose from with earlier availability.
2. Due to a rejection, let your ego overtake you and get a little obsessive with constant messaging.

Most would take route 1, those that take route 2, is one of the reasons some of the WG's have to be on their guard as it can never be certain how far they may take rejection.

As for the review, I believe admin allows this type of review. I think because the reviewer is new to the forum, some have rounded up on him a little. Although IMHO, he fall into category 2.

Offline Big Bad R

Mm... Mentioned Cindy twice and no other girls, and you usually go for overseas girls? (Cindy doesn't really fall into that category, she's European and speaks better English than me). Something fishy here!

Cindy's not british though is she.

My first preference used to oriental/asian, but finding good quality providers is a very hit and miss affair in London. Much better in South East Asia.

So i started to venture onto our european cousins, with some very good results, Ameera, Cindy, Creme Brulee, and Adele to name but a few.

My favourite asian is Exotic Vee, and i would see a lot more of her, if her hours suited me better.

So , my definition of overseas is anyone non-british

This is the crux of the problem, you have seen plenty of girls and not reviewed and your first review is a negative of a UKP darling. If you had reviewed all the other girls you have seen you would have more credibility. Whilst appreciate all the other girls you mention are well reviewed on here it does not have to be a porno novel favoured by some it can be a couple of paragraphs with the salient details.  :unknown:

Offline The_Don

I've not punted Lindsey (my self) and I've read some of the reviews. And have considered her several times due to (the willingness of other sharing and) recommendations by some members on UKP (and I thank them for their time  :thumbsup: ). But for a number of reasons I've haven't punted her.

you have seen plenty of girls and not reviewed and your first review is a negative.

Indeed every member starts somewhere.

My first review was a neutral but should have been a negative (in hindsight) due to my inexperience with W/G at the time.

My point is I felt compelled to join (UKP). Post and review, because of that experience and I've never looked back since  :)

Some members may not seem to be punter etc. But that's yet to be proven in some cases. Hence benefit of the doubt  :timeout:
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 09:27:16 am by The_Don »

Offline smiths

Mr Bikerboy

the reviews shall be forthcoming

You stated that at the end of your first post last October yet this is your first review 7 or so months later. Now like any posters who haven't posted on a variety of topics over a period of time you have no credibility in my eyes but you have every right to post as you please until or unless admin decides otherwise.

ALL WGs that advertise irrespective of whatever personal circumstances they have should offer ALL punters a good service including comms, I personally have a zero tolerance policy nowadays and its not my business what is going on in a WGs life, if they are being threatened my advice is to go to the police and get advice on SAAFE, it doesn't make them immune from getting genuine negative reviews.