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Author Topic: That Mums site and UKP on technology security  (Read 5602 times)

Offline RedKettle

In response to a suggestion on another thread I went onto the Mums site to look for stories about punting phones.  I did find one where a chap had been discovered - there was a valiant effort to say he had found it that day and was going to take it to lost property.  That chap was actually woken up at 2 in the morning and confronted with the phone, so respect to him managing to think of a story at all.  Especially one where it is reasonable that he does not know the security code!

Continuing my research it struck me that most suspicion focused around blokes being protective of their main phone and I must admit I blessed the UKP advice on punting phones that enables me to leave my main phone lying around the house without concern.

Also most of the suspicion seemed to be about affairs rather than hookers.

I realised that I had got alittle lazy on the punting phone and although I clear out messages and calls I had left a couple of stored numbers - I have now deleted those in case of a 2 in the morning wake up and confrontation.

Coincidentally I had to pass my laptop to the wife today to look something up and again I blessed UKP as from following UKP advice I know that she will not stumble on anything.  Again from the Mums site where use of hookers has been found it is often from seeing AW on the laptop.

So lessons for us married punters:
1. Have a story ready if the punting phone is discovered.  (I know many of us have great ways of hiding it but prepare for the worst.)
2. Be relaxed about them seeing your main phone, do not act secretively with it.
3. Keep on top of all the basic stuff we have discussed here - for example wiping the punting phone after each punt, ensuring your laptop appears clean if used by others etc etc.  (I am not repeating all the technical details - see other threads.)

Apologies to all you single punters fed up with posts like this - just thought no harm in reminding myself and others to "stay safe".

Offline dizietsmae

I'm ultra paranoid, fresh SIM card for every punt and use an old smartphone that I keep in the car for "emergencies" that I factory reset at the end of each punt.

SIM and credit is £6 which I think is worth the peace of mind it gives me :D


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With any security strategy, you should always have "defence in depth", preferably at least 3 layers.  If your entire cover can be blown by one single thing going wrong (i.e. a phone being found), eventually that's almost guaranteed to happen.    So with anything you want to secure, you need to think through things step-by-step, in advance.    Also, each time there is any sort of security breach (e.g. you do something stupid that could have blown things), you need to update your security plans to stop that from ever happening again.    If you just rely on "seat of the pants", eventually you'll fuck up.   

Offline anonyorks

That's why a punting phone is a 100% necessity. I left my phone on the table whilst I had a shower yesterday and when I came back she had checked my facebook/twitter private messages as well as email trying to catch me out. My phone is an old phone that has been in the phone forever and it is also an old sim which is kept separate.


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If your punting phone is found, can't you claim it belongs to a mate of yours, who's always losing his phone?

Offline Taggart

My main phone, which work pay for directly, has no passcode, so can be interrogated with no fear of compromise. The phone I use for punting has several 'other' uses not just punting, (I wont elaborate), but Mrs T knows of its existence and has no suspicions as 95% of its use is legitimate and non-punting. This does have a passcode, just in case I get a tempting offer.  It's on Tesco network, so credit doesnt expire. I have retained the numbers of three WGs, they are heavily coded in the main phone but only know the number of phone 2, and their ID is not easy to spot in 400+contacts.

Also, I try and avoid using sat nav on the phone to find WGs locations, as they store places visited, so I print a map on paper that goes in a bin on completion of the deed.

The laptop is passcoded, so there's no way Mrs T could add a key stroke recorder, for instance, and I use a different browser to my 'normal' one, and this browser deletes everything on close, so should be safe.

Another thing I do reguarly, is a full reset of phone 2, every month, so it erases locations, texts and all sorts.

As a punter you need to keep ahead of the game and not become complacent.


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My punting phone is left at work I never bring it home ms midspunt would find it eventually  :scare:


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I left my phone on the table whilst I had a shower yesterday and when I came back she had checked my facebook/twitter private messages as well as email trying to catch me out.

Thats messed up mate. Assuming you have confronted her about going through your private messages, what is her excuse?

Offline iPad3

Thats messed up mate. Assuming you have confronted her about going through your private messages, what is her excuse?

To right, if my mrs found me doing that to her phone she'd spin out and she knows full well I would too!!

Offline anonyorks

I've got previous (not WG's) so it's par for the course.

Offline Inbetweener

I had a couple of close calls a few years ago which scared the shit out of me. The first thing I did was get a punting phone. I never leave any messages or numbers on there and keep the SIM separate from the phone until I need to use it. I never use the laptop to look for anything related to punting ever (means I'm not worrying about clearing history etc.). If I need to look at AW or UKP I always do it using a separate web browser (never safari) which is set so all history is cleared when I exit. I never use the notes app on my iPhone or ever take a screen shot of anything. Basically learnt to keep things as simple as possible.

Online threechilliman

To the OP, no apologies needed for another thread about this. Reminders about close calls keep us on out toes.

Thats messed up mate. Assuming you have confronted her about going through your private messages, what is her excuse?

Yep, we have rules in our house. I don't touch her phone, she doesn't touch mine. I don't go in her handbag, she doesn't look in my wallet. Both are private. I still have a punting phone though, which never comes home with me.


Offline ArtVandalay

I'm ultra paranoid, fresh SIM card for every punt and use an old smartphone that I keep in the car for "emergencies" that I factory reset at the end of each punt.

SIM and credit is £6 which I think is worth the peace of mind it gives me :D

That's my strategy too.
Its also why I use agencies more often than not,: less communications, I.e. not playing SMS tennis with 5 hookers for a week means less chance of being caught with a spare phone and a sim card .
I can buy a sim card in the morning and dump it that day as soon as the punt is finished

Offline CoolTiger

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In addtion, if travelling a fare distance to see the WG, ensure you are aware of any speed camera, or better still, stay within the limits, cos the last thing you want is a speeding notice from an area you were not supposed to be.

Also, if parking, ensure you observre local parking laws and pay any appropriate parking fees. This includes most Motorway service stations where a fee is nowadays charged if you end up parking for more than 2 hrs, 

Offline CoolTiger

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That's my strategy too.
Its also why I use agencies more often than not,: less communications, I.e. not playing SMS tennis with 5 hookers for a week means less chance of being caught with a spare phone and a sim card .
I can buy a sim card in the morning and dump it that day as soon as the punt is finished

Not always economical, if punting regularly or having to buy minimum top ups of £10.00!! 

Offline ArtVandalay

Not always economical, if punting regularly or having to buy minimum top ups of £10.00!!

If I really wanted to save money I'd have a wank instead of paying £150 for a fuck and suck


  • Guest
Good thread.

I think avoiding suspicion in the first place is very important. Once the thought crosses her mind she could well be like a dog with a bone.

Remember that you might spend an hour thinking of a good hiding place for your phone, she may well think of places you might have hidden it all day, every day  :scare:


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My punting phone is hidden with my riding crop, handcuffs...

I'm fucked if they are discovered aren't I?

 :drinks: :diablo: :lol:

Offline smiths

Once again, a separate phone isn't needed, just a second tiny sim and if a punter cant hide that he has problems as his partner must check EVERY nook and cranny.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Thank fuck I am single.    :crazy:

Offline Marmalade

The general principle of expect the worst and hope for the best still applies to married and singles. Ed Snowden's two security questions: What do you want to keep secret and from whom? What would be the result if they found out? Then make an appropriate plan.

Everybody's security measures are different. Just do what's appropriate for your situation.


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My punting phone is hidden with my riding crop, handcuffs...

I'm fucked if they are discovered aren't I?

 :drinks: :diablo: :lol:
Have you thought about what might happen if you were to die suddenly?
Yes I know - morbid thought - but it could happen to any of us any time.
If it did happen, your wife/partner/family would clear out all your stuff. If they found an extra phone - that's no big deal. I'm sure they'd give you the benefit of any doubt. However, if found together with other punting paraphernalia (punterphernalia?) then that would be a disaster. So instead of leaving behind a legacy and/or happy memories, a trail of mischief is left instead - all pointing towards a cheating double-life of betrayal.

It might not be something that anyone else gives a shit about but I do personally - in fact I'm more concerned about that scenario than I am of getting caught outright whilst I'm still alive. Reason being that if I get found out whilst still walking God's green Earth, at least I'll have chance to make peace with my family, to ask for their forgiveness, to try to make it up to them - somehow!

Offline smiths

Have you thought about what might happen if you were to die suddenly?
Yes I know - morbid thought - but it could happen to any of us any time.
If it did happen, your wife/partner/family would clear out all your stuff. If they found an extra phone - that's no big deal. I'm sure they'd give you the benefit of any doubt. However, if found together with other punting paraphernalia (punterphernalia?) then that would be a disaster. So instead of leaving behind a legacy and/or happy memories, a trail of mischief is left instead - all pointing towards a cheating double-life of betrayal.

It might not be something that anyone else gives a shit about but I do personally - in fact I'm more concerned about that scenario than I am of getting caught outright whilst I'm still alive. Reason being that if I get found out whilst still walking God's green Earth, at least I'll have chance to make peace with my family, to ask for their forgiveness, to try to make it up to them - somehow!

This subject was discussed at length on another site a couple of years ago. One punter posted about having a punting mate who he trusted and had agreed to try to wipe computers and phones before a partner and/or family/friends got to them. Seemed unrealistic to me if the punter lived with his family, plus he might have died with his punting phone on him that would then get passed to his next of kin of course.

IMO more realistic is to wipe/delete as you go so you leave as little info about punting behind as you can.

Offline dizietsmae

This subject was discussed at length on another site a couple of years ago. One punter posted about having a punting mate who he trusted and had agreed to try to wipe computers and phones before a partner and/or family/friends got to them. Seemed unrealistic to me if the punter lived with his family, plus he might have died with his punting phone on him that would then get passed to his next of kin of course.

IMO more realistic is to wipe/delete as you go so you leave as little info about punting behind as you can.

I second this, I am like a ghost and leave no trail after each punt  :cool:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Everybody's security measures are different. Just do what's appropriate for your situation.

A punting phone makes sense, a new SIM for every punt is bordering on paranoia.    :crazy:


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The problem with a SIM card alone, assuming you don't buy a new one everytime, is that you can't lock it like a dedicated punting phone. So, if a SIM with incriminating information on it is found, you're busted!  :hi:


  • Guest
(punterphernalia?) what a great word. OED are reprinting the next version to include this as we speak ( along with "punting phone"..."punting bag" and "munter"   :lol:

Offline Mr Garmin

The problem with a SIM card alone, assuming you don't buy a new one everytime, is that you can't lock it like a dedicated punting phone. So, if a SIM with incriminating information on it is found, you're busted!  :hi:

Not true. You can lock the SIM so it can't be used. I do this on my normal phone so if it is stolen or lost the SIM can't just be swapped into another phone and calls racked up. Everybody should be doing this and not just with a punting phone.

Offline smiths

The problem with a SIM card alone, assuming you don't buy a new one everytime, is that you can't lock it like a dedicated punting phone. So, if a SIM with incriminating information on it is found, you're busted!  :hi:

Apart from what Mr Garmin above has posted which I am not aware of, if your smart you don't leave incriminating info on the sim, its not rocket science Ray.

Offline cueball

Another good thread to keep us attached lads on the ball. I too have a punting phone, I don't change sims. I hide it very well but I've got a cover story drummed in ready for nightmare scenario.

The punting phone I have is the only connection, numbers, postcodes, details and addresses live on aw in her notes section in the hotlist. I have a variety of hotlists from quarantine to punted.

All history of aw and here are deleted completely after every session.

Me and Mrs cueball do have a privacy thing though (she stays out of my phone and wallet and I stay out of her handbag and phone), I'd be livid if I found her going through my normal phone and she would be too if I went through hers


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Apart from what Mr Garmin above has posted which I am not aware of, if your smart you don't leave incriminating info on the sim, its not rocket science Ray.

Agreed Smiths, but not all punters are as intelligent as you!  :dance:

Online threechilliman

All good info. Wipe phones, keep everything hidden, cover stories in place etc. And never get complacent!


Offline smiths

Agreed Smiths, but not all punters are as intelligent as you!  :dance:

I am not particularly smart Ray, its just basic common sense to me. From speaking to many WGs over the years they have said many punters don't use punting phones and even email using their work addresses so there are some that either don't care or aren't smart enough to be more careful.

Offline smiths

All good info. Wipe phones, keep everything hidden, cover stories in place etc. And never get complacent!


Yes not getting complacent is the key in my view.

Offline hawthorn123

hello people, im a very ocasional punter ,  concerning security my suggestions are. dont use any smart phone, to much tracking etc.  use and old phone easily erased, reason for having one,  just incase new modern thingy breaks / goes flat. keep passwords in your head, good idea a new sim eveytime. set browser on pc to erase on shut down, install a good cleaner  cclean etc,  set to high rate of clean. as the politcions say       plausable deniability.

Offline smiths

hello people, im a very ocasional punter ,  concerning security my suggestions are. dont use any smart phone, to much tracking etc.  use and old phone easily erased, reason for having one,  just incase new modern thingy breaks / goes flat. keep passwords in your head, good idea a new sim eveytime. set browser on pc to erase on shut down, install a good cleaner  cclean etc,  set to high rate of clean. as the politcions say       plausable deniability.

All good tips and posted on here many times before, but the more the merrier as new punters are joining all the time. I think changing the sim after each punt is over the top personally, but that's of course up to you and other punters who do so.

Online Lilywhite

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As a woman, never ever fully trust the 'agreements' you have with your partner. Just in case. We are an extremely sneaky bunch when we suspect, and all the rules go out of the window when it comes to suspicion.

Offline cueball

As a woman, never ever fully trust the 'agreements' you have with your partner. Just in case. We are an extremely sneaky bunch when we suspect, and all the rules go out of the window when it comes to suspicion.

Ha ha, why do you think I go to the lengths I go to, your a bloody sneaky bunch


  • Guest
That's why a punting phone is a 100% necessity. I left my phone on the table whilst I had a shower yesterday and when I came back she had checked my facebook/twitter private messages as well as email trying to catch me out. My phone is an old phone that has been in the phone forever and it is also an old sim which is kept separate.

why would you put up with that sort of behaviour?


  • Guest
Smartphones have great potential, with hidden apps and number burners. I've even considered ditching the punting phone altogether. However, you need to know them inside and out because they will fuck you over.

I am fairly tech savvy, but am constantly surprised at the new ways this dirty snitch in my pocket tries to ruin me.

It's reasonable common knowledge that an iPhone records the places you've been, simply by being with you and turned on.

Recently I discovered that if you download something onto your iPhone, delete it on your iPhone, and connect to your laptop at a later date it will back up your deleted file! And this includes texts and call logs. The folder is not hard to find, but there are a lot of files in there. It might be time consuming for somebody to go through it all, but it's right there. About three clicks away.


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why would you put up with that sort of behaviour?

Let's not get on high horses.

At the end of the day we're fucking prostitutes. She might be looking through your phone. Which is the greater evil?


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Let's not get on high horses.

At the end of the day we're fucking prostitutes. She might be looking through your phone. Which is the greater evil?

Im not not on any high horse, I was just asking a question why anyone would want that sort of thing in their life.

in any relationship you are entitled to privacy. doesn't matter if you're 'fucking prostitutes', which I agree is wrong too... but that doesn't give someone the right to invade your privacy and sneak about whilst you're in a shower.

what if he was buying her a secret birthday gift FFS... simple things rather than being caught for doing something wrong.  ;)

2 wrongs don't make a right as they say.

Offline Daveboygreen50

I've got previous (not WG's) so it's par for the course.
Loki he does say that he has previous so it is quite understandable that his missus will be keeping an eye on him. In fact if he starts getting secretive with his phone then that would be enough to arouse suspicion. In this situation you've got to be one step ahead all the time.  :hi:


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yeah I agree with that, can never be too careful.

I'm thankfully single, but still have an old ropey punting phone kept in a box of old junk and wipe my iPad history due to the 'death scenario' mentioned previously.



  • Guest
Loki he does say that he has previous so it is quite understandable that his missus will be keeping an eye on him. In fact if he starts getting secretive with his phone then that would be enough to arouse suspicion. In this situation you've got to be one step ahead all the time.  :hi:

Being clever is key, I leave my "clean" phone lying around on purpose. I also buy my OH's phones for her and make sure she's always on a different OS so she's never very familiar with my phones.

The tech savvy daughter is a bigger problem.

 :drinks: :diablo: :lol:

Offline cueball

Being clever is key, I leave my "clean" phone lying around on purpose. I also buy my OH's phones for her and make sure she's always on a different OS so she's never very familiar with my phones.

The tech savvy daughter is a bigger problem.

 :drinks: :diablo: :lol:

Aaahh yes, the double bluff method, I too am lazy with my clean phone, I leave it with her, in view, I forget it, I forget to switch it on. As she says "you're bloody useless with a mobile phone"

Yes dear


  • Guest
(punterphernalia?) what a great word. OED are reprinting the next version to include this as we speak ( along with "punting phone"..."punting bag" and "munter"   :lol:
Thanks - you can have that one - I've got lots more.  :hi:

Offline Marmalade

A punting phone makes sense, a new SIM for every punt is bordering on paranoia.    :crazy:

As a general rule that's spot on in my opinion.  :hi:

But the test of any rule (which I think helps to prove its truth) is to say when could it not apply. Hence circumstances. It's easy to devise scenarios. Sufficient protection technology on a single phone could in theory be sufficient for some people but a lot of hassle. Merely having a second phone might arouse unnecessary suspicion in some situations.)

If you were punting in America, you need to keep things private from the authorities rather thsn just a wife. No phone at all sometimes works well there. Last time there I just did my research first, none of it incriminating, then used non-tech punting. Excellent result.

In the UK I use a punting phone. But it also has drawbacks which I compensate for. I'm not going to spend £900 on a punting phone, and anyway high tech phones are more of a liability because of the software, which requires a lot of effort to make use secure. But my cheap shit punting phone is fuck all use for fast, detailed research. I also limit what is actually on it and clean it out regularly if my circumstances change.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 05:07:26 pm by Marmalade »

Offline ArtVandalay

A punting phone makes sense, a new SIM for every punt is bordering on paranoia.    :crazy:

A spare phone I can explain if asked - its simply a backup in case I leave mine at home when going away on a business trip.
A spare sim card with partially used credit, thats not so easy and it also means I have zero chance of receiving any messages/phone calls whilst not punting.

I also had a close escape once with a sim card that somehow freed itself from its hiding place in my laptop bag.

Has the added advantage of making spur of the moment punts less likely :)


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A spare phone I can explain if asked - its simply a backup in case I leave mine at home when going away on a business trip.
A spare sim card with partially used credit, thats not so easy and it also means I have zero chance of receiving any messages/phone calls whilst not punting.

I also had a close escape once with a sim card that somehow freed itself from its hiding place in my laptop bag.

Has the added advantage of making spur of the moment punts less likely :)

I can definitely see the appeal.

I think it depends on your punting, of course. Those amongst us who punt several times a week would find this system expensive.

But, if you punt infrequently, is an extra tenner per punt really that big a deal? It also means prossies can't tie you to a particular number and, as you say, it makes spur of the moment punts less likely.

It's definitely a strategy that is worth thinking about and, if it works for you, then great. It may be over cautious, but the consequences of a partner finding out about your punting can be catastrophic so I think it's best to err on the side of over caution.