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Author Topic: Self Harming? Would Welcome Views before I Decide Whether to Book . . .  (Read 2982 times)


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I would like to invite your opinions on this. I was thinking about booking this girl:

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But then I saw the below two photographs on her profile (I have blocked the eyes for privacy reasons). I have highlighted in red what may or may not be evidence of scarring. It made me reluctant to book her. I know she has been reviewed on here before. What do you guys think? Should I be concerned or not? Do you think this is evidence of self harm?

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Those scars look like they healed ages ago, I can barely make them out.  Are you worried she'll have fresh marks?  I'd be far more bothered about the three negative reviews personally.  Just how many chances do you want to give a shit prossie?


  • Guest
Not sure why you've hidden the eyes as the link to the profile shows all her face pics. Also the link throws up several other reviews, marks have been mentioned before as potential self harm but appear to be of some age rather than recent? I agree this would make me uncomfortable so if in doubt, best to avoid. Definitely at the unhealthy end of the skinny spectrum, does nothing for me.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 11:16:00 pm by MrBridger »

Offline claretandblue

she looks like an addict of some sort in those pics  :scare:

Offline smiths

Those scars look like they healed ages ago, I can barely make them out.  Are you worried she'll have fresh marks?  I'd be far more bothered about the three negative reviews personally.  Just how many chances do you want to give a shit prossie?

And 2 Neutrals so only 2 positives out of 7 reviews. The only possible upside is the positives are the latest reviews but I doubt I would bother booking such a WG unless a punter I knew and trusted recommended her to me.

As to self harm, if I can see signs in a WGs pictures I would usually steer well clear, though I did have a good punt with such a WG a few years back. She said she had self harmed but got help and wasn't doing it anymore.

Offline CupidStunt

Personally I don't care what issues someone may have had in the past, what's important is if her heads in a place where she can have a good session with you.

When in doubt I always ask for a quick call to go over services. You should get a gut feeling from tone of voice, manner etc as to if it's worth a go.

Online maxxblue

I would like to invite your opinions on this. I was thinking about booking this girl:

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But then I saw the below two photographs on her profile (I have blocked the eyes for privacy reasons). I have highlighted in red what may or may not be evidence of scarring. It made me reluctant to book her. I know she has been reviewed on here before. What do you guys think? Should I be concerned or not? Do you think this is evidence of self harm?

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I'm also a bit puzzled about the eyes, when the link you have provided gives a full view of this lady without her eyes blanked out??


  • Guest
I'm also a bit puzzled about the eyes, when the link you have provided gives a full view of this lady without her eyes blanked out??

It is quite simple: she controls her photos on the site she chose to upload them to, she doesn't control them on this site and didn't ask for them to be posted on this site (hence the redaction).

Offline Dani

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They do look like self harm scars however they also look very old.  For all you know she could have done them as a young teen due to stress of some sort such as being bullied in school or her parents getting divorced.  They could also be due to some mental health aspect of her life however as she does not seem to have any from recent years I wouldn't worry about them.

Online BadT

Those scars look like they healed ages ago, I can barely make them out.  Are you worried she'll have fresh marks?  I'd be far more bothered about the three negative reviews personally.  Just how many chances do you want to give a shit prossie?

Personally I don't care what issues someone may have had in the past, what's important is if her heads in a place where she can have a good session with you.

When in doubt I always ask for a quick call to go over services. You should get a gut feeling from tone of voice, manner etc as to if it's worth a go.

These two points sum it up for me.

From my own experience, Lily Hart has evidence of such scars on her left thigh, which in some of her gallery pictures you can make out. Id never noticed them, either in the pictures or in person, until Sylvester pointed it out in another thread. The fact that every time Ive seen her Ive had a great time makes them irrelevant as far as Im concerned. Her reviews on here would suggest Im not alone.

Everyone has demons- how we deal with them differs and no way am I in a position to judge anyone on such matters.


  • Guest
Most girls in this business are fucked up in one way or another.  Personally, i wouldnt give a shit.


  • Guest
You all study the photographs much closer than me. I honestly would not have noticed the scars until you pointed them out. I  am learning alot from this forum. As long as the punt was safe it would not put me off.


  • Guest
Yep - those are all very old scars.  Several years at least.

Offline Trevor12

she looks like an addict of some sort in those pics  :scare:

I thought the same thing TBH, and it's that that would put me off, rather than the old and faint scars.


  • Guest
Yes self harming from cutting with a rasor blade i think from her look could be a druggy or simalar but each to their own ? I dont know what has happen in her past ?but is it worth spending your money if your not sure your self?

Offline mf_1101

They look very old, I'd be more concerned about her attitude, the service, venue, does she take drugs...etc

Self-harming is surprisingly more common than we all think, my ex-girlfriend used to do it in School, she was very open about it when we started dating but sometimes she would try to hide it, least before we started dating.

Think it's more likely she had some other issues, maybe as a teenager and that is where the scars come from.


  • Guest
I'd be more concerned that she looked like the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang :(


  • Guest
I would like to invite your opinions on this. I was thinking about booking this girl:

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If you like the look of her why not give her a ring?  If you raise the issue of scaring in a courteous manner she may give an acceptable explanation.  If she expresses a desire to introduce you to her chainsaw probably best move on.

Offline Garden69

You all study the photographs much closer than me. I honestly would not have noticed the scars until you pointed them out. I  am learning alot from this forum. As long as the punt was safe it would not put me off.


Offline cueball

In some of her pics she looks quite bonny but in some others she looks like a skinny gaunt junky. If I'm honest I'd be looking elsewhere, the scars on her arm wouldn't bother me though


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If you like the look of her why not give her a ring?  If you raise the issue of scaring in a courteous manner she may give an acceptable explanation.

I'm quite surprised how invasive some people want to be.

It's no ones business except the person themselves why they have those kinds of scars. Fresh needle marks might be a different issue, but those marks in the picture certainly aren't that. People who have self harmed should be supported, not ostracised. I've met a couple of WG's who have self harmed and have clearly gone through a dark period in their life, and personally I feel it's a bonus that they've found a way to dig themselves out of the hole they've been in. Some years ago I also met a young girl working as an escort who had heavy scarring on her legs and body, but I didn't dare ask or comment on them. Simply because if anyone or everyone did that, the person would feel besieged. That's not nice. She was otherwise very attractive and I met her several times. She volunteered the information that she'd fallen from a horse and been trampled when she was very young. It was a big set back for her, but at least she'd survived and she decided to go into prostitution as soon as she could to make something of her life.


  • Guest
I'm quite surprised how invasive some people want to be.

It's no ones business except the person themselves why they have those kinds of scars. Fresh needle marks might be a different issue, but those marks in the picture certainly aren't that. People who have self harmed should be supported, not ostracised. I've met a couple of WG's who have self harmed and have clearly gone through a dark period in their life, and personally I feel it's a bonus that they've found a way to dig themselves out of the hole they've been in.
I was with you until that last part I've highlighted in bold text.
Dig themselves out of the hole and end up in prostitution?  It's hardly a respectable career to be proud of is it?

Some years ago I also met a young girl working as an escort...
she'd fallen from a horse and been trampled when she was very young. It was a big set back for her, but at least she'd survived and she decided to go into prostitution as soon as she could to make something of her life.
Again, what is she making of her life by going into prostitution?!
I have the utmost respect for the girls that I see and do not exploit them other than giving them the cash that they ask for, for sex.  However I hope that they won't be doing the job for long and it actually makes me feel pleased for her when a popular one, e.g. Xena in Harrow decides to retire from whoring and then actually make something of her life!.

Offline The_Don

And 2 Neutrals so only 2 positives out of 7 reviews. The only possible upside is the positives are the latest reviews but I doubt I would bother booking such a WG unless a punter I knew and trusted recommended her to me.

This +1

Offline CupidStunt

Dig themselves out of the hole and end up in prostitution?  It's hardly a respectable career to be proud of is it?
Again, what is she making of her life by going into prostitution?!
I have the utmost respect for the girls that I see and do not exploit them other than giving them the cash that they ask for, for sex.  However I hope that they won't be doing the job for long and it actually makes me feel pleased for her when a popular one, e.g. Xena in Harrow decides to retire from whoring and then actually make something of her life!.

Your arrogant presumption to pass judgement, double standards and hypocrisy are a wonder to behold and, regardless of your condescending "I'm a good guy" bs, you clearly have no respect for them.


  • Guest
Your arrogant presumption to pass judgement, double standards and hypocrisy are a wonder to behold and, regardless of your condescending "I'm a good guy" bs, you clearly have no respect for them.
You live up to your forum name :D
I don't have double-standards so am not guilty of hypocrisy.  I'm ashamed of my punting.  Not that it's any of your business.  I never said I was a good guy either.  I'm a punter - like you.


  • Guest
without having any opinion on the above argument. If you are concerned OP, and that's a personal thing for you not other punters opinions. My only point would be and I dont know how you would go about finding out, is she using prostitution as an alternative method of self harm? Tricky area.

 :drinks: :diablo: :lol:

Offline daveev

I to have seen a few girls that have self harmed, mostly from there past or bad child hood, i find the heeled up scars quite sexy and have told them this, all to there own.
 I'd not worry about the faded ones on this girl, go and call her and report back, might be great fun i know the ones ive seen where

Offline backofthenet

I punted with her on new years day - thought she was pretty good. No recollection of self harm scars.
Review here -

Offline Malvolio

I'd say don't book her - it's already putting you off now, so you may end up having a poor punt due to you not being in the proper mood.


  • Guest
I was with you until that last part I've highlighted in bold text.
Dig themselves out of the hole and end up in prostitution?  It's hardly a respectable career to be proud of is it?
Again, what is she making of her life by going into prostitution?!

I have the utmost respect for the girls that I see and do not exploit them other than giving them the cash that they ask for, for sex.  However I hope that they won't be doing the job for long and it actually makes me feel pleased for her when a popular one, e.g. Xena in Harrow decides to retire from whoring and then actually make something of her life!.

Everything is relative. I took the view that it's a lot better than someone slicing their arm up with a razor blade because they hate themselves so much. Working as a prostitute sometimes gives these girls confidence in themselves, and can provide them with the resources to make more of their lives. I've had one or two tell me so. And I'd much rather be paying one of those than someone who is going to blow it all on stupid crap.

Some years ago I met a middle aged prostitute who lived on her own and was suffering from MS. She also told me that it gave her a lot of confidence and I could really see the sense in that. If you have any social graces you'd find out that there can be lot more to these encounters than book a girl, shag her or whatever, then leave. There are real benefits for both sides. Something that the rabid feminist fraternity and abolitionists have no concept of.

I don't look down on them as you are implying you do, unless they are scraggy for other reasons.


  • Guest
Everything is relative. I took the view that it's a lot better than someone slicing their arm up with a razor blade because they hate themselves so much. Working as a prostitute sometimes gives these girls confidence in themselves, and can provide them with the resources to make more of their lives. I've had one or two tell me so. And I'd much rather be paying one of those than someone who is going to blow it all on stupid crap.

Some years ago I met a middle aged prostitute who lived on her own and was suffering from MS. She also told me that it gave her a lot of confidence and I could really see the sense in that. If you have any social graces you'd find out that there can be lot more to these encounters than book a girl, shag her or whatever, then leave. There are real benefits for both sides. Something that the rabid feminist fraternity and abolitionists have no concept of.

I don't look down on them as you are implying you do, unless they are scraggy for other reasons.

I actually don't look down on them as people.  I have also gotten to know a few in the past, on two occasions forming an emotional attachment.  I wouldn't have bothered to spend the time and effort getting to know these girls if I thought I was better than them.  In the process I've found that many are unhappy in what they do and are looking for a way out.  There was a sad story behind each one.  Lots of girls have told me about ambitions of doing something else - starting their own business, using the money they've earned to buy their own house or provide a better life for their family, back home in their native country.  Talk to any of the girls who tell you they are quitting soon - ask them why.  A "normal and happy life" is a very common theme.  Many only do it for a short amount of time.  It's good money but they use it as a stepping-stone to enable them to do something else.  This is all based on my own personal experience.  That's lead me to conclude that prostitution is not a career to be proud of, on the whole.

After a few years of doing this I don't try to get to know the girls any more as it's very easy for me to get emotionally involved.  All I really want is a bit of escapism and a bit of fun and not an emotional head-fuck.  But that doesn't mean that I've forgotten that these girls are real people.