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Author Topic: Booking off of AdultWork vs. Tindr or other dating apps?  (Read 3609 times)


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Looking to get some side stuff when I come to London in a couple of weeks and would like some advice...

Pros and cons of using Tindr (or some other dating app) to find a one night stand vs. just hiring someone off of AW. 

Having never done either, are there a lot of WG on the dating apps? Is there a particular one that is better than an other? One that's more suited for NSA than dating or that's more private than others?

Or should I just bite the bullet and get exactly what I'd like but spend the money?

BTW - I'm reasonably attractive, but mid-40s with a little bit of a stomach (6', 220 lbs) so I'm not going to be getting the cream of the crop off of Tindr but thought I'd find some suitable lonely heart...


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Pros and cons? Pretty big con paying


  • Guest
Pros, hopefully you get who you want, to do what you want, when and where you want, and they don't expect anything else.


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Just my personal experience but finding women that offer casual sex (and can leave it there) is extremely difficult, hard work and time consuming.  Book a well reviewed lady of AW and you should get what you need.

Offline anonyorks

Time is money, by the time you've messed around looking for someone to find for a one night stand you could've seen and shagged a hot girl from AW. Been there done that just book a WG and enjoy yourself.


  • Guest
Time is money, by the time you've messed around looking for someone to find for a one night stand you could've seen and shagged a hot girl from AW. Been there done that just book a WG and enjoy yourself.

That's how I feel exactly. Wasted too much time looking for non wg.

Offline PLeisure

It's the modern way. So much more efficient - and you get to choose the menu

Offline mf_1101

Tindr like most dating apps is a shopping list for both males and females. For ladies, if they want a shag, they're always going to be messaging the more attractive guys first, just like we would for the girls.

If you're not the most attractive guy, you'd probably be better off going on AW - if all you want is a shag, you could be spending months on that app without success meanwhile on here in the space of one evening you got a good chance of shagging a sexy WG at a reasonable price without having to buy her dinner first. I haven't used tindr but used some other dating apps/websites, principle is the same - even if girls aren't looking for a one night stand, they're still primarily judging you by your looks.

I am also not exactly eye candy so rarely do I meet people on dating websites, has happened but very rare. More success with the classic ways.

Girls there either shopping for their unrealistic fantasy (prince charming? More cringeworthy than a prossie posting 'I serve only gentlemen with rich tastes in life'  :scare:). Of course I am in my mid twenties and only speak for my generation, might be different for people in their 40's on there?


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Is it pretty common for WG to adjust prices? How do you go about bartering?

The exchange rate is what kills me!

Offline Malvolio

If you want to barter, phone them up and say something like 'I'm very keen to see you, but I can't afford £x, would you accept £y?'.  Most important thing is to be polite as these women don't know you from Adam.

On no account try and haggle once you're in the room with the prossie as this will piss her off and lead to a crap punt.


  • Guest
Pros and cons? Pretty big con paying

Depends how much you value your time at.    Seeing well-reviewed pros is much more time-efficient than messing about with dating apps.


  • Guest
Is it pretty common for WG to adjust prices? How do you go about bartering?

The exchange rate is what kills me!

Haggling is a red flag to most girls and will get you nowhere (& get you a bad rep). Aw has a search function to let you specify how much you want to pay, or do an aw reverse booking.

I've only ever haggled over longer appointments where I wasn't expecting to have sex the whole time.

You may have some joy with a new girl who has no feedback and has priced herself higher than anyone else in the area but I wouldn't bet on it.

Most girls look on it as extremely rude and insulting, it's the equivalent of saying, "I know you advertise at £150 an hour but I've seen girls prettier than you at £100 an hour". Or you're begging. Neither of which is attractive or going to make a girl want to shag you. At the end of the day they can charge what they like and we the customer can pick a girl in the price range we can afford. 

I had a major falling out with a regular over the price of an overnight booking because I found out she'd offered a reduced rate to someone else and wouldn't do the same for me.  And now I don't see that girl anymore and still haven't had an overnight.

Rule of thumb is that anything up to an hour you pay as advertised, anything over that you may have some leeway and particularly if you've seen them before.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 03:24:59 pm by bod666 »


  • Guest
Looking to get some side stuff when I come to London in a couple of weeks and would like some advice...

Pros and cons of using Tindr (or some other dating app) to find a one night stand vs. just hiring someone off of AW. 

Having never done either, are there a lot of WG on the dating apps? Is there a particular one that is better than an other? One that's more suited for NSA than dating or that's more private than others?

Or should I just bite the bullet and get exactly what I'd like but spend the money?

BTW - I'm reasonably attractive, but mid-40s with a little bit of a stomach (6', 220 lbs) so I'm not going to be getting the cream of the crop off of Tindr but thought I'd find some suitable lonely heart...

I'm on tinder but use fake pictures off various male model sites as using my own pictures gets me no matches, or the occasional girl I'm not interested. The thing is, I'm not ugly by any means, I'm a reasonably attractive reasonably fit guy, like probably most blokes are. But on dating apps women are a lot harder to pull then in a night club by virtue of having unlimited time 7 days a week to pull the ripped devastatingly good looking guys.

It is frustrating as if you use fake pics you realise how utterly filthy so many women are, most admit to sleeping with over 20 guys in their lifetime and most will she well up for a meeting the first day you chat on tinder. Obviously I never bother for the obvious reason.

Booking a hooker for Mr average is the smart way forward. It isn't much more costly than taking a girl out given they all expect everything paid for on a date and you get to cherry pick exactly what you want and do what you want to do with her if mutually agreed beforehand.

You could have the best of both worlds if you are Mr above average. Upload fake pics, get involved with sex chat with girls on apps then go and book a hooker to act out the app fantasy?

Offline kiltedviking

Am I wrong but does Tindr not require you to have a Facebook account to login? I downloaded what I thought was Tindr onto my android phone and it seems to only have FB as the login option. If that's the case then definite no no re just in case real and punting identities got mixed.


  • Guest
Am I wrong but does Tindr not require you to have a Facebook account to login? I downloaded what I thought was Tindr onto my android phone and it seems to only have FB as the login option. If that's the case then definite no no re just in case real and punting identities got mixed.

Yes it does link to facebook so it best to set up an alias facebook account.

Offline MancSean

Tut tut fake photos on tinder. What do you say when you actually meet someone off there?
I have met loads of women off tinder and not shagged any of them although always pay for dinner on first date.
My problem is that all the women have met on tinder are late 40s to early 50s and a little older than me. Trouble is I don't fancy women in their 40s. 30s I can just about do.  That's why I prefer punting as I can get what my urge desires when I want.
Got a chance to go out with a girl in mid 20's from work and not sure if I should as 20 year age gap. In punting terms that's nowt to worry about but in civvy terms it's not great and could cause a scandal.
My son who's 16 thinks it's great and that I should just shag her but my lass is 21 and send it's vile.
To the OP if you rely on tinder unless you strike really lucky you might end up jacking off to porn.  Go for a wg pay the fee and bang her brains out.


  • Guest
Tut tut fake photos on tinder. What do you say when you actually meet someone off there?
I have met loads of women off tinder and not shagged any of them although always pay for dinner on first date.
My problem is that all the women have met on tinder are late 40s to early 50s and a little older than me. Trouble is I don't fancy women in their 40s. 30s I can just about do.  That's why I prefer punting as I can get what my urge desires when I want.
Got a chance to go out with a girl in mid 20's from work and not sure if I should as 20 year age gap. In punting terms that's nowt to worry about but in civvy terms it's not great and could cause a scandal.
My son who's 16 thinks it's great and that I should just shag her but my lass is 21 and send it's vile.
To the OP if you rely on tinder unless you strike really lucky you might end up jacking off to porn.  Go for a wg pay the fee and bang her brains out.

I don't meet them, tbh normally things just fizzle out after all the sex chat. Normally once we speak on the phone it becomes apparent there is no chemistry, a lot of these girls are severely lacking in personality which I suppose explains why they are on a dating app.

You are using tinder differently to me. I tend to go for 18 to 36. I think there is a discernible difference between women depending on their age. Below 24 and they lack social skills and think the world is as in Geordie shore. Between 24 and 30 they are sexually very liberated and pretty filthy but very shallow. 30-36 they are equally as filthy but not as up themselves as most have been used by a number of men so are more resigned and less shallow and hence there is more opportunity to get forgiven for a fake pic which is what happens in my case, it is that age group who don't go berserk when I own up.

Above 36 I can't comment but from what you say it kind of confirms what I thought, I.e they would be easy to have dates with but getting your leg over will be harder as they probably are bitter about being used for sex in their earlier years.

The point to the OP is none of the above matters so all that stress is removed, just spend 20 minutes researching the girls you want, cross reference the shortlist on here to see if any reviews then pick two, one of whom is the reserve if let down, get to cash point, get over there, have fun then get on with his day/evening.

No brainer really.


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I'm on Tinder and fucked a couple of women off there ! However after endless texting and sorting stuff out and in my case paying for drinks and a hotel room to shag someone I could have just as easy paid to cut the chase and book someone off AW ! Infact I've got a booking lined up this week to eliminate my last tinder date :(


  • Guest
I'm on Tinder and fucked a couple of women off there ! However after endless texting and sorting stuff out and in my case paying for drinks and a hotel room to shag someone I could have just as easy paid to cut the chase and book someone off AW ! Infact I've got a booking lined up this week to eliminate my last tinder date :(

Were they very good looking off tinder? I've not much luck on tinder obviously but I wonder if I would if I concentrated on the more average women.


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Methinks same as the Craigslist thread - why am I punting?...cos I want no strings, no hassle sex. Dating sites? Really can't be arsed. On the other hand, AW can prove about as frustrating as a ruined climax some days. But I believe it's still the best option.


  • Guest
Thanks guys.... very helpful. Consensus says just go for someone off of AW. That's kind of where I'm leaning. If it weren't bad enough, I'm actually going to have small windows of opportunities. Plus, and this might be some warped thinking, but I think it actually might be safer from a STD standpoint to find a worker versus some woman that doesn't mind shagging with a 45 yo, paunchy male.


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Tinder i have never tried, but i've tried an app called "badoo" and got a few replies, but most go quiet after a few messages. Most girls on these dating sites and apps are on there for an ego boost more than seriously wanting to date, and then you get the other ones who use photos of their friends  :unknown: i managed to shag a very attractive milf bareback (i know, silly thing to do but she never even insisted on a condom) from badoo, but it took persistence as the first time she never answered my msg, then a few weeks later i saw her in my search again and i messaged again and she replied, then we got chatting.

If you don't get an answer from some girls it can be more so that they get lost amongst the other ridiculous amounts of messages that they get sent by guys everyday. I did an experiment after i quit badoo, where i created a fake profile of a very attractive woman in her 30's and waited for the response, and my god after a few hours i was getting likes, messages, favourited so much, so i can only imagine what it's like for women in their late teens and 20's who are hot.

I am not an unattractive guy, but on POF i have struggled, whereas on the likes of badoo and oasis it's been a little easier to get numbers. I think i actually get more attention in the real world than online and think that's to do with me not being photogenic. If i take a selfie, i can make myself look better looking, but if it's taken on a social occasion and i'm drunk or having fun, i'll pull some weird face and look like a fucking mong which is shit because social pictures are much better suited for online dating  :thumbsdown:


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I work long hours and earn good money. Time is everything to me. I would rather pay £100+ than go through the countless dribble that is on dating profiles of women who just need extra attention emotionally and have to put up with all the mind games.

The modern man chooses Adult work for ease, efficiency and ultimate action.

Offline Punting Valley

I work long hours and earn good money. Time is everything to me. I would rather pay £100+ than go through the countless dribble that is on dating profiles of women who just need extra attention emotionally and have to put up with all the mind games.

The modern man chooses Adult work for ease, efficiency and ultimate action.

Agree, time is money. It is not like tinder can guarantee the girl will sleep with you at the end anyway, waste of my time imo.