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Author Topic: Getting and using the blue pill...  (Read 1561 times)

Offline OnTheSly

evening all,

Am just wondering how to get hold of and the best way to use these magic pills. Just read a review and after never trying them am keen to give them a go as age gets the better of me.

Any advice much appreciated.

Offline ForrestGump

You'll find a lot of valuable info on this site if you use the search engine with strings like viagra, cialis and sildenafil. I reckon the search results should provide answers to any questions you may have.  :thumbsup:

Offline AnthG

There are a lot of threads on this on the forum. But basically the easiest way to get them is to go to Asda. Pickup the leaflet outside the pharmacist on Erectile Dysfunction. And ask to speak to the pharmacist about this and show him the leaflet.

You will get upto 8 x 100mg tablets very cheaply (between £2.50 and £9 for a pack of four)
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Offline OnTheSly

Cheers gents - was on my mobile and didn't even think to search (really sorry about that).

Found some great stuff out and ordered some to try!


  • Guest
Note that one of the side effects is death; it also advises against those with a history of neurosurgery avoiding their use.

I tried one and had a stiff for three days. My missus thought it funny but it was a massive [no pun] inconvenience.

Offline OnTheSly

Don't most things mention death as a side effect - covering arses and all. I've read people's experiences and let you know how I get on. A 3 day stiffy sounds like a nightmare, so will try a 1/4 pill first to see how it goes. :)

Offline ForrestGump

I tried one and had a stiff for three days. My missus thought it funny but it was a massive [no pun] inconvenience.

I'd heard that was a possible side-effect. It must have been awkward and, I'm guessing, painful. Can I ask what drug you took and the dosage?


  • Guest
Yes Forest; it was Viagra, legally prescribed, and broken in two as per docs orders. The effect scared me shitless - gave the rest to a mate and decided I can get a suitable stiffy without chemical intervention; which I can.

I might mention the pill was a devil to split - must be made of titanium!

Hope this helps; dodgy IMO.

  • Guest
I am 26 and I really do not need such pills to get hard. But taking one such pill an hour before the action does wonders for me. The size increases marginally and I stay hard even after an hour of punt.

It really increases your confidence and things like BJ and sex become lot more interesting and efficient.

I take Sildenalfil an hour before the action and it has always worked for me. It does sometimes have side effects like headache etc. but believe me it has been worth it.

It might not be a good idea to take it frequently. I often punt once in 2 months and I only take it that time. It is advisable for patients with high blood pressure to avoid taking it.

Offline bestbefore

Sildenafil (viagra) is now available on the National Health. Since the price dropped dramatically when their patent ran out, GPs can now prescribe it on an NHS prescription (free if you are over 60!)

Very minor side effects for me - maybe a slight blocked up nose feeling but nothing more. Take with a glass of water. Avoid a heavy meal before - works best on an empty stomach. Takes about an hour to become effective but does require stimulation!


  • Guest
You can order all of them over the internet through  They'll either post them to your address or you can chose to pick them up from a superdrug store.  If you have never taken Viagra before I'd suggest you start off with 100mg and see how it goes.  The side effects can be quite severe - heartburn, vomiting, blurred vision etc., etc.,  Cialis seems less severe and lasts for 3 days - useful if you are on a punting binge!   :yahoo:

Offline bestbefore

You can order all of them over the internet through  They'll either post them to your address or you can chose to pick them up from a superdrug store.  If you have never taken Viagra before I'd suggest you start off with 100mg and see how it goes.  The side effects can be quite severe - heartburn, vomiting, blurred vision etc., etc.,  Cialis seems less severe and lasts for 3 days - useful if you are on a punting binge!   :yahoo:

In my view, and that of my GP, 100mg is too high a dose to start with. 50 would be a better option.

I don't think the side effects are that concerning. The side effects mentioned here would only occur in very rare cases.

Don't let the fear of them put you off trying sildenafil out. You are unlikely to get anything more than a slight blocked nose feeling. Don't of course take them if you have high blood pressure!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 10:50:12 am by bestbefore »

Offline CardiffCentral

What about the long term psychological effects of taking stimulus like this? 

A friend of mine in his 30's always takes either Viagra or an alternative before sex, I imagine in tiny doses.  In my eyes it wouldn't be too difficult to go from taking it to enhance a sexual encounter as a one off novel experience to using it to get the most out of casual sex and then being too afraid to not use it because you're worried you won't be able to maintain an erection or get any pleasure out of sexual stimulation. 

To me the whole thing seemed rigged to pull on your insecurities from the get go.  Sure it helps with ED, I'm not denying that. I guess I'm pro gaining sexual experience and learning more about various sexual techniques the old fashioned way.  Like the musician, Sting. 

I'm Sting.   :crazy: