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Author Topic: pissed off  (Read 1894 times)


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Is there any point in telling a wg you are pissed off at service? Will that make the next visit improve? I'm a little disappointed with my regular this time so should I cut my losses and "get out out of Dodge"?

Offline smiths

Is there any point in telling a wg you are pissed off at service? Will that make the next visit improve? I'm a little disappointed with my regular this time so should I cut my losses and "get out out of Dodge"?

If I am pissed off with a WGs service no way will I be returning, I expect good service each and every time, no excuses.


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I'd say it all depends on the girl. You say she's your regular - how many times have you seen her? She may have become complacent with you and be going through the motions.

Have a scout around to see if there is anyone else in your area that takes your fancy. Go see them instead of your regular - if the service is worse than your regular then you know you're onto a good thing with her. If its better with the newbie then you have a new potential regular and you now have nothing to lose telling your reg that you were unhappy with the service at your last visit. No idea how you phrase that though without it sounding like you're complaining about a visit to a restaurant  :lol:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 12:05:33 am by bod666 »

Offline Punting Valley

Yea i agree with others, depending on how long you have been a regular. If it is only a short regular (a few times) just cut it, but if it is a long regular (like many times within 6 months or spread out over the year/years) then maybe give her a talk and one last chance. There can be a second chance for people to undo their wrong but never a third chance.


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Offline Punting Valley

been about a year and half
How many times for those 1.5 years, if it is like once a month, you have been seeing her for like 18 times, personally i would give her one more chance and no more. And of course have a talk with her to express your frustration as she may not realise her wrong.

Offline smiths

Yea i agree with others, depending on how long you have been a regular. If it is only a short regular (a few times) just cut it, but if it is a long regular (like many times within 6 months or spread out over the year/years) then maybe give her a talk and one last chance. There can be a second chance for people to undo their wrong but never a third chance.

I wouldn't bother doing this personally. if I need to have a word with a WG then what made her worth me punting with has gone for good in my experience. But I nowadays have a zero tolerance policy.


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Perhaps a good spanking is needed to readjust her behaviour?


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actually tried that on my first visit and we were both wtf is spanking about? sorry, not my thing (I was the "spankee" rather than "spanker"

Offline Brumish

been about a year and half

You sure it's not the wife?

Year and a half is too long!


  • Guest
Is there any point in telling a wg you are pissed off at service? Will that make the next visit improve? I'm a little disappointed with my regular this time so should I cut my losses and "get out out of Dodge"?

As in any business relationship if the service provided is no longer of an acceptable standard the service must be ameliorated or the relationship should be terminated.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 02:34:43 am by Marmite »


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Dont tell her direct...

Mention another working girl (no name needed) and replicate a story so she takes the hint.

most wg are very insecure and believe they are providing gold standard services 24/7


  • Guest

If I am pissed off with a WGs service no way will I be returning, I expect good service each and every time, no excuses.

Like wise.

Offline Boundless

I think give her one more chance.
I've got a regular that I get on with really well, probably seen her a dozen or so times in 2 years. A while ago, I saw her and it was a bit lacklustre which made me think shall I kick her into touch. Then I just fancied seeing her again and it was a fantastic punt, one of the best ever and since then has been great too. I suppose that we all have off days, although I agree this shouldn't be apparent in the service.


  • Guest
I tend to agree with Sam55. We all have our off days for whatever reason and the fact that you have been seeing her for 18 months suggests that she is worth it. True, familiarity can lead to complacency, but on the other hand, having a reliable regular can have its perks too.


  • Guest
Was it an off day or an indication of a general slide in services? If the latter, maybe it's time to move on. I'm never convinced that a word goes down that well with some girls and in fact is likely to be the line in the sand with some. However, Much depends on your existing relationship with girls. As the old management adage goes, if I don't know there's a problem, I can't do anything about it. If she's the type of girl you can really speak to, have a word and if you are both happy to continue, give it another go and see how things pan out

Offline Jimmyredcab

Is there any point in telling a wg you are pissed off at service?

Not really, I remember doing it once but she clearly didn't give two fucks, I gave her a negative review on here but she moved on anyway.    :thumbsdown:


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If she's been a reg for a while, then have a diplomatic chat to her; Prossies aren't mind readers.  How she reacts will tell you whether or not to continue seeing her.  I'm a believer that you can judge how good someone is at their job by how they deal with screwups & complaints.

Offline SamLP

If you see her twice a month for example, skip the next time you usually book her and maybe even the next one too, then book to see her. If she mentions it's been a long time, just tell her you've been sampling some new girls and they're damn good. If she doesn't provide an improved service then maybe it's time to find a new regular.

Offline HappyandLucky

For newbies that I punt and it's a neg performance for which I provide direct feedback, it has always been received like water off a ducks back so I don't bother anymore.
For a regular that I would not see again unless things radically improved, I would carefully confirm your disapointment and ask if there was something wrong. The worst that can happen is that she ignores it or turns verbal on your arse, then you move on. Alternatively she might appreciate a wake up call before ur regular money goes elsewhere. There are many fish in the sea and smart regs will understand this.

Offline Anallover6969

If you see her twice a month for example, skip the next time you usually book her and maybe even the next one too, then book to see her. If she mentions it's been a long time, just tell her you've been sampling some new girls and they're damn good. If she doesn't provide an improved service then maybe it's time to find a new regular.

Your approach is very tactful and should get her thinking just enough without causing any offence. If a bit of competition to get your hard earned doesn't put her into touch time to move on.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 02:16:04 pm by Anallover6969 »

Offline anyfucker

If she's been a reg for a while, then have a diplomatic chat to her; Prossies aren't mind readers.  How she reacts will tell you whether or not to continue seeing her.  I'm a believer that you can judge how good someone is at their job by how they deal with screwups & complaints.
If English is not her mother tongue then explain clearly what you think she needs to do to bring her service back to previous standards.
Don't hint, she might not understand what you mean.
Then you can see what happens.
Agree the mark of good service is how screwups & complaints are dealt with.
We can all have off-days.