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Author Topic: Does the second visit ever live up to the first?  (Read 2166 times)


  • Guest
I rarely do repeat visits as I tend to work on the basis of variety is the spice of life etc. however, whenever I have done a repeat visit (this only ever happens if the first time was stellar) it's never quite lived up to the excitement of round one. Is this just me or do others also feel the same?


  • Guest
Often, although with the right prossie it can be better.  :yahoo:


  • Guest
No, absolutely agree. I've only ever done 2 second visits and both, while enjoyable, were not up to the standard of the first. I think part of the appeal is the newness of a lady you haven't seen before.

Offline smiths

I rarely do repeat visits as I tend to work on the basis of variety is the spice of life etc. however, whenever I have done a repeat visit (this only ever happens if the first time was stellar) it's never quite lived up to the excitement of round one. Is this just me or do others also feel the same?

Sometimes my punts can get better and better as a WG gets to know what I like and how I like it until its time to move on.


  • Guest
Each to their own Sir Frank as I am quite the opposite, if a find an attractive girl who gives a good service I tend to repeat visit and I find the punts get better over the first few visits as we find out what really turns each other on. Inevitably things will then plateau, but it's time to move on when things start to drop off (so to speak!).

Offline HappyandLucky

A hard benchmark. I punt a mixture of regs + new adventures. To go for a second visit round one has to be great, so often find round 2 just as good if not better. To make it to 5+ must be exceptional but I still find these just as exciting as round 1 with the right WG as the smart ones know how to mix it up.

Offline tesla

with the right girl the second and subsequent visits can be much better

Offline SamLP

I rarely do repeat visits as I tend to work on the basis of variety is the spice of life etc. however, whenever I have done a repeat visit (this only ever happens if the first time was stellar) it's never quite lived up to the excitement of round one. Is this just me or do others also feel the same?

As with most questions, there's a variety of answers:

- There are some girls who after a good first punt didn't live up to the same service in the second, and I never returned.

- There are some who did live up to the same and even better service is several consecutive punts, but then took the liberty of becoming too comfortable and slacked off. I stop returning once that happens. On occasions I leave a gap before returning and have had a mixed bag, some with renewed good service, others still bad.

- There are those girls who offer a good service consistently but nothing new, boredom sets in and I don't return.

- Then you have those who consistently offer a good service, and raise the bar a little every time. Those I am still returning to see.

That's been my experience with return visits. I like the thrill of seeing new girls which is what punting is about for me, but I also like the idea of seeing someone that knows my likes and can guarantee a good punt.

Offline sticko

I find that if you rock up to a second session expecting the same service, and excitement, as the first, then you probably won't get it.  I try to plan a second punt so I can be sure we'll mix things up.  Recently I had a great but quite vanilla first punt with a newbie; second time round I took massage oil and a blindfold to add a new dimension.  Worked like a charm and I'll be doing visit 4 on Friday if things go according to plan...



  • Guest
I went back to one girl three times, the third was a waste of money. I should have known after the second, which was slightly less 'Me'-centred, more what she wanted me to do than what I wanted her to do. That prompted me to take a seven month layoff.

I've seen another girl four times now. The second was not so good, so 'second punt syndrome', the third and fourth have been better than the first, trying more things, more comfortable with each other etc., but I've also changed my attitude to punting since that layoff.

I think it all depends on the girl and the punter.

Offline cueball

I find the second visit can be better than the first but the first has to great to bring me back. I will return to the good ones after a month or two away.

When you return too frequent the service often gets worse. I do have a liking for playing with new prossies though.

Offline tictacs

For me a large part of the excitement is in seeing someone new.

I've gone back for a second visit a couple of times and though it's been very good there wasn't enough of a thrill.

Have to agree with you on variety being the spice of life too - think I'd get bored if I saw the same girl too often.

Two tone

  • Guest
Very rarely in my experience.

I find the first one is normally exciting & has a lot of novelty factor but when I return for the second it doesn't compare, and if I get to a third it's normally the same old routine.

This probably says a lot about me as I get bored easily so still waiting to find an excellent regular who can keep things fresh.


  • Guest
I am absolutely a repeat offender. I find that almost without fail the experience gets much better with a girl you have seen multiple times.

It's a trade-off - what you lose in novelty, I feel you more than make up for in familiarity, and the certainty that you get along.  Most usually you also move some way beyond their AW 'enjoys' list as you develop an understanding, trust, and a bit of intimacy.

It's worth bearing in mind that the AW enjoys list often represents what a girl is prepared to do with a complete stranger.  The list can grow extensively in my experience once some familiarity has been established.

Offline Clooney

With the right girl it is better.

My first meet with Miss KDD for instance was a top 10, probably top 5 one-on-one sexual experience. I don't say that lightly - I've fucked around 300+ girls and most of them have not been shy!

Second meeting booked in haste. As the time approached, I honestly wondered if so would be disappointed. How could I possibly top the first time? I thought.


Now that we had the measure of each other, it was twisted, nasty, flithy, perverted, non-stop cum-flying, squirt drinking, room-soaking, mind-bendingly out of body experience type sex ever.

I don't honestly think I have never had better one-on-one sex ever.

Third time, booked again. This time we were both knackered after a hard couple of weeks, but what followed was very dirty, chilled out, relaxed filth. Her chilled out sex is still a magnificent experience. I certainly didn't feel like if been denied the full on sexual insanity, but I did wonder if we'd got quite quickly used to one another's tastes and were into a groove.

Subsequent meetings have dispelled any doubt about falling into a routine.

Since then it has got devilishly wild with when more envelopes being pushed them torn up.

Every time it is better, but she's a one off.


  • Guest
Totally depends on the girl IMHO


  • Guest
I went back to one girl three times, the third was a waste of money. I should have known after the second, which was slightly less 'Me'-centred, more what she wanted me to do than what I wanted her to do. That prompted me to take a seven month layoff.

That's why I like them; unless I'm in the mood for a quick, selfish shag, I'd rather have a session where it's more give and take.


  • Guest
When I've gone back more than once, I've found the second visit can surpass the first, as there's no fear or apprehension at the start from either party, you have built some rapport and you have some idea what turns each other on.

I've often found a third visit disappointing as familiarity starts to breed contempt, complacency can set in and some girls stop trying as they think they've got you hooked.

Offline Punting Valley

Same as everybody I only repeat with those who really convinced me they can provide the same if not better service next time. :cool:

Offline Sparta Prada

When I've gone back more than once, I've found the second visit can surpass the first, as there's no fear or apprehension at the start from either party, you have built some rapport and you have some idea what turns each other on.

I've often found a third visit disappointing as familiarity starts to breed contempt, complacency can set in and some girls stop trying as they think they've got you hooked.
Quite a lot of what you have said I agree with, and have experienced myself. As long as the subsequent visits are not too soon and too frequent, then the freshness of the initial meeting should continue. I think seeing a girl too often can lead to the issues you mentioned.


  • Guest
In my experience there're no rules. Some punts are one offs. With others you return. When it's been especially fantastic, as someone else has said, I worry that the next session will be repetitive and so a bit meh. You do have to keep pushing the envelope and keeping it fresh and that can take the form of doing new stuff, or getting to know each other better and so being more relaxed - so the session can get either more extreme or more relaxed and sensual. The best girls push you into going further and that's all part of the thrill. I'm sort've torn between returning to girls who are great, reliably, every time and new ones who, 50/50, are not so great. But as problems go, I can think of worse.

Offline anonyorks

I've only seen one girl more than once and it has been amazing/different each time. I think its because I feel comfortable at her place after a few visits plus I'm very attracted to her as opposed to "yeah she's fit I'm looking forward to banging her" feeling I've had with all the others.


  • Guest
For me, if the first session was good, and it felt natural, like 2 people having sex cause they want to, instead of 2 people having sex cause one is paying the other, then yes, each visit gets better and better.

I've never went back for a second visit, when the first felt more like a service, no matter how good, so can't really comment on that one, but I would suspect no, as it'll be the same service but less of the excitement a first time one gives you.

Offline od13218

As with most questions, there's a variety of answers:

- There are some girls who after a good first punt didn't live up to the same service in the second, and I never returned.

- There are some who did live up to the same and even better service is several consecutive punts, but then took the liberty of becoming too comfortable and slacked off. I stop returning once that happens. On occasions I leave a gap before returning and have had a mixed bag, some with renewed good service, others still bad.

- There are those girls who offer a good service consistently but nothing new, boredom sets in and I don't return.

- Then you have those who consistently offer a good service, and raise the bar a little every time. Those I am still returning to see.

That's been my experience with return visits. I like the thrill of seeing new girls which is what punting is about for me, but I also like the idea of seeing someone that knows my likes and can guarantee a good punt.

Excellent summary!
Very much my experience too. The 2nd visit is the first acid test - I'm often nervous of this as I don't want to be disappointed, and find that a good punt was a one-off, so there are a lot of great girls I've seen just once. Still, not a bad dilemma to have ;)

Offline Steve2

As with most questions, there's a variety of answers:

- There are some girls who after a good first punt didn't live up to the same service in the second, and I never returned.

- There are some who did live up to the same and even better service is several consecutive punts, but then took the liberty of becoming too comfortable and slacked off. I stop returning once that happens. On occasions I leave a gap before returning and have had a mixed bag, some with renewed good service, others still bad.

- There are those girls who offer a good service consistently but nothing new, boredom sets in and I don't return.

- Then you have those who consistently offer a good service, and raise the bar a little every time. Those I am still returning to see.

That's been my experience with return visits. I like the thrill of seeing new girls which is what punting is about for me, but I also like the idea of seeing someone that knows my likes and can guarantee a good punt.

Spot on Sam

Offline The_Don

I rarely do repeat visits as I tend to work on the basis of variety is the spice of life etc. however, whenever I have done a repeat visit (this only ever happens if the first time was stellar) it's never quite lived up to the excitement of round one. Is this just me or do others also feel the same?

Depends on the W/G (and the punter)

For me:

May be 2 (possibly 3) W/G's I've visited improved on each visit.

I visited some regulars, several times a week, because I know what on offer. But then don't visit for several + weeks (seeking "new spice")

A few W/G got better then worse, thus I've not been back.

really mixed bag :blush:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 10:01:28 pm by The_Don »

Online Bikerboy

My opinions on making second/subsequent punts live up to a great first punt are:

It helps if you enjoyed the escort's company on the first visit; it means you can be honest, open and experimental going forward

For me, physical, sexual and mental attraction is a must have for a second punt

Yeah, I agree that mixing it up and trying new things helps, generally better to both have input into this to ensure you enjoy  :rolleyes:


  • Guest
I've been back to 4 girls for a second time and in each case the experience was much better than the first. I'm sure it's to do with familiarity and being comfortable with the punter, and WG I suppose. Must be pretty daunting for a WG meeting a punter for the first time regardless of what he looks like or sounds like on the phone. After all she is really exposing herself, physically and metaphorically, and is probably at her most vulnerable with a first time meet.


  • Guest
I only go for a second encounter if the first has been particularly good or if the girl is touring and I know what to expect.

Generally the second time has not been as good as the first, probably as the thrill has diminished a bit, but if we get on well then I find that subsequent sessions seem to improve. There is less need for chit chat and the action starts sooner and often lasts longer. 


  • Guest
As others have said to an extent it's to do with getting familiar and comfortable with a particular WG.  Some are better at promoting this than others - ie they actually get involved with you rather than just go through the motions. You can definitely get a feel for this by reading the reviews here.

As a result of such reviews I've got a handful of great regs - around five - with whom each subsequent meeting has not only "lived up to" but actually exceeded the first / previous.  So far have had no "drop off" where even in some cases after 5-10 punts they've still continued to pleasantly surprise me. 

There are an additional handful of girls I've seen once but not managed to see a second time who also I get a gut feel that they will be good a second time around. Only timing / location have prevented me revisiting.

I've not had too many genuine bad bunts fortunately and that leaves about 10 of the WG's I've seen (< 1/3) in a bit of a no-man's land for me - I had a good first meet with them and at the time I felt I'd definitely revisit - but much as I have not completely ruled out a second visit when it actually comes time to make that decision my gut continually tells me I'd be better off with another reg or seeing someone new.