Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Showing a WG a good time for just the cost of the evening  (Read 2537 times)

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

Hello Good Sirs/Madams,

 I have a regular who I've pitched the idea of taking away for an overnight as I have a rare opportunity away from the missus, I'd pay to take her to a great restaurant and swanky hotel for the night but NOT an hourly/overnight rate on top as well, considering how much I'm forking out on everything else. For this I'd expect a good night out (she's good company) and two pops, one the evening itself and one the next morning. Without wishing to be vulgar about costs, all this would be more than her general overnight fee alone. 

 She's said she's up for it but I haven't yet clarified that there will be no hourly fee - would anyone like to venture my odds of success on this? Just looking for a general feel, I'm aware it'll vary from person to person and situation to situation but if I'm dropping the cost of a Michelin starred restaurant and top quality hotel for two that's a hell of a night out for her, especially considering I think myself a relatively undemanding punter (if it isn't, she can always refuse as she's met me a few times and knows what I'm about) so I'm unwilling to fork out hundreds on top for the privilege of her presence. The alternative for her is sitting home in her relatively unglamorous life for the night and I guess maybe seeing some other punter ...

 Thoughts from anyone else who has done this/general opinions?

Offline cueball

So Jeff, she don't get paid but gets a swanky night out? I think it would be a slim chance of success. I would've thought she's riding your cock for the wonga and not the decent brekkie and the fluffy pillows.


  • Guest
unlikely she will go for it just because she is not getting paid
i agree with your thinking
just dont think she will
as may pick up 1 £100 punt when out with you on her time ?


  • Guest
Never done an overnighter but I think your chances are slim to none. By reading other threads on here and some AW profiles, some girls allocate times for each element, thereby restricting actual shagging time.  Suspect how much effort and cost you put into the evening may be reflected in how much appreciation she shows you, but doubt it will offset her overnight rate. If I thought I was wrong I might give it a try myself; even my regular is all business regardless of any fringe benefits I may offer her.

Offline ForrestGump

I'm a believer in: if you don't ask you don't get. I also think it unlikely that she'll be happy with your proposition. She'll inevitably be thinking of what financial benefit there is in this for her. I think you should be prepared to sweeten the deal if/when your opening offer's rejected.  ;)

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

You've got no chance.... Your a punter and not her lover... That's show business  :hi:

Offline HappyandLucky

I have done it a few times, but after general discussions On nice places to go I made it clear that it was off the clock, joining me would be nice but I would go by myself anyway for a great weekend. Most of my regs I have seen for a long time often by the week and i did have some nice weekends away, but not without issues.  IMO all WG's are in it for the £'s and mine no doubt did it for repeat business so don't kid yourself.  It's a fine line to draw as for the majority it crosses line from customer to friend. Most of the time for me it has caused issues in the long run. Why not mention off the clock and it will either progress or end pretty quickly. Eitherway there is no such thing as a free lunch or free punt . If u are going to invest good £, consider the civvie route  :hi:

Offline Steely Dan

No way.  You buy dinner for your GF and hope for sex. (still not a sure thing). She is not your GF.  The hotel is not a benefit at all.  Most stay in hotels because they have to - a better hotel is less pain, but still a pain. If she sees even one punter she is cash up compared to fucking you twice for some duck a l'orange. This is her job.  Would you accept a lower salary for the "benefit" of a business trip?

If she says yes, then she then there is some EAS going on and you have bigger problems.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 11:17:43 pm by Steely Dan »


  • Guest
As in principle you are paying for her time and not the sex, it doesn't matter what you do during the evening and night, you still have to pay. As above, don't treat her as a friend, treat it as a business deal (it is one) and negotiate the rate, don't talk about "off the clock". Take any discount you can get but it's just that (like 25% off in a shop) a lower hourly rate. Don't start greying the boundaries between punting and real life.


  • Guest
It isn't something I broadcast to put it mildly but I have spent time with a couple of escorts without paying a few times (not at the same time). It wasn't planned or arranged or discussed though, it has just happened when it has happened. I once paid for an hour late at night, had the hour and it became an overnight on its felt normal but looking back it's odd.

I had one punt on a hot summer day and we just ended up having sex on and off and doing other things lazily for the rest of the afternoon.

Having said that, that has happened only very few times but out of god knows how many punts, and it has never been arranged. I suspect approaching and planning that would get a very negative response. Maybe polite, but they will think you are a piss taker.  The context of my experiences has been with WGs of similar age to myself and has happened naturally without me noticing as it happens really, when we have just had a good relaxed time.  I wouldn't base any plans off it.

A separate issue is that after it has happened I haven't wanted to see them again for punts, because I actually prefer the clear line of punting. In those circumstances where it isn't the job but continues, it is a bit odd for me and I don't like the lack of clarity. It is worth thinking about I think.

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

Thanks for the responses guys ... I  fear I mayve veered wildly into eas territory based on your responses so will steer clear, thanks!

 God bless this forum for letting punters step outside their own heads :)


  • Guest
As others have said, you're looking a it solely from the punter's perspective. Yes, most of us would agree that drinks, a good meal and a swanky hotel come at a price and as such the WG's fee on top seems a hefty surcharge.

But it's not.

Don't forget a good majority of WGs spend at least 50% of their working lives in hotels. Probably a good 30%-40% spend ALL their working lives touring via different hotels in different cities.

Moreover, fluffy punters buy them myriad shit constantly. I've seen tables stacked high with more gifts than a Christmas morning at a Barnado's childrens home. Punters seem to buy anything and everything from the ubiquitous flowers and chocolates to teddy bears, lingerie and shoes to bizarrely extravagant items such as jewellery, iphones, ipads, laptops and even .. shock horror .. clean bed sheets!

Point being: for most WGs, all the 'extras' are actually nothing of the kind as they are used to being showered with tat by over-enthusiastic punters who foolishly believe they're buying either a 'better' service or (even more naively) a chance at taking things into 'real life'.

Sadly, it's those kind of punters who don't realise they're doing themselves a disservice by revealing their fluffiness before the WG has even taken her kit off.

For the record: the most I have ever taken to any punt is a bottle of wine. :drinks:

Offline cueball

For the record: the most I have ever taken to any punt is a bottle of wine. :drinks:

That's more than I ever have westie, in 20 years I've yet to take a gift. Best I've ever given a prossie is a hand rolled cigarette, oh, and a bundle of twenty pound note of varying amounts.


  • Guest
A nice collar, makes a lovely gift.

Offline shagbambi

I had one punt on a hot summer day and we just ended up having sex on and off and doing other things lazily for the rest of the afternoon.

Having said that, that has happened only very few times but out of god knows how many punts, and it has never been arranged. I suspect approaching and planning that would get a very negative response. Maybe polite, but they will think you are a piss taker.  The context of my experiences has been with WGs of similar age to myself and has happened naturally without me noticing as it happens really, when we have just had a good relaxed time.  I wouldn't base any plans off it.

I have experienced much the same as Stealthshagger, always with older women (in their forties), where things have flowed quite nicely and there have been huge over runs in time.  Actually quite nice.

Tony Montana

  • Guest
Good post west8.

Remember that instead of giving the OP free time, the WG could be earning hundreds of pounds from other clients. What do you think she would rather do?

Offline anyfucker

No way.  You buy dinner for your GF and hope for sex. (still not a sure thing). She is not your GF.  The hotel is not a benefit at all.  Most stay in hotels because they have to - a better hotel is less pain, but still a pain. If she sees even one punter she is cash up compared to fucking you twice for some duck a l'orange. This is her job.  Would you accept a lower salary for the "benefit" of a business trip?

If she says yes, then she then there is some EAS going on and you have bigger problems.
This is standard business "opportunity cost" the time she spends with you could be better used to earn some dosh.


  • Guest
This is standard business "opportunity cost" the time she spends with you could be better used to earn some dosh.

Could be worth it for her as a "loss leader".

Maybe she can do a spreadsheet to work out all the permutations.


  • Guest
unlikely  i have a wg who i really loved to see regularly  at £110 per hour
 but she will not see me  any more as i over ran my time and was hard for her to get to leave .
wg mind set  1hour for £110 fine
but £110 for 1 hour 2o mins no good at all
who know maybe more to it
but thats what she said when i asked her
womens thinking ??
or punters thinking ??

Offline Jimmyredcab

Prostitutes fuck for money not for love, find a mistress.     :hi:

Offline HappyandLucky

Prostitutes fuck for money not for love, find a mistress.     :hi:
JRC, i see you might be cabbing in an Aston Martin now  :drinks:


  • Guest
Its onky doable for a part time WG but there would still be money involved.

Your best bet is a reverse booking and hope for the best imo.


  • Guest
Moreover, fluffy punters buy them myriad shit constantly. I've seen tables stacked high with more gifts than a Christmas morning at a Barnado's childrens home. Punters seem to buy anything and everything from the ubiquitous flowers and chocolates to teddy bears, lingerie and shoes to bizarrely extravagant items such as jewellery, iphones, ipads, laptops and even .. shock horror .. clean bed sheets!

You would be surprised at the shit that they get.

From limited edition perfumes, watches, phones, mqcbooks, tablets.

Half the smart ones dump it on ebay

Offline sticko

That's more than I ever have westie, in 20 years I've yet to take a gift. Best I've ever given a prossie is a hand rolled cigarette, oh, and a bundle of twenty pound note of varying amounts.

I once took some ripe cherries to give a long-retired Chinese part-timer.  We ate them all but explaining the stains was a challenge.  Bit of a rookie error in hindsight.  Other than that, I've given booze mainly.  A good bottle of gin often leads to leisurely post-punt drinks...


Offline Jimmyredcab

You would be surprised at the shit that they get.

From limited edition perfumes, watches, phones, mqcbooks, tablets.

Half the smart ones dump it on ebay

That's certainly news to me, in 35+ years the most I have ever bought a pro$$ie is a bunch of flowers from Tesco, some of you gentlemen have more money than sense.       :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Offline HappyandLucky

I aways bring gifts to my punts and leave a few million with them when I leave  :hi:


  • Guest
Hello Good Sirs/Madams,
.... She's said she's up for it but I haven't yet clarified that there will be no hourly fee - would anyone like to venture my odds of success on this? Just looking for a general feel, I'm aware it'll vary from person to person and situation to situation but if I'm dropping the cost of a Michelin starred restaurant and top quality hotel for two that's a hell of a night out for her, especially ....The alternative for her is sitting home in her relatively unglamorous life for the night and I guess maybe seeing some other punter ...

 Thoughts from anyone else who has done this/general opinions?
If you don't already know what she will answer then the answer is almost certainly "no".

I have a number of regs who I have entertained either for an evening out, an overnight or even a weekend, where I have only paid the hourly rate for the sex part and then covered expenses for the rest of the time. Typically this has been 2 hrs of "play time" and many more hrs social time.

These are all with regs that genuinely have common interests and we get on really well having built up to this over maybe five or more regular meetings.  They are also part time escorts with real civvy day jobs not full time back-to-backers who I doubt would ever do something like this.

For any wg to go out with you and provide sex and social time / overnight - regardless of the quality of restaurant / hotel - with no cash changing hands I would say that is less an escort more a potential girlfriend. Fine if that's what you're looking for a potential minefield otherwise.


  • Guest
For any wg to go out with you and provide sex and social time / overnight - regardless of the quality of restaurant / hotel - with no cash changing hands I would say that is less an escort more a potential girlfriend. Fine if that's what you're looking for a potential minefield otherwise.

I've just compiled a short list of ways I'd like to meet a potential girlfriend. Whilst punting came in at number 176.  :scare:


  • Guest
If you don't already know what she will answer then the answer is almost certainly "no".

I have a number of regs who I have entertained either for an evening out, an overnight or even a weekend, where I have only paid the hourly rate for the sex part and then covered expenses for the rest of the time. Typically this has been 2 hrs of "play time" and many more hrs social time.

These are all with regs that genuinely have common interests and we get on really well having built up to this over maybe five or more regular meetings.  They are also part time escorts with real civvy day jobs not full time back-to-backers who I doubt would ever do something like this.

For any wg to go out with you and provide sex and social time / overnight - regardless of the quality of restaurant / hotel - with no cash changing hands I would say that is less an escort more a potential girlfriend. Fine if that's what you're looking for a potential minefield otherwise.

Yep, agreed with this. I'd be very uncomfortable if this started happen as it means a boundary has been crossed. The whole appeal of punting is that it's a very tidy relationship for both parties.  If you want a girlfriend, go on PoF.


  • Guest
Hello Good Sirs/Madams,

 I have a regular who I've pitched the idea of taking away for an overnight as I have a rare opportunity away from the missus, I'd pay to take her to a great restaurant and swanky hotel for the night but NOT an hourly/overnight rate on top as well, considering how much I'm forking out on everything else. For this I'd expect a good night out (she's good company) and two pops, one the evening itself and one the next morning. Without wishing to be vulgar about costs, all this would be more than her general overnight fee alone. 

 She's said she's up for it but I haven't yet clarified that there will be no hourly fee - would anyone like to venture my odds of success on this? Just looking for a general feel, I'm aware it'll vary from person to person and situation to situation but if I'm dropping the cost of a Michelin starred restaurant and top quality hotel for two that's a hell of a night out for her, especially considering I think myself a relatively undemanding punter (if it isn't, she can always refuse as she's met me a few times and knows what I'm about) so I'm unwilling to fork out hundreds on top for the privilege of her presence. The alternative for her is sitting home in her relatively unglamorous life for the night and I guess maybe seeing some other punter ...

 Thoughts from anyone else who has done this/general opinions?

You seem to be forgetting that, no matter how well you get on, having sex with you is "work" to her.    I mean, I really like my job, and it's often more interesting than sitting at home watching TV, but if you give me the option of doing my work for free vs being a bit bored in front of the TV, I'll be slobbed out in front of House Of Cards every time.  If you want me to work, pay me.

In addition, if you have a job which involves a lot of hotel-usage (I used to), no hotel, no matter how expensive, is preferable to staying at home.


  • Guest
In addition, if you have a job which involves a lot of hotel-usage (I used to), no hotel, no matter how expensive, is preferable to staying at home.

Unless it's in Dubai :lol: :lol: :lol:


  • Guest
As others have said, you're looking a it solely from the punter's perspective. Yes, most of us would agree that drinks, a good meal and a swanky hotel come at a price and as such the WG's fee on top seems a hefty surcharge.

But it's not.

Don't forget a good majority of WGs spend at least 50% of their working lives in hotels. Probably a good 30%-40% spend ALL their working lives touring via different hotels in different cities.

Moreover, fluffy punters buy them myriad shit constantly. I've seen tables stacked high with more gifts than a Christmas morning at a Barnado's childrens home. Punters seem to buy anything and everything from the ubiquitous flowers and chocolates to teddy bears, lingerie and shoes to bizarrely extravagant items such as jewellery, iphones, ipads, laptops and even .. shock horror .. clean bed sheets!

Point being: for most WGs, all the 'extras' are actually nothing of the kind as they are used to being showered with tat by over-enthusiastic punters who foolishly believe they're buying either a 'better' service or (even more naively) a chance at taking things into 'real life'.

Sadly, it's those kind of punters who don't realise they're doing themselves a disservice by revealing their fluffiness before the WG has even taken her kit off.

For the record: the most I have ever taken to any punt is a bottle of wine. :drinks:

Why were you punting at Barnado's?


  • Guest
Unless it's in Dubai :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nope. Definitely including Dubai.  No hotel could make up for having to put up with that shithole again.   :dash:


  • Guest

Nope. Definitely including Dubai.  No hotel could make up for having to put up with that shithole again.   :dash:

OK, "insert desirable location of your choice"

I can't stand Dubai either, point is some girls are attractrd to shiny things.


  • Guest
Hello Good Sirs/Madams,

 I have a regular who I've pitched the idea of taking away for an overnight as I have a rare opportunity away from the missus, I'd pay to take her to a great restaurant and swanky hotel for the night but NOT an hourly/overnight rate on top as well, considering how much I'm forking out on everything else. For this I'd expect a good night out (she's good company) and two pops, one the evening itself and one the next morning. Without wishing to be vulgar about costs, all this would be more than her general overnight fee alone. 

 She's said she's up for it but I haven't yet clarified that there will be no hourly fee - would anyone like to venture my odds of success on this? Just looking for a general feel, I'm aware it'll vary from person to person and situation to situation but if I'm dropping the cost of a Michelin starred restaurant and top quality hotel for two that's a hell of a night out for her, especially considering I think myself a relatively undemanding punter (if it isn't, she can always refuse as she's met me a few times and knows what I'm about) so I'm unwilling to fork out hundreds on top for the privilege of her presence. The alternative for her is sitting home in her relatively unglamorous life for the night and I guess maybe seeing some other punter ...

 Thoughts from anyone else who has done this/general opinions?

Are you serious or is this just a wind up???

Why would she spent the whole night with you and having to fuck you unless she is earning some money out of it, the only reason I can see this happening if your are drop gorgeous and she cannot resist you??

Because you are paying for the hotel room you think she should be so lucky and be desperate to spend 12 hours with you for nothing but a sore fanny.

This is a punting website, you pay and they open there legs.

I think you need to go on or something because your confusing punting and dating :lol:


  • Guest
Hello Good Sirs/Madams,

 I have a regular who I've pitched the idea of taking away for an overnight as I have a rare opportunity away from the missus, I'd pay to take her to a great restaurant and swanky hotel for the night but NOT an hourly/overnight rate on top as well, considering how much I'm forking out on everything else. For this I'd expect a good night out (she's good company) and two pops, one the evening itself and one the next morning. Without wishing to be vulgar about costs, all this would be more than her general overnight fee alone. 

 She's said she's up for it but I haven't yet clarified that there will be no hourly fee - would anyone like to venture my odds of success on this? Just looking for a general feel, I'm aware it'll vary from person to person and situation to situation but if I'm dropping the cost of a Michelin starred restaurant and top quality hotel for two that's a hell of a night out for her, especially considering I think myself a relatively undemanding punter (if it isn't, she can always refuse as she's met me a few times and knows what I'm about) so I'm unwilling to fork out hundreds on top for the privilege of her presence. The alternative for her is sitting home in her relatively unglamorous life for the night and I guess maybe seeing some other punter ...

 Thoughts from anyone else who has done this/general opinions?

I am sure she would prefer you booking in to a Travelodge and a meal at harvesters or mcdonalds rather then a swanky hotel and no payment for her but your lovely company. :sarcastic: :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Think I'll try an RB: overnight booking, 5 star hotel, Michelen Star restaurant, fee £0. I'll let you know how I get on.


  • Guest
Think I'll try an RB: overnight booking, 5 star hotel, Michelen Star restaurant, fee £0. I'll let you know how I get on.

Personally, I'd say how much sex time you want and make a reasonable offer for that. E.g. £200. Still much cheaper than a normal o/night but won't seem like you're taking the piss.


  • Guest
Like others on here, I've had a number of visits with girls that have overrun, sometimes very considerably.  Whenever it has happened though, it has been spontaneous, where we have been enjoying each other's company, and where circumstances have permitted it to happen.  It always feels very special when it does occur, and generally makes for an intense experience.

I think it would feel entirely different, and somewhat exploitative,  to try and engineer free hours with a girl up front.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Fer Christ sakes put a proposal in writing to her and see what she says .

We're going here and there, doing this and that and I'd like say an hour or two sex and I'm offering "x" pounds.

She can only say yay, nay or piss off, but if she says yes then do let us know how it went"!..
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 10:12:36 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »


  • Guest
OK, "insert desirable location of your choice"

I can't stand Dubai either, point is some girls are attractrd to shiny things.

Fair point.  I'm not exactly in tune with the average prossie mindset vis a vis shiny things. Just seems like more crap to clutter your place up.  :unknown:

Although I bet if you took one on a freebie to Dubai, she's decide she was entitled to go on a little whoring tour in her spare time.