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Author Topic: How much money do you think you have spent in your punting career  (Read 3732 times)


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Interested to know how much people have spent so far

In my short punting time I have spent £430

Offline thefoxman

"Less money total than the ex-wife got off me, and have far more and better sex from WGs...."

£430 is nothing even on WGs, and could easily be blown on a girlfriend in a few days.. with less to show for it.

Online akauya

Difficult to keep track as I've been punting on and off for about 30 years, I reckon thousands and thousands spent on prossies. Enough to make me feel depressed.

It's even worse if I add all the money I spent on civvies as I used to be a prolific philanderer and had numerous lovers plus swingers... jesus if I had saved all that money instead I would probably be very well off now.


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I would say about £2500-3000 in 2 years and 4 months.

Offline Steve2

jesus if I had saved all that money instead I would probably be very well off now!

Financially maybe A but you'd probably be a very miserable person. At least you've had a lot of fun on the way as I have.


Offline NIK

Very difficult to judge.

In the eighties I had a handful of punts so probably spent no more than £500 in several years. In 1990 & 91 I averaged about four punts a year. From 92 to about 2010 I was averaging maybe twenty odd punts a year. It's still pretty impossible to estimate how much I've spent though as the cost varied wildly.

During the 90's I spent an average of between £40 - £70 on a punt. However in the new century I began to spend a lot more, having my first £200 punt in 2001. I would subsequently have many £200 punts and occasionally spend even more, although would continue to indulge in the cheaper variety too. From around 2010 (ironically the year I started UKP) my punting began to tail off to its earlier levels of 4/5 a year and is now down to non existent - it will be a year in May since my last one. Only had three all last year.
I've had over 500 punts and have no real idea. But for an easy estimate 500 at an average of £100 each is fifty grand! I may be way out here either way, but it's perhaps the best and certainly the easiest estimate.

This may seem a shocking amount but that is over twenty odd years. More recently I have easily wasted twice as much in a quarter of that time on gambling. This is my real regret rather than the amount spent on paid sex.  :blush:

Offline Mij

According to the Puntatron 3000 (:)), rather surprisingly I have spent £19060 since I started in 2009...and that's just on girls...doesn't include hotel rooms, travel, etc, etc...


Offline cueball

I really have no idea, I too have been punting on and off for more than twenty years, it's in the thousands.

To be honest though, I don't regret any of it, I've had and still having a blast. You're here for a good time not a long time.

I'm not a boozer (anymore)
I don't take drugs (anymore)
I still fuck fit prossies

Offline Mij

To be honest though, I don't regret any of it, I've had and still having a blast. You're here for a good time not a long time.

Exactly! I don't regret any of it...well....maybe one or two meetings I wished I'd walked or shut the door in their face..... 

Online akauya

Financially maybe A but you'd probably be a very miserable person. At least you've had a lot of fun on the way as I have.


You're absolutely right, I will die with a smile on my face. Shame I won't be able to tell people why :D

Offline Punting Valley

Too much

Agreed :drinks:

However there is no point counting how much you have spent on punting in total, after all it is like any of your other hobbies which will eventually add up to a scary number :scare:
There should be no regrets as long as it is within your ability to spend :cool:


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However there is no point counting how much you have spent on punting in total, after all it is like any of your other hobbies which will eventually add up to a scary number :scare:
There should be no regrets as long as it is within your ability to spend :cool:
Exactly it's all relative.

I worked out that although I've spent a lot so far in the 10 months I've been punting it's no more than I used to spend on vacations and my other expensive hobbies.

In 2013 I spent more on a single scuba diving trip to the Maldives with my then missus than I've spent in total in my punting career.

I consider punting to be much better vfm and a lot more fun.

Offline Stickitin

Hard to say, but If you include travelling various parts of the world to partake I would estimate well north of £100k  :blush:

Offline riker

about 30-50k over 10 years...don't regret it in the slightest .... i see it as necessary to my well being as eating food.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 01:46:37 pm by riker »

Offline Madone1

In the 10 years I've been punting I guess about 10-15 grand but it's only a waste when it's a shit punt.


  • Guest
Hard to say, but If you include travelling various parts of the world to partake I would estimate well north of £100k  :blush:

This ^^


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27,885 ... and why doesnt my phone have the pound sign symbol? Perhaps if I spent less punting I could get a better phone ..... I need a better incentive than that though.

Online akauya

27,885 ... and why doesnt my phone have the pound sign symbol? Perhaps if I spent less punting I could get a better phone ..... I need a better incentive than that though.

That's a very precise figure Fred, have you been keeping records? :)


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I do, when I started I set myself a weekly budget I felt I could spend without feeling guilty and I ensure that by and large I stick to it, so need to record my spending.

Online akauya

Good for you - keep it in code by the way. I tried keeping records, ages ago, but I was too lazy to keep at it. If you're not consistent it's difficult to get back to it because the memory gets fuzzy (mine does anyway) and you start to forget how much you spent with whom, etc. (that goes for civvies and prossies).

Offline flybynightpm

this is a really depressing thread... am i really destined to spend this much? currently 2.5k since Oct 2014.


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No pockets in shrouds, what does it matter how much if you enjoy it?


  • Guest
this is a really depressing thread... am i really destined to spend this much? currently 2.5k since Oct 2014.

I smoked for 30 years before giving up, I'm glad I never kept track of how much that cost me but I know my trips to the cashpoint went down a lot after I quit.

So long as you stick to what you can comfortably afford what's the problem? I have heard rumours of people re-mortgaging their houses to fund their habit .... that to my mind wouldn't be sensible, but then some people aren't sensible.   

Offline flybynightpm

So true..

Wifey will have to put up with Bognor instead of Barbados this yr.. she should put out more...cross that... any...


  • Guest
I do not really want to even think about it

----- because I know it is about £65K

OK, over a lot of years because I have a lot of years, but worryingly the annual spend seems to be increasing



  • Guest
So true..

Wifey will have to put up with Bognor instead of Barbados this yr.. she should put out more...cross that... any...

Sigh, with you on that. You'd think they'd learn...wife in the kitchen, whore in the bedroom etc, it's not difficult.

If she sucked it once a week, i'd probably be £10k better off  :unknown:

Offline livlad

if your spending your money on something you enjoy what does it matter. I love coffee as well but don't think about how much costa/starbucks have had off me


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I've been punting for about 25 years.

I would estimate having spent well over £80,000 during that period (which does not include travel, hotels etc.).

More than enough for a three bedroom semi in the North East.

Offline Norman8796

Who cares, it only matters if there is something else you would rather have spent it on.


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Not enough after a good punt.

Too much after a bad one.

Who the fuck's counting, anyway?


  • Guest
37 Punts in 10 Months
And I have spent, £5,360 with 18 WG's
Some 1hr, 90min 2hr and 3hr sessions and 1 duo, with another lined up next week
Soon mounts up chaps, Good job me and the Mrs have separate bank accounts.
I need to stop.........  :scare:

Online unclepokey

£35,711 since mid 2002. Roughly £236.50 per shag ( I have a lot of two hour or more appointments).
I don't think. I fucking know!
Uncle Pokey

Offline con-a-ser

I would gues about 100k over the time I have been punting

now if only I played for Man City I could do it every week


  • Guest
£35,711 since mid 2002. Roughly £236.50 per shag ( I have a lot of two hour or more appointments).
I don't think. I fucking know!
Uncle Pokey

who charged the odd £1?

Offline berksboy

    God knows ! for years it was 5 times a week and then for a long time once a week .For now i dont as the GF is putting out . As for money spent i hate to think but its got to be better then being with some old fat hag who dont put out.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 09:59:26 pm by berksboy »

Offline Trevor12

Too much

Far too much, considering I've not been punting for as long as most on here. First few months I was like a kid in a sweetshop, punting for the sake of it and racing through the hotlist.

I've been a lot more sensible with my punting spending so far this year though.


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No idea what the total is over the years but cheapest was £30 and most expensive £1000


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About as much as Wayne Rooney earns in a week. 27 years' punting has given me more pleasure than watching that twat for 90 minutes  :D

Offline Blowmehappy

Almostly exactly £6k in the last 3 years since I started keeping tabs.  Been punting regularly for over 10 years so probably £20k give or take.  I probably regret half the punts.  Not that they were necessarily bad punts but having a wank instead would have saved me £10k which I would like to have back at the moment.

Offline bunny84

Probably between 150 to 200 hookers at an average of £55 a punt between here and Amsterdam .

I don't see it as a waste of money . Spending loads on dates and not getting a shag is a waste of money .

Offline CoolTiger

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Almostly exactly £6k in the last 3 years since I started keeping tabs.  Been punting regularly for over 10 years so probably £20k give or take.  I probably regret half the punts.  Not that they were necessarily bad punts but having a wank instead would have saved me £10k which I would like to have back at the moment.

So that you can go back punting again???  :D

Offline JamesCollins

about £1000 in 2 years.

A shag once a month.

Tenner a week?Nothing is it.

Offline cueball

Well, I've spent about a grand since Christmas. The foot is coming off the throttle after this month though, just a steady rotation of good girls for the next couple of months with a newbie thrown in every so often for good measure

Offline Reiver

About £5000 liked the thrill of the red light district in Edinburgh once a week for a few years then nothing for 10 years .  then started visiting amsterdam 2 visits a year and about 3 or 4 windows each trip now go for chinese massage in amsterdam and a visit to other rlds in Netherlands . Back home a few incalls each year .


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Interested to know how much people have spent so far

In my short punting time I have spent £430

Very rough calculations considering I'm 29 I would say somewhere between 15 & 20k

Offline bunny84

I don't regret a penny I have spent . I would have only spent the money on something else . Because of punting I have had many great holidays with mates in Amsterdam , hamburg and prague .

I have shagged more beautiful women than probably 99% of men who ever lived . Punting saves money that you would spend on dates .