Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Do you try to look "the best" when visiting WGs?  (Read 4813 times)


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Huh, very hot conversation in "Fluffy cunts!" topic.  :wacko:

So i will ask you: do you try to look "the best" when visiting WGs?

I always try - good shave (downstairs as well), nice aftershave and looking smart. But not too far!  :wacko:

What about you guys?  :hi:

P.S. am i fluffy cunt because i want to look "the best"?


  • Guest

Nail scissors out to trim the hair on my bollocks, etc.

Just this weekend a WG commented that I was 'smooth and nicely shaven'.

Luckily for me, so was she!


  • Guest

Nail scissors out to trim the hair on my bollocks, etc.

Just this weekend a WG commented that I was 'smooth and nicely shaven'.

Luckily for me, so was she!
One of girls told me my face was smooth like baby's bum  :wacko:


  • Guest
Absolutely. I am always freshly showered, shaved top and bottom, and dressed smartly, not suit and tie mind. Nice splash of aftershave too. I expect her to be dressed to impress so why would I turn up like a tramp? As much as is feasible under the circumstances, I want her feel ok about shagging me rather than feeling obliged to cos I'm paying. I'm not the best looking guy in the world so a little effort to look as good as I can is worth it I think; usually helps with a return booking if that's what I want.


  • Guest

Nail scissors out to trim the hair on my bollocks, etc.

Just this weekend a WG commented that I was 'smooth and nicely shaven'.

Luckily for me, so was she!

I clean shave my balls with a Bic razor. One girl told me that not only does it look better, it makes it easier for her to run her tongue over them and suck on them.

Online Corus Boy

Shaved (facially), showered, breath freshened.

That's it.


  • Guest
Any person with any self respect would even consider meeting someone civvy or prossie without at least scrubbing up and smelling good. Shame on you if you don't. Just no need!


  • Guest
I clean shave my balls with a Bic razor. One girl told me that not only does it look better, it makes it easier for her to run her tongue over them and suck on them.

You're a braver man than I. No way I'd risk losing a nut if I sneezed or had a sudden heart attack.

You need the steady and reliable touch of a surgeon to perform a successful Scroto Brazilian with a Bic razor!


  • Guest
Shaved (facially), showered, breath freshened.

That's it.


Clean clothes but try to look as nondescript as possible.


usually i do make an effort (not too much tho its not a date) but once or twice ive been when ive just finished work, no time to go home shower and change etc, but ive always stated cleary to the receptionist when ive rang for the appointment that i need a good shower and to the WG when im there

Offline akauya

Huh, very hot conversation in "Fluffy cunts!" topic. :wacko:

So i will ask you: do you try to look "the best" when visiting WGs?

I always try - good shave (downstairs as well), nice aftershave and looking smart. But not too far!  :wacko:

What about you guys?  :hi:

P.S. am i fluffy cunt because i want to look "the best"?

Any moment now you should expect the Neanderthal brigade to come here beating their manly hairy chests and shouting: "No fluffy bollocks for me!! I'm a manly macho man I never shower or trim my huge manly balls or even say thank you to anyone you hear me you fluffy cunt? I never say thank you!!! I'm a such a manly man I even scare myself when I look in the mirror GRRRRRR I'm a man so prossies should take me as I am or can go fuck themselves GRRR" THUMP THUMP  (that's the sound of them beating their manly chests  :sarcastic:)

Offline finn5555

I just spray my entire body in Lynx  :sarcastic: works in the adverts  :hi:


  • Guest
You're a braver man than I. No way I'd risk losing a nut if I sneezed or had a sudden heart attack.

You need the steady and reliable touch of a surgeon to perform a successful Scroto Brazilian with a Bic razor!

A skill developed through a lot of practice. I only shave my balls when I'm visiting a WG, surprised the missus hasn't sussed yet. Itchy as hell a week later....


  • Guest
A skill developed through a lot of practice. I only shave my balls when I'm visiting a WG, surprised the missus hasn't sussed yet. Itchy as hell a week later....

Yeah I bet. The armpits are bad enough when the hair starts to sprout back.  :(


  • Guest
usually i do make an effort (not too much tho its not a date) but once or twice ive been when ive just finished work, no time to go home shower and change etc, but ive always stated cleary to the receptionist when ive rang for the appointment that i need a good shower and to the WG when im there
It happened only once for me i went for a punt after my work. I remember it was friday. I'm chef and we had fish+chips and chicken curry on menu on that day. And when you cook curry it's smell is everywhere on you. I told WG i needed a good shower before i even touched her. :hi:

Offline LanceVance

If you mean being fresh, clean and having a full wallet, then yes.


  • Guest
If you mean being fresh, clean and having a full wallet, then yes.

Why on earth would anyone take their wallet to a punt? Readies only!

Offline smiths

Huh, very hot conversation in "Fluffy cunts!" topic.  :wacko:

So i will ask you: do you try to look "the best" when visiting WGs?

I always try - good shave (downstairs as well), nice aftershave and looking smart. But not too far!  :wacko:

What about you guys?  :hi:

P.S. am i fluffy cunt because i want to look "the best"?

I choose to look how I wish to look, its me paying, I ensure I am clean, arrive on time with the agreed cash thereby upholding my end of the deal.

When I have punted in smart hotels I have worn a suit on occasion but prefer smart casual or casual usually.

Offline Bigus Dickus

Why on earth would anyone take their wallet to a punt? Readies only!

We all don't have Mustapha to look after ours whilst we're balls deep!


Offline CBPaul

Showered, freshly shaved (facially) and clean clothes - that's it for me. On the odd occasion I can't shower before leaving for the punt I make sure the prossie has shower facilities. I've never gone for the sac and crack shave, have no desire to do so and Mrs CBP would be very suspicious if I started now.

On second thoughts she'd have to inspect the contents of my pants which is highly unlikely, she would get pissed at the clump of pubes and slices of scrotum sticking out of one of her venus razors, though.

Offline Marmalade

My 'best' includes my best clothes,  so no.

The other stuff, yes, out of self-respect. Many people without an active and varied sex life do let these things slide.

Offline Marmalade

The same sadly for prossies, even though we are paying them and so they have a duty.

Prossies try to look their best for photo shoots and going out with their mates.


  • Guest
The same sadly for prossies, even though we are paying them and so they have a duty.

Prossies try to look their best for photo shoots and going out with their mates.

Bit of a generalisation I think. Seen a couple of girls who look like they've just pulled a nightie out of the laundry basket, but whenever I've asked for a specific outfit or style, I've never been disappointed. When I go for a return booking most girls like to show you something different from their collection. Thankfully only had a couple of punts where the girl could have done with a shower before I arrived. Generally they are showered, smelling good and wearing clean underwear, if they have any on of course. Perhaps this is a benefit of sticking to independent British girls.


  • Guest
A skill developed through a lot of practice. I only shave my balls when I'm visiting a WG, surprised the missus hasn't sussed yet. Itchy as hell a week later....



  • Guest
If you have any decency then you will at least clean your self and have some acceptable standard of hygiene before seeing a WG.

Personally. Clothes aren't too important I'm not paying them for fashion advice, so long as I don't look like a tramp then it's fine. A nice pair of Jeans and a polo is minimal for me. Other stuff, I wear deodorant with a nice aftershave and a WG said I smelt really nice the other day and I felt like I got a bit more out of it as she got really into the session from start to finish, even asked me what it was at the end of time. I just sort of trim and shave downstairs as long as it's clean.

I think being hygienic and well groomed gets you a better service as it makes the girl feel more comfortable.

Offline barnstorm123

I keep my self smart, mainly so I'm not refused services. Shave the face, keep nails trim, trim back the pubes (I don't shave), make sure I smell good. I know these girls are doing this for the money but you don't need to make the whole experience as unpleasant as possible by turning up stinking or leaving them with stubble rash 'cause you were too much of a cunt to shave.


  • Guest

Yep i like to make a point of trying to look and smell good

I only do it because i will relax more knowing im in good condition


Yep i like to make a point of trying to look and smell good

I only do it because i will relax more knowing im in good condition

Me, too - I always shave, shower, scrub clean, wear clean clothes and apply a small amount of Gio - if I feel clean, I also relax better :thumbsup:

Offline Malvolio

I ensure I'm clean and presentable, but no more than that - frankly my 'best' is never going to be confused with David Gandy, and I'm on for a guaranteed shag anyway, so what's the point?  Remember, what they really care about is that you're willing to cough up.


  • Guest
If you have any decency then you will at least clean your self and have some acceptable standard of hygiene before seeing a WG.

Personally. Clothes aren't too important I'm not paying them for fashion advice, so long as I don't look like a tramp then it's fine. A nice pair of Jeans and a polo is minimal for me. Other stuff, I wear deodorant with a nice aftershave and a WG said I smelt really nice the other day and I felt like I got a bit more out of it as she got really into the session from start to finish, even asked me what it was at the end of time. I just sort of trim and shave downstairs as long as it's clean.

I think being hygienic and well groomed gets you a better service as it makes the girl feel more comfortable.


Like everyone else i go there clean and i shave and use electric trimmer for cock and balls. Scared of using a razor. No idea how to go about it with a razor down there.
Clothes i don't give a fuck as long as they're clean.

Offline cueball

Fresh out of shower, dick, bollocks and arse hole all sparkling (I do like to make a good impression ha ha), breathe all sorted and deoderent on. Bollox to after shave (that will get me busted) and I go in clean casual clothes (dressing up will also get me busted).

Offline Marmalade

Bit of a generalisation I think. Seen a couple of girls who look like they've just pulled a nightie out of the laundry basket, but whenever I've asked for a specific outfit or style, I've never been disappointed.

You are fairly easily pleased. Though like most of us you maybe make the best of it (and add to the fantasy by lying to yourself.) Those are cheap workclothes. As one woman said to me (away from work) "There's no way I'm going to wear a £200 dress and risk getting it ripped and cum-stained.

Same with make-up. A lot of girls will happily spend an hour getting ready to go out. Do you honestly believe they do that for you to shag them?  :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I use requests for outfits or a splash of perfume in lieu of a gift. A gift is given to raise her hormone levels in a way that she feels like being "pleasing" (at least that's theory, and often doesn't work unless you give her too much). It's like flattery or sucky reviews. But it is much more efficient to get the same response within the appropriateness of the situation, which is she is the service provider you are the service hirer.

Any provider of any service wants to feel good about themselves. They want to feel appreciated for doing a good job (at least if they have a shred of humanity). So ask them to do something that you don't actually care too much about but are fine with, something that requires a bit of effort on their part, not too much, but gives her the chance to do something easy that you have requested that she can feel good about knowing you wanted it. If she can't wear mini-skirt or whatever you asked cos she hasn't got one in the cheap serviced apartment, you are still, quids in because she will feel slightly guilty and want to "make it up to you." That is assuming that you haven't been so dumb as to pick some cunt who honestly doesn't give a shit.
     . . . :hi:


  • Guest

shave, shower, wear a nice clean shirt.. basically i try to be presentable not that because i want her to be impressed with me just that i think i would get a better service.

Offline NightKid

I de-smegmise, mouthwash, currently floss, used to drink pineapple juice, and shower before & after sex. Plus I shave my facial & body hair, armpits, and the full English (sausage, beans & black pudding  :D)

Yet I consider myself the complete opposite of a fluffy cunt ... *gasp!*

Offline Lever

I have a decent shower, shave my face (if it's an evening punt) and trim my nails before I leave. Shave or trim down below depending on how far in advance I booked - I like to leave at least 24-48 hours after shaving my cock/balls in case I cut myself, so it has time to heal. A couple of girls have mentioned to me that they appreciate a guy having trimmed nails and it's apparently not uncommon for men to turn up with sharp or bitten nails, so the extra couple of minutes seems worth it to me.

Clean, casual clothes that don't make me look like a tramp are enough, although I suspect most WGs wouldn't care too much if I turned up in a tatty, old band tour t-shirt. I'm there for a shag, not to impress them with my fashion sense or wardrobe budget.


  • Guest

Like everyone else i go there clean and i shave and use electric trimmer for cock and balls. Scared of using a razor. No idea how to go about it with a razor down there.
Clothes i don't give a fuck as long as they're clean.

Electric razor for your saggy nuts.....Nah fuck that just get a gillette fusion blade, they have a little flexi thing that stops you cutting your self......Haven't myself in 9 years since I started shaving.


  • Guest
Thankfully someone else who isn't afraid of the razor (Mach 3 for me) down below, never had a nick in years.

I'm always freshly showered, nails trimmed and filed, clean, but usually casually clothed, mouthwash, trimmed pubes and recently shaved face, knob, sack and crack, especially since I'm a hairy bugger naturally. This isn't just pre-punt cleansing though, just purely routine for many years.

Offline webpunter

(Mach 3 for me)
Mach 3 - WTF.  Do you still own a type-writer ?  :D Fusion Pro Glide for me.  As for BIC razors - are you nuts - literally ? And going back to wallet comment - the only full thing i have when visiting is my ball-bag.  Plural


  • Guest
Mach 3 - WTF.  Do you still own a type-writer ?  :D Fusion Pro Glide for me.  As for BIC razors - are you nuts - literally ? And going back to wallet comment - the only full thing i have when visiting is my ball-bag.  Plural

Of course, I prefer to type out my posts and send them in through Royal Mail for them to be transcribed on here. When speed is of the essence, I power up the 286 and use my 14.4k modem and AOL service to get on here :D

I've tried out some of those new fangled vibrating mega-razors, but I honestly don't find any difference from the old Mach 3 in the quality of shave. I'd never try a cut-throat downstairs mind, and a good soap and silvertip badger hair brush is a must.

Cornish sub

  • Guest
Clothes: nothing special, just clean and presentable. Hygiene/grooming: shower, facial shave, clean teeth (including flossing) and chewing gum to keep the fresh taste till I'm there. As for my bollocks; no shaving necessary as I have them waxed every 4-5 weeks.

Offline denneboom

Always have a bath before leaving for a punt, sometimes its not possible (cos i'm at work at need to get home) so therefore the punt is off.

pubic area and gonads shaved, teeth cleaned, mouthwash, gum, tiny amount of cheap aftershave.

After that its whatever I can be bothered wearing but usually smart casual as I'm out on the town.

Offline threechilliman

No. I try to look my best no matter what I'm doing and seeing a wg makes no difference to me.



  • Guest
I am always freshly showered & shaved


  • Guest
I'll scrape the crust off my arse if I there's nothing good on TV, before I leave. Sure.  Why not.  Common decency. Cost's nothing  :drinks:


  • Guest
no, im not attending a fashion show or having tea with the queen. i just give me balls a good wash

Offline webpunter

a good soap and silvertip badger hair brush is a must.
Reckon every discerning bloke should have Geo.F.Trumper products in his bathroom.  Including badger hair shaving brush


  • Guest
Some of us wouldn't bother to say even a quick "Thank you" for good time with WG.

But at least we agree in this department - we want to look good or even the best. :hi:
I had a good 1 hour session today - it winds me up in positive way when she tells me i smell nice  :wacko:


  • Guest
I de-smegmise, mouthwash, currently floss, used to drink pineapple juice, and shower before & after sex. Plus I shave my facial & body hair, armpits, and the full English (sausage, beans & black pudding  :D)

Yet I consider myself the complete opposite of a fluffy cunt ... *gasp!*

Just a quick heads up on the on the pineapple thing, it takes quite a long period of time for changes in your diet to actually effect the qualities of your spunk. So if you want it to have a noticeable change in taste you actually have to be consuming pineapple on an almost daily basis for a few weeks, plus cutting stuff like meat out of your diet helps as well; as a primarily meat based diet apparently makes the stuff taste vile.


  • Guest
Fresh out of shower, dick, bollocks and arse hole all sparkling (I do like to make a good impression ha ha), breathe all sorted and deoderent on. Bollox to after shave (that will get me busted) and I go in clean casual clothes (dressing up will also get me busted).

You & me both CB  :hi:

Read any girl's profile and they want clean and fresh from their visitors ( and the cash, of course  ;) )

In return, I always expected them to be similar, which most were. Only once, long ago, did I find one 'tasting of Marmite and smelling like Grimsby". Happily this seems to have been consigned to the past, and most SP's these days seem to take their personal cleanliness and hygiene very seriously  :drinks: