Sugar Babies

Author Topic: YOUR views on service and AdultWork profiles  (Read 3199 times)


  • Guest
 Hi there,

I'm an escort/working girl or whatever you want to call me.
Basically I'm here as I want to know your views directly and not through sites like safee that I think personally don't offer the same insight nor do I think they really know what they are talking about half the time.

I want to know what is good service to you personally? And what to you is bad service?

The reason I ask it to help make my own service better. But I find a lot of punters seem to find it hard to comment without feeling like they maybe attacked verbally.

Also would you rather a girls profile be honest and maybe slightly boring or be fluffed out with capital letters and lies as I have seen from AW a thousand times over.

Offline smiths

Hi there,

I'm an escort/working girl or whatever you want to call me.
Basically I'm here as I want to know your views directly and not through sites like safee that I think personally don't offer the same insight nor do I think they really know what they are talking about half the time.

I want to know what is good service to you personally? And what to you is bad service?

The reason I ask it to help make my own service better. But I find a lot of punters seem to find it hard to comment without feeling like they maybe attacked verbally.

Also would you rather a girls profile be honest and maybe slightly boring or be fluffed out with capital letters and lies as I have seen from AW a thousand times over.

Good service to me is a WG who has a good attitude and is honest offering me the services we agreed on the phone at the price agreed. I uphold my end of the deal, arriving on time, clean with the correct money, I expect ALL WGs to do the same without fail. Problem can be its the pimp or another WG actually taking my call and when I arrive the actual WG pretends or truly isn't aware of whats been agreed on her behalf. Bad service is a liar and other low life WG/pimp whose goal is to get me to the punt and hope I think with my dick and punt anyone, not something I do nowadays.

I don't want excuses which are unprovable  from WGs as I simply don't blindly believe them. Of course I want a WGs profile to be honest.

Offline Corus Boy


1. Good communications before the punt.  Including a Postcode, directions and clear instructions for arrival and stay by your phone when I call to announce I'm in the street.
2. Clarification of any queries when services are not clear or "At Discretion."
3. Meeting the girl in the photos when I arrive.
4. Not something I usually do, but if I had requested and agreed cirtain dress or look that it is there.
5. Greeted with a hug and a kiss.
6. Money exchange without unexpected extras suddenly added to the bill.
7. Use of a shower if required.
8. In the room, a chair or hanger for my clothes.
9. As an older gentleman, a slow start gradually hotting up as my body responds.  Being older, just grabbing my cock and pulling at it does not do the job.
10. If you're offering a massage, make it a good one maybe making an investment in some basic massage training.
11. After I cum, don't jump up and start getting dressed.  Cuddle up with me until my time is up.
12. Make sure your room is clean and tidy, fresh towels, fresh sheets and if you smoke make sure the air is fresh for non-smoking gentlemen.
13. Have a small/wide range of mens toiletries in the shower.
14. Put your phone on silent!  You may lose a booking but answering your phone mid punt will get you a bad review and lose you the customer who you are with.  A bird in the hand...
15. Kiss me goodbye.

I'm sure there are more points to come.

Offline Corus Boy


1. Clear pictures.  Many clients will want to see your face but you may not want to show it.  Don't airbrush out features, tattoos, scars etc, that will upset punters on arrival.
2. Keep it short and to the point, or put a summary at the start or finish.
3. Don't offer Services you are not happy to provide.
4. Be truthful in all areas.

Offline CBPaul

To me good service is:

Doing what is written on your profile and what is agreed during booking.
Being ready on time, none of this 'give me 5 minutes' nonsense.
Having good communications.
Not having to jump through hoops to make a booking and provide the correct sequence of calls, texts and emails without knowing what the magic sequence is.
Not being totally disinterested throughout.
Not fiddling with the phone.

Regarding your profile I would have thought it was pretty obvious, be honest. If you don't kiss, offer OWO etc then don't put them down. Don't write a long list of do's and dont's because I don't want to read a list of T's and C's and keep it reasonably brief, I don't read long waffly profiles and please don't try to create body parts out of $ signs  :scare:


  • Guest
Great responses Corus Boy and you seem to have described my current and past regulars, which is why they became regs. To sum up we are looking for honesty and the ability to read the punter and give him satisfaction. The best girls do this, many others just go through the same set routine for a certain length of meet and don't respond to the client's needs.

Offline sublimetoridiculous

The key thing in 'sublime' punts I have had is that I have enjoyed 100% attention from the lady.

A shorter, to the point profile, free of bullshit is more likely to attract.

Avoid "At discretion" services, what I want to know is what I will definitely get.

Be clear about whether you smoke or not, and whether you are happy to see punters who smoke. Some punters don't like the smell of smoke, and I have punted with WGs who have not liked the smell of smoke on me. So far better to know in advance what the situation is. "If you are a smoker then you can fuck me, but I'm not going to kiss you", at least lets everyone know where they stand.

Offline cueball

Hi there,

I'm an escort/working girl or whatever you want to call me.
Basically I'm here as I want to know your views directly and not through sites like safee that I think personally don't offer the same insight nor do I think they really know what they are talking about half the time.

I want to know what is good service to you personally? And what to you is bad service?

The reason I ask it to help make my own service better. But I find a lot of punters seem to find it hard to comment without feeling like they maybe attacked verbally.

Also would you rather a girls profile be honest and maybe slightly boring or be fluffed out with capital letters and lies as I have seen from AW a thousand times over.

To me a good service is....

Phone number passed on after first email.
Happy to chat before booking made.
Clear body pictures on profile (not bullshitted airbrushed bollox).
If there is any snag I want to know way before punt, if you cancel at the last minute then a reduction in next punt.
Do what it says on your likes list (if you don't like it don't put it in your list)
Remember.. I'm the customer, treat me as a potential returner
If the punt is at say 10am then it's at 10 am, don't have me waiting
None of this bloody James bond rubbish, I'll call you from xyz so you can get eyes on then it's away we go.
Be clean.
Once started your time is mine, no phoning no texting.
Show some interest and attention

« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 09:01:33 am by cueball »


  • Guest

Offline anyfucker

Hi there,

I'm an escort/working girl or whatever you want to call me.
Basically I'm here as I want to know your views directly and not through sites like safee that I think personally don't offer the same insight nor do I think they really know what they are talking about half the time.

I want to know what is good service to you personally? And what to you is bad service?

The reason I ask it to help make my own service better. But I find a lot of punters seem to find it hard to comment without feeling like they maybe attacked verbally.

Also would you rather a girls profile be honest and maybe slightly boring or be fluffed out with capital letters and lies as I have seen from AW a thousand times over.

Link please, no sp on AW  with your moniker.

Offline StevenS

For me it's simple. While you may have 30 blokes through your door each week, for each of those blokes, them seeing you is the result of research, investment in time, saving up money and could be the only visit to an escort in several months. To them it could be a big deal. Treat them with that in mind. From start to finish.

Fair play for asking opinion  :hi:


  • Guest
Honest, reliable, friendly, enthusiastic with good attitude towards customer satisfaction sums it up for me in the way of attributes

Offline Jimmyredcab

First of all, I want to see some decent pictures, not crap like this which gives me no idea of what the girl is really like.

Hidden Image/Members Only

I don't want a cheap basic price and then find a list of "extras" once I arrive --------- or have my time cut short.

I expect the girl to have a friendly attitude, she is not doing me a favour -------------- I am her client and should be treated as such.

I would want the premises to be clean and tidy -------------- with at least a chair to put my clothes on.

Offline cueball

I would want the premises to be clean and tidy -------------- with at least a chair to put my clothes on.

That's a very good point Jimmy, too many times your clothes end up in a pile on the floor, it really does make a difference to have somewhere to leave your clothes

Offline sushi

Clean fresh towels
Clean bedding
Empty the bin in the bedroom I dont want to see a bin half full of wet wipes and used condoms
Open the window to freshen the room between punters.
Freshen yourself up between punters.
Smile and be pleasant.
Don't disapear from the room for 10 minutes on my time.
Leave your phone outside the bedroom.
My shower time should not to be included in the booking time.
Don't book punters back to back and rush me out the door because you have another one about to come up the garden path.

Offline Jimmyredcab

That's a very good point Jimmy, too many times your clothes end up in a pile on the floor, it really does make a difference to have somewhere to leave your clothes

It is such a simple thing but it amazes me how many times I have found myself looking around for somewhere to put my clothes, suppose a guy came from the office ------------------ is he supposed to put his suit on the floor.    :crazy:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Empty the bin in the bedroom I dont want to see a bin half full of wet wipes and used condoms

This is something I see all the time, it takes one minute to empty the bin, there is no excuse.    :bomb:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Don't book punters back to back and rush me out the door because you have another one about to come up the garden path.

There should be AT LEAST a 30 minute gap between punters, this allows for a punter arriving late.    :hi:

Offline nigel4498

Link please, no sp on AW  with your moniker.
She is not allowed to tout for business on here


  • Guest
I think the rest of the guys have pretty much covered it but as my preference is for a GFE, for the time I'm with you I want to feel like the only guy in your world.

Lots of eye contact
Kissing with feeling if kissing is offered. I don't want to feel like I'm giving my mother a peck.
Real conversation (I know I'm a big boy)
No fake oohs and ahs, if you are truly enjoying it I will know without you putting on an act.
Don't wear a watch or have a grandfather clock in the room. If I'm taking the piss time wise, just let me know sensitively, unless I'm a real twat when you can tell me times up mate!
Dress as requested if this was agreed before hand.
Remove all traces of other clients, like I said I'm the only guy in your world for the time booked.
If there is something you'd rather not do on the day which is 'at discretion', state this at the beginning eg. No facial cos you've just washed your hair (has happened to me but wasn't mentioned until I was ready to cum)

Offline Silver Birch

Corus Boy has pretty much nailed it. A few REALLY important ones for ME below.


I usually book punts in advance when I know which areas my work is taking me to. I will check my hotlist and sometimes email  2 or 3 wgs on AW to check availability. The quicker you respond, the more likely you are to get the booking. A prompt response does NOT make you look desperate, it is a very positive thing in my book!! Just because my enquiry is for a week's time, a prompt reply is still expected and your reply 3 days later will be too late. I keep my emails fairly concise but please read it carefully and make sure you answer ALL the questions in your first reply.

I like to check streetview on Google Maps before I leave home/work. A postcode in advance is greatly appreciated. My punting phone does not have Google Maps/Internet.


NEVER, EVER check, text or answer your phone whilst with a punter. This will GUARANTEE a negative feedback from me and ruin the punt no matter how good things were before. Put it on silent and out of sight. Checking the phone when I am dressing afterwards is ok, but I have had wgs leap off the bed the moment I have cum (maybe even still cumming) to check their phone. A punt can crash from a 10/10 to a 1/10 in that 2 seconds, and the chance of a rebook has gone.

Don't bother to fake an orgasm. Sure most men like to think they make you feel good, but if you tell me "you made me cum baby" when I clearly didn't, I won't come back. It's ok to pretend you are 'enjoying' it though, so no staring blankly into space while I do my best!

Don't fill your profile with creative art using letters & numbers to make the shape of a naked women or heart. Guys just do not give a shit about that and it just means more scrolling.


  • Guest
as said on like put down what you will do not what you may or will never do as a come on its just
a joke how many do that  . do not expect punters to know the finish time if they have no watch on
if you say you kiss then kiss dont pretend of say i dont like to so no ,
understand punter  want all to go to  his plan its up to you to make that happen
if you can ,
at start say nice to see you and at end say so nice too see you
you dont have to mean it just say it !


  • Guest
Thank you all of you all though a lot of these things I already do its nice to know that's what you all look for and appreciate in a good booking. Also am I right in what I say here, I personally do not answer the door just in my underwear unless it's already arranged as I would think this would make some punters nervous and maybe even put off as I think a lot of the fun is in the undressing.

Also do you think I should set up a separate room for my punts to the one me and boyfriend share?

I was just thinking it would no doubt put some guys off seeing photos of us and other items while trying to have some fun.

Also have you had a WG go that extra mile for you and do something special or something you appreciate without you asking for it beforehand?

Again thank you,


Offline anyfucker

She is not allowed to tout for business on here
i thought there was a rule that said she had to use same name, if not my bad - sorry.


  • Guest
Mainly - look like the pictures! Be enthusiastic and engaging. Fix your likes list to reflect your likes. Dont work if your going to provide a half assed attempt.

Dont steal, beg for cash to pay for your rent bla bla bla.

Be freshly showered between punts.

Have condoms and a unused towel for every hotel incall.

Start your appointment at the said time - not ten mins later.

Note to original poster: look at the positive reviews and sort by the number of posts within that review. Note or remember what made that a positive and apply it to your own punters to be successful
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 12:59:23 pm by bensonhedges20 »

Offline Jimmyredcab

She is not allowed to tout for business on here

Can I refer you to this section of the forum rules -------------

All service providers / non-punters must reveal their working identities - no 'anonymous WGs'.

Offline SamLP

A good escort/WG/prossie would look at the long term benefits of providing a good service. A good example is to look at the popular girls on UKP. A consistently good service. The bad ones look at the short term benefits of getting as much money as possible during the day even if it means a bad service, poor hygiene, lying, deceiving, back to back bookings and rushing customers while treating them with little enthusiasm. They will always be looking for new customers as they provide a poor or average service and will have days with little business. They may create a new profile, re-invent themselves, move to different locations to drum up business.

The advice given by the others are all good. Keeping it simple is the best way to succeed.
- Good and concise comms
- Don't double book punters or cancel at short notice
- Leave space in between punts to factor in any delays and to freshen up
- Be clear on what services are on offer and what if any are extra
- Attitude from beginning to end. A smile & kiss on arrival sends he right message to the punter. An enthusiastic performance throughout will help generate good reviews, regulars and drum up business.
- Excel in giving good FK/DFK and/or oral. A lot of punters ask who gives the best oral or who offers deep passionate kisses. It may be worth asking punters how they like their oral.
- Treat the punter as if he is your bf and it's his birthday

The Architect

  • Guest
What pro$$ie touting bollocks is this?

Hidden Image/Members Only


OP is a troll or a fucking idiot. Nonsense post, amazing how many responses 'she' has managed to draw.

would you rather a girls profile be honest and maybe slightly boring or be fluffed out with capital letters and lies

What the fuck do you think?  :dash:

Offline Bangers and Gash


OP is a troll or a fucking idiot. Nonsense post, amazing how many responses 'she' has managed to draw.

Exactly. Punters who should know better, falling over themselves to offer advice to this poor damsel.  :wacko:

Whatever happened to the 'old' UKP?   :unknown:


  • Guest
because that what we would like every wg to be like
 but their not
so it makes you feel good to post it here

if there was a wg webb site and i posted

whats your favorite  flavor of condom  i am sure i would get loads of replies as has happened here

the only difference is
if you know your being played or not ??

Offline Bangers and Gash

because that what we would like every wg to be like
 but their not
so it makes you feel good to post it here

if there was a wg webb site and i posted

whats your favorite  flavor of condom  i am sure i would get loads of replies as has happened here

the only difference is
if you know your being played or not ??

What the fuck are you babbling on about?


  • Guest
Exactly. Punters who should know better, falling over themselves to offer advice to this poor damsel.  :wacko:

Whatever happened to the 'old' UKP?   :unknown:

Agreed, however, by replying to this OP we are enabling lurking WGs on this site to get an insight into what us punters would expect from an escort for us to consider her good

I think we are pretty much all singing from the same song sheet and if just a % of escorts reading this take it onboard, then that can only be a good thing

I consider the OPs question about "going the extra mile" etc is a definite tout

But don't care just hope some others read this thread and learn from it

Offline Corus Boy

It is my nature to treat everyone the same until I believe there is something to cause em to doubt their actions.  This is obviously a fluffy trait.

The OP started a thread asking how to improve her performance, to me just the same as a punter arriving and asking for information about a certain girl.

Having no reason to doubt her motives, either then on now, I replied with what I like from a punt.

I live my life looking at a glass that is half full as opposed to living in a half empty world.

Offline Dani

  • Service Provider
  • Posts: 2,603
  • Likes: 1
It cant hurt to get the point across of what you all want from a punt although for most women it would be obvious and wouldn't need spelling out although that doesn't mean they would actually take notice of it
This seems more like the sort of post you get where she uses a fake name for now knowing full well after reading the forum she will have to give her AW name eventually but until then will say oh good that is how I work anyway.  therefor touting but can say she wasn't as no one knew her name when she made those posts and she didn't realise she would have to give her AW name.  Call me cynical but I have seen it all before and the fact she even knew to throw in an insult about saafe whereas most new girls find it very useful until they know what they are doing as the main site is good for new girls and explains where to advertise, how to be assertive during bookings, where to get help if needed as well as tons of other stuff that is very useful. 

Offline Bangers and Gash

Agreed, however, by replying to this OP we are enabling lurking WGs on this site to get an insight into what us punters would expect from an escort for us to consider her good...... if just a % of escorts reading this take it onboard, then that can only be a good thing...

Lets face facts here - if this pro$$ie doesn't already know what constitutes 'good service' and has to come on here asking for advice, the chances are she will always be a shit pro$$ie, and should go back to stacking shelves at the 99p Store.




Offline akauya

Also do you think I should set up a separate room for my punts to the one me and boyfriend share?

I was just thinking it would no doubt put some guys off seeing photos of us and other items while trying to have some fun.

Nah, leave it all on display, add your family pictures too, you mum, your dad, brothers, sisters (are your sisters whoring as well? maybe add a price list for duos).  Don't forget to leave your passports on display too so we can all make sure you're legit.

Any more questions, just ask. Happy to help.



  • Guest
Also do you think I should set up a separate room for my punts to the one me and boyfriend share?

I was just thinking it would no doubt put some guys off seeing photos of us and other items while trying to have some fun.

She seemed fairly sensible until the bollocks above.

PS: don't forget to add any pictures of the kids or Ultrasound images if you are expecting.


  • Guest
And if you have a sergei tell him not to mix it with any Egyptians he may encounter


  • Guest
And if you have a sergei tell him not to mix it with any Egyptians he may encounter

Oh ffs, I just blurted my coffee out my nose when I read that.

I'd forgotten how funny this place can be at times.

As for the OP, as soon as I read it, I thought, 'Oh, do one, for fuck's sake'.

Offline finn5555

Thank you all of you all though a lot of these things I already do its nice to know that's what you all look for and appreciate in a good booking. Also am I right in what I say here, I personally do not answer the door just in my underwear unless it's already arranged as I would think this would make some punters nervous and maybe even put off as I think a lot of the fun is in the undressing.

Also do you think I should set up a separate room for my punts to the one me and boyfriend share?

I was just thinking it would no doubt put some guys off seeing photos of us and other items while trying to have some fun.

Also have you had a WG go that extra mile for you and do something special or something you appreciate without you asking for it beforehand?

Again thank you,


Katie personally I want your boyfriend to wash and service my car whilst I service your ass  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
ARE YOU KATIE PRICE ?????????????????????????


  • Guest
Thanks with all the help just trying to make sure my service is tip top and punters hard earned money is well spent.

To the other guys don't quit the day job you wouldn't make it as comedians or detectives for that matter. Though seriously I find it cute that your offering your detective services in trying to work out if this is a troll or not. Carry on its rather entertaining  :D

Offline Corus Boy

Thanks with all the help just trying to make sure my service is tip top and punters hard earned money is well spent.

To the other guys don't quit the day job you wouldn't make it as comedians or detectives for that matter. Though seriously I find it cute that your offering your detective services in trying to work out if this is a troll or not. Carry on its rather entertaining  :D

I like you!  :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Offline Boundless

Oh ffs, I just blurted my coffee out my nose when I read that.

I'd forgotten how funny this place can be at times.

As for the OP, as soon as I read it, I thought, 'Oh, do one, for fuck's sake'.

As I observed on another thread.  It's half term again!

Offline Boundless

Katie personally I want your boyfriend to wash and service my car whilst I service your ass  :sarcastic:

 :D :D

I saw a girl who's boyfriend picked me up from the station, then when I was just getting his bird's knickers off, politely knocked on the door and brought us in cups of tea. I didn't have a problem with that although it was a bit weird chatting to him about sport, cars etc when I'm just about to fuck his bird senseless.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 08:43:58 am by Boundless »


  • Guest
I saw a couple once - in their own home - stood chatting with the fella in their lounge surrounded by their family photos
She joined us and we chatted together for a while before she led me upstairs - we were alone together before he joined us
Following a spit roast some more chat followed where I discovered she only saw punters with her partner present due to a rather scary experience previously
Finally the bloke said his missus wanted to see me on her own and left me to it for the last half hour during which she asked me to shag her up the arse but not to mention it to her partner afterwards as she promised him she would save that forbidden pleasure just for him
Afterwards as I'm saying goodbye to them both she gave me a hell if a sexy/knowing wink behind his back

Nope I don't have a problem with personal photos!!!!

Offline Bikerboy

Thanks with all the help just trying to make sure my service is tip top and punters hard earned money is well spent.

To the other guys don't quit the day job you wouldn't make it as comedians or detectives for that matter. Though seriously I find it cute that your offering your detective services in trying to work out if this is a troll or not. Carry on its rather entertaining  :D

A late contributor, but here's my say:

Good service for me is -
Prompt, clear initial communication, continuously good comms up to the punt, including at least a postcode the day before/morning of the punt, a fun flirty style text/email helps get me in the mood.
Accurate profile.
As many recent pics as the girl is happy to provide, if they are lacking due to privacy reasons, I won't book unless fb/ukp reports suggest I would find the escort attractive.
Reliable - we all know life happens, if it does and delays a punt, let me know ASAP as I may have to replant my day.
Likes: On arrival, a kiss and cuddle is nice, natural love making skills with mutual undressing, the girl gets into the moment, the girl climaxes, the girl climaxes multiple times, the girl skirt(s), you feel an emotional connection to the girl, after you have cum the girl remains affectionate and intimate and self starts round 2/3, a nice kiss on departure, not a clock watcher (but the punter doesn't take the piss either), punter fb given if you want some.
Dislikes: Being asked if I want a massage first, being told to undress ( like at the Doctor's Surgery!), being told she is sore so not to touch here, here or here, fingering is not allowed, being short changed of time, loss of interest by escort after first pop, number of pops policy, smelly pussy.. Ohh yuk!

Wow factors: Escort sends a thank you text after you have left, escort let's you know she had a ball ( no lying wanted (you know if it's true or not), escort rewards loyalty and or a fr with a token preferential rate/discount

Making out in your boyfriend's room with family pics, yeah, done that. It doesn't worry me, in fact I may soon be doing a 3sum with an escort and her boyfriend :)


Offline Bikerboy

The girl skirt(s) should of course read, the girl squirt(s) ...silly autocorrect.

Offline socks

Good service from a prossie who posts on here starts with her using her AW name in accordance with site rules. As you have chosen not to do that, despite having it pointed out more than once in this thread, it gains you a big "fuck off you trolling twat" from me .

Exactly. Punters who should know better, falling over themselves to offer advice to this poor damsel.  :wacko:

Whatever happened to the 'old' UKP?   :unknown:

Hope that's a nice bit of nostalgia for you B+G  :drinks: