Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Does the wife know you punt?  (Read 6101 times)


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Got sidetracked into this topic after reading comments in another thread.

After several discussions with my missus about lack of sex at home, I put to her that if things didn't change I would get it elsewhere.

All talk at the beginning but tried a swingers site and hooked up with a less than perfect match for me, probably just to prove a point to myself. Discovered punting when I came home off nightshift, horny as hell and Googled local escorts, ended up with a punt within 90 mins less than 3 miles from home.

Had so much fun that I've been punting for the last 7 months, found a smashing regular, also local to me. I don't feel any guilt other than I try to keep a lid on the spending, although the family want for nothing. Reason I don't feel guilt towards my wife is;

1. I told her how I felt about lack of sex
2. Told her I would go elsewhere
3. I don't have a girlfriend or have affairs
4. It suits her too

I don't flaunt it and only meet girls when she's working or out for a while. She spends plenty every month on diets, hair dos, clothes etc, so I probably shouldn't feel guilty about the money. To repeat my comments in the other thread, we discussed it this afternoon, and other than a flippant comment about it 'not being very nice', she was neither up nor down about it. When she asked what I did I told her it was none of her business, she doesn't know I punt.

How do other guys deal with the guilt, secrecy or otherwise?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 04:34:26 pm by DG »


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I just do it and dont think about it. What she doesnt know wont hurt her and frankly life is too short to spend it fretting or riding the guilt bus.

Have fun while you can, fuck it :yahoo:

Offline cueball

Got sidetracked into this topic after reading comments in another thread.

How do other guys deal with the guilt, secrecy or otherwise?

Both get easier over time, I feel no guilt now and my secrecy has improved over the years.

Barry Shipton

  • Guest
How do other guys deal with the guilt, secrecy or otherwise?

The knowledge that my balls would be spit roasted in front of me is a great incentive to ensure absolute secrecy.

And frankly I could drop dead tomorrow and how many peoples' last words are gonna be - 'I really wish I hadn't had so much amazing sex with so many beautiful women'?

Offline blackburnian

The knowledge that my balls would be spit roasted in front of me is a great incentive to ensure absolute secrecy.

And frankly I could drop dead tomorrow and how many peoples' last words are gonna be - 'I really wish I hadn't had so much amazing sex with so many beautiful women'?

Think that sums it up 100%


Online akauya

The knowledge that my balls would be spit roasted in front of me is a great incentive to ensure absolute secrecy.

And frankly I could drop dead tomorrow and how many peoples' last words are gonna be - 'I really wish I hadn't had so much amazing sex with so many beautiful women'?

Too right mate  :thumbsup:

Offline claretandblue

Got sidetracked into this topic after reading comments in another thread.

After several discussions with my missus about lack of sex at home, I put to her that if things didn't change I would get it elsewhere.

All talk at the beginning but tried a swingers site and hooked up with a less than perfect match for me, probably just to prove a point to myself. Discovered punting when I came home off nightshift, horny as hell and Googled local escorts, ended up with a punt within 90 mins less than 3 miles from home.

Had so much fun that I've been punting for the last 7 months, found a smashing regular, also local to me. I don't feel any guilt other than I try to keep a lid on the spending, although the family want for nothing. Reason I don't feel guilt towards my wife is;

1. I told her how I felt about lack of sex
2. Told her I would go elsewhere
3. I don't have a girlfriend or have affairs
4. It suits her too

I don't flaunt it and only meet girls when she's working or out for a while. She spends plenty every month on diets, hair dos, clothes etc, so I probably shouldn't feel guilty about the money. To repeat my comments in the other thread, we discussed it this afternoon, and other than a flippant comment about it 'not being very nice', she was neither up nor down about it. When she asked what I did I told her it was none of her business, she doesn't know I punt.

How do other guys deal with the guilt, secrecy or otherwise?
your right not to feel guilty,the fact your mrs is spending lots of cash on new hairdos,clothes and diets suggest shes getting plenty too!

Offline Swsnapper

I'm in a similar position, and think this is a far better solution than having an affair or looking for one night stands.  Although this may sound more taboo, or a lot worse morally it's easier to keep a lid on and the WG shouldn't fall in love with you and turn up on the doorstep like a mistress may


  • Guest
Years ago, racked with guilt, I told her i'd gone for a hand job, because I was so desperate. I was prepared to leave and gave her the option.

Much upset all round etc. She begged me not to leave...

That was all of 15 years ago. Nothing has improved in the sex department.

A couple of years ago, I read a book which changed my life. " Shut up, Move On " ( SUMO) by Paul Mc Gee, hence my username...

In short, I stopped being a victim to the control of my sex life. I decided i'd never ask for sex again and see how long until she said something. I'm still waiting for her to suggest a shag, two years and counting...and if she does ask, i'm not gonna be interested anymore..

So, now I punt, guilt free and the bonus is, I don't fret about STDs like I used to, because she ain't gonna catch anything...

Life is way too short. I 'm fifty odd, with maybe the time left alive i've been married. I'm not going to waste it...


  • Guest
I'm in a similar position, and think this is a far better solution than having an affair or looking for one night stands.  Although this may sound more taboo, or a lot worse morally it's easier to keep a lid on and the WG shouldn't fall in love with you and turn up on the doorstep like a mistress may

Exactly, no emotional attachment, unless EAS kicks in of course.

Offline threechilliman

Got sidetracked into this topic after reading comments in another thread.

After several discussions with my missus about lack of sex at home, I put to her that if things didn't change I would get it elsewhere.

All talk at the beginning but tried a swingers site and hooked up with a less than perfect match for me, probably just to prove a point to myself. Discovered punting when I came home off nightshift, horny as hell and Googled local escorts, ended up with a punt within 90 mins less than 3 miles from home.

Had so much fun that I've been punting for the last 7 months, found a smashing regular, also local to me. I don't feel any guilt other than I try to keep a lid on the spending, although the family want for nothing. Reason I don't feel guilt towards my wife is;

1. I told her how I felt about lack of sex
2. Told her I would go elsewhere
3. I don't have a girlfriend or have affairs
4. It suits her too

I don't flaunt it and only meet girls when she's working or out for a while. She spends plenty every month on diets, hair dos, clothes etc, so I probably shouldn't feel guilty about the money. To repeat my comments in the other thread, we discussed it this afternoon, and other than a flippant comment about it 'not being very nice', she was neither up nor down about it. When she asked what I did I told her it was none of her business, she doesn't know I punt.

How do other guys deal with the guilt, secrecy or otherwise?

To be honest, having read your post on the other thread, you've got it sorted. Assuming you love your wife for reasons other than sex, you have a stable relationship and can go about your punting relatively stress free. You've got most of us beaten...



  • Guest

In short, I stopped being a victim to the control of my sex life. I decided i'd never ask for sex again and see how long until she said something. I'm still waiting for her to suggest a shag, two years and counting...and if she does ask, i'm not gonna be interested anymore..

Same here mate, it's been, well I don't know how long, since me and the missus got it on. Even though I've been unwell recently, she knows damn well I couldn't go that long without sex, so I suspect she already knew I was satisfying my needs elsewhere. Another indication that's she is quite happy with the arrangement....


  • Guest
To be honest, having read your post on the other thread, you've got it sorted. Assuming you love your wife for reasons other than sex, you have a stable relationship and can go about your punting relatively stress free. You've got most of us beaten...


You are 100% right mate, I do love her for other reasons. 30 years this year counts for something. Your perception also validates that my take on my arrangement is pretty much spot on.

Cheers oh wise one...


  • Guest
A little off topic, but how do you know the wife doesn't punt?   :dance:

Offline cueball

A little off topic, but how do you know the wife doesn't punt?   :dance:

She doesn't come up on my aw search in my area


  • Guest
She doesn't come up on my aw search in my area

Nooo, I'm talking about her buying, not selling!  :coolgirl:


  • Guest
A little off topic, but how do you know the wife doesn't punt?   :dance:

Believe me mate, I know!! I think I'd prefer it if she did, or had a fella. Makes it even easier for me.

Offline cueball

Nooo, I'm talking about her buying, not selling!  :coolgirl:

Hhmmm, I hope we don't mix up punting phones,

she has been bathing much more than usual lately, she's gone from once a month to sometimes once a week, think I'll have a look on mumsnet for some tips


  • Guest
Have been married for 20+ years, and had a few affairs in that time from one night stands to full on relationships, alongside punting - last affair went horribly wrong as the wife found out, and I was head over heels with the woman at the time. I'd made a conscious decision to shag someone else who didn't want paying for it, but was shagging me because she wanted to, but I wouldn't go down that road again. Too much fucking hassle.

Tomorrow night I'm going to get my cock sucked by a young woman who wouldn't look at me twice in normal company. I won't have to chase her, buy her dinner, hope she's happy to put out, hope she's happy to go down on me, hope she's happy with doing the dirt with a married man etc etc. And if it's shite, I don't even have to let her down nicely.

Offline RedKettle

No, well I least I don't believe so!

I don't feel guilty about it, which I think is odd but that is the truth.  Like others on here my married sex life is pretty much non existent - even when there are decent opportunities to do it with no kids in the house etc there is usually an excuse/reason not to.  It has got to the point where the slightest hint that perhaps we might think about it prompts an extreme reaction.  Like one of the posts above I have generally decided to stop suggesting or asking for it, why get myself frustrated for no reason.  If the absence of sex was for some good reason (I don't know what but say illness) then perhaps I would just put up with it or would punt and feel guilty.  However we are both fit and healthy and whilst I am no Brad Pitt I am a decent (and clean!) bloke.

The marriage is good otherwise and we have kids to consider.  If I was to break up the marriage over a lack of sex I would feel guilty, I would be harming myself, my wife and the kids just so I was free to get sex.  Being able to punt puts a sticking plaster over that part of the marriage and in an imperfect world that is a good enough solution for me. 

Yes i am spending family money on it but I am pretty modest with my spending otherwise and I have worked bloody hard to earn decent money and even after punting deductions we are comfortably off.  A divorce would cost all of us considerably more.

So why not tell my wife?  Because it would cause upset and I do not want to upset her.  Yes it might end up in a open compromise that we all agree to but equally it might not.  What she does not know does not harm her so I am content to keep it that way.  I realise that should she find out it will make it worse but so be it.  I will be careful!! 

The other option of having an affair I believe is wrong.  I guess the morality of an affair against punting is a tricky one and we can only reach our own conclusions. 

I would prefer sex within a loving relationship but that is not possible for me at the moment, so punting is a compromise. 

As I said above it is an imperfect world.  The route I have chosen seems to me the best option for all of us and hence I do not feel guilty.

Writing posts like this is probably over thinking it!  I will now go and check out my HL for a woman to fuck tomorrow!

Offline threechilliman

No, well I least I don't believe so!

I don't feel guilty about it, which I think is odd but that is the truth.  Like others on here my married sex life is pretty much non existent - even when there are decent opportunities to do it with no kids in the house etc there is usually an excuse/reason not to.  It has got to the point where the slightest hint that perhaps we might think about it prompts an extreme reaction.  Like one of the posts above I have generally decided to stop suggesting or asking for it, why get myself frustrated for no reason.  If the absence of sex was for some good reason (I don't know what but say illness) then perhaps I would just put up with it or would punt and feel guilty.  However we are both fit and healthy and whilst I am no Brad Pitt I am a decent (and clean!) bloke.

The marriage is good otherwise and we have kids to consider.  If I was to break up the marriage over a lack of sex I would feel guilty, I would be harming myself, my wife and the kids just so I was free to get sex.  Being able to punt puts a sticking plaster over that part of the marriage and in an imperfect world that is a good enough solution for me. 

Yes i am spending family money on it but I am pretty modest with my spending otherwise and I have worked bloody hard to earn decent money and even after punting deductions we are comfortably off.  A divorce would cost all of us considerably more.

So why not tell my wife?  Because it would cause upset and I do not want to upset her.  Yes it might end up in a open compromise that we all agree to but equally it might not.  What she does not know does not harm her so I am content to keep it that way.  I realise that should she find out it will make it worse but so be it.  I will be careful!! 

The other option of having an affair I believe is wrong.  I guess the morality of an affair against punting is a tricky one and we can only reach our own conclusions. 

I would prefer sex within a loving relationship but that is not possible for me at the moment, so punting is a compromise. 

As I said above it is an imperfect world.  The route I have chosen seems to me the best option for all of us and hence I do not feel guilty.

Writing posts like this is probably over thinking it!  I will now go and check out my HL for a woman to fuck tomorrow!

Good post RK. Life is all about compromise and striking a balance. Mrs tcm was very similar but that changed about 12 months ago after I threatened to bring things to an end. I think the real problem was her upbringing and seems to have had it drummed into her that sex is wrong. I'm trying to put her straight and she's open to trying new things now. It ain't perfect and I still, frustratingly, have to lead most of the time. Her BJ, which she used to hate giving and was very poor as a consequence, is now actually very good. She's watched videos and read a book on how to do it properly to the point where she enjoys giving me a BJ because she can see the effect it has on me. This in turn has led her to become more and more enthusiastic and she now seems to enjoy giving as much as I do receiving.

I still punt though and don't feel guilty about it :unknown:


Offline RedKettle

tcm you have done well to make that progress - any attempts I have made to discuss it have either made no difference or ended badly.  I have not tried the nuclear option of saying I will end it, as I say in my post I do not feel that is right for me/us.  Anyway I have got to a good (but not perfect) compromise position and that is often the best we can do!!  Perfect very rarely exists in anything,

Offline turbostar

Years ago, racked with guilt, I told her i'd gone for a hand job, because I was so desperate. I was prepared to leave and gave her the option.

Much upset all round etc. She begged me not to leave...

That was all of 15 years ago. Nothing has improved in the sex department.

A couple of years ago, I read a book which changed my life. " Shut up, Move On " ( SUMO) by Paul Mc Gee, hence my username...

In short, I stopped being a victim to the control of my sex life. I decided i'd never ask for sex again and see how long until she said something. I'm still waiting for her to suggest a shag, two years and counting...and if she does ask, i'm not gonna be interested anymore..

So, now I punt, guilt free and the bonus is, I don't fret about STDs like I used to, because she ain't gonna catch anything...

Life is way too short. I 'm fifty odd, with maybe the time left alive i've been married. I'm not going to waste it...

im 48 wife is a yr older than me and im in the same situation every so often she will say stuff like you must be getting it elsewhere no man can do without etc etc she also said the last time i asked i will tell you when im wanting sex so 2 and a half yrs and counting ...... dont see mant wgs but every other month will arr to meet wg for bj/69
even her friend who was in the house for a few drinks made a comment to my wife who joked "oh we dont have sex anymore" her friends answer was maybe your not having sex but bet he is seeing someone(i was in the kitchen at the time) i have my secret payg phone that i only use at work never brought home

Offline cueball

im 48 wife is a yr older than me and im in the same situation every so often she will say stuff like you must be getting it elsewhere no man can do without etc etc she also said the last time i asked i will tell you when im wanting sex so 2 and a half yrs and counting ...... dont see mant wgs but every other month will arr to meet wg for bj/69
even her friend who was in the house for a few drinks made a comment to my wife who joked "oh we dont have sex anymore" her friends answer was maybe your not having sex but bet he is seeing someone(i was in the kitchen at the time) i have my secret payg phone that i only use at work never brought home

Good post, it's ironic ain't it, all the power wifey thinks she's got, actually she has no power at all


  • Guest
Same situation here... I gave up trying to be intimate ages ago as I got pissed off by being rejected or turned down. I don't know or care if she knows I punt but I don't rub it in her face or discuss it in any way.
I told her years ago (I'm 43) that I don't intend to remain celibate for the next 30 years and that was the start and end of discussion.
I used to use swinging sites and I've probably shagged around a dozen females I've met there but it's too dangerous as some tend to get a bit attached and possessive. One actually tracked down my home address as well as my parents address and said she would make my life he'll for net agreeing to be her steady boyfriend. I received a nasty text Xmas day with a lot of personal details.
I had to get the police to talk to her. No contact from her for over a year. Punting is ideal, I can't imagine a prossie getting possessive

Offline elitistuser

l'm not married but after reading these posts l'm surprised. I thought girls sex drive get higher as they get older , no?


  • Guest
im 48 wife is a yr older than me and im in the same situation every so often she will say stuff like you must be getting it elsewhere no man can do without etc etc she also said the last time i asked i will tell you when im wanting sex so 2 and a half yrs and counting ...... dont see mant wgs but every other month will arr to meet wg for bj/69
even her friend who was in the house for a few drinks made a comment to my wife who joked "oh we dont have sex anymore" her friends answer was maybe your not having sex but bet he is seeing someone(i was in the kitchen at the time) i have my secret payg phone that i only use at work never brought home

Isn't it odd. They know it, but still they carry on with a sham of a relationship.

You love them, but they don't love you.

Offline CardiffCentral

l'm not married but after reading these posts l'm surprised. I thought girls sex drive get higher as they get older , no?

I'm not married either and these posts are quite depressing.  I'm hoping it's a generational thing, I'm in my early thirties and the women I date are usually aged from 21 up to my age.  Hopefully there's a healthier attitude towards sex with those girls and it's not viewed as something that can be used as a weapon later on in life.

However I will say that on a punting site we're probably going to get a disproportionate amount of unhappy, undersexed husbands.  Your average happily married man with a healthy sexual relationship with his mrs is far less likely to punt.  Stating the obvious really. 

Offline webpunter

Can't remember the last time i shagged the OH.  The logic of even indicating to the OH that you'd be getting it elsewhere defies me - paid or otherwise.  What is the upside ?  The square root of fuck-all   What is the downside ?  Massive.   Just look at the contempt on sites like Mnet on blokes who use hookers.  The problems which are likely to result are endless


  • Guest
Can't remember the last time i shagged the OH.  The logic of even indicating to the OH that you'd be getting it elsewhere defies me - paid or otherwise.  What is the upside ?  The square root of fuck-all   What is the downside ?  Massive.   Just look at the contempt on sites like Mnet on blokes who use hookers.  The problems which are likely to result are endless

It all depends on the attitude of your OH. It was not something I just threw in in the heat of the moment. Knowing her as I do, like I said 30 years married this year, I sensed she would actually be quite happy with the situation. When I say happy, I mean it suits her too; bit of dented pride maybe, but her reaction was extremely revealing. Of course I couldn't say how anyone else's wife would react, but it seems to work for us.


  • Guest
Can't remember the last time i shagged the OH.  The logic of even indicating to the OH that you'd be getting it elsewhere defies me - paid or otherwise.  What is the upside ?  The square root of fuck-all   What is the downside ?  Massive.   Just look at the contempt on sites like Mnet on blokes who use hookers.  The problems which are likely to result are endless

Oh crap. I could have written this myself. I think that women look on our infidelity from a very different perspective than we do and it hurts them a lot, so why hurt them by letting on? I did so years ago and am still paying for it.

Offline webpunter

It all depends on the attitude of your OH. It was not something I just threw in in the heat of the moment. Knowing her as I do, like I said 30 years married this year, I sensed she would actually be quite happy with the situation. When I say happy, I mean it suits her too; bit of dented pride maybe, but her reaction was extremely revealing. Of course I couldn't say how anyone else's wife would react, but it seems to work for us.
Indeed.  The most important thing is that it works for the two of you.  I reckon for every one relationship where it doesn't cause an issue / some benefits, there are 20 or more where it would be a disaster area.  Just sayin'


  • Guest
My wife knew from day one I had an eye for the ladies, but chose to overlook it. That's precisely why I decided she was the perfect woman for me.

Punting in marriage is fine as long as the family home is the family home and the two worlds never meet.

Let's be frank: can ANY of us state unequivocally that monogamy is a wonderful thing?

Offline webpunter

Oh crap. I could have written this myself. I think that women look on our infidelity from a very different perspective than we do and it hurts them a lot, so why hurt them by letting on? I did so years ago and am still paying for it.
Infidelity - i agree.  Women are wired entirely differently to blokes.  Mars & Venus.  Which in my book means blokes like to shoot their load as often as possible & with different women.  Anyway - what's crap - this thread or my post ?


  • Guest
Anyway - what's crap - this thread or my post ?

Nope, just how it makes me feel! Both are cock on.


  • Guest
l'm not married but after reading these posts l'm surprised. I thought girls sex drive get higher as they get older , no?


They go through a phase usually in their early thirties when they often become keen and adventurous, but that doesn't last more than a few years. For most of them in a relationship it serves more as a bargaining chip than anything else.


  • Guest
Infidelity - i agree.  Women are wired entirely differently to blokes.  Mars & Venus.

What I've learnt over the years (and wish I'd realised it in my twenties) is that most men spend their adult lives looking for sex, and most women spend their adult lives avoiding it. The only time that doesn't hold is when they want either control or kids, and in the case of guys when they get too old or ill.


  • Guest
No, well I least I don't believe so!

etc etc

What a great post mate. Sums things up for me entirely!


  • Guest
Yep mine knows, and helps me choose with who, she fine with it and makes for great sex afterwards, but sadly I only get to do it a few times a year as a result, but it's easier this way.


  • Guest
Yep mine knows, and helps me choose with who, she fine with it and makes for great sex afterwards, but sadly I only get to do it a few times a year as a result, but it's easier this way.

Sounds perfect. What does your wife get out of helping you choose? Has she ever expressed an interesting in joining you on a punt?

Offline webpunter

They go through a phase usually in their early thirties when they often become keen and adventurous, but that doesn't last more than a few years. For most of them in a relationship it serves more as a bargaining chip than anything else.
Aspen, can't be arsed to do double quote.  Have done it but i'm not very good at this.  I agree with both posts.  My take on things is that the more attractive the woman the more they want sex.  They feel confident about the way they look - and can pull good looking geezers [or rich].  And want to make the most of it.  In their 20's / 30's before kids come along.  Then a pause with kids.  A good percentage lose the desire.  But some remain.  Some of the milfie civvies i've shagged have been dirty as fuck.  CIM & swallow is considered an absolute minimum.  Then licking their lips, smiling & saying 'yum yum - can i have some more ?'.  And up the bum & no-harm-done on 2nd date  :D  Contrast this with dull women who never get many blokes before they have kids.  They become a baby factory & looks descend.  Lack of confidence leads to less sex.  Then they join MNet.  Blokes on the other hand think fuck it - i want as much as possible.  Paid or otherwise.  And as us blokes get older the paid option becomes ever more attractive - for just so many reasons.  Just sayin'


  • Guest
Sounds perfect. What does your wife get out of helping you choose? Has she ever expressed an interesting in joining you on a punt?

Yes we've done it a couple of times together with one escort, which is fantastic, but she also get's off on hearing all about it when I've been on my own.  She likes girls too so she like to help me choose, I am not going to grumble.


  • Guest
Yep mine knows, and helps me choose with who, she fine with it and makes for great sex afterwards, but sadly I only get to do it a few times a year as a result, but it's easier this way.

How the fuck did you talk her into it?


  • Guest
How the fuck did you talk her into it?

First escort we saw was together so no talking her into it, after that she's been a changed woman.  I guess I am a lucky fucker, but I'd still like to do it more.   

Offline webpunter

I guess I am a lucky fucker, but I'd still like to do it more.
Most times i'd say go for more.  But think you have things nicely sorted.  One position springs to mind.  You banging one of them from behind.  The other below doing some clit & knob sucking.  Then get them to swap.  Not so much lucky fucker - more lucky c**t.  Think you deserve a mention on SirF's thread  :lol:

Offline Deepstroker

Very interesting stories and thank you all for sharing. I'm not married so i have nothing similar to tell. It does seem a little weird to be with someone and to share the same bed with someone and not have a physical relationship for 5/10/15..however many years...

Has anyone ever got their female partner to explain why they no longer make themselves available? Is it that they genuinely dont want it? Are they exercising some form of control ? Are they secretly wishing you would reach out, undress them and make love like you used to do?

Some of them at least must surely still have physical sexual desires that are not fulfilled by a secret lover? Maybe they are just content to masturbate when your out at work?


  • Guest
No idea. We sleep in separate rooms anyway and she point blank refuses to discuss it


  • Guest
My OH and I have no sex life to speak of, and haven't for many years.  I tolerated it for years, until I very recently decided that there was no way I could cope with the idea of never having sex again.

I do find myself wondering if she found out whether she would understand, given that her libido flatlined after a short course of anti-depressants (major cautionary tale there), and she knows it still really matters to me.

I doubt it however, so the best I can hope for is that she doesn't find out, but that I feel strongly that I can justify my behaviour if she does.  Won't stop me getting castrated in my sleep mind...

Offline charger70

Several things going on here in this thread I can relate to, and comment on.
1. Younger women are more open minded and less likely to turn he tap odd later in life.

Don't bank on it, several guys on here have skas what their missus got up to in earlier times, mine was the same, but time changes them as it does all of us, and modern society or not, that fact won't change.

Cock isn't as important to them as fanny is to us, in later life, its a natural fact.

Sex is usually a pointer to the health of a relationship, so if other things are not in equilibrium, then sex will be off of the menu.
So in my case married 30 years + haven't boned the OH for several years, I got used tot he idea, and watched porn and wanked a lot.

Found AW last autumn, and saw some terrific WG's that will do virtually anything near by, so thought fuck it, why not, and now I am  a much more contented person, and probably better to be around!?

But there is no way I will tell the OH, only make the job even worse.

And for you young guys, there is a lot to be said for marriage and a stable relationship, especially if you have family, and divorce / separation/ re marrying etc, from what I can see from mates  who have gone through it, certainly isn't the end of the rainbow!

But IMHO punting gets you pretty damn close! :)


  • Guest
Got sidetracked into this topic after reading comments in another thread.

After several discussions with my missus about lack of sex at home, I put to her that if things didn't change I would get it elsewhere.

All talk at the beginning but tried a swingers site and hooked up with a less than perfect match for me, probably just to prove a point to myself. Discovered punting when I came home off nightshift, horny as hell and Googled local escorts, ended up with a punt within 90 mins less than 3 miles from home.

Had so much fun that I've been punting for the last 7 months, found a smashing regular, also local to me. I don't feel any guilt other than I try to keep a lid on the spending, although the family want for nothing. Reason I don't feel guilt towards my wife is;

1. I told her how I felt about lack of sex
2. Told her I would go elsewhere
3. I don't have a girlfriend or have affairs
4. It suits her too

I don't flaunt it and only meet girls when she's working or out for a while. She spends plenty every month on diets, hair dos, clothes etc, so I probably shouldn't feel guilty about the money. To repeat my comments in the other thread, we discussed it this afternoon, and other than a flippant comment about it 'not being very nice', she was neither up nor down about it. When she asked what I did I told her it was none of her business, she doesn't know I punt.

How do other guys deal with the guilt, secrecy or otherwise?

In short no my wife didn't know I did and my present girlfriend doesn't know I do it and actually my girlfriend is actually hotter than some girls I've seen which has left me in a bit of a conundrum as to why I do it. I guess whilst I still get that pre punt buzz and excitement then long may it continue