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Author Topic: Hitting the sweet spot!!!  (Read 2031 times)

Offline threechilliman

Punted a girl today at very short-notice (plan B). I've seen her a couple of times before and it's a straight forward, vanilla GFE service she offers at a bargain price. Enjoyed the first two visits, but today was something else. She told me she was horny when I arrived, I told her so was I, and what followed was a really intense fuck. We were literally all over each other, script abandoned!!

I also noticed that when this has happened before, how few services you actually get through. Today, just mish, CG and oral both ways. And that was it before I shot my load and nearly managed to get it in my own mouth. I've walked round with a massive grin on my face all afternoon!!

Anyone else find something similar?


Offline cueball

Yes, it was with a girl I've already reviewed, it was a mad hour of fucking and sucking, both of us sweating and panting laid on the bed after, I couldn't bloody drive right on way home, good session though


  • Guest
Yep, had one like that a short while ago

Like TCM we were all over each other in less than a minute and did not stop for the hour. I still get weak knees thinking about it.  Unfortunately the girl concerned has moved on elsewhere from the serviced flat they use on a rota basis.

Events like that day make it all worthwhile.



  • Guest
I know what you mean: the plan goes out of the window and the sex is spontaneous and stupendous. Sometimes it is best not to overthink the encounter but just let nature take its course.

Offline livlad

happened once with my old reg was about a gap of four months from the last time I saw her when she opened the door she said I am so glad  your here, pulled me inside followed by such an intense session it was mind blowing she vanished not long after so maybe it was a bye bye present from her 

Offline Norman8796

I get this a lot with one regular who is half my age but way ahead of me on the sex front leaves me babbling. A good feeling. I would review her but she has a sort of marmite feel about her.

Offline tantric talents

C'mon guys  - no-one seems to be posting any profile links!

Offline Norman8796

Mine is Milla at HoD but when I posted a review I got muttered by some weirdo.

Offline livlad

C'mon guys  - no-one seems to be posting any profile links!

would do but as I said she is no longer working wish she was though


  • Guest
I couldn't bloody drive right on way home...

You're supposed to drive on the left. It must have been an intense session!

Offline cueball

You're supposed to drive on the left. It must have been an intense session!

That explains every bugger papping n waving, I thought "bloody hell I don't know this many people surely"


  • Guest
I've had one girl who has hit that sweet spot on my last 2 visits.

Really didn't expect it the first time as it was quite a casual punt but we really fancied each other and had a very good, very intense session.

Second time was even better.  We were all over each other and she came repeatedly.

Wicked when it happens but quite unpredictable.


  • Guest
Happened to me this afternoon. Had booked an hour with my regular. Usually start with a nice sloppy BJ and ball sucking, lasts about 10 - 15 mins before we move onto something else, most likely me returning the favour. However today something clicked, my cock was a good deal thicker than usual and she noticed it. After about 3 mins she asked if I wanted a condom on. I sensed she was really up for it so duly obliged. She rode me on top cowgirl. Not only was i thicker I must have been longer as she winced as I thrust into her. Took about two mins for her to cum.

On a slightly different theme, I mentioned that I had nearly booked a different girl for this weekend but couldn't bring myself to as I wanted to see her again. Her response was, "in that case you deserve the deepest bj I can manage". My god she worked hard; eyes watering, mascara running, and some full on gagging!  :dash:  :yahoo:

Sorry can't provide link as she took her profile down yesterday due to some weird shit going on with new profiles and aliases contacting her.

Offline itk

happened once with my old reg was about a gap of four months from the last time I saw her when she opened the door she said I am so glad  your here, pulled me inside followed by such an intense session it was mind blowing she vanished not long after so maybe it was a bye bye present from her

Very similar experience a few years ago. Saw a regular at her own place and not the flat she used for punting. Was very different, far more intense and went well over the hour. Sadly, she just disappeared from AW, and I never saw her again.


  • Guest
Great thread, and it proves my main theory.

Enthusiasm is the most erotic thing a WG can provide!

Offline sticko

I've seen Ameera quite a lot and I'd say every other meeting is one of these.  It's why I'm going to keep going back as long as I can...


Offline CBPaul

Happened a couple of times, never on a first visit and is one of the main reasons why I'm changing my opinion about only seeing a prossie a couple of times before moving on.

Neither are working any more and if they hadn't buggered off both would have become regulars. The first one was a total surprise and set the standards pretty high. The second was a touring Polish prossie, I had a pretty good idea she was off home soon after and wouldn't be coming back, instigating round 2 she suddenly seemed to become very horny, knew exactly what she wanted and made bloody well sure she got it. Intense is the word that springs to mind and I was only too happy to go along with it. A long over run followed, partly because neither of us had any intention of stopping (and she didn't have another punter due) and partly because I was too knackered to get dressed immediately.

Problem is punts like that stick in the memory, they set the bar high and the next prossie is likely to be rated badly due to the inevitable comparison. Just another addict chasing the ultimate high I guess.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

It's called Ovulation..


The level of estrogen in your body is still increasing and it eventually causes a rapid rise in luteinising hormone (the ‘LH surge’). This LH surge causes the dominant follicle to rupture and release the mature egg from the ovary, from where it enters the Fallopian tube. This process is known as ovulation.

Many women think that they ovulate on day 14, but 14 is an average, and most women will actually ovulate on a different day of the menstrual cycle. Your day of ovulation will vary from cycle to cycle.. Some women claim to feel a twinge of pain when they ovulate, but many feel no sensation at all and there’s no other sign that you are ovulating.


And its when women are at their peak randiness..

Known it to happen with several girlfriend's before, they may not even realize whats making them that  way.

Offline riskytimes

threechilliman , can you give us the AW profile then ? as we all want to get horny and sweaty lol

Offline threechilliman

threechilliman , can you give us the AW profile then ? as we all want to get horny and sweaty lol

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I have reviewed her before, but I'll post another because the meet was so damn good. As I said in my earlier review, I though she might get better once she gets to know you and I wasn't wrong



  • Guest
It's called Ovulation..


The level of estrogen in your body is still increasing and it eventually causes a rapid rise in luteinising hormone (the ‘LH surge’). This LH surge causes the dominant follicle to rupture and release the mature egg from the ovary, from where it enters the Fallopian tube. This process is known as ovulation.

Many women think that they ovulate on day 14, but 14 is an average, and most women will actually ovulate on a different day of the menstrual cycle. Your day of ovulation will vary from cycle to cycle.. Some women claim to feel a twinge of pain when they ovulate, but many feel no sensation at all and there’s no other sign that you are ovulating.


And its when women are at their peak randiness..

Known it to happen with several girlfriend's before, they may not even realize whats making them that  way.

That might be the case, but a lot of WGs are on the Pill, which stops ovulation.