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Author Topic: Giving shite pro$$ies a taste of their own medicine - is it ever justified?  (Read 5290 times)


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I totally understand why they put discretion, some of the horror stories I have heard off many girls over the years, some escorts told me men come in and say they have had a shower not long ago they see him naked and the smell is bad from body odour to the knob full of cheese and crust from not even washing it for ages and sometimes the pubes smell of dry spunk and piss some of the pubes stuck together with it.

You could not pay me ANY amount of money to deal with that, so I can see why they need to put at discretion, I agree some girls could put that but have no intention of ever doing it but they have a right not to do it if dirty bastards come in for this type of service in this state.

Don't know how accurate this is but some girls have said at least 1 out of every 10 guys will be like this and sometimes 2 or 3.

I am always curious to know how these type of men do not know its that bad or as one escort said to me they simply just don't care and think because we do this job they can come in whatever state they wish :vomit: :vomit: :vomit:

If someone turns up as bad as you describe then the girl always has the option of asking them to tuck off or take a shower. most times "at discretion" means they don't do it or they charge extra .... not always, but most times.


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If someone turns up as bad as you describe then the girl always has the option of asking them to tuck off or take a shower. most times "at discretion" means they don't do it or they charge extra .... not always, but most times.

Yes a lot of escorts will try and get them washing again but sometimes its a waste of time if they can turn up like that in the first place says it all. Yes some girls will tell them to leave but the fact that the girl has already got naked and started they probably don't feel like they should give them back the full money because the GIRL IS ALREADY NAKED and probably has lost other bookings to take this booking.

So from what a few girls have told me they have to make a bad situation into a basic get it over with service and hope they don't come back, by using a baby wipe on them and doing very basic services and if these punters are as bad as some girls have said I take my hat off to them for even giving them a basic service. :hi:

My motto is if you want to try and have a great time (unless the escort is a scammer so does not apply)
make sure you are very clean, showered, with deodorant and aftershave on for your appointment and polite when meeting the escort this goes a long way. In well over 20 years of punting nearly all my bookings have been good and a lot of the time I get comments saying how nice and clean and fresh smelling I am.


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We will have to agree to differ .... i know I am being an idealist but if the lass doesnt feel able to give a good service to a bloke cos he's dirty and smelly then she should tell him so and ask him to leave. You never know he may just get the message and improve his hygiene. I ask you, who would want to do anything at all with such a person?

I have been told in as many words on occasion by a girl that she never really does xxxx but it is on her profile at discretion just to draw in punters, its not a myth that they do this. I have been told by others in as many words that "at discretion" means "i charge extra".

I have also on a few occasions enjoyed services from girls that were not on their enjoys list .... when I asked why they didn't advertise that service they said cos they didn't want everyone to think it was available, they only wanted to provide these services if they felt like it! That is when a girl genuinely does things "at discretion".


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We will have to agree to differ .... i know I am being an idealist but if the lass doesnt feel able to give a good service to a bloke cos he's dirty and smelly then she should tell him so and ask him to leave. You never know he may just get the message and improve his hygiene. I ask you, who would want to do anything at all with such a person?

I have been told in as many words on occasion by a girl that she never really does xxxx but it is on her profile at discretion just to draw in punters, its not a myth that they do this. I have been told by others in as many words that "at discretion" means "i charge extra".

I have also on a few occasions enjoyed services from girls that were not on their enjoys list .... when I asked why they didn't advertise that service they said cos they didn't want everyone to think it was available, they only wanted to provide these services if they felt like it! That is when a girl genuinely does things "at discretion".

I don't doubt that happens and know some abuse the discretion word, but the way I look at it why should the escort lose out on the money just because someone cannot be bothered to turn up in a normal hygiene manner, by the escort still doing some kind of service but with everything covered and no kissing then she is not touching any of his really cheesy bits and scrubbed the outside with a baby wipe, then he is lucky to have that.

Some girls have told the punter there hygiene is not up to scratch for these services so they get the basic so those ones are upfront and to be honest if there as dirty as some have told me then there lucky to have that.

The reason I think this does happen about six years ago I visited a escort and even though the punter before me had already gone, I was kept waiting a while why she seen to the bedroom the smell was so bad from the last one she had to change all bedding, use loads of air freshner and air the room.

She came back in and was quite honest about the room and why she was taking her time I had seen this lady before and always had a good time she told me she started a service with him and ended up having to ask him to leave early due to the smells, I went in to the room and sure there was a cheesy feet type of smell with a salty smell with it too that just hung around it was awful she said we cant use this room so we ended up in the living room as neither of us wanted to stay there. After that she said she was calling it a day and needed that room to air over 24hrs so no more punters.

So first hand experience of a nasty punters left over smells.


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We will have to agree to differ .... i know I am being an idealist but if the lass doesnt feel able to give a good service to a bloke cos he's dirty and smelly then she should tell him so and ask him to leave. You never know he may just get the message and improve his hygiene. I ask you, who would want to do anything at all with such a person?

I have been told in as many words on occasion by a girl that she never really does xxxx but it is on her profile at discretion just to draw in punters, its not a myth that they do this. I have been told by others in as many words that "at discretion" means "i charge extra".

I have also on a few occasions enjoyed services from girls that were not on their enjoys list .... when I asked why they didn't advertise that service they said cos they didn't want everyone to think it was available, they only wanted to provide these services if they felt like it! That is when a girl genuinely does things "at discretion".

By the way the examples I have given is for girls that don't abuse the discretion system but wont do it with certain types of punters because of hygiene and some girls wont do owo if punters have loads of stringy pre come as they don't offer cim so will only do it with knobs that are dry.

If a girl wont do cim but offers owo I can understand if they wont do owo if a bloke that has loads of stringy long pre come because some girls don't want all the fluids as risks become a bit higher, I do get that.


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i see what you're saying greychap, i dont doubt they have their fair share of stinkers but im with fredpunter on this. just turn those types away, the aw profiles shoud be written as if a clean, polite, respectfull gentleman is reading it and anything other than this dont provide the service.

Offline Dani

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We will have to agree to differ .... i know I am being an idealist but if the lass doesnt feel able to give a good service to a bloke cos he's dirty and smelly then she should tell him so and ask him to leave. You never know he may just get the message and improve his hygiene. I ask you, who would want to do anything at all with such a person?

I fully agree.  I often get asked how I cope with smelly dirty men and the answer is simple.  I don't.  If they smell they get asked to have a shower, if they are still disgusting after that I would sooner lose a bit of time than have to try and 'deal with it'.  My sanity and self respect is far more important than if someone has seen menaced or wasted 5 minutes of my time so they get told to leave.  Money isn't that important that I would go anywhere near a sweaty smelly man with a dirty unclean cock.   

I think if you have services at discretion then you need to explain on your profile exactly what at discretion means so everyone is aware of the circumstances and why they will or wont receive these services


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I fully agree.  I often get asked how I cope with smelly dirty men and the answer is simple.  I don't.  If they smell they get asked to have a shower, if they are still disgusting after that I would sooner lose a bit of time than have to try and 'deal with it'.  My sanity and self respect is far more important than if someone has seen menaced or wasted 5 minutes of my time so they get told to leave.  Money isn't that important that I would go anywhere near a sweaty smelly man with a dirty unclean cock.   

I think if you have services at discretion then you need to explain on your profile exactly what at discretion means so everyone is aware of the circumstances and why they will or wont receive these services

Well a lot of service providers do say on there profile clean men only as they say also they make sure they are clean as well.

If someone does not realise how bad they are and have already got naked and had the money given to them they stinking bloke not only gets his full money back but gets a thrill of the escort naked does not seem fair to me.

Dani I do wonder because you know this is a punter site that you will not say what you really feel about this. I really cannot see you being happy to not only refuse to do a service of any kind not even hand relief but to give him all the money back even though you could have had someone clean in his place.

Are you saying someone who comes in bad very smelly and you only find out after you have had a snog and you have got naked and hes had a grope of you are happy to give him all the money back.... really?????

Because some escorts might feel the fact a dirty punter has seen the girl naked and groped her before her realising how bad he is and feels she has the right to at least keep some of the fee for the fact he has not only got something already from her but wasted the appointment time especially if she makes it clear ll punters must be clean.

Would you not say its not fairer if say he paid £130 she gave him back £100 or £90 for and kept a little for the fact of fucking up the appointment and him already had something from her?


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Well a lot of service providers do say on there profile clean men only as they say also they make sure they are clean as well.

If someone does not realise how bad they are and have already got naked and had the money given to them they stinking bloke not only gets his full money back but gets a thrill of the escort naked does not seem fair to me.

Dani I do wonder because you know this is a punter site that you will not say what you really feel about this. I really cannot see you being happy to not only refuse to do a service of any kind not even hand relief but to give him all the money back even though you could have had someone clean in his place.

Are you saying someone who comes in bad very smelly and you only find out after you have had a snog and you have got naked and hes had a grope of you are happy to give him all the money back.... really?????

Because some escorts might feel the fact a dirty punter has seen the girl naked and groped her before her realising how bad he is and feels she has the right to at least keep some of the fee for the fact he has not only got something already from her but wasted the appointment time especially if she makes it clear ll punters must be clean.

Would you not say its not fairer if say he paid £130 she gave him back £100 or £90 for and kept a little for the fact of fucking up the appointment and him already had something from her?

I think you should consider setting up some sort of welfare scheme for prossies who are pregnant or lose money cos of smelly punters. It could be funded by a 10 quid surcharge applied to all punts nationwide that actually go ahead, and used to compensate those poor unfortunates who occasionally have to turn away 120 quid rather than play with a cheesy cock.


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Okay, I took the bait...

Top for me @ 65% was Obsessive Compulsive. The website average is 45%... :hi:


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Im a punter but also a human so I do sometimes see the sides of the escorts too.

I give credit where its due but am also the first one to slag off an escort if she totally takes the piss out of the punter or does something really bad.

I believe in being fair.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Are you saying someone who comes in bad very smelly and you only find out after you have had a snog and you have got naked and hes had a grope of you are happy to give him all the money back.... really?????

Lets credit most pro$$ies with a modicum of intelligence here. A smelly punter can be sniffed out within a few seconds of stepping over the threshold - I always assume that's what the hug and kiss greeting is for.   

Offline Dani

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Well a lot of service providers do say on there profile clean men only as they say also they make sure they are clean as well.

If someone does not realise how bad they are and have already got naked and had the money given to them they stinking bloke not only gets his full money back but gets a thrill of the escort naked does not seem fair to me.

Dani I do wonder because you know this is a punter site that you will not say what you really feel about this. I really cannot see you being happy to not only refuse to do a service of any kind not even hand relief but to give him all the money back even though you could have had someone clean in his place.

Are you saying someone who comes in bad very smelly and you only find out after you have had a snog and you have got naked and hes had a grope of you are happy to give him all the money back.... really?????

Because some escorts might feel the fact a dirty punter has seen the girl naked and groped her before her realising how bad he is and feels she has the right to at least keep some of the fee for the fact he has not only got something already from her but wasted the appointment time especially if she makes it clear ll punters must be clean.

Would you not say its not fairer if say he paid £130 she gave him back £100 or £90 for and kept a little for the fact of fucking up the appointment and him already had something from her?

I would know he smelt before we even got into the bedroom without me getting naked as A quick kiss hello lets you know if someone has poor hygiene.  I would then offer them a shower and mouthwash.  If when they came back in the room they still stunk again a quick kiss is all it takes then they will be sent off.  You don't have to already be naked to work out if someone smells or not. 
I also posted the same thing on Saafe some time ago which is not a punters forum.  I would not under any circumstances do a booking with someone who stunk nor who had a dirty cock.  I find it rude beyond measure for a start and would not be able to pretend to be nice to someone who thought they could get intimate with me in that condition.  I know some people will go ahead and some wont or cant.  I wont.  I would be rather angry especially if I had also sent them into the shower and they came out in the same condition as then it is done knowingly which would annoy me to hell and I would just tell them to leave before I lost my temper.

You have to be pretty desperate if you are willing to give a service to someone who is that disrespectful let alone having to touch them when in that state. 
If anything this being a punters forum I should be saying 'no clients don't come in smelling bad blah blah blah' and I shouldn't be saying I would throw them out but I would.  My profile also states if you are unclean you will be asked to leave so everyone is aware of the fact because I personally find it to be very disrespectful and I have a weak gag reflex and would be likely to start urging.


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i agree with above. key words 'desperate' and 'disrespectful'.

Offline Turtle Z

I would know he smelt before we even got into the bedroom without me getting naked as A quick kiss hello lets you know if someone has poor hygiene.  I would then offer them a shower and mouthwash.  If when they came back in the room they still stunk again a quick kiss is all it takes then they will be sent off.  You don't have to already be naked to work out if someone smells or not. 
I also posted the same thing on Saafe some time ago which is not a punters forum.  I would not under any circumstances do a booking with someone who stunk nor who had a dirty cock.  I find it rude beyond measure for a start and would not be able to pretend to be nice to someone who thought they could get intimate with me in that condition.  I know some people will go ahead and some wont or cant.  I wont.  I would be rather angry especially if I had also sent them into the shower and they came out in the same condition as then it is done knowingly which would annoy me to hell and I would just tell them to leave before I lost my temper.

You have to be pretty desperate if you are willing to give a service to someone who is that disrespectful let alone having to touch them when in that state. 
If anything this being a punters forum I should be saying 'no clients don't come in smelling bad blah blah blah' and I shouldn't be saying I would throw them out but I would.  My profile also states if you are unclean you will be asked to leave so everyone is aware of the fact because I personally find it to be very disrespectful and I have a weak gag reflex and would be likely to start urging.

agree with all these comments Dani so why is it such common practice for prossies to wipe punters cocks with a wet wipe prior to personal contact? I don't understand this at all and think that it reflects as badly on the girl as the punter. If a punter was dirty to the point that he had a cheesy cock is a wipe round the bell end with a wet wipe really gonna clean him up or actually does it say that the girl in question, despite the pretence, also has incredibly poor standards of hygiene?

Offline Marmalade

agree with all these comments Dani so why is it such common practice for prossies to wipe punters cocks with a wet wipe prior to personal contact? I don't understand this at all and think that it reflects as badly on the girl as the punter. If a punter was dirty to the point that he had a cheesy cock is a wipe round the bell end with a wet wipe really gonna clean him up or actually does it say that the girl in question, despite the pretence, also has incredibly poor standards of hygiene?

Perhaps she got some free wetwipes from the GUM clinic and wanted to show off her "standards of hygiene." I would hedge a bet that her fanny either tastes of very nasty soap or the last punter's condom.

Offline Dani

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agree with all these comments Dani so why is it such common practice for prossies to wipe punters cocks with a wet wipe prior to personal contact? I don't understand this at all and think that it reflects as badly on the girl as the punter. If a punter was dirty to the point that he had a cheesy cock is a wipe round the bell end with a wet wipe really gonna clean him up or actually does it say that the girl in question, despite the pretence, also has incredibly poor standards of hygiene?

No idea and not something I have ever done.  Perhaps they are worried you may have had a pee since your shower and not washed afterwards?  No Idea tbh.  After all if it needs wiping then really it needs to be showered so it would be easier and better for her to pop you in the shower and if that worried stay with you whilst showering so she is sure it is clean. 


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I would know he smelt before we even got into the bedroom without me getting naked as A quick kiss hello lets you know if someone has poor hygiene.  I would then offer them a shower and mouthwash.  If when they came back in the room they still stunk again a quick kiss is all it takes then they will be sent off.  You don't have to already be naked to work out if someone smells or not. 
I also posted the same thing on Saafe some time ago which is not a punters forum.  I would not under any circumstances do a booking with someone who stunk nor who had a dirty cock.  I find it rude beyond measure for a start and would not be able to pretend to be nice to someone who thought they could get intimate with me in that condition.  I know some people will go ahead and some wont or cant.  I wont.  I would be rather angry especially if I had also sent them into the shower and they came out in the same condition as then it is done knowingly which would annoy me to hell and I would just tell them to leave before I lost my temper.

You have to be pretty desperate if you are willing to give a service to someone who is that disrespectful let alone having to touch them when in that state. 
If anything this being a punters forum I should be saying 'no clients don't come in smelling bad blah blah blah' and I shouldn't be saying I would throw them out but I would.  My profile also states if you are unclean you will be asked to leave so everyone is aware of the fact because I personally find it to be very disrespectful and I have a weak gag reflex and would be likely to start urging.

Ok that is a fair point your profile tells them to be expected to be booted out if unclean or you offer them a shower and still dirty.


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agree with all these comments Dani so why is it such common practice for prossies to wipe punters cocks with a wet wipe prior to personal contact? I don't understand this at all and think that it reflects as badly on the girl as the punter. If a punter was dirty to the point that he had a cheesy cock is a wipe round the bell end with a wet wipe really gonna clean him up or actually does it say that the girl in question, despite the pretence, also has incredibly poor standards of hygiene?

I would say its probably just a follow up of extra protection or at least that's what one girl said to me she does with all her clients , if someone has gone to the toilet and had a piss in between the session they sometimes will  do this or if your going for round 2 and not having another full shower they will do this.

Don't think its always used for cleaning the punter of grime but just an an extra and maybe sometimes if the punter is too excited with pre cum they might wipe that away before starting.