Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: saucyannabella / PrestigeEscort2013  (Read 4169 times)

3 review(s) for saucyannabella (1 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by ]


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First of all, I'm The_GLow, but I reformatted my hard drive and it forgotten my auto login data, so I had to re-register.

Well, I'm sorry to say, but I fell into the same trap as Westerby from his first post, and maybe even a worse one than him with this lady.

After my first really good visit with her, plan A failed yesterday on Monday afternoon, so for the evening i choose a plan b.

This was my first mistake, as I should have called it quits then, and been no worse off.

Anyway, rang her, and she answered straight away, and after reminding her who I was, said she had been thinking about me, and was hoping I would come see her again.

Off to a good start I thought. She said to come straight away, and as I was all ready, showered and dressed for the failed plan a, I told her a quick trip in the taxi and I would be there.

£25 to the taxi driver later, and I turned up back outside her place.

Was greeted by her using her phone light to navigate around. The house was pitch black. She told me the electricity had just been turned off and she was hoping to get it back on soon when her friend pops round with the card for the meter or whatever it was.

I wasn't bothered by this, as she had used candles to light the bedroom, and it was pretty romantic I have to say.

Anyway, paperwork dealt with, and we sat on the bed. I had brought with me a new bottle of Baileys, which was an xmas present off my nan, and several boxes of chocolates. We poured ourselfs a drink, and we began to get cosy.

I was super relaxed being around her. This is going well I though.

After a bit of kissing she used my phone to text her friend who was gonna bring some fags and some weed round. This went on for a while, and was super annoying, but I thought it would be over soon, then we could get to it. I stayed in the bedroom whilst she went outside to greet her friend a little while later.


As she came back into the house from outside, she shouted upstairs to me and said to grab my stuff, because her mom had to pop round really quickly to pick up her kids football boots, and that she wanted me to wait outside at the bottom of the road whilst her mom came round, and that she would come get me after her mom had gone.

I know what your all thinking, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt, so I grabbed my bag and phone and not even being given the chance to have a piss, went outside and made my way to the bottom of the road.

I was getting pretty cold and wet, but 30 mins later, she walked up to me, and I thought that we could finally  get on with it. As she walked up to me I was on the phone to a friend, so I was a little distracted, but she said she was quickly popping down the road to the shops, and would be back in a min. I SHOULD HAVE SAID I WOULD COME WITH HER, but like I said, I was talking on the phone, and didn't think straight. Plus, I was still thinking that she was a decent honest person, so I took her word for it.

1 HOUR and 2 PISSES in bushes later, I was still standing out in the cold and in the rain, and with no sign of her, I though "fuck it" and I called a taxi back home. Of course I had rang loads in that hour, but low and behold, her phone was off. Also, at this point I had left the full bottle of baileys and 3 boxes of chocolates on her bed.

£25 to the taxi driver later, and I was back home.

I had just managed to sit down in my room, when my phone beeps at me, and it's a text from her asking me where I am. I call her back and tell her that I am at home now. She basically hangs up on me, but in case it was an accident I try to call her back. No answer. Any explanation would have been nice. I finally get through to her and she says she went back to meet me and was even shouting for me but I wasn't there. Now this could have been true, as I did sneak off to have a piss twice whilst she was gone.

I was pretty pissed at this point though, and felt like I had been given the run around and played for a fool.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!

A few mins later I get a text saying that she really likes me, and that she misses me, and that if I came back and brought an extra £50, her friend, who she described as "hot" would join us, and that I could stay the night if I wanted.

Now I really know what you're all thinking, and believe me I feel like a complete twat now, but last night, after hearing her excuses, the fact that the Viagra would be wearing off soon, and the fact that I still wanted some pussy, meant I wasn't thinking straight, so, like an idiot, I texted her to say ok to her offer, popped another Viagra for good measure, which put me up to about 150mg by now, and I called another taxi.

5 mins later she texted to ask if I was in the taxi yet and how long would I be. I told her it was on its way. When I was actually in the taxi I texted her to say I was on my way.

A few mins later I had a text which says, and read this carefully because literally every word is dripping with alarm bells.

It read, and I quote from the text:....

"Ok when u get here take the right before mine and pull up I'll come out to u and then I gotta get some coke for my girl with the £50 then we all jump in taxi and go to mine"


I even sent her a text asking her if she would run off with my money and disappear, to which she of course replied that she wouldn't, and that she really liked me and that me and her and her friend would have lots of fun.

Asking her that was of course a useless this to ask, but I was so jacked up on Viagra, I could actually see my chest contract with each beat of my hear, and behind my ears were burning. So needless to say, I wasn't super clear headed. I was also cold, wet, hungry, and I needed another piss.

Anyway, when I got to where she wanted me to be, I let her know, and about 5 mins later she tapped on the taxi window. I opened it, and she greeted my nicely. I handed her the £50 and started to imagine how nice it would be to finally get my dick into these to women.

5 mins later still no sign of her return.

Many texts, unanswered calls and 10 mins later still no sign of her return.

Finally get a text from her saying she is now at her friends the next road over, and to pick them up from there.

So I tell the taxi driver the plan, and off me go.

I get there and I let her know, to which she responds to park the taxi at the top of the road. So we drive up the hill and park there. After what seemed like an eternity and still no response from her via call or text, I tell the driver to drive around for a bit to see if we could see them.

After 10 mins, I finally get through to her via a call, and she says they have just pulled up outside number 67 and to meet them there.

Thank god for that I think. I think even the taxi driver was pleased at this point.

We drive down the road to the bottom and find number 67. I let her know we are there. Many times. And I call her. Many times. NO answer of any form.

I finally get out, and in the pissing rain, go and knock on the door to this house. A nice, smartly dressed man opens the door, and after asking if she was there, was greeted with the usual "sorry I think you have the wrong address" line. I apologized and got back in the taxi.

By this point I knew for sure I had been fucked over, and had lost all my energy and enthusiasm about resolving the matter and actually meeting her.

I told the driver to just take me back home to where he picked me up.

£62 to the taxi driver later, and I was sat back in my room, frozen to death, tired, hungry, angry, miserable, even more depressed than usual, and just wanting to crawl into my bed to die.

In total, the evening cost me:

£25 taxi fare 1
£80 to anna
£25 taxi fare 2
£50 to anna
£62 taxi fare 3

That's £242 and for what?

Not to mention that all my stuff, the Baileys and the chocolates had been left on her bed. I actually shuddered when I though what if I had left my phone, or my bag with my debit card in it on her bed. I would have been stuck in Kidderminster, out in the dark and the cold, with no money, no way of getting money, and no way of calling a taxi to get home. I would have been literally stranded miles from home. It doesn't bear thinking about.

All I can say is that you live and learn, and that I will be far more careful and much lest trusting in the future.

I just cant believe how different this was from the last time I saw her, which was in a previous review and forum post of mine. The first 20 mins with her were fantastic and just like last time.

I was asking my self, what did I do to deserve this. I'm always clean, well spoken, and I try to treat these women like ladies, and with respect. But maybe that's exactly why I got this from her. She could see how gullible I was going to be from a mile a way, and that pulling the wool over my eyes would be easy.

I'm sorry for doubting the starter of this thread, but it looks like this lady does this all the time.

I'm hoping my story can help, and can maybe be a lesson for future punters not to follow.

If you have ready this far, well done. I'm sorry I have waffled on for ages, but I wanted to let you all know how she treats her paying customers.

This woman is a thieving druggy, beware and avoid !!!


@ THE GLOW, Maybe leave feedback on her AW age for this bad experience as you have sung her praises before.  Nothing but a crack whore, dirty drug den door smashed in takeaway cartons strewned over the place.

Offline azrael

Rotflmao pissing my self here, sorry but i dont have any sympathy at all you where foretold about her behaviour, well i hope you learnt from your mistakes.   :scare:  :dash: :hi:

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I appreciate all the kind words guys.

I know I don't have any of your sympathy, I really did bring it all on myself.

But alas, lessons must be learned one way or another.

Lets hope we all have better punting luck and fortune in the future !!!

Offline kurnlittle

Fuck me what you writing a fucking book?


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Fuck me?

FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!!!

The more info the better, that's what I was thinking.

Offline pianodave

Good grief, how many red flags do you need to walk away??

Feel bad for you man but, seriously, she must have been unable to believe your gullibility.

Offline kurnlittle

Easy brother easy brother you had a very bad time why you let the skank carry on with the horse shit?

Was it the Viagra messing with yer mind?

Offline azrael

I appreciate all the kind words guys.

I know I don't have any of your sympathy, I really did bring it all on myself.

But alas, lessons must be learned one way or another.

Lets hope we all have better punting luck and fortune in the future !!!

 :hi: atleast you got nutsack to let us take the piss. Fortune favours the bold. Happy punting budd :thumbsup:


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Good grief, how many red flags do you need to walk away??

Feel bad for you man but, seriously, she must have been unable to believe your gullibility.

I've seen enough red flags to paint the town red my friend.

And yes, her and her friend must of been laughing all night at my expense as they were shooting into their veins whatever my money had brought them.


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Easy brother easy brother you had a very bad time why you let the skank carry on with the horse shit?

Was it the Viagra messing with yer mind?

I let her carry on because I kept giving her the benefit of the doubt. That, and there was a time limit on the Viagra's effective period, so I was a little desperate.

I think I may have borderline overdosed on the stuff though. My pupils didn't return to their normal size till the following day.

Anyway, what is it they say, fool me once and what not.

Only really lambast me if I end up in this situation again.

Then I'll give you guys free reign to rip the piss out of me !!!


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you didnt say if you'd see her again?


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Terrible Terrible thing to have happen but I must say very surprised that anyone would go along with any of this madness.

Your a stranger that she does not know and you turn up no electricity in the place, asking to use your phone to arrange drugs to be took round to hers and a friend popping round.

As soon as an escort was asking to use my phone to order drugs and fags etc I would have got up and left so unprofessional words cannot describe it.

Bad that you lost all that money from a low life thieving cow but shocked you went back again for more punishment.

Offline paul_davis

Whole thing sounds mad.
Taking stuff round you'd had for Christmas?


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Whole thing sounds mad.
Taking stuff round you'd had for Christmas?

Oh yeah forgot about that bit... why would you take xmas pressies round to a girl, I can understand one box of chocs or if you met her before then a gift but not only did he have the run around all night, lost money, had the embarrassment  with the cab driver knowing but also her and her druggies mates were happily scoffing themselves with the goodies as well.

Poor bastard lets hope she gets her comeuppance :scare: