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Author Topic: Hilarious Threat on Adultwork: WG or UKP Member?  (Read 3495 times)


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Up nice and early on a Sunday morning, and I just received the funniest shit so far on Adultwork - a threat!

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Hidden Image/Members Only

Anyone recognise the writing style of a UKP Member?

Or perhaps it's a groupie for a certain WG who is having a sleepless night!

Offline tesla

I would not worry about it, there is no specific info in the text, so it's probably someone's idea of a joke,

just report it to AW


  • Guest
Happy they sent it three times - a desperate attempt to make sure I received it.

Bring it on I say!


  • Guest
Well 'TightYoungEbony' has been refreshing your UKP profile a couple of time since 12am GMT today, and that's similar to her writing style...


  • Guest
Well 'TightYoungEbony' has been refreshing your UKP profile since 12am GMT today, and that's similar to her writing style...

Hahaha! She is one sick puppy for sure. Maybe it's time I booked her for an outcall.  :scare:


  • Guest
She's been spending the past hours and days viewing the profiles of dozens of UKP members and their past reviews pages.

Probably wanting to do to them as she did to you.


  • Guest
I guess that can only be a good thing: if she has enough time to do that, her phone must be nice and dusty.

Just like the space between her ears. :D

Offline Blackpool Rock

I have to say good work and I'm bloody impressed that within 15 minutes of somebody reporting this the culprit is identified.
I only joined UKP a week or so ago and that was somebodies suggestion so I could report being robbed by a girl however in that short time i've gained a clear appreciation of the safety / security afforded by the free flow of information available.


  • Guest
She's been spending the past hours and days viewing the profiles of dozens of UKP members and their past reviews pages.

Probably wanting to do to them as she did to you.


Some people!

Offline Sedlmayer

I have to say good work and I'm bloody impressed that within 15 minutes of somebody reporting this the culprit is identified.
I only joined UKP a week or so ago and that was somebodies suggestion so I could report being robbed by a girl however in that short time i've gained a clear appreciation of the safety / security afforded by the free flow of information available.

Hear, hear to all that  :hi: and thanks Admin. Blackpool, it's worth looking at the prostitute blacklist page on this site too.
What a bitch (even if her threats are obviously empty ones).


  • Guest
Well if it was me on the receiving end of such messages, I would also say "Bring it on." It wouldn't faze me in the slightest.

Problem unlikely to arise here as I'm not a member of AW and there is no OH either.

Sadly as we know only too well, there is a tiny percentage of people in this game that are 'sick in the head' running their own twisted vendetta or campaign for what ever reason that spoils it for everyone else.

They are too thick to realise that with today's modern technology, information is captured electronically and stored and electronic trails are created and that their malicious actions (even anonymously) can easily be proved should the need arise.

If it starts getting really serious, then there are various laws that cover this sort of thing.

A friend of mine (not a punter and happily married) is about to find out just how effective these laws are.

Over the past few years, he has been on the receiving end of a vendetta from various others affecting his home life, work and personal interests and so on. He moved house to get away from the problem and they eventually found his new address.

Finally, enough was enough and he has just launched a Court case to sort this problem out once and for all. From what he has said, some people in the near future are about to get a bit of a surprise from the authorities. I have asked that he keeps me up to date with developments regarding this.

Going back to punting problems, if any issues do arise in the future, then there is always plenty of advice and support on here.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 10:26:47 am by 6XP »

Offline OakTree

It would bother me. Law or no law, her indoors would jumping all over me.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 10:33:32 am by OakTree »

Offline Blackpool Rock

Yeah i've taken a look at that and the girl I reported was already on the black list, wish I had been on UKP before but hey you live and learn (hopefully).
One of the most useful tools on here is to cut and paste the girls unique AW profile number at the bottom of her page into the search box and see what comes up, already taken a few off my HL as a result.
Safety in numbers, all for one and one for all, perhaps i'm just thinking of a gangbang?

Offline Sedlmayer

I think I'm stuck in a time loop. :wacko:

ha ha ha - you just beat me to it  :drinks: Mate, we heard you the first time :cool:

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

Also impressed at identifying her! The next step is probably going to be your bank balance to silence her... I would fuck her off but possibly be on your guard incase the twat thinks its clever to post crap ....

Offline Sedlmayer

Also impressed at identifying her! The next step is probably going to be your bank balance to silence her... I would fuck her off but possibly be on your guard incase the twat thinks its clever to post crap ....

I don't think she's going to be able to blackmail the OP if the only way she can communicate wit him is via AW.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the OP here, she doesn't have any of his actual personal details, so these threats (however nasty and out of order) are empty ones.

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

I don't think she's going to be able to blackmail the OP if the only way she can communicate wit him is via AW.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the OP here, she doesn't have any of his actual personal details, so these threats (however nasty and out of order) are empty ones.

True... Always best to keep something on guard incase she turns out to be a sad twat :wacko:


  • Guest
As I stated during the infoseeker episode, no punter deserves to be outed however slimy they are (rapists & nutcases excluded) but I also feel that some people encourage & thrive on such attention.
The risk of been outed is the main reason I dumped my AW profile & quite frankly I haven't missed it one jot.


  • Guest
Is it the same TightYoungEbony who posts on PN?

She comes across quite well on there but is on 3 or 4 of our blacklist categories :-)

Offline Sedlmayer

As I stated during the infoseeker episode, no punter deserves to be outed however slimy they are (rapists & nutcases excluded) but I also feel that some people encourage & thrive on such attention.
The risk of been outed is the main reason I dumped my AW profile & quite frankly I haven't missed it one jot.

Huge plus one on all the above, especially the highlit sentence.

Also, whilst I agree 100% that no (physically non-abusive) punter deserves to outed, I did think (and have said here) that the way some punters have been boasting recently about the money they are spending would get up somebody's nose eventually. Didn't expect that somebody to be a prostitute though - when I read the original post (before Admin's revelation) I assumed that unfortunately it was a member here. Not so, thankfully, and it seems we know who it was.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 10:50:57 am by Sedlmayer »


  • Guest
Huge plus one on all the above, especially the highlit sentence.

Also, whilst I agree 100% that no (physically non-abusive) punter deserves to outed, I did think (and have said here) that the way some punters have been boasting recently about the money they are spending would get up somebody's nose eventually. Didn't expect that somebody to be a prostitute though - when I read the original post (before Admin's revelation) I assumed that unfortunately it was a member here. Not so, thankfully, and it seems we know who it was.

I'm largely in agreement with you, bizarrely enough. Over the past month or so I got a genuine insight into the 'real' life of a popular WG. It's a million fucking miles from the impression we generally have of a carefree young woman having fun and making a shitload of money. I'd go so far as to say that some of the best known girls are literally existing hand-to-mouth for myriad reasons - some their own fault, others out of their control.

I can therefore understand some of the apparent resentment some WGs feel towards us punters. After all, I'm sure many girls would love to get up every day and do exactly what they want - with whom they want.

Offline Qwerty

Hold on, so how did "TightYoungEbony" link west8's AW account to his UKP name?

Also, could this be linked to some of the hidden red feedback being gratuitously given to some AW profiles - including mine? At least 2 of these used exactly the same wording as each other (see thread on the subject).

Offline Trevor12

Also, could this be linked to some of the hidden red feedback being gratuitously given to some AW profiles - including mine? At least 2 of these used exactly the same wording as each other (see thread on the subject).

I think that hidden feedback can only be left by girls you have contacted through AW email or booking. So if you haven't emailed or booked TightYoungEbony, then it must be somebody else leaving hidden notes.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 01:09:07 pm by Trevor12 »


  • Guest
Hold on, so how did "TightYoungEbony" link west8's AW account to his UKP name?

Also, could this be linked to some of the hidden red feedback being gratuitously given to some AW profiles - including mine? At least 2 of these used exactly the same wording as each other (see thread on the subject).

Headcase Ebony knows my info from my time on another forum, but it's not hard to figure out from my reviews and AW feedback.

Do you have a link to the other thread please? Also, how did you discover that you have hidden feedback?

Offline Jeremy

Been reading up on this 'TightYoungEbony' and the drama surrounding her. What a fucking headcase

Offline Qwerty

Here's the thread -

There's a discussion on there as to how this is found out

Offline SamLP

Although she's used info already readily available by reading West8's posts this just highlights the need to be discrete and not give away too much detail on our personal lives. Eg. What children we have, whether they are young in school or at university, where we live, what we look like, how tall we are etc..

It also reinforces my reason not to use AW. I signed up when I first started punting only because I girl I had seen asked if I could leave her fb. She was a really good punt and I did. I left another girl that I had seen one too and she returned the favour. Since then I haven't used it as I don't intend to build my fb or contact girls via AW. It's just useful for adding girls to my HL.

Offline Qwerty

I think that hidden feedback can only be left by girls you have contacted through AW email or booking. So if you haven't emailed or booked TightYoungEbony, then it must be somebody else leaving hidden notes.

His first post seems to suggest he's in email contact


  • Guest
Headcase Ebony knows my info from my time on another site, but it's not hard to figure out from my reviews and AW feedback.

Plus you have confirmed her detective work in posting screen caps of her AW emails on UKP, instead of ignoring.  Good job west8.


  • Guest
Plus you have confirmed her detective work in posting screen caps of her AW emails on UKP, instead of ignoring.  Good job west8.

Scroll up .. Ebony and I have 'history' from the other site. Admin has known about it for some time.

I welcome her pathetic attempts to intimidate me. The second she enters into my real world will be the day she retires.


  • Guest
Scroll up .. Ebony and I have 'history' from the other site. Admin has known about it for some time.

Yes, I got that, but your initial post asks "Anyone recognise the writing style of a UKP Member?  Or perhaps it's a groupie for a certain WG who is having a sleepless night!"

I welcome her pathetic attempts to intimidate me. The second she enters into my real world will be the day she retires.

I just don't understand why you encourage her and revel in it.


  • Guest
I just don't understand why you encourage her and revel in it.

I neither encourage her, nor revel in her delusion. She is fit to do what she wishes, as she wishes. She has a chequered history as another lengthy thread on this forum makes clear.

Unlike other punters I will -never- be intimidated by any pathetic attempts to 'expose' me.

Offline Sir Knumbskull

Props to Admin for jumping on this one.  :drinks:

West8, seriously you seem like a pig rolling in shit whenever these dramas come up. I wouldn't keep prodding it personally and just be grateful someone with the means and the compunction to assist you with information has your back!

Offline 385North

According to TightYoungEbony's AW page she's retiring (temporarily) at the end of January. Perhaps she's she taking a well deserved rest in Broadmoor.

Offline Dani

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Whilst receiving threats to out you are annoying and a bit worrying I would only worry if they had some personal details.  Saying I thought it was you without giving your real name is pointless as it just means they know you punt as you are on AW/UKP but don't know anything else about you.  Now if they had addressed you as he Pete/Mark/John/Abdul I thought it was you, then I would worry.
If they don't have your real name then it is unlikely they have your address or your wifes details unless you are stupid enough to follow prossies on facebook or whatsapp or any of the other social media sites that link your phone number to your name and address and family.

This is just some stupid little woman making a lot of noise and hoping to either frighten you or scare you into being blackmailed at a later date.
I wouldn't give her the air or energy needed to even write about it in public as she will be rubbing her hands in glee assuming that as it has been posted about it must be worrying you as I doubt she has the common sense to realise it was posted just to show how dumb some women can be


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According to TightYoungEbony's AW page she's retiring (temporarily) at the end of January. Perhaps she's she taking a well deserved rest in Broadmoor.

Isn't there a new series of benefit street due? they always seem to like having a fat useless cunt to confirm the stereotype   :lol:

Offline Sedlmayer

Scroll up .. Ebony and I have 'history' from the other site. Admin has known about it for some time.

I welcome her pathetic attempts to intimidate me. The second she enters into my real world will be the day she retires.

Easy Tiger.....