Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Street Girls  (Read 6296 times)

Offline starman555

I got caught a couple of times over the years in the Boscombe area of Bournemouth, briefly it went like this,

I slowed down near a street girl that at first glance looked very attractive, however she lept in the car and shouted "quick drive they are after me"...that caught me a bit unawares..but I duly sped off down the road..then it started , she was all over me as I drove asking do I want a blowy, good time etc, that is when I saw all the rashes and spots all over her face..fucking horrible...
I told her I got no money and pulled over, she refused to get out of the car unless I gave her £20 I told her no way,
When I went round to passengers side to pull her out she slid across to the drivers side ..I went to drivers side she slid back to passenger side, back and forth etc,so I got back in car and told her I would go to police station .....
As I pulled away she started grabbing the steering wheel trying to steer me into parked cars and then trying to kick the car windscreen out..she was very strong obviously as high as a kite
I decided it safer to take her back to the road I picked her up in, another mistake, another car was parked there with two blokes in it and her mate walking straight at my car in the middle of the road shouting at me warning me not to knock her over.
She came to the window and started talking at me, by now I was getting seriously concerned so I gave the girl in my car £20 and told her to get out...she wanted more..
Whilst her friend once again took my attention the girl in the car grabbed my hands free kit and fucked off..
I was so relieved that she was out of car that I drove off quick....end of.
The second time I was caught in same area, I picked up a tall street girl and asked if we could go to her flat, as I wanted to film me fucking her, she agreed a price of £40 and so in my car she got, she seemed fine and up the stairs to her bedsit we was a shithole but I paid the money,
She went over to the window and looked out , pretending to be fixing curtains, obviously she was signaling the bloke with the Pitbull I had noticed wandering the streets earlier.
The doorbell rings, she looks out of window , she anounces, it's her jealous boyfriend just turned up.....Up the stairs he comes with this fucking dog, she tells him I am just a friend and I push past him quick and fuck off.
I text her and she says he will be gone soon, I waited 2 hours and eventually she turned off phone, never saw her again or got money back
The moral of the story is ...never go back to a streetgirls place, if you want to pick a streetgirl up, park round the corner and approach her on foot, that way she will not be over interested in you as you are not in a car and it will give you a chance to have a good look at her and talk, before you go back and get your car to pick her up.....
Finally don't get complacent, thats when as I did you will make mistakes and get caught...I have been punting for over 40 years and only been caught out very recently....TWICE!
We can all get caught out, just learn from it when you do and move on...Crackheads are total cunts...avoid!

Offline akauya

The moral of the story is ...never go back to a streetgirls place, if you want to pick a streetgirl up, park round the corner and approach her on foot, that way she will not be over interested in you as you are not in a car and it will give you a chance to have a good look at her and talk, before you go back and get your car to pick her up.....
Finally don't get complacent, thats when as I did you will make mistakes and get caught...I have been punting for over 40 years and only been caught out very recently....TWICE!
We can all get caught out, just learn from it when you do and move on...Crackheads are total cunts...avoid!

Sorry to hear all that but I think you got it wrong... the moral of the story is never pick up street girls, period!

Offline cueball

Good post, I don't do the street girl thing. Having said that, 20 odd years ago I did and 90% of the meets were shite and sometimes quite dangerous.
Them days the little head ruled the big head, I found the younger and fitter the more dangerous it is.

Offline cueball

the moral of the story is never pick up street girls, period!

Agreed, it's just too risky

Online badsin

Sorry to hear all that but I think you got it wrong... the moral of the story is never pick up street girls, period!

Never even tried it, never will!
I live about 3 miles from an area where some street pro's work - amazingly skanky drug addled things. I'll leave them to the taxi drivers that seem to get off on that type of thing :sarcastic:



  • Guest
low price means large problems?

Offline smiths

Sorry to hear all that but I think you got it wrong... the moral of the story is never pick up street girls, period!

Indeed, and especially these days when kerbcrawling is illegal, its a high risk way of punting in my view. A good mate of mine lived in a RLD for sometime and i had street WGs come up to my car a few times, jeez they were rough, few or no teeth and bleeding ugly. :vomit:

Offline jsparky

Guess I must be lucky, during my younger 'street girls' day, I had picked-up a some young college girls types and never experience any troubles. That was nearly 20 years ago. :)


  • Guest
As I wrote in the thread dedicated to the subject - the EE girls on Edgeware Road, near Sussex Gardens are young and hot.  I am tempted but I still wouldn't.  I was surprised at the moral to the story.  It sounds like the OP has had a very lucky escape - twice!  Yet he's still interested in street girls.  He probably won't give them up until something really bad happens like getting car-jacked or having his arm bitten off by that fucking dog!


  • Guest
and let's not forget the cameras, everywhere!  :hi:


  • Guest
Really sorry to hear what happened to you mate.

I agree that picking up street girls is quite risky. On one side you're looking over your shoulder for the law and the other side these girls must be quite desperate to be out in the street - which means they're capable of pretty much anything - not worth the risk in my opinion when there are plenty of  good wg's on the internet.

My opinion is never do in calls with street girls because in calls are weighed up against you heavily. You have no idea who is in their house and ready to mug you. I only do incalls with well rated working girls anyway because a lot of control is out of your hands.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 02:38:53 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline myothernameis

I got caught a couple of times over the years

In my younger days, late 80's I wouldn't have seen it as a problem seeing street girls, and some of them weren't that bad looking in Glasgow, but that changed for me around 1990

Like the op, I was targeted by one of the pimps, who basically was demanding money from you, and most times you had no choice, as he carried a knife and had a pit-bull dog with him, which he threatened to set on me, and other punters as I found out later on

He always found an excuse to talk to you, like how's the weather, which then went on, why are you here, and his 15 year old sister is pregnant, and he is looking for the guy who got here pregnant, now this is where it turns nasty

He thinks Im looking for her, so he going to get the police onto me, but then says let me see what's in your wallet, I have £40 at the most; 4 x £10, he3 decides he will take £30 of my money, which will go to looking after his sister

The dog  was used to keep you from, running of, and the knife was for his own protection, in case you decided to fight him

Now I also carry a second wallet, hidden away, in my jacket, and it contained £200, glad he didn't find that one, I returned the next day and spoke to a street girl about what had happened, and she knew who he was, and yes his sister is 15 and works the street, and its not the first time they have done this to other punters, and some of them were going to deal with the pair

She even warned me, not to approach the 15 yr old girl, for the obvious reason, if you pay for sex with here, afterwards, she will blackmail you, and force you to pay more money, even making you go to the atm

after this I stopped going to the rld, and it wasn't long till the police presence in the area increased

Offline iceraider

Staying in the Ibis in Hull smoking outside. Approached by a few girls. Smuggled one up to the room.
40 quid for a good few pops. One of the best punts I've had.

Offline SmackmaBitchUp

And you've gotta be pretty desperate to go out in the street considering it's mainly an incall business these day.......

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Whilst her friend once again took my attention the girl in the car grabbed my hands free kit and fucked off.

Hands free kit suggest you did this quite recently.  Unless you are some king of adrenalin junkie, there is absolutely no need.  Even if you have no access to the internet and AW, then the likelihood is you will have been a few miles at most from a MP.

Offline berksboy

" likelihood is you will have been a few miles at most from a MP"   Lets just hope its not Diane Abbott MP !  :scare:

Offline Marmalade

Picking up streetwalkers is dodgy primarily because the authorities are so up their arses about it. Forgetting that and just condemning it is falling into their self-righteous trap. They'd love everyone to think like that about indies too.

20 years ago, streetwalkers were good value in many cities. Glasgow for one was great value and not much hassle. Easy enough to avoid the druggies and just take some time till you found a nice wifey, part-timer or student from the art school. You could park the car and walk around a bit to get an eyeful and a sense of which ones were ok. It only cost pennies and if you got the occasional bummer you just drove around a bit and found another one.

The heavy authoritarian attitude against streetwalking helps to make it dangerous since it is only druggies and pimps and criminals that want to take a risk. Edinburgh used to have a reasonable streetwalker scene many years ago. Then the developers came to the area and the abolitionists came into parliament. They moved them to a more dangerous area - a main road, dark backstreets and a few people sad enough to be living there. The sad few people, mostly inspired by extreme Muslims (same ilk that ruined the Birmingham knock-shop scene years ago) started protests and even tried chasing punters. All the trouble gave them ammo to bring in new laws, contrary to all common sense, studies and protests of health care workers and the majority of sensible community. Now it's more like a mini-version of what they did to Glasgow for a while. Occasional horror stories that are given lots of publicity to reinforce the image. People doing the enforcement are out of touch, just as the Glasgow police used to be. They would tell you that 100% of the streetwalkers were junkies, most had hiv and that you were lucky they hadn't robbed you at knifepoint.

It was all shite, as any regular punter knew. Academic studies showed the hiv rate to be low. Spotting junkies was easier than spotting them on AW. The crime levels were high because of increasingly repressive attitudes that meant the prossies could no longer trust the police if they were attacked. The majority I met were pretty decent. They'd give you a quiet word about what sort of car the police were driving on nights when there was a plain-clothes car about. There was a drop-in centre where they got their condoms and a cup of coffee. It wasn't unusual to get GFE. I went back to one girl's flat for a freebie the following night. Occasionally I'd drop them one at the all night do-nut shop or give them a lift to the al-night garage and back. One student asked me to drive unto the countryside a bit and we must have spent almost an hour snogging and sucking and shagging.

As the authorities got heavier, the girls got more scared. Not of the courts, but of harassment. Police tactics made it more dangerous for them and a lot of decent casual punters were scared away. It clearly didn't deter psychos cos Glasgow had a string of backstreet prossie murders.

Yes, it was awful: but the awfulness was 90% generated by the authorities. There's nothing horrific about streetwalking per se, just the way nastiness towards the scene is enforced, rather than genuine policing to stop or apprehend crime, social services to support the women, and an open network to discourage illegal or dangerous activities, whether it be underage workers, coercion, or poor safe sex practices brought on by fear of harassment and always looking over your shoulder. There's usually several right and several wrong ways to handle a problem. Glasgow policing managed to choose several wrong ways. They didn't stamp out prostitution, they created an atmosphere where crime, especially sexual crimes increased, and caused or furthered untold misery to many of the women concerned.

There are some simple, obvious policies that should occur regarding streetwalkers.
1. The area should be well-lit but not an area that will bring it to the inappropriate attention of people living there. (The old area of Glasgow from Blytheswood Square to Argyle Street was excellent.)
2. There should be a drop in centre for the prossies, with free condoms, lube and any other essentials.
3. There should be a needle-exchange for any druggies, and decent support to help them off drugs.
4. Police should work with the local prostitute population to ensure that they are safe and ensure that they do not cause unreasonable offence to other people in the area.
5. Please should only contact punters if they need their help in connection with a real crime, to warn them of real (not imagined danger), or point out when they are acting stupidly (like driving to slowly in the middle of the road to eye up prossies; get out of the car and speak to them you dummy!)
6. It's not that big a problem when the whole community works together and with consideration of all the community's reasonable interests (abolition of someone else's pleasure when it is doing you no harm is not a 'reasonable interest.') It promote trust, safety, good relations, and reduces crime levels.

Offline CBPaul

Sorry to hear all that but I think you got it wrong... the moral of the story is never pick up street girls, period!

Totally agree.

When I was younger and more foolish, before decent internet, AW etc, I picked up plenty of street girls. When you get one who is off her face it is a total nightmare. Happened to me twice, first one got the message but called me all sorts of names and it took 10 B&H to get rid of her. I took to making sure the doors were all locked after that but then discovered that my central locking choose to ignore the press of the button and another managed to get in. The only thing that worked was to drive towards home, she got pissed off eventually and had a long walk back to the RLD.

As for going back to a prossie place, bad idea. They are invariably unsafe shit holes. I did it a couple of times, being stupid and lead by my erection, had a mediocre fuck with one whilst her husband was downstairs watching telly,  2 fantastic shags and got ripped off once when she did a runner and some strange bloke appeared, hoping to find me starkers on the bed. Sorry mattress on the floor, I was fully clothed and still don't get starkers until the prossie is in the room with me.

I did pick up some non-druggie girls, but very very few. They were stunners by comparison but weren't  pounding the streets for long, probably got snapped up by a local parlour before they became too far gone. Otherwise they were all a drug riddled mess, often carrying a knife and sometimes with a bloke in tow and happy to make both clear. 'My business manager is over there'  :lol: :lol: :lol: i.e. my junkie boyfriend is over there and the next hit of the brown makes up for knowing that you're about to fuck me on the passenger seat. Got followed on the way to a park-up once too, fortunately realised what was going on and kept on driving.

Got stopped and bollocked by the police twice, these days you stand no chance of wriggling out of it though.

So, junkie skanks, possibly high, possibly carrying a knife. My days were before EE street girls and their fuck off massive pimps. Add in police, CCTV and ANPR cameras, disgruntled local residents etc and it doesn't sound so much fun to me and if you think you're safer on foot - you're not. I haven't been street punting for years and don't intend to ever go back to it.


Offline madeinwales56

Cut my teeth (so to speak) on street girls in Cardiff in the 1970's. Seems that every major town or city has a red light district. Spent some time around the rld in Norwich. Got caught with my pants down (literally) and my cock in this wc'a mouth when I got the knock on the window. Old bill in plain clothes & unmarked car. Got cautioned & down the station for a statement. Shitting myself, wife, kids, job etc on the line. Luckily got off on a technicality before court. Not worth the potential hassle to go with street girls these days.


  • Guest
Cut my teeth (so to speak) on street girls in Cardiff in the 1970's. Seems that every major town or city has a red light district. Spent some time around the rld in Norwich. Got caught with my pants down (literally) and my cock in this wc'a mouth when I got the knock on the window. Old bill in plain clothes & unmarked car. Got cautioned & down the station for a statement. Shitting myself, wife, kids, job etc on the line. Luckily got off on a technicality before court. Not worth the potential hassle to go with street girls these days.

If that isn't enough to scare the shit out of anyone I don't know what is   :scare:

Offline Hantsolo

It sounds to me like the OP doesn't have a lot of luck with escorts, first Sophie Elite and lending her money....and now street girls.

Hope your luck improves as there are some great girls out there (although I doubt you will find any on the streets of Boscombe or Southampton!)

Personally I would avoid street girls like the plague, way to risky in so many ways as others have pointed out

Offline madeinwales56

If that isn't enough to scare the shit out of anyone I don't know what is   :scare:

Fucking right

Offline starman555

Hantsolo, Yes maybe you are right about the luck but I think it is more to do with the fact I do enjoy pushing it ,I have been punting around 43 years and have had some brilliant times the bad almost non existant, I am off to Thailand in March for three weeks..happy days :yahoo:

Offline Hantsolo

Hantsolo, Yes maybe you are right about the luck but I think it is more to do with the fact I do enjoy pushing it ,I have been punting around 43 years and have had some brilliant times the bad almost non existant, I am off to Thailand in March for three weeks..happy days :yahoo:

Hope you have a great time and no more horror stories, sounds like you need a bit of rest....although I doubt you will be putting your feet up!


  • Guest
So I live right by Sussex Gardens.  Bought my place about 3 years ago and then rented it for a couple of years and just moved back in.  During my time in another part of London I enjoyed my hobby-ing through AW and agencies.

I just moved back in and was taking the dog for a walk around 11pm along Sussex Gardens and this very attractive girls is standing there and smiles at me when I go pass.  I of course do another loop with the hound and she pets the dog a bit and smiles again.  Now obviously I am not a target as I have my dog with me but over the last week I have been walking that route and she is always there, always looking hot and always smiling.  Seen her soliciting a few guys some times.

So the other night I was coming home after a few drinks, didn't have the dog and thought I might give her a go, despite all my better judgements!  Of course she wasn't there but some 40 year old, toothless wonder with a thick northern accent was.  She asked if I wanted company…uh no thanks.

Offline Zeusthedoc

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I've got very little sympathy for you....

I remember driving through Plumstead, SE London a number of years ago...
I slowed/stopped for this skank to cross at a zebra/pelican crossing and she proceeded to try and get in my car....she had a foot in and tried to get in, all i remember is her shouting something about, me BF just beat the shit out of me - she looked a bit roughed up, but no blood - could have just been caught in the wind.

I was about 19ish at the time, i told her to get the fuck out of my car and drove on.
The week previous, a friend of mine in Ilford went curb crawling and picked up a skank - she told him she knew a quiet car park around the corner. it was apparently a small car park and he had to squeeze through a number of tight spaces....came to an opening where a car was waiting with 3/4 guys...pulled him out the car and roughed him up a bit, took his car, cash, phone etc...

never have been interested in street girls, never will.


  • Guest
Street girls were an easier introduction to prostitutes than booking an incall. I still feel a sense of trepidation with a new one because all the traps that can be laid for you, and I don't think I would have ever got started by going to an incall. When you can see the girl  before you commit yourself you have a chance to suss out what she might be like - crackheads are easily avoided that way. It was the same with girls who sit in windows as they still do in some countries. Although for me that is still a bit raw. Also if you need any Dutch courage to take the plunge your dick does that for you, in fact that's a good way to tell whether you really want to do it or not.

I think Marmalade's missive has it about right in pretty much all respects.

Offline starman555

dopebeats...I am giving my opinion and trying to warn others by my experience ...I wasn't asking for your sympathy...DOPEbeats the name is appropriate but maybe it should have been arsehole!

Offline Zeusthedoc

dopebeats...I am giving my opinion and trying to warn others by my experience ...I wasn't asking for your sympathy...DOPEbeats the name is appropriate but maybe it should have been arsehole!

settle down gubbins.
I never suggested you asked for sympathy, others offered theirs, i just offered my position as to why i wouldn't be offering mine.

Offline starman555

dopebeats.....another brave keyboard warrior....go pick a fight elsewhere.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 08:59:09 pm by starman555 »

Offline Zeusthedoc

dopebeats.....another brave keyboard warrior....go pick a fight elsewhere.

I wasn't picking a fight, rather offering an opinion,
that's the point of this board....

If you're going to be that precious about everything you write, maybe you should give up now.

Offline starman555

dopebeats....Just read your be fair you contribute more than most and have done some nice whores.....respect to you...My apologies.

Offline Zeusthedoc

dopebeats....Just read your be fair you contribute more than most and have done some nice whores.....respect to you...My apologies.

no need to's an easy mistake to make.
no harm done mate.


  • Guest
All sounds way too high risk. Why bother when you can find well reviewed girls here?  :unknown:


  • Guest
Although I don't use street girls now, for all the reasons listed above, I still look back fondly at my experiences in Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Manchester (and others) 25+ years ago.  A combination of anticipation whilst window shopping, at least you could see what you were getting, and the somewhat sordid nature of the deed itself.

Offline Zeusthedoc

Although I don't use street girls now, for all the reasons listed above, I still look back fondly at my experiences in Birmingham/Wolverhampton/Manchester (and others) 25+ years ago.  A combination of anticipation whilst window shopping, at least you could see what you were getting, and the somewhat sordid nature of the deed itself.

I can see your point. But still way too much risk for me to bother.

Offline smiths

All sounds way too high risk. Why bother when you can find well reviewed girls here?  :unknown:

The thrill for some and its cheap.


  • Guest
The thrill for some and its cheap.
Cheap I get - "thrill" as in, fear of getting arrested, robbed, beaten up, or just very high likelihood of a bad punt?  Don't get that bit but to each their own!

Offline starman555

Times have indeed moved on, over the last 10 to 15 years, before that it was a bit harder,no need for whores to advertise in the local paper or walk the streets, internet makes life much easier and most can fumble their way around the web nowadays, as a result I think all the half decent  don't need the streets as a result the relatively low standards have fallen even further..Only the desperate crackheads streetwalk nowadays.

Offline J_H

Great post Marmalade, agree with every word. Some nice street girls in Glasgow about 10 years ago, not all rough or skanky and as you say, you could spot the smackheads much easier than you can on AW. Ahhh.

Offline Marmalade

Great post Marmalade, agree with every word. Some nice street girls in Glasgow about 10 years ago, not all rough or skanky and as you say, you could spot the smackheads much easier than you can on AW. Ahhh.


  • Guest
I must have been the lucky one, fifteen years ago I picked a SG up in Preston, saw her a couple of times and to cut a very long story short ended up getting married to her and have a couple of lovely kids, currently at private school. She is also on the board of directors of a local company.


  • Guest
I must have been the lucky one, fifteen years ago I picked a SG up in Preston, saw her a couple of times and to cut a very long story short ended up getting married to her and have a couple of lovely kids, currently at private school. She is also on the board of directors of a local company.

still punting then ? :D

Offline cueball

I must have been the lucky one, fifteen years ago I picked a SG up in Preston, saw her a couple of times and to cut a very long story short ended up getting married to her and have a couple of lovely kids, currently at private school. She is also on the board of directors of a local company.

She still "working"?

Offline Marmalade

I must have been the lucky one, fifteen years ago I picked a SG up in Preston, saw her a couple of times and to cut a very long story short ended up getting married to her and have a couple of lovely kids, currently at private school. She is also on the board of directors of a local company.

details. does she have a wee AW profile? maybe not. Most 'classy' prossies tell their hubbies their doing accountancy or private nursing or something. Board of Directors sounds cool.

Offline starman555

PMSL Marmalade...nice one....................A mate of mine married a working girl and she has given him nothing but grief!

Offline JohnEv

Got caught out a couple of times, worst one was when I was dropping girl off afterwards at her "Aunts", she gets out car and instantly there were police and smackheads flying around everywhere, girl jumps straight back in car and says "stay still" - police unbelievably didn't notice us in the car, we were stuck there for about twenty minutes while two smackheads were strip searched only 15ft away right in front of us.  While there was nothing they could do me for, if the girl "dropped something" inside the car it can suddenly pass onus onto the driver.

Got pulled once by the police after I stopped by a girl who said "meet me round the corner the police are watching", I drove off and sure enough a police car started following me and eventually pulled me over.  I just repeatedly flatly denied everything and said the girl stepped in front of the car (which she did do if you allow for a bit of exaggeration), after about 40 minutes the policeman realised it was going to be too much paperwork and gave up.

I prefer to use independents but when money was tight the street girls were good value for money for oral (covered) and at the time the independents shut up shop around 9pm which was earlier than my punting time.