Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Dating a WG  (Read 11258 times)


  • Guest
Who said ridiculously happy? I said flattered - and I've explained why. 

You are still just saying the same thing because you have nothing intelligent to say. Blah blah blah it's pathetic blah blah.  What's pathetic about sitting on a punting forum and talking about enjoying the company of prostitutes??  And being flattered when one decides to stop charging you for their company.

Sounds to me like you're the moron mate!  :sarcastic:

Had enough of your shit, especially on Christmas day, join the other tossers on my ignores list and have a Merry Fucking Christmas moron.

Well, to be honest, I sort of see your point. I currently have one girl whose a genuine regular, and I think she's fucking stunning. I'd be flattered if a girl that attractive wanted to be with me.

I'd have trepidation dating a wg, but I think that's mainly down to the fact that I'm a guy in his mid 20's, burned badly by my last relationship and can't deal with the drama relationships tend to come with. Plus no more sex with random other stunners  :cry: :cry: .

OP, ultimately, I think its all about your situation. Will she continue working? Will she resent you if she stops? Can you give up punting? Can you support her to retrain into a civvie job if need be as others have mentioned. Some things to think about.
All wg's aren't damaged goods or anything. I've met some perfectly sane ones, who'd make a great partner.

Offline Trenlover

And I'm happy to add that I also consider myself to be "damaged goods" because I'm a punter and I understand 100% why a woman wouldn't want to date me because I fuck prostitutes. That's why I keep my punting a secret.

Indeed thats an interesting perspective, id imagine civvy girls would look at punters as "unclean losers" especially if they were previously assessing them for mate worthiness.

I have a question, imagine you found a civvy girl you really liked, and got into a serious relationship, then , 6 months down the line, you found out she used to be a prostitute 3 years ago and has fucked 1000's of guys.

Would you end the relationship there and then? Given your already 6 months into commitment?

Anyone else?

Offline stayer

You have to tell her that you don't want her to be a WG anymore.

Also, why not say that you'll help her to get a job, training, etc. She might be grateful for that.

Prostitutes should be like boxers: do it for the money but quit as soon as possible.

Offline AnthG

Also, why not say that you'll help her to get a job, training, etc. She might be grateful for that.

They're never grateful for that. They act like they are during the booking but as soon as you leave its out of even consideration.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Highlander

A few on the borad have, i think a member has been married to one befor.

If you like her, i can't see an issue if YOU can get over the idea of her being a working girl. Think the biggest comment guys made about it was that you'll not be able to punt anymore really as being a former WG she'll be able to find out alot easier as she knows the game, also she might miss the easy money and find it hard to stop working / lossing her independence.

Have a serch on here alot of info about it, more then you would think.

Sounds like a bit of a double standard if she expects you not to punt anymore!

Offline Highlander

Indeed thats an interesting perspective, id imagine civvy girls would look at punters as "unclean losers" especially if they were previously assessing them for mate worthiness.

I have a question, imagine you found a civvy girl you really liked, and got into a serious relationship, then , 6 months down the line, you found out she used to be a prostitute 3 years ago and has fucked 1000's of guys.

Would you end the relationship there and then? Given your already 6 months into commitment?

Anyone else?

Nah, I wouldn't end it if I really liked her. I'd fucking get tested though if she had literally fucked thousands of guys  :angry:


  • Guest
Dating a WG you'll never be able to fuck her bareback as you could with a civvie. Sex should be a lot more frequent in a relationship and you'll always be under the cloud of STDs until she packs it in.

Offline NelsonH

One of our well respected local girls married a client.

She carried on working. Seems to work OK.


  • Guest
There seems a general mish-mash of opinions on this one.

I'd be okay if she continued as a WG with some compromises, one being for her to stick with her "trusted" regulars only and not take chances with random new clients. I would, if/when I wanted, continue to punt. 

The reasoning would we were both already in the game and it would be hypocritical to suddenly stop doing what we were both already in to.


  • Guest
I can't help you about having relation with WGS


1- use condom all the time when you have sex with her
2- try to test regularly for HIV and other infection
3- if you fk her with no condom and she get pregnant then prove the kid is/is not yours will very complicated situation
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 06:30:44 pm by london »


  • Guest
I can't help you about having relation with WGS


1- use condom all the time when you have sex with her
2- try to test regularly for HIV and other infection
3- if you fk her with no condom and she get pregnant then prove the kid is/is not yours will very complicated situation

4 - She'll have to shower before every session as otherwise you'll be licking the spunk and saliva of other men off her.


  • Guest
At this moment in time I would say not a chance but there again I'm married so my opinion is lacking a bit of reality but if I was single these are some of the reasons why I wouldn't even entertain dating a prossie.

If she continued to work.....
1. I know for a fact that sooner or later she would refuse sex due to been tired from working hard, all women do but I'm unsure how I would react knowing that she was tired due to shagging rather than than stacking shelves.
2. The thought of other men crawling all over my partner would fuck my mind up.
3. Sooner or later she would come home stressed or upset at some punters antics, that I wouldn't be able to deal with on an emotional level & would probably see me go into caveman mode & get myself into trouble (as I do if anyone upsets my current wife)
4. Every penny she spent from whoring in our relationship would make me feel like a pimp, that wouldn't be acceptable.
5. Every time we went to a function/outing together I would be shit scared that a punter would recognise her.
6. I know for a fact that I would have to choose her over my family if what she does ever leaked out, Not sure if I would be willing to do that?
7. Don't know how I would deal with reviews/discussions on punting site about my partner?
8. Sooner or later I know for sure she would bring up the fact that I shag prossies & no doubt arguments would involve words like whore (never a good word to use in a healthy relationship.
9. I believe I would interfere in the services that she offered so much it would almost make her redundant as a decent prossie e.g. no kissing, no anal, no owo etc.

If she stopped work then......
5,6,& 8 would still be a huge issue.

I'm not sure about all prossies been damaged goods, I'm sure some are but all are tainted in some way by their history as would I be if my hobby ever became common knowledge.

OP if you go for it then good luck & I hope it works out for you both.

On another note..... Prossie for a fuck-buddy then now we are talking but keeping reality in check & watching for the dreaded EAS would have to be paramount, not that it would ever happen to me as I know full well what they want from me & its not my sexual prowess.

Offline CBPaul

Excellent post yorkshire, cover everything imo

Offline daveev

ive paid for the escort and had her for free, you'll never know if shes giving you love or just in working mode, i thought id feel this but i can't and dont think i ever will, wish id just carried on paying for it, would have been so much easier,

Offline cueball

I'm with yorkshire on this one, I have a regular punt with a very part time wg but she is still a wg. Dealing with the eas is hard enough but regular full time girlfriend, no, free fuck buddy, now that would be tempting

Offline f_angel

Sorry, I haven't read this whole thread but got to add my tuppence worth here.

I've been seeing an ex-parlour girl for the last three months. And it's been really hard going. Not because she had been working in a parlour when I met her, but because she quit because she "hated" the job but needed the money. Her other issues (drink, maybe coke, family and money) have made it rather hard going, and expensive. And nowhere near as sexually enjoyable as you'd think.

With hindsight, I'd be asking why exactly is she interested in me? What issues does she have? Can I afford her, financially and in term of my sanity? What is really going on in her life?

And if you do get into the situation, be on the lookout for her (and her family) working you...

Incidentally, if a shifty guy is reading this, and recognises the situation PM me. I'd really like to get your input.

Offline berksboy

            Why not just dump her ?

Offline akauya

Interesting thread, there was a similar one earlier this year (link here) I've just added the two threads to the Useful Threads wiki page.


Now would I date a prossie? Yes. I answered this question on another thread so I will copy here (saves me typing)

...I would probably give the relationship (shit?) a go. I would probably try to work into the equation an open relationship and involve swinging into it. I realised early on that I love variety and it would be great for me not to lead a double life. One where I'm a nice family man and the other a philandering punting bastard.  So, she's fucking lots of men and I'm fucking lots of women. That would definitely work... I think  :P

...We must remember that relationshits are all about compromise. It's a give and take situation. We are never going to find a person who is going to be the one and only, the soul mate, the perfect partner, one in a million, love at first sight, come on all that is Mills and Boon bullshit.

We are all fucked up human beings to start with (and we have to thank our parents for that, remember External Link/Members Only). We have to work hard at relationshits, it's all about give and take. For example Mrs A. is she perfect? Like heck she is, one of her major faults is, of course, her decision to no longer have sex (amongst other little niggling shitty things that she does to annoy me) but am I going to chuck her just for that because she is not 100% the woman I would like her to be? Hell no. Apart from all her faults she makes up for it just by being wonderful in nearly every other aspect of our lives and to top that she is a perfect mother for my kids.

Like I said before if I were single and younger and if it so happened would I get into a relationshit with a prossie? Why the hell not? I don't know if it's because I used to swing a lot with my FB and other lovers but I think I'm very sexually liberated. I think (or hope) I have very little hang ups when it comes to sex. Of course there are things that I would never do but not because I feel appalled by them but because they are juts not my thing and good luck to those who enjoy them.

So a relationshit with a prossie would be just like any other, if you really love that person and you want it to work you would have to make lots of compromises.


  • Guest
Damaged goods,

Yes damaged goods, many have sad stories behind them, be it drugs, addictions, abuse etc, as you said yourself you were a victim of abuse. And then underpin this by getting hammered by every tom dick and abdul and a girls hardly likely to be unscathced, just a fact of life.

Wg's are the same as other women.

Of course they're not, even Sally the slag from Essex will oick who she fucks, where as a pro$$ie has no choice and gets hammered by every tom dick and abdul.

Normal women simply could not sell themselves for £50 / £100 or whatever amount.

That's the downside of course, but it's more than compensated for by the £100+ per hour tax free income a pro$$ie can get

Offline f_angel

            Why not just dump her ?

After another urgent need for money to get "daughter out the shite" with a promise to repay tomorrow  (no chance) that's exactly what's gonna happen

Offline peter_bungee

I am getting very close to a parlour girl who works part time, she told me her real name after just a few meets and over the months we built up trust and she gave me her phone number etc and we are planning a trip together (non paid) soon.  I think initially she just needed to talk to someone and she opened up to me as she hides this from her real friends/family and I am a good listener  :rose:

Also treated her well and despite intending to go just for sex I fell for her immediately and it no longer become about sex, and frustratingly as she's more comfortable with me we don't even have sex that often when I go to see her as she's just "herself" which I like!

She doesn't have any past drug, financial, abuse issues and just a very normal real life and job.   A lot of girls are vulnerable and while it might seen fun now, it will not last as she is unstable mentally. 

Before I did this I would have blindly said its a mistake to date a wg and most situations it is, but it really depends on the girl and someone you connect with.  I can definitely see myself building a life with her as we are the same age etc, but lets see how it goes. 


  • Guest
Also treated her well and despite intending to go just for sex I fell for her immediately and it no longer become about sex, and frustratingly as she's more comfortable with me we don't even have sex that often when I go to see her as she's just "herself" which I like!
Are you still paying to spend time with her? You sound like a deluded punter.

Offline peter_bungee

Are you still paying to spend time with her? You sound like a deluded punter.

Lol yes, as she works in a parlour and we havent yet met outside, thats only due to lack of time on both parts as i did say to her i cant afford to c her so often and she said she will meet me outside. It is still early days only been seeing her last few months, and our last few appointments we have just been chatting and talking about our lives. 

You have to remember it takes time to build that trust and maybe it will lead to nothing but i feel priviledged just being friends with her as shes so nice.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 03:50:12 pm by peter_bungee »


  • Guest
Lol yes, as she works in a parlour and we havent yet met outside, thats only due to lack of time on both parts as i did say to her i cant afford to c her so often and she said she will meet me outside. It is still early days only been seeing her last few months, and our last few appointments we have just been chatting and talking about our lives. 

You have to remember it takes time to build that trust and maybe it will lead to nothing but i feel priviledged just being friends with her as shes so nice.

Fuck me, you are deluded.

Offline peter_bungee

Fuck me, you are deluded.

Why? Sure its easy to be sceptical given the nature of the transaction and most situations will not work out due to reasons given in this thread or as the girl is taking advantage

But everyone is different and you cant judge so easily.

Offline OakTree

Lol yes, as she works in a parlour and we havent yet met outside, thats only due to lack of time on both parts as i did say to her i cant afford to c her so often and she said she will meet me outside. It is still early days only been seeing her last few months, and our last few appointments we have just been chatting and talking about our lives. 

You have to remember it takes time to build that trust and maybe it will lead to nothing but i feel priviledged just being friends with her as shes so nice.

Oh dear! You really need to step the fuck back.

I'm sure on rare occasions that a punter meets a working girl they fall instantly for each other she gives up  whoring there and then and they stroll blissfully out the parlour door hand in hand and live happily ever after.

What's more likely is a punter meets a working girl a few times misreads the signs, thinks she feels the same way about him as he does about her, even though he's still handing over cash, as you are.

That's called delusion! 


  • Guest
Why? Sure its easy to be sceptical given the nature of the transaction and most situations will not work out due to reasons given in this thread or as the girl is taking advantage

But everyone is different and you cant judge so easily.

I'm trying my hardest not to be judgemental, As you say everyone is different.
But if it ever came to the stage that I was paying a parlour girl (and her pimp) just to chat I would expect to be told a few home truths.
EAS is creeping up on you & getting ready to fuck you up the arse big time. Better to walk away & cease all contact with this girl for both of your sakes is my opinion. If she really wanted to see you out of work she would have made it happen  :(


  • Guest
But everyone is different and you cant judge so easily.

Forget all that waffle and look at the facts, you are visiting a brothel and paying to see a pro$$ie, she takes your money but doesn't shag you and just chats to you while you pay the brothel  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Why? Sure its easy to be sceptical given the nature of the transaction and most situations will not work out due to reasons given in this thread or as the girl is taking advantage

But everyone is different and you cant judge so easily.

Oh it's very easy and accurate judging that way on here. We've seen it time after time. EAS. There's quite a few threads about it. Your actually paying her to talk???? wtf?  Grow a pair and tell her to suck it or fuck it. Not bore you to tears. If the sex dries up when your paying imagine how barren your life would be in a relationship with her.
I had an agency lass who thought it would be nice to "chat" on my time. First time I gave benefit of doubt as I can chat a lot too, second time was the last time I seen her.

Andrew Sanderson

  • Guest
I am getting very close to a parlour girl who works part time, she told me her real name after just a few meets and over the months we built up trust and she gave me her phone number etc and we are planning a trip together (non paid) soon.  I think initially she just needed to talk to someone and she opened up to me as she hides this from her real friends/family and I am a good listener  :rose:

Also treated her well and despite intending to go just for sex I fell for her immediately and it no longer become about sex, and frustratingly as she's more comfortable with me we don't even have sex that often when I go to see her as she's just "herself" which I like!

She doesn't have any past drug, financial, abuse issues and just a very normal real life and job.   A lot of girls are vulnerable and while it might seen fun now, it will not last as she is unstable mentally. 

Before I did this I would have blindly said its a mistake to date a wg and most situations it is, but it really depends on the girl and someone you connect with.  I can definitely see myself building a life with her as we are the same age etc, but lets see how it goes.

Ricky, watch yourself, ask how you would feel if the relationship happens not to turn out how you wish it to.
However it turns out over the next few months, can you use this thread to let us know?
When you do, it will go to the top of the thread list and so not be missed.
It will then be a lesson learned for all of us or a reason congratulate you.


  • Guest
As others have said the dreaded EAS is sneaking up on you. Perhaps you need to go through it in order to come to terms with reality: lots of us have.

Please remember that the only reason you met this girl is because she is a prossie. Therefore can you accept that that is what she is and will want to continue being (unless you are loaded and she wants a sugar daddy)? This work gives girls inependence that they are loathe to give up for a bloke. If you ask her to stop you totally change the context of your relationship and the chances of success are vanishingly small.

Also remember that the only reason this girl met you is that you are a punter and that carries certain implications as well such as mendacity, promiscuity etc. Would you stop shagging other women just for the joy of knowing her? She will invariably suspect you have lapsed as we all know just how addictive punting is.

It is possible to have a meaningful relationship with a WG but you have to get to grips with the limitations and remind yourself of them pretty much every day until it becomes second nature.

That said, best of luck.

Offline tazz

I certainly wouldnt turn such an offer down. Id want to find out how long she intends to keep whoring for if she has a plan and what she did before. Also if you get into a relationship with her dont tell her about any other hookers you may have fucked as shes likely to dump you.

Offline azrael

if your happy then why not, but and this is big but... How does your ego feel about this? Could you handle knowing she is/was a WG? Are you the jealous type? 9/10 of the guys on here inc. me are in it for the quick in-out, no attachment type. On a personal note i couldn't do it but if you can your abetter man than me :thumbsup:


  • Guest
Ricky you are being played mate. You may not think it yet but your already in the shit emotionally. She's playing you and it will end in tears and they will be yours. I'm not saying this out of malice, I'm saying out of interest for a fellow punter, you will get your fingers burnt here. Blow her out of the water before you get hurt

Offline CBPaul

Not sure about EAS creeping up on ricky, I think it's already crept up and now has him in a stangle hold. Paying a girl just to talk about yourselves, you must be the dream punter.  I'd tell her the money is tight after christmas and suggest meeting up for a coffee and a chat outside of her work. Then you'll see how serious she is and how she views you.

Plenty of prossies like a chat and plenty like to tap the local punters up for information, especially if they are touring. I'm not averse to chatting but it doesn't get in the way of what I'm paying for - sex. One touring prossie I saw 3 times was bored out of her box stuck in the hotel room. Second meet over ran by 45 mins due to talking at the end of the booking. Third one we went for a coffee after the booking but it was punt first, chat later. After the coffee I went back to work as did she - humping the next bloke through the door.

Offline azrael

Stupid question but what is eas?

Offline cueball

Offline cueball

In my mind I'd be thinking no no no, what she want, what her agenda. There would be a few testing questions that I think would give you the answer...

1, free sex in parlour/punt address

2, free sex outside parlour at mine or her gaff

3, best mate goes in without his coat on just like a real life girlfriend (presuming she don't do bareback, fuckin hell, if she does then  :dash:)

If the answer is no to any of the above then the truth is staring you in the face

Andrew Sanderson

  • Guest
In my mind I'd be thinking no no no, what she want, what her agenda. There would be a few testing questions that I think would give you the answer...

1, free sex in parlour/punt address

2, free sex outside parlour at mine or her gaff

3, best mate goes in without his coat on just like a real life girlfriend (presuming she don't do bareback, fuckin hell, if she does then  :dash:)

If the answer is no to any of the above then the truth is staring you in the face


Offline Dani

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Ricky I am saying it from the other side as im a prossie not a punter.  If this girl was interested in you she would tell you to stop coming to the parlour to pay and arrange to meet you outside of work.  At the moment you are paying her to talk to you so she is going to say what you want to hear as she is being paid for doing nothing.  She doesn't even have to have sex with you as you are silly enough to pay just to spend time with her.
The best way to find out her true feelings are to tell her straight that you want to get to know her better but you don't want to have to pay to do so and want to meet her outside of work with NO money changing hands just spending time getting to know each other (no fancy meals or expensive trips out either as again she might see that as payment of sorts) then sit and wait for the miriade of excuses that pour forth for reasons why she cant this week or next week or why she suddenly had to cancel the time you had arranged

If she was genuinely interested in you she wouldn't be charging you she would be seeing you outside of work.  Yes it takes time to get to know someone but if you are interested in them you don't charge them to get to know them.  Sorry to say but I think you will find she is taking you for a mug and you are letting her


  • Guest
Excellently put Dani.
I'll admit that I once found myself in exactly the situation that Ricky is in. As someone else said maybe you have to actually go through this EAS situation for yourself in order to recognise it. I remember confiding in a friend of mine about my own encounter and feelings for a working girl. I didn't want to listen to any advice about it. I.e ditching her. I wanted to believe that she really did like me even though the signs were there (of me being played for a fool). Deep down I think I knew the truth and perhaps Ricky does too.

What you describe Dani, of how the girl will make excuses as to why she can't make it when asked to go out, is exactly what I had, all the while her convincing me that she was still interested though. We eventually did go on a date but she wanted me to do her a favour. I found out that she had a number of guys like me (fluffy at that time), infatuated with her and doing her favours, anything just to keep her interested. One guy got her a rental contract on a flat in central London (very tricky for a young EE girl with no previous references or legit employer). She wanted me to help her into a new line of work.  I helped her a bit but she messed me around and I came to my senses.


  • Guest
Excellently put Dani.
I'll admit that I once found myself in exactly the situation that Ricky is in. As someone else said maybe you have to actually go through this EAS situation for yourself in order to recognise it. I remember confiding in a friend of mine about my own encounter and feelings for a working girl. I didn't want to listen to any advice about it. I.e ditching her. I wanted to believe that she really did like me even though the signs were there (of me being played for a fool). Deep down I think I knew the truth and perhaps Ricky does too.

What you describe Dani, of how the girl will make excuses as to why she can't make it when asked to go out, is exactly what I had, all the while her convincing me that she was still interested though. We eventually did go on a date but she wanted me to do her a favour. I found out that she had a number of guys like me (fluffy at that time), infatuated with her and doing her favours, anything just to keep her interested. One guy got her a rental contract on a flat in central London (very tricky for a young EE girl with no previous references or legit employer). She wanted me to help her into a new line of work.  I helped her a bit but she messed me around and I came to my senses.

It's funny. I suddenly realised reading the last two posts, that this scenario describes most women I've encountered, not just WG's. There is actually a wider issue here.

Offline peter_bungee

wow did not expect such a reaction!  Thanks for the feedback, I understand I might very likely be being naive and have only been punting for 12 months so have never experienced this "EAS" before however do intend to find out within the next few months if there is anything to it.

She has not simply given herself to me, partly due to the job she has to have a barrier to separate personal life and business otherwise it will be a disaster especially when keeping it hidden it from family, she has already trusted me with her name but that is obviously not the same as saying "i do"

To answer some of the questions, she has only been in the business 6 months and is looking for a way out, so there is no issue of making her leave the job and her resenting it, she hates it and is looking for other jobs.  I could live with what she has been doing as I know she is a good person and is just looking for a quick financial boost.   She has not met me outside work as she is quite disorganised/lazy and part of the reason she has possibly gone into this job…but as i said i have only been seeing her few months so not had many chances.

She does not refuse sex just does not initiate it, and I am too busy getting to know her (my choice) so forget about the sex and then time runs out, she has on a few occasions asked if I want to do anything towards the end.

I will keep everyone updated in the coming weeks/months.. 

Offline peter_bungee

Ricky I am saying it from the other side as im a prossie not a punter.  If this girl was interested in you she would tell you to stop coming to the parlour to pay and arrange to meet you outside of work.  At the moment you are paying her to talk to you so she is going to say what you want to hear as she is being paid for doing nothing.  She doesn't even have to have sex with you as you are silly enough to pay just to spend time with her.
The best way to find out her true feelings are to tell her straight that you want to get to know her better but you don't want to have to pay to do so and want to meet her outside of work with NO money changing hands just spending time getting to know each other (no fancy meals or expensive trips out either as again she might see that as payment of sorts) then sit and wait for the miriade of excuses that pour forth for reasons why she cant this week or next week or why she suddenly had to cancel the time you had arranged

If she was genuinely interested in you she wouldn't be charging you she would be seeing you outside of work.  Yes it takes time to get to know someone but if you are interested in them you don't charge them to get to know them.  Sorry to say but I think you will find she is taking you for a mug and you are letting her

yes this is the advice I would be giving to others, and I guess I am too scared of her saying no so haven't approached it like this, also to not appear OTT/too keen.  The hardest thing is only being able to see each other 1hr a week in a bedroom, its not much time to build a relationship.


Offline berksboy

           Sorry but you are being taken for a fool  , if she was for real she would see you outside of work .

Offline cueball

Ricky, read my earlier post, try out the questions/scenarios before you get any deeper


  • Guest
yes this is the advice I would be giving to others, and I guess I am too scared of her saying no so haven't approached it like this, also to not appear OTT/too keen.  The hardest thing is only being able to see each other 1hr a week in a bedroom, its not much time to build a relationship.
Argh you still don't get it!  :D
You cannot build a relationship with her all the time you're paying for her time!
And she's to disorganised to meet with you after work?
My friend you seriously are deluded. Have your heart broken and learn that way then (as I said before it might be the only way).

Offline peter_bungee

As others have said the dreaded EAS is sneaking up on you. Perhaps you need to go through it in order to come to terms with reality: lots of us have.

Please remember that the only reason you met this girl is because she is a prossie. Therefore can you accept that that is what she is and will want to continue being (unless you are loaded and she wants a sugar daddy)? This work gives girls inependence that they are loathe to give up for a bloke. If you ask her to stop you totally change the context of your relationship and the chances of success are vanishingly small.

Also remember that the only reason this girl met you is that you are a punter and that carries certain implications as well such as mendacity, promiscuity etc. Would you stop shagging other women just for the joy of knowing her? She will invariably suspect you have lapsed as we all know just how addictive punting is.

It is possible to have a meaningful relationship with a WG but you have to get to grips with the limitations and remind yourself of them pretty much every day until it becomes second nature.

That said, best of luck.

Yes i realise that, she has received many sugar daddy offers from clients and turns them down, she is not money grabbing at all and has a normal job in a care home the other days of the week she's not working.  I have only met one wg since meeting her, yes I would be completely faithful as I am not a serial punter or sex addict that I "need" sex.

Offline OakTree

wow did not expect such a reaction!  Thanks for the feedback, I understand I might very likely be being naive and have only been punting for 12 months so have never experienced this "EAS" before however do intend to find out within the next few months if there is anything to it.

She has not simply given herself to me, partly due to the job she has to have a barrier to separate personal life and business otherwise it will be a disaster especially when keeping it hidden it from family, she has already trusted me with her name but that is obviously not the same as saying "i do"

To answer some of the questions, she has only been in the business 6 months and is looking for a way out, so there is no issue of making her leave the job and her resenting it, she hates it and is looking for other jobs.  I could live with what she has been doing as I know she is a good person and is just looking for a quick financial boost.   She has not met me outside work as she is quite disorganised/lazy and part of the reason she has possibly gone into this job…but as i said i have only been seeing her few months so not had many chances.

She does not refuse sex just does not initiate it, and I am too busy getting to know her (my choice) so forget about the sex and then time runs out, she has on a few occasions asked if I want to do anything towards the end.

I will keep everyone updated in the coming weeks/months..

You seem to place a lot of value on the fact she's told you her name.Its not that unusual, quite a few have told me theirs and that's without prompting and asking. It means fuck all. I'm afraid you're just kidding yourself, you're making excuses for her for not having sex in a paid meet and  also for not meeting up after work. Realistically though you're not going to listen, you're going to get taken for a mug. I hope common sense prevails but I think it won't.

Offline peter_bungee

Argh you still don't get it!  :D
You cannot build a relationship with her all the time you're paying for her time!
And she's to disorganised to meet with you after work?
My friend you seriously are deluded. Have your heart broken and learn that way then (as I said before it might be the only way).

I know but that is the situation I am in, its all the time i currently have and I need to see if she is serious about meeting me outside work next time I see her (which is next Tuesday).  I am understanding of her point of view, she needs to be careful who she lets into her life from "this world" so is not going to easily let me in.  She has already suggested a dinner with her friends and a friend of mine…again it could just be all talk, but I am a good judge of character and she is genuine kind hearted person.  She also has really appreciated when I have bought her gifts which a lot of thought has gone into, e.g. engraving a personal msg into a watch I bought her. 

I am not going to be led on for a long time, but have never really felt this way about someone so think it deserves putting some time and effort into it.  I could well get my heart broken and I know it will be tough to recover as I am not emotionally strong when it comes to love, but long term you never lose by loving, only from holding back and wondering what if.. 
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 11:38:07 pm by peter_bungee »