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Author Topic: Looking for punters  (Read 10852 times)

Offline Stiltskin

This can't be good for business. If you're looking for a discrete place to go, it's only going to put you off.

Offline Ali Katt

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This is it:
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So, it is the documentary set in City Sauna in Sheffield, I personally would have put it down as Yorkshire rather than the north of England. And £50 says most of the prossies working there don't pay tax, also some of the reviews I've read lately have been less than flattering.

Offline knightofthegarter

A bit ironic that the company is called "Transparent TV".


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 "will follow the ups and downs of a unique family business in the North of England"

Here are a few better ideas for the production company to work on..... :hi:

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Offline house music dave

Just go on the Transparent website and look at some of the names of the documentaries related to channel 4 and 5. Tells you all you need to know really.

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Offline BillGoldberg

There is a high level of scepticism due to the high level of fantasists who have signed up to the forum previously over the years.

And the fact that she has been unwilling to show proof - even it seems to the admin of the forum - of who she is supports this.

Who is she to feel she needs secrecy? Her bosses at channel four will know she is doing this documentary. Her family will likely know she is doing this documentary too.

She has got nothing to be embarrassed about that she is doing this documentary. Northing to lose from doing it either.

When the thing airs this time next year it will be all over IMDB that she produced it. She can't be worried about someone pipping her to her story.

The fact that she is coming on here all secret means she has an agenda of some sort.

Has anyone actually got in touch and she gave some credible info to them?

Very good and valid points !

I think there is the highly likely possibility that when the show is aired, and inevitably as shows of this ilk always seem to do, the typical portrayal of punters as sadsack, desperate, ugly, unattractive losers who pay for sex because its the only way that they'll get laid is presented (always conveniently ignoring the fact that scores of rich, handsome, sought after Hollywood stars have often and regularly employed the services of prostitutes), and that wgs are all desperate victims of unfortunate circumstance and/or trafficked, that she wont want her real name nor credentials known to those on here to whom she dishonestly assured wouldnt be portrayed in this typically and predictably negative stereotypical light

She's just limiting the anticipated 'comeback'

Offline socks

To Zoe:  I would be happy to speak to you anonymously only e.g. Email/Phone/Even in person but you would have to strip to show you are not carrying any recording devices.   However as someone said you can find all this info in discussion topics in this forum, so this might not be of interest
Likewise. Zoe feel free to PM me any questions you like, then you can get someone to voice over my answers to film of someone with their face obscured. No one will know and everyone's anonymity is protected.  :hi:

Offline Happylad


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Likewise. Zoe feel free to PM me any questions you like, then you can get someone to voice over my answers to film of someone with their face obscured. No one will know and everyone's anonymity is protected.  :hi:

I have twice asked Zoe if she is expecting punters to appear on camera, the first time she side stepped the question whilst the second time she simply failed to respond to the PM, which I have to say I find very odd since understanding on this point is fundamental to her request.


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I have twice asked Zoe if she is expecting punters to appear on camera, the first time she side stepped the question whilst the second time she simply failed to respond to the PM, which I have to say I find very odd since understanding on this point is fundamental to her request.

I think it has been established that Zoe was a liar trying to out punters. Her failure to reply a number of queries on here, and now we learn also pm messages from you suggest she had an agenda and I'll bet is one of the hookers on the prostitute blacklist seeking revenge

Offline AnthG

Just go on the Transparent website and look at some of the names of the documentaries related to channel 4 and 5. Tells you all you need to know really.

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Thanks for that link Dave. Looking over them. Pretty much every one of their documentaries are negative and designed for slamming the issue of the documentary.

I think Zoe is a disgrace quite frankly as she should have made it clear that her documentary that she came here for help over was intended to slam the issue of prostitution and punters who see them and not be for it and supportive of punters.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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They are clearly making cutting edge intelligent television as seen in their previous documentaries, 'Queer as old folk' and 'The incredible hulk woman.'  :sarcastic:

Offline Dani

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Seems to have gone from agencies to calling and texting independents now as I had a voicemail and text from this company today asking me if I was interested in being interviewed to discuss the establishment in Sheffield which I find rather strange as I have never worked or lived in Sheffield nor have I ever worked for an agency or brothel so it looks like they are hoping to try and drag up some dirt on the establishment they are doing this documentary about.    Why else ask to talk about this establishment with prossies who have never worked with or for said place
It was signed  Chabris, transparent television

Disco John

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Apols for bumping an old thread, especially as my first post!  Just read it though and couldn't resist finding out who the mysterious 'Zoe' was.... does seem she was legit after all and not a revenge seeking pro$$ie...somebody's probably already found this....if so...oooops!

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...and she's on LinkedIn...pretty fit too :wacko:

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Thanks for that link. Decided to have a quick look then watched the whole thing because it was so enjoyable. None of the girls at that parlour are what you call stunners, and it can hardly be typical because nearly all of them were British, but there's a warm feeling to the whole enterprise and the programme does a good job of showing that most working girls and punters are just regular people.

Offline Ali Katt

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Thanks for that link. Decided to have a quick look then watched the whole thing because it was so enjoyable. None of the girls at that parlour are what you call stunners, and it can hardly be typical because nearly all of them were British, but there's a warm feeling to the whole enterprise and the programme does a good job of showing that most working girls and punters are just regular people.
I think all the girls working at City bar a few are British, it's only the low rent parlours like Fantasia that mainly have Romani. I thought the programme was patronising to the people working there and actually made the staff look thick (maybe they did that themselves) and the punters look like dirty old men.

Offline Marmalade

A wee reminder not to bother visiting Sheffield? They seem to specialise in fat ugly prostitutes eating greasy takeaways.  :vomit:

Yes hen. We can enjoy a slut. And for most of us, preferably one that looks fuckable though.  :sarcastic:

Offline Marmalade

I thought the programme was patronising to the people working there and actually made the staff look thick (maybe they did that themselves) and the punters look like dirty old men.
Yep. Bring back Stacey Dooley.  :D


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I thought the programme was patronising to the people working there and actually made the staff look thick (maybe they did that themselves) and the punters look like dirty old men.

Astonished by that reaction. I thought it made them look kind, cheerful and even witty in places.