Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: After party  (Read 2837 times)

Offline arty45

Had an interesting punt last night that I thought worth sharing.

I spent a few hours with some colleagues in the Sports Bar in Shoreditch. Not sure why I go there but there is a grittiness about the place that keeps me going back. It is always packed full of different girls and on occasions, very pretty girls.

Anyway, after leaving at about 2am, there were a few guys milling around outside asking if I was interested in getting more action. I was approached by a big Nigerian guy who asked if I fancied the "after party" ... lots of nice girls offering everything for £150 for 30 mins. I don't know what possessed me (probably beer!) but I got in the guys car and he drove me to what seemed to be serviced apartments. He rang ahead and was buzzed in at the door. We went upstairs and the door was opened by an attractive lady. I was then taken through to a room with six girls in there - EE and Brazilian girls as I recall. I was given a drink and chatted with each of the girls. I was then asked to pick a girl which I did. A really attractive blond Russian girl - probably size 10/12 with amazing tits - and I mean amazing. I asked to take a shower and was given a clean towel. The apartment and the bathroom was very clean and modern. We went through to the bedroom and she was very good indeed. All of the activities were covered i.e. Oral "with" and Straight sex "with" which is exactly what I prefer. I suspect the girl would have done anything I asked (but I only have simple tastes) and she was really chatty and attentive making all of the right noises and plenty of eye contact which I really enjoy.

After 25 minutes there was a knock on the door and I was asked if I would like to extend or carry of with two girls (or more). I declined as my budget would stretch to the really big number they were suggesting. They were very persuasive but my budgetary resolve was stronger! We had a bit of a laugh and giggle and that was it. I got dressed and was given a kiss at the door by the girls.

Here is the great bit, the Nigerian guy asked me where I would like dropping off and he drove me back for free! That would have been about £25 in a taxi. I just asked him to drop me at Kings Cross as I was staying nearby.

Looking back I can't believe I did it - very risky looking back and more than a bit daft jumping in a car with someone I didn't know at that time in a morning. However, I guess luckily for me it turned out great! Sure it was expensive for half an hour but being able to satisfy a strong urge at that time in a morning was definitely worth it!

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Glad it worked out for you, but there's no way I would be paying £150 for a 30 min encounter and risking a dubious cab ride in to the bargain.

Offline Bigus Dickus

That sounds a lot like your previous post about your trip to Spain!

I smell a bit of

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Offline arty45

I agree, I think I need to drink less and plan ahead :)

I certainly wouldn't recommend it, looking back on it it was a dumb thing to do and could quite easily have gone Pete Tong.

The two girl extension thing by the way started at £910! and then dropped to £710! I'm a Yorkshireman for goodness sake, I nearly choked on my black pudding ;-)

Offline arty45

Hey Biggus, your right (on the Barcelona trip not the BS ;)) ; very similar but less expensive.

All true as well... If you get down to London, try the Sportsbar, Browns, The Griffin, Parkers etc. The guys are stood outside and approach you quite openly...


  • Guest
Black pudding is from lancashire

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Hey Biggus, your right (on the Barcelona trip not the BS ;)) ; very similar but less expensive.

All true as well... If you get down to London, try the Sportsbar, Browns, The Griffin, Parkers etc. The guys are stood outside and approach you quite openly...

OK you were with colleagues, but the amount you can spunk on so called erotic teasing at these places you might as well save and have a proper vfm punt. No wonder the Nigerian guy was quoting telephone numbers at you. 

Offline arty45

Yes the titty bars are crap really, they can be a laugh when with colleagues but that's it. Definitely only looking in those places - definitely no touching in my experience.

The guys outside are nothing to do with the bars, they just mill around outside.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Yes the titty bars are crap really, they can be a laugh when with colleagues but that's it. Definitely only looking in those places - definitely no touching in my experience.

The guys outside are nothing to do with the bars, they just mill around outside.

Yeah not surprising. If they think you are willing to part with £20+ for a 5 minute no touching table dance inside, then you could quite easily be sold on £150 for 30 mins sex, especially if pisssched.     

Offline arty45

Agreed. It's also amazing how the £1 in the pot costs rack up too. Drinks prices are also inflated. Still quite a laugh though on occasions  :(

Offline StevenS

Yes the titty bars are crap really, they can be a laugh when with colleagues but that's it. Definitely only looking in those places - definitely no touching in my experience.

The guys outside are nothing to do with the bars, they just mill around outside.

I've spent many nights at browns, griffin, white horse, the axe, metropolis and never once had a bloke offer that. Drugs or taxis yes, hookers no. A few offers from the girls (mainly the axe and metropolis) but at fucking silly rates. Only one I took up was amica bentley while she was at browns.

Offline arty45

Has anyone had a decent punt in the Kings Cross/ Euston area?

Offline arty45

As I mentioned Steven, it isn't anything to do with the bars I'm sure. I've never been offered anything in the bars tbh, in fact in recent years they seem to keep a really close eye on what is going on - definitely no touching at all in my experience. 

Offline Bigus Dickus

Hey Biggus, your right (on the Barcelona trip not the BS ;)) ; very similar but less expensive.

All true as well... If you get down to London, try the Sportsbar, Browns, The Griffin, Parkers etc. The guys are stood outside and approach you quite openly...

I've been working in London for almost 14 years and have been to most of the places you mentioned. I've never had an illegal mini cab driver approach me to take me to a brothel. I am not sure there are many like you described that would ask for £150 for 30 minutes. Sounds a bit of a fantasy to me. Just my opinion.  :hi:

Old monk

  • Guest
Done this a few times in the past. Not only do they hang round the bars in Shoreditch but the strip clubs in Holborn, Parkers etc. The guys who approached you get a kick back, 10% I think on the money you drop in the house, beware the house is a honey trap. They get you in there £200 an hour is what I was charged, then they will try to entice you with another girl as well, then out comes the coke and beer, then it gets really messy. Just to really fuck you up they take credit cards.
To be fair it's a great time, but fuck it can get away from you. If your loaded, bingo impromptu sex party, no arranging, no probs if your not then be very careful.
When you get to know the guys they actually do look after you but why shouldn't they, your worth a lot! Free ciggies , Viagra, coke, taxi ride pretty much anywhere.
But you will pay for it in the end! :lol:

Offline arty45

Your right Old Monk, they did suggest payment by credit card. I was pissed but not that pissed thankfully.
No drugs on offer but I'm not into that so that's a good thing from my perspective although a bit of Viagra wouldn't have harmed as beer doesn't help my situation overly ;) As you say, it would be really easy to get drawn in...

Offline Bigus Dickus

Done this a few times in the past. Not only do they hang round the bars in Shoreditch but the strip clubs in Holborn, Parkers etc. The guys who approached you get a kick back, 10% I think on the money you drop in the house, beware the house is a honey trap. They get you in there £200 an hour is what I was charged, then they will try to entice you with another girl as well, then out comes the coke and beer, then it gets really messy. Just to really fuck you up they take credit cards.
To be fair it's a great time, but fuck it can get away from you. If your loaded, bingo impromptu sex party, no arranging, no probs if your not then be very careful.
When you get to know the guys they actually do look after you but why shouldn't they, your worth a lot! Free ciggies , Viagra, coke, taxi ride pretty much anywhere.
But you will pay for it in the end! :lol:

It seems I owe the OP an apology then.  :hi:

Offline arty45

Accepted Biggus, just sharing an experience that I thought other may be interested in  :hi: 

Old Monk is bang on about the honey trap though - I'd completely forgotten about the credit card request until reminded by his experience!

Old monk

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@ Biggus,

Hi they are nothing to do with the establishment, indeed the doormen at Parkers will warn you away from them but as they are on the street there is nothing they can do. And they're not really illegal taxis as if you don't want to see the girls they ain't gonna run you home. :D Pm me if you want a name and place!
To be honest if I end up doing this i always ring the same guy and he does make sure you get home safe but as I said it can be very expensive.
My mate and I call it the house of horrors, not because of the girls or shit service but because they're so good and slick it usually costs us a small fortune!! I advise you to stay away. :scare:

Offline SWLondon

I have been offered something similar when leaving a top class strip joint in Mayfair (work entertaining). I didn't do it as I thought it was too risky - bloodyv tempted though!!

Offline arty45

I'd say it's worth a go SWLondon. Looking back I think that riskiness probably added to it for me - that may sound strange and I certainly wouldn't be saying that if I'd been ripped off of course! @Old Monks comments are bang on though, if you do go, have a firm resolve on the cash front .... I just didn't have the money to go any further and the ramifications of using my credit card don't bear thinking about  :scare:

Offline StevenS

It seems I owe the OP an apology then.  :hi:

+1. Maybe I just look too poor. Or too pissed up.


  • Guest
I thought it was bollox as well - it is many years since I went to any of those particular strip clubs mainly because there wasn't much on offer. One or two of them used to employ the odd naughty girl but things got tightened up (i.e. killjoys stopped the fun) many years ago. I guess the pimps working outside must be a fairly new thing?


  • Guest
While I have never been to such parties, there is an element of truth here.

I was walking nearby to a strip club, just looking a bit lost trying to find a bus stop at about 1AM in the morning. It was just off Oxford Street, and an African guy asked if I want to go to a 'party' where there would be lots of girls. "You can have sex with the girls", he informed me. He didn't seem very threatening, and was smiling.

I didn't take him up on the offer.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 01:19:06 pm by Goofy85 »

Offline arty45

I only ever seem to be at these bars late Goofy - I don't usually get out while after 1am- 2am. Maybe they aren't around until later - makes sense I guess.

Offline arty45

I think looking pissed up is an advantage @StevenS - clearly worked for me as I was definitely more than a bit wobbly when I left the club  :rolleyes:

Offline arty45

Yes the black pudding statement for a figure of speech (or bollox as you put it) @Fredpunter, but the rest is all bang on.

Pretty disinterested if you, @bigus or anyone else for that matter choose to believe it or not to be honest. As I mentioned before, I thought the forum was for punters to share experiences good and bad. I have no interest at all in putting up fantasies - I really don't need to :)

I'm pretty new on here but in general find much of what is written really helpful and it has saved me going down a wrong route a couple of times. Unfortunately when I'm pissed all sense and sensibility tends to go to the wind hence the experience I have recounted here  :dash:

Glad I posted though as @Old Monk has augmented the point very well I think and clearly articulated the fact that if unprepared (financially) you could lose your shirt in more ways than one!


  • Guest
I think you missed the point slightly .... I, and I think others, initially thought it was Bollox but have subsequently accepted that we were wrong..

Offline webpunter

Carpe diem & all that.  WTF - you had a great time with a good looking bird.  Can see the wheels coming off at one point sooner or later if you get into too many cars operated by these blokes.  Read an article on some website where a bloke on business got in a taxi in Moscow.  Was asked to pay up front & he got his wallet out.  He was found naked in some side street having been drugged & robbed of everything including his suit.  Half an hour more & he would have died of hypothermia

Offline the lurker

I have been offered something similar when leaving a top class strip joint in Mayfair (work entertaining). I didn't do it as I thought it was too risky - bloodyv tempted though!!

Same here, except I was being entertained. Got driven to a flat off Warren Street but had enough sense left to bail out when they told me the prices. I think they make so much from rich drunk guys they will never rob you if you decide to walk.

Old monk

  • Guest
I haver never felt threatened in a physical way,it's not in their interest to rob you. What they want is stupid happy drunk men to spend a couple of hundred. Because then stupid drunk men will go back and spend more next time believe me im talking from experience!

Offline swfinest

Similar but slight different xp from most here. I have been to one of the venues describe above, however i think my colleague remembered it from when you did get in the taxi so there was no funny business about getting in a random car. Its amusing because once you know what the place is it becomes very obvious but it really is hiding in plain site. Being a somewhat season punter (thank you gents) I was wise enough to stick to the free cheap larger and flirt but most of my more naive (or morally upstanding) friends bit the bullet. £150 or there abouts was the going rate for half an hour, all covered etc, very mechanical but the noobs were impressed. Amusingly the girls spent most of the night trying to get guys to go for a half hour when if they had extended to an hour, they would always be busy, i suspect if I was not with a large group I would be tossed (not off) out but the gentleman running the establishment spotted my canny wiles and indicated that drunk good boys are there prime market.

Offline webpunter

Happy drunk blokes parting with 150 every half hour is ideal for them.  Especially when the girlies don't have to do much as the blokes have Mr Floppy present.  I find its worth taking Viagra or Kamagra about an hour before.  Not needed normally but it counters the effects of shed loads of booze.  I've been virtually unable to stand-up but little WP has risen to the task.  Shooting your bolt is a whole different story though.  Normally requires me to take over for a while & spank-the-monkey whilst having my balls + knob area  massaged with some dirty talk by them thrown in