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Author Topic: Did I catch something...?  (Read 3970 times)

Offline ichigo77

Hi guys,

so I received OWO (my very first OWO ever) by a working girl on Monday and now the tip of my penis is itchy and inside the urethra has a burning sensation to it and I started feeling it yesterday.

Are these symptoms of an STD?


Offline Mackapaka

In fairness the chances are slim. If you are the product of an overbearing Catholic upbringing you may suffer from the 'excessive guilt ' syndrome as I did. For years after every punt I would convince myself I had caught everything from AIDS to Yellow fever from OWO. I would recommend you get checked out a footnote I've never caught a thing.

Online akauya

I think it's too soon to have any symptoms but there's no point asking here. You need to go and see a professional.

If you are London based I suggest you go to 34 Dean Street or Dean Street Express as they call it. No appointment needed. You turn up, fill in a small questionnaire on a touch screen computer, you piss in a pot, they take your blood sample, six hours later you get your results via text.

Whilst you are there, it's a good idea to ask for the Hep B vaccine as well (you get three doses spread to four months).

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Offline Watts.E.Dunn

If you have pain on peeing and a need to pee all the time then its prolly a Urineary tract infection so of to the doctors straightaway. Usually there're that painfull you'll be there by now and No, thats not an STI.

One test is to pee in a Glass container of any sort, pee should be colourless to slightly yellow but shoud be CLEAR, any bits floating around or any cloudiness then almost certainly an infection.

Offline Robert44

I had a redness/rash on the bellend, under my foreskin, when I first started seeing wg's and discovered it was some sort of an allergy to condoms. There was even some blood. Probably, also because my member was getting a lot more action. Anyway, used Sudocrem for a week and the problem went away, don't seem to have a problem anymore. That was quite a few months ago and I visit a wg's most weeks with no further problem.

I think it might have been something to do with yeast.


  • Guest
That's quite rapid symptoms you have. As others have said get yourself checked out.

I did once get similar symptoms once after oral but the tests were ok & they went after about a week, the nurse said it could be that the girl could have been sucking a little too hard, how the fuck she said that with a straight face I will never know? Good job she was a munter or I do believe I would have got aroused  :kiss:

If you don't get checked out I hope you look good in a dress as you could wake up one morning & find your cock has fell off  :D

Offline jawill

If you go to a clinic they can put a swob inside to get a sample and look at it there and then under a microscope. They can see gonnoreah under a microscope, whereas for chlamydia they wouldsee puss cells. Also, they can check your urine there on the spot for any makers of white blood cells or inflammation.

Gonnoreah symptoms can appear in as little as two days
Chlamydia takes a bit longer, usually about 7 days but usually no symptoms

Get checked asap 


  • Guest
Worth checking but you would be very unlucky to pick anything up on your first go.

I've had many hundreds of owo and the only time I caught a dose was with one of the rare civvies I pulled in Asia.

Offline ichigo77

Thanks for the advice guys.

Gonna go to a drop-in clinic around my area. Hope its not serious  :(


  • Guest
isn't an sti test for a man very painfull? a friend of mine had a stick inserted into the 'slit' then inside it contracts like an umbrella to take a scraping. Apparently it was agony. this was only a few years back.

Offline jawill

It's uncomfortable. Not agony, they slide a thin plastic stick inside, twist it, then slide it out, rashes about 5 seconds.

It's bearable. Pissing afterwards is more painful


  • Guest
isn't an sti test for a man very painfull? a friend of mine had a stick inserted into the 'slit' then inside it contracts like an umbrella to take a scraping. Apparently it was agony. this was only a few years back.

Some clinics do this test some don't.

Several London clinics do it so I've heard, while in and around Manchester the GUM clinics worst they've done is take blood.

Offline King Nuts

isn't an sti test for a man very painfull? a friend of mine had a stick inserted into the 'slit' then inside it contracts like an umbrella to take a scraping. Apparently it was agony. this was only a few years back.

Quite a few years, I think. They don't do this any more.

Offline King Nuts

Hi guys,

so I received OWO (my very first OWO ever) by a working girl on Monday and now the tip of my penis is itchy and inside the urethra has a burning sensation to it and I started feeling it yesterday.

Are these symptoms of an STD?


Hate to be the gloom merchant around here, but you CAN get gonorrhea from OWO, as I know from experience. You getting these symptoms a few days later would be consistent with this.

This forum is full of OWO aficianados (hey, who doesn't love an uncovered BJ?)  who claim it's absurd to be able to catch anything from a blow job, but you can, and guys do all the time.

At least it's easy enough to clear up. You'll get some pills and it'll all be over in a few days. But go to the clinic, and do it now.


  • Guest
If you think having that done is painful try having a cystoscopy - I had one not long ago and had a tube and camera inserted in to my japs eye and after given a course of antibiotics as you can get an infections. The first pee after the procedure stings like fuck and sometimes has blood in it - not pleasant. I won't give up OWO though as I love it too much, not the same as when bagged up

Offline threechilliman

the nurse said it could be that the girl could have been sucking a little too hard, how the fuck she said that with a straight face I will never know? Good job she was a munter or I do believe I would have got aroused  :kiss:

I had to have a little medical procedure a while back which was a pants off, legs apart job. One of the nurses was a MILF, the other early 20's (£100-120 at a guess!) and how I controlled myself, I'll never know. Quite amusing when I dropped my kecks to reveal a fully shaved old chap though - sharp intake of breath I do believe.... highly amusing!



  • Guest
When I had my cystoscopy I was in theatre (local anesthetic) which was a gel, the surgeon (man) and a nurse (25ish and fit) were present. I was a bit peeved the surgeon done the rubbing of gel on to my knob, I was hoping it would be the nurse but then again getting a hard on when having a tube stuck in your japs eye is probably not ideal


  • Guest
I had to have a little medical procedure a while back which was a pants off, legs apart job. One of the nurses was a MILF, the other early 20's (£100-120 at a guess!) and how I controlled myself, I'll never know. Quite amusing when I dropped my kecks to reveal a fully shaved old chap though - sharp intake of breath I do believe.... highly amusing!



When I had my cystoscopy I was in theatre (local anesthetic) which was a gel, the surgeon (man) and a nurse (25ish and fit) were present. I was a bit peeved the surgeon done the rubbing of gel on to my knob, I was hoping it would be the nurse but then again getting a hard on when having a tube stuck in your japs eye is probably not ideal

Not wanting to derail ichi's cock rot thread I'm going to start a new one

Offline Rose_128

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It's probably thrush - balanitis, alias Candida overgrowth, even men get it. Canesten pill over the counter but better be safe than sorry so wise to get themselves checked..

Offline smiths

I think it's too soon to have any symptoms but there's no point asking here. You need to go and see a professional.

If you are London based I suggest you go to 34 Dean Street or Dean Street Express as they call it. No appointment needed. You turn up, fill in a small questionnaire on a touch screen computer, you piss in a pot, they take your blood sample, six hours later you get your results via text.

Whilst you are there, it's a good idea to ask for the Hep B vaccine as well (you get three doses spread to four months).

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Your first paragraph says it all in my view. :thumbsup:

Offline Dani

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Get it checked but the likelihood of it being an STi is very low unless you have an immensely low immune system for symptoms to appear so quickly.  It is probably either thrush or just a psychosomatic itch and burn due to your worrying about catching something.  It could be an allergy to something as well such as a lube she used or hand cream she uses or even soap powder she uses on her towels.
As with any illness it is much better to get it checked by the right people rather than people on the internet who are either not trained or who cannot actually see the problem.  Asking on a forum is almost as bad as looking up symptoms online as doing that no matter what you type in one of the results will end up being imminent death by one disease or another.

I never understand asking if someone has caught something online as no one else could possibly know so why not wait until you see the professionals and then if you have you can then say I have only ever had OWO once and I caught xxx so I would advise not seeing ...Name of prossie.... until she gets herself treated

Offline smiths

Hate to be the gloom merchant around here, but you CAN get gonorrhea from OWO, as I know from experience. You getting these symptoms a few days later would be consistent with this.

This forum is full of OWO aficianados (hey, who doesn't love an uncovered BJ?)  who claim it's absurd to be able to catch anything from a blow job, but you can, and guys do all the time.

At least it's easy enough to clear up. You'll get some pills and it'll all be over in a few days. But go to the clinic, and do it now.

Cant say i have noticed the forum is full of posters who claim its absurd to be able to catch anything from a bj. In my observations its either the opposite and punters are giving up or have given up on OWO or like me they punt on a risk to reward basis and take the risk of receiving OWO backed up by going to the GUM on a regular basis.

Offline Rose_128

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I think catching HIV from oral sex is very low, I think the giver is more at risk than the receiver but then saliva and stomach acids tend to destroy the virus ( if a girl swallows ). Giver is more at risk of catching chlamydia into their throat than receiver.

The real problem with OWO is Herpes alias cold sore which the giver can have around their mouth/on lips. Same risk applies for WGs, if a punter has a cold sore and does RO on her. I hope that all people are being sensible when having an outbreak and stay off seeking/providing services but that's just my wishful thinking I guess:/


  • Guest
Probably best to pour acid over your todger. It would replace the irritable pain with real pain. Whether or not that will help your situation is still undecided.


  • Guest
Probably best to pour acid over your todger. It would replace the irritable pain with real pain. Whether or not that will help your situation is still undecided.

Skin bleaching is not a good idea, ask Michael  :sarcastic:

Offline jawill

Get it checked but the likelihood of it being an STi is very low unless you have an immensely low immune system for symptoms to appear so quickly.

Probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever ever heard.

You immune system hasnothing to do with STDs or how quickly symptoms appear. Things like gonnoreah and chlamydia are bacteria, not viruses. They breed in warm, moist places. Nothing to do with your immune system.

Herpes, chlamydia, gonnoreah are easily and frequently spread by OWO. Most people agree HIV isn't a risk unless there is blood, and cuts, sores or recent dental work in the mouth.

And a cytoscopy people is not what they do in a gum clinic! That's a totally totally different thing and hurts like utter utter buggery!

Online webpunter

Quote from: [b
akauya[/b] link=topic=40288.msg539717#msg539717 date=1413538917
Whilst you are there, it's a good idea to ask for the Hep B vaccine as well (you get three doses spread to four months).
Evening.  Can't be arsed to do research on the inter-web to see what the benefits of a HepB vaccine are.  Not that easy to search for "hookering & the benefits of HepB etc".  This is where UKP & more particularly you come in.  I don't do OWO usually - but have succumbed to the temptation - on the very odd occasion.  RO only once with a very very very stunning hooker [who didn't offer OWO] on my umpteenth visit [wasted at the the time].  So kind of boring compared to loads of UKP geezers.  But the fall-out from an STi would be 'annus horriblis'.  Have a yearly clear-out anti-biotics tablet [actually 2] from private doctor.  Which was advised should clear up most stuff.  I do like DFK.  Over to you matey.  Thanks
« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 10:26:38 pm by webpunter »

Online akauya

There are literally hundreds of articles about Hepatitis B and prostitution on the web. Last time I went to the GUM clinic for my check up they advised me to have the Hep B vaccine since I see prostitutes regularly. Before they give you the vaccine though they test your blood to see if you are immune to Hep B. I can't remember the figures now but apparently there's a certain proportion of the population who are naturally immune - a very small proportion I must add.

Anyway this is from the NHS website on Hep B

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The hepatitis B vaccination is available on the NHS for anyone who is at increased risk of hepatitis B or its complications.

You can get infected with hepatitis B if you have contact with an infected person's blood or other body fluids. People at risk of hepatitis B and who should therefore consider vaccination are:

-  people who inject drugs or have a partner who injects drugs
-  people who change their sexual partners frequently
-  men who have sex with men
-  male and female sex workers

and the list goes on.

As always, however, each punter has to decide how careful they want to be when punting. If OWO is essential then go for it but always make sure to go for regular health checks. Personally I try to go for covered oral - although sometimes I do succumb to temptation.

Lastly, mate I'm not the best person to give advice as I'm not a health professional. When it comes to one's health it is always best to see a doctor. Just look at the range of answers on this thread, they vary from OWO is very safe to you will catch something really nasty from it.

You really need to go to a clinic and have a long chat with a doctor and be very honest. Tell them you see prostitutes regularly and ask whether you need the Hep B vaccine or not.



  • Guest
isn't an sti test for a man very painfull? a friend of mine had a stick inserted into the 'slit' then inside it contracts like an umbrella to take a scraping. Apparently it was agony. this was only a few years back.
It's uncomfortable, to be honest the worst bit about going for a test is the sitting in the waiting room beforehand. Although it's the place to go for people watching, last time I went there was a kid desperately trying to chat up the lasses in there.

Surely not the best of places to go looking for a shag?


  • Guest
It's uncomfortable, to be honest the worst bit about going for a test is the sitting in the waiting room beforehand. Although it's the place to go for people watching, last time I went there was a kid desperately trying to chat up the lasses in there.

Surely not the best of places to go looking for a shag?

At least the girls there are definitely sexually active.  :hi:

Online webpunter

There are literally hundreds of articles about Hepatitis B and prostitution on the web. Last time I went to the GUM clinic for my check up they advised me to have the Hep B vaccine since I see prostitutes regularly. Before they give you the vaccine though they test your blood to see if you are immune to Hep B. I can't remember the figures now but apparently there's a certain proportion of the population who are naturally immune - a very small proportion I must add.

Anyway this is from the NHS website on Hep B

External Link/Members Only

The hepatitis B vaccination is available on the NHS for anyone who is at increased risk of hepatitis B or its complications.

You can get infected with hepatitis B if you have contact with an infected person's blood or other body fluids. People at risk of hepatitis B and who should therefore consider vaccination are:

-  people who inject drugs or have a partner who injects drugs
-  people who change their sexual partners frequently
-  men who have sex with men
-  male and female sex workers

and the list goes on.

As always, however, each punter has to decide how careful they want to be when punting. If OWO is essential then go for it but always make sure to go for regular health checks. Personally I try to go for covered oral - although sometimes I do succumb to temptation.

Lastly, mate I'm not the best person to give advice as I'm not a health professional. When it comes to one's health it is always best to see a doctor. Just look at the range of answers on this thread, they vary from OWO is very safe to you will catch something really nasty from it.

You really need to go to a clinic and have a long chat with a doctor and be very honest. Tell them you see prostitutes regularly and ask whether you need the Hep B vaccine or not.

Thanks.  Will call local GUM & ask whats risky / not.  Deffo staying off the OWO.  The risk reward ratio isn't worth it