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Author Topic: Report on Fourteen Night Stay in Pattaya, March, 2024  (Read 5695 times)

Offline mecbrowser


I've become increasingly disenchanted with the UK punting scene in the last couple of years so booked a two week break in Pattaya as an alternative. I've been to Pattaya before, but not for over ten years so I was interested to see how it had changed.

This trip I continued my previous strategy of focusing on Beer Bar girls as I feel they offer better value for money. I didn't bother with Thai Friendly as I had the impression that this tends to be for ST encounters in the main and my prime focus is always LT. I also felt TF sounded too 'transactional' so I thought I'd give it a miss. I did download the Line App, however, and this was very helpful in maintaining contact etc with girls I'd bar fined at least once and was interested in seeing again.

Days 1 and 2

Arrived in Pattaya about 6.30 p.m. after a good flight and taxi journey to Pattaya. My hotel was just off Soi Buakhao. I didn't feel too tired so went for a stroll. I ended up at the Myth Night Bar Complex and a girl in one of the bars caught my eye. She was 48 (!), but looked significantly younger. Ended up taking her for LT – Bar Fine was a bit steep at 700 and she wanted 2000 which I was happy to agree to. Back in the hotel I had three rounds with her in total and she was very accommodating. On inspection I was astounded at her age – she had a great body which wouldn't have disgraced someone twenty years younger.

After the positive experience of day one I took the same girl again LT on day two. Equally good experience this time as well.

Day 3

My aim had been to have a girl LT every night. I fancied a change from the first girl though and had a good hunt round Sois 7 and 8, Soi Buakhao and Tree Town. Drew a blank though so slept alone.

Day 4

Bar fined a 30 year old from a Beer Bar off Soi Buakhao. Bar Fine was 500 and LT 2000. All good and three pops in total.

Day 5

Met a girl from Buriram at a Tree Town Beer Bar. She was only an average looker, but had a good personality, reasonable English and a good body. The slight down side was that she was a 44 year old grandmother! Decided to overlook this and bar fined her LT (700 for the Bar and 1500 for her). We went to a couple of GoGos and then back to the hotel. No regrets about going with her – good company and lively in bed. Decided I'd see her again at some point.

Day 6

Fancied a change again and ended up bar fining a girl from a Beer Bar at the south end of Soi Buakhao. This girl was 41, but I felt she was attractive with a great body. She certainly looked younger than 41. Bar Fine was 500 and LT 2000. She gave great service once back at the hotel.

Day 7

I fancied another change tonight and found a good option for me in a Bar on Soi Pothole. This girl was 40+ again. She had a great body though and pleasing face. Her English was poor and her friend  said that she'd only worked in the Bar for a month and had yet to be bar fined. Who knows whether that was true. Decided to go for it anyway. She wanted 3000 for LT, but eventually settled for 2500. Bar Fine was 500. No complaints about her at all – quite shy and demure in the Bar. She livened up considerably once in the hotel room, however, and really got into the sex. No complaints from me and she said she loved me (obviously my stunning personality had knocked her for six)!

Days 8 and 9

Bar fined the girl from day 5 on these two days. Same cost as the first day. I had a good time with her – good sex again; took her for meals; had day trips to Jomtien Beach and the Sanctuary of Truth.

Day 10

This was my second blank day. I had lined up a very pretty 30 year old from a Tree Town Beer Bar. She wanted 3000 for LT and eventually agreed on 2500. She proved to be a bit of a drinks queen, however, and also wanted me to bar fine her friend. I concluded she was taking the piss and told her to forget it.

Days 11, 12 and 13

Headed to Tree Town and found a very attractive girl in a bar not far from the bar of the girl I'd met on day five and seen several times. I felt I needed to be a bit careful therefore, but no problems arose. Anyway this new girl had a great figure, a pretty face and seemed keen on me (obviously my good looks and personality were doing the job again)! She was 45 and, sorry to repeat this, looked nowhere near that. We agreed on LT for 2000 and Bar Fine was 400. We went to a bar to listen to some live music and then to the hotel. This girl was probably the best of the lot in bed – full on sex, happy to go with the flow etc and she really got into it. Took her to the beach the next day and bar fined her for the next two days as well.

Day 14

My last night and I went back to the Tree Town girl from day 5 again. All good and a satisfactory end to my holiday.


I'm 61, retired and no spring chicken. This did not stop me having a great time again in Pattaya. The city has changed quite a lot in the ten years I've been away in terms of new builds – hotel and apartments in particular. The fundamentals of the place are the same though in terms of what's on offer. I did notice some changes in the bar scene however :–

Sois 7 and 8 seem much quieter.

The bar complexes along Second Road definitely have fewer girls and as a consequence are less busy.

Soi Buakhao seems far busier and more chaotic than before.

Tree Town and Myth Night are new additions since I was last there. Tree Town was the busier of the two.

There's a new bar complex opening soon on Soi Diana – Las Vegas. It will be interesting to see how that fares.

I didn't go to Walking Street or Soi 6 as they don't float my boat. Too in your face and over the top for me.

I was very happy with all the girls I bar fined. They were all up for it in bed and I had no problems with any of them. None of them got the sulks for no apparent reason (which can be a problem with some of these girls) and were happy to be with me (or rather my money to be realistic). It was nice to maintain the fantasy I suppose! I thought the LT rates I paid were fair. The rates I got were probably a combination of my bar fining mainly older girls, the beginning of low season and the fact that overall Pattaya is probably not as busy as it has been in the past. Indeed, I suspect that at least two of the girls I bar fined (probably more) had not been out with a customer for some time. When you consider some of them are working twelve hour shifts then the chance to get out of the bar for a while and get some extra money must be very tempting. I tried to treat them all with respect – e.g. offering them to go for breakfast in the morning and, not surprisingly, most were willing to accept.

Obviously I could have paid more for stunners in soapies, GoGos, Soi 6 etc, but I was happy to stick to my approach and, in my humble opinion, the girls I went with were pretty enough anyway. Having said that I do tend to be picky – 95% + of Beer Bar girls do not appeal to me. The knack is to find the small minority that do appeal!

Offline southcoastpunter

not yet another separate thread on Bangkok, pattaya and Phuket. how many places do we need to look at now? (18 within the last year at the last count). imo you could have added this to an existing thread!!

I was there pretty much the same time as you and stayed at The Classroom Hotel which is just off Beach Road, 5 minutes walk from Walking St. I have stayed at The Classroom twice before - it is a very girl friendly hotel and a sports bar with its own "hostess" girls. This time I was disappointed with the quality of hostess girls and only bar fined one of them. the others, whilst nice to chat to etc, did not appeal sexually to me so used TF and bar-fined from other bars/places. I paid a little more than you as i went after younger ladies (19-24). In previous visits i preferred LT/overnights but mainly did ST this time - so in the range 1500-2000 (and where a bar fine was involved it was generally 600 or 700.)

I too avoided Walking St as it is, as you say, in your face too much and in many ways, a bit of a rip off!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 02:24:27 pm by southcoastpunter »

Offline PumpDump

I prefer the separate thread actually. Better than a 100 page thread with reviews spread throughout the pages and impossible to find.

Offline southcoastpunter

i think the way The Gambia is , is much better.

So you are happy to trawl through 19 different threads to get a spread of views? (19- and that is just in the last 12 or so months)

Offline PumpDump

i think the way The Gambia is , is much better.

So you are happy to trawl through 19 different threads to get a spread of views? (19- and that is just in the last 12 or so months)

Yes, because the first post of each thread usually contains the review/interesting info with most of the others being replies. With the 100 page thread how am I supposed to find the actual reviews?

Offline southcoastpunter

Yes, because the first post of each thread usually contains the review/interesting info with most of the others being replies. With the 100 page thread how am I supposed to find the actual reviews?

what actual reviews? there is not one name or link in this thread , just info on prices that is already on here in about 12 other threads!

Offline PumpDump

Well you like it one way, I like the other. Such is life :-)

Offline Steely Dan

I think a review like this is best as a thread.  It is a review of his two weeks, and he named the locations.  Whatever - his post his choice.
Anyway thank you OP, great post.  Two questions.  How did it work for repeat bar fines?  Did you have to go back to the bar or something?  Or this is a conversation over breakfast and you just hand her the extra payment with fingers crossed?

And what was your pattern on the 'I want a new girl' days, like day 3 or day 6?  Did you try to pull from lunch time, or spend your day on the beach and then go out after dinner?  If I read between the lines, it seems like you like to spend social time with the girls, so a day on your own must be different.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 04:51:41 pm by Steely Dan »

Offline toon972

Thank you for your report, I take it LT is all night. I am of the same opinion of Walking Street. My next visit I am going to try Myth Night and Tree Town. I also saw a girl in her 40s and she was stunning and did not look her age.

Offline toon972

not yet another separate thread on Bangkok, pattaya and Phuket. how many places do we need to look at now? (18 within the last year at the last count). imo you could have added this to an existing thread!!

I was there pretty much the same time as you and stayed at The Classroom Hotel which is just off Beach Road, 5 minutes walk from Walking St. I have stayed at The Classroom twice before - it is a very girl friendly hotel and a sports bar with its own "hostess" girls. This time I was disappointed with the quality of hostess girls and only bar fined one of them. the others, whilst nice to chat to etc, did not appeal sexually to me so used TF and bar-fined from other bars/places. I paid a little more than you as i went after younger ladies (19-24). In previous visits i preferred LT/overnights but mainly did ST this time - so in the range 1500-2000 (and where a bar fine was involved it was generally 600 or 700.)

Yeh I was disappointed with the hostesses there at The Classroom but were nice to talk to.

Offline mecbrowser

Hi, reply to Steely Dan :

(i) Regarding repeat bar fines it depended on the circumstances. If I wanted to see the same girl the next night I'd tell her before she left that I'd come and see her again at her bar in the evening. If it was a girl I'd seen previously, but not for a day or two, I'd message her via the Line App to tell her I'd be coming to see her at her bar that evening. Invariably in either case they'd be waiting at the bar with their tongues hanging out as it were. I simply then paid the bar fine again and we'd be off.

(ii) Finding a new girl - on these days I'd just go to the beach until late afternoon and go prowling round the bars again from early evening. I did very little bar hopping during the day.

Offline mecbrowser


Reply to toon972 :

Yes, LT is all night. It can be well into the next day as well and this was the case with most of the girls I met. The longest was a girl who was with me until 4 pm the next day. I then bar fined her again that evening!

Offline mandy18

Yep defo, needs to be a new thread, will get lost in an existing one

Offline toon972


Reply to toon972 :

Yes, LT is all night. It can be well into the next day as well and this was the case with most of the girls I met. The longest was a girl who was with me until 4 pm the next day. I then bar fined her again that evening!

Ok, thank you. That sounds like a good time and will give it a try.

Offline genghis69

Nice review OP
I prefer seperate threads too.

Offline defty

nice trip report, you're doing well for 61!  Another vote for seperate threads too  :D

Offline Swapmeister

Separate threads has my vote. Otherwise I am reading about some guy's post covid trip for example

Offline Steely Dan

The threads are linked here as well.
External Link/Members Only

And if there are facts about hotels, bars and so on, they can be added into this page.

Offline LLPunting

The Search tool is unable to pick out multiple matching posts in a thread so accumulating all "reviews" into one would make the info in each much harder to find.  Each review attracts its own conversation thread which may surface connections to other discussions as those in the know post relevant links for the benefit of those unaware.

I'm not convinced that the Search tool even correctly searches from the "newest" or "oldest" ends of a thread to find the correct post.  And once you have 3 or more scattered posts in a (long) thread with matches to the given search terms you miss out on possible relevant info.  Keeping review threads separate maintains some granularity to subsequent searches and eases scan reading for missed matches.

Offline LLPunting

OP thanks for the summary of your exploration of prospects a little off the beaten track.   :drinks:

Was it that most of the girls in these places are older (whether displaced veterans or late-comers to the industry) than the girls in the more popular areas?  Or was it that your own tastes meant that you overlooked a horde of genuine under 30s screened by some filter like choice of fashion or behaviour and thus only picked from the remaining minority/majority of youthful ladies of a certain air of experience or maturity?
Just curious whether there was some (sub)conscious choosing as you chatted to different ladies of all legal ages.

Just looked on Web for cheapest returns to Thailand and am now pricing up a several week expedition! What was your budget for your trip (if you're ok to discuss)?

Offline Dirk Antony

Hello , I normally visit Thailand for sport circa October [ end of rainy season ] for 29 days , staying in Pattaya , stay at small hotel just off Soi Buakhao close to Tree Town , generally the ladies in this area are 30+ , the younger sport exists on Soi 6 & Walking Street which I personally avoid [ reminds me of Blackpool on steroids ]. What you pay will depends on your negotiating skills [ ST 1-2k / LT 2-3k ] & bar fines 500 + , depends on how late in the evening or how many " lady drinks " have been consumed , avoid " Drink Queens " , once again my game plan is to avoid bar fines where possible , of course the younger attractive sport know their value &  will want you to pay a premium rate in Go Go venues.
If you are mindful that 95% of the ladies have gone to Pattaya to earn money , even the traditional massage [ younger-attractive ] ladies will hook up with you after their shift for ST [ 1-1.5k ].
The top notch ladies take their services to Bangkok / Phuket & the prices rise incrementally . if you are in BKK give the " Thermae Cafe " a visit the place is bizarre , generally for Japanese & Korean customers , research vlogs on ytube .  Enjoy  :D

Offline billybob69

Just looked on Web for cheapest returns to Thailand and am now pricing up a several week expedition! What was your budget for your trip (if you're ok to discuss)?

The lowest that I budget for a two week trip is £2k GBP. That is based on flights, transfers, a 3* hotel and being conservative with drinking, bar fines and lady drinks. Hit it hard on girls, beer, ladydrinks etc and that cost is going to rise significantly.

My Costs for a two week trip in November were -
Travel Insurance - 4,000 baht
UK hotel, travel + Parking + Food - 7,500 baht
Flights - 31,000 baht
hotels - 11,000 baht
Taxis - 2400 baht
Girls, barfines + TF - 12,000 baht
Other expenses (food, beer, lady drinks, SIM card etc) - 7,500 baht

Offline southcoastpunter

Just looked on Web for cheapest returns to Thailand and am now pricing up a several week expedition! What was your budget for your trip (if you're ok to discuss)?

my advice LLP is don't do Thialand on too tight a budget - wait a bit and save up a bit more. Thailand is cheap compared to the UK and you really don't want to be there and see/have opportunities that you can't afford or will hit tomorrows budget etc.

Flights and accommodation are your biggest cost - flights can vary considerable from about £420 (if you don't mind a 3 stop, 30 hour journey) to c£995 direct (11 hours), Reasonable hotels are about £30-40 per night (a little more in Bangkok) then its down to what you want to do whilst there. if you are just there for punting - is that one per day or 3, are any LT overnights etc. if you work on ST being about 2k and LT 3500 you won't be too far wrong.

doing tourist stuff obviously adds to the cost - add in say £50-75 per activity as a rough guide. Internal flights (eg Bangkok to Phuket or Chiang Mai) are about £50-70 each way.

Drinks and food is fairly cheap - lots of street food is very cheap and quite good. Getting around is cheap - Bolt or Grab taxi is cheap, motorbike taxi even cheaper. I hired a scooter in Phuket and Pattaya - about £12 per day for a nice 160cc bike.

The exchange rate is about 42baht to £1 but if you take British money and especially (clean/unmarked) £50 notes you can get 45 to the pound over there.

Thailand is great, there is so much to see and do as well as some fantastic punting to be had - don't go on too tight a budget!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2024, 10:11:57 am by southcoastpunter »

Offline mecbrowser

Reply to LLPunting :

Earlier responses have helped answer your queries, but I'll add my bit for what it's worth :

(i) Costs :

Direct flight £870
Hotel £420
Expenses £1100 - that's girls, drinks, food, taxis, the odd day trip etc. I had budgeted to spend up to £2000 so was pleased to come well below that without feeling like I'd been a cheap charlie.

(ii) Girls

As mentioned in earlier replies most of the Beer bar girls are 30+. There were a reasonable minority much younger than that though (some very attractive). I did not go for these girls much though for a number of reasons : likely to be more expensive; probably less inclined to be bar fined by someone of my age; more likely to be 'up' themselves and have attitude issues etc. As a result I gravitated to older ladies and did not regret it.

I watched a very interesting video by one of the more prominent Pattaya YouTubers before I came out. In this he was discussing the ideal age of girls you should be targeting in Pattaya. His formula to work this out was to divide your age by 2 and then add 7. So in my case the age of my target girl should be 37. Not sure how scientific that is (!), but I think as a massive generalisation his basic point is correct - the older you get, the older the 'ideal' Thai girl you're most likely to connect with, have a good time etc becomes as well. Certainly in my case I ended up with girls who were mostly older than 37. That didn't spoil the enjoyment.

This YouTuber also claimed that 90% of girls in Pattaya are now only interested in ST rather than LT. That didn't match my experience. Of the girls I broached this with only one wasn't interested in LT.

Offline southcoastpunter

how long were you there for mecbrowser? How many ladies did you see? one per day, two per day? everyday or every other day etc? how many sightseeing activities/trip did you go on?

i would say your budget is def lower end and especially as LLP said he is looking at "several weeks" which i am assuming means 3 or 4 weeks and not a week or 10 days.

the age suggestion is interesting but for me, is completely wrong - even though i am now into my 60's (but am told i look early 50's) i like early / mid 20's year olds and that is what i mainly punted there and at normal rates! having said that many Asian ladies look well below their age so one i saw was mid 40's but looked more like mid/late 20's!

Offline weldermike

I’ve paid £700 for a direct fight in September with Thai airway
Bus to Pattaya + bolt to hotel = about £4
Accommodations I’m looking at £20 a night, haven’t booked yet but it between Pattaya Blue Sky on Soi 5 or Sleep With Me, just off Soi Buakhao
As for money per day for beer/ woman/ food etc, I’m looking at around £120 a day and I think that being cheap,
As a S/T on Soi 6 could be around £40 and girls from bars long time can be around £70 and clubs around £40 + TF S/T is around £30, LT ??? I never taken one and as for gogos lol forget it on this budget.

Offline mecbrowser

Reply to Southcoastpunter :

There for 14 nights. I had 12 nights of LT with 6 different girls. No ST at all.

Two trips/days out.

Offline Dark Vader

I watched a very interesting video by one of the more prominent Pattaya YouTubers before I came out.
Some of these YouTubers offer consultations for 100's of pounds. I take it the information would be no more valuable than the info gained here?

Offline southcoastpunter

Some of these YouTubers offer consultations for 100's of pounds. I take it the information would be no more valuable than the info gained here?

i don't think s0 - there is a lot of info on here and from different guys so you get different perspectives/pov. and once there you get chatting to other guys, some of whom have been loads of times and/or lived there.

Reply to Southcoastpunter :

There for 14 nights. I had 12 nights of LT with 6 different girls. No ST at all.

Two trips/days out.
sorry, if i had re-read the thread i would have seen that most of that info was already posted.

In my view and of course not everyone will agree with me, Thailand is a long way to  go and there is so much to see to only have 2 days out. I know you had spare budget but to anyone else, i would def say "don't go on too tight a budget". save up a bit more. My last trip i did 2 ST per day but in my previous 2 trips i did a ST in the afternoon/early evening and LT overnight pretty much every day. there was just so much gorgeous pussy in Thailand - and lots to do and see - although not so much non punting stuff in Pattaya unless you are into water sports (no, not that type of water sports but the stuff you do off a beach) !! But maybe the reason for going to Pattaya and not other areas of Thailand is for the pussy!
« Last Edit: March 31, 2024, 11:39:00 am by southcoastpunter »

Offline Steely Dan

I have a few questions related to my upcoming trip to Pattaya.  Not my first time in the Land of Smiles, but my first time in a while, so I welcome even obvious answers:

-Thai friendly.  I have joined and tentatively booked meetings with 2 girls.  Like the OP, I like the 35+ yo girls.  All Thai girls, to my eyes, look young anyway.  But on Thai friendly, all the older ones seem to be totally looking for a life partner, not some fun. Shall I chase the younger ones as more likely to be freelancers looking for sex, or just stay with my type, but maybe tell them in stronger words what I want.  (or maybe I am not cut out for any dating sites or similar - I hate complexity - and I'm rubbish at small talk).  Maybe I jump ship on TF and stay with bar and gogo girls. I'm not looking at TF for cost savings - my budget is sound - just thought it might mix it up.  I also joined Line - thanks to whoever said to do that.
-Air Con.  Do I wear shorts and tee shirt 24 7? (at my age, more clothes help hide the bad bits anyway) Are any of the places too cold with A/C?  Will some places have rubbish A/C and I need to leave 'cause it is too hot and stuffy?
-Songkran.  I might overlap this event.  Looks like my worst nightmare - people I don't know spraying me with waterguns or worse.  Is it pretty easy to avoid (and amusing to see a bit), or shall I make sure I'm in Singapore or Manila to avoid?  Yes grumpy old man at times.

Offline billybob69

@Steely Dan

ThaiFriendly - I would say that 75% of girls that are on TF in PATTAYA are freelancer. Some will even put it in their profile. With their ages ranging from 20 to 60!
Have a read of this message on how to get the best out of TF -

AirCon - I'm somebody that feels the cold, but I am in shorts and T shirt 100% of the time in Thailand. There a lot of men in Pattaya that haven't exactly taken care of their physique or their appearance and the dress code is somewhat 'relaxed'. It is baht that will matter not your appearance.

Songkran - I would say that it would be difficult to totally avoid in CENTRAL Pattaya and many punters head there especially for the mass water fight.

Offline LLPunting

Thanks to all for the generous advice.   :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

Hopefully at least 3 weeks if not a month.
Not set on conquering a crazy amount of SPs (easy to say before entering the sweet shop) but am open to meeting a few companions to spend several days at a time with, perhaps going on expeditions or sight-seeing solo and then kicking back in spas/bath, beds (and everywhere else) in a room or apartment or perhaps just 1-2 game girls for a nightly LT with the occasional ST for mid-day siesta if not touring.

I don't drink so the drinks tab will be the bare minimum to access SPs if I don't succeed with TF, Seeking or getting a local mamasan/fixer to provide excellent choice.  Given the fun I've had over here with 40-somethings I don't mind finding good company between 18 and 35 on this run as long as the girls are more than a great lay.  That said the per punt budget per girl would hopefully not be much more than "standard" and preferably well negotiated discounts for any that might be multi-day hotties with some of the savings spent on doing exploring and non-sex fun things together.

Finding girls with natural assets will be the critical criteria, don't mind hanging with ladyboys and post-ops if they can handle just being fixers to find the best girls and they don't expect excessive ents and fees to do so. 

Finding trustworthy English speakers will probably be another preference to at least fix if not be one SP of two/three-somes over one or several days.

Not sure how many centres to base out of and daytrip further afield as will have to decide how much culcha to absorb and regional food to try if there's much variety.  Could chance local girls showing me their home regions if that's a thing.

Happy to take the long way out and back if saved money fund longer and more fun.

Thanks again for the pearls of wisdom, more neophyte queries to be posed no doubt as my plan becomes more than a pipedream. :hi:
« Last Edit: April 01, 2024, 08:38:19 am by LLPunting »

Offline Grenadier36

Thanks for the write up OP - you got some decent prices there. I'm looking forward to going again later in the year  :thumbsup:

Offline toon972

I did not use TF much, only the once and the girl was bigger than advertised but still a pretty girl. This was not the reason I never used it again as there are girls all over the place ready to indulge with you and never found it necessary.

Offline Steely Dan

External Link/Members Only

The guy in this video  - he has lots of them - talks about 3 kind of places.  Girl bars, Gogos and Gentlemen's clubs.  Do those 3 categories make sense?  I guess a gents club is a place where the girls are all over you, but there is no dancing, is that right?  Or maybe there is too much variety and overlap and this is just his opinion. Oh and some places call themselves 'nightclub'.  Is that a 4th category?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 10:21:09 am by Steely Dan »

Offline Grenadier36

External Link/Members Only

The guy in this video  - he has lots of them - talks about 3 kind of places.  Girl bars, Gogos and Gentlemen's clubs.  Do those 3 categories make sense?  I guess a gents club is a place where the girls are all over you, but there is no dancing, is that right?  Or maybe there is too much variety and overlap and this is just his opinion. Oh and some places call themselves 'nightclub'.  Is that a 4th category?
His is one of the better Pattaya channels in my opinion. He's right in terms of the 3 main categories, nightclubs tend to have more freelancers in them than the bars. I'm too old for "clubbing" so would just use Thaifriendly instead for value-oriented nocturnal hotel outcalls without needing to play the "buy me drink" game which becomes old very quickly. Re GCs the ones I went to tended to have a more laid back approach - older WGs although still some lookers - and typically less pressure to play the lady drink game. Many of the GCs have curtained off areas which you can avail yourself of for a few hundred baht with WG/WGs of your choosing.

Offline Steely Dan

OK boys: I have edited the Pattaya PW page based on this thread and the Youtube guy.  Still never been there myself - but editing is sometimes best when neutral.
External Link/Members Only

If there is something here that seems wrong, either fix it (it is a wiki anyone can edit) or if you want PM me and I'll fix it.

Offline mrx007

I know you didn't go to Soi 6 but generally are any of the Bar Girls up for ST, LT or possibly just a BJ? I'm watching lots of SOI 6 videos on youtube and spotting stunners (I'm going next month).

Also if you bar find a Girl like you did and she stays for the whole day for the beach and going places, do you agree a rate for the day or do Girls often go along with it as long as you're paying?


Offline mandy18

Sometimes they will stay all day, I have paid for long time before, and the girl stopped for 3 days, without asking for more money (free lancer).

 I gave her a good tip though.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 05:39:56 pm by mandy18 »

Offline bugsybum

I know you didn't go to Soi 6 but generally are any of the Bar Girls up for ST, LT or possibly just a BJ? I'm watching lots of SOI 6 videos on youtube and spotting stunners (I'm going next month).

Also if you bar find a Girl like you did and she stays for the whole day for the beach and going places, do you agree a rate for the day or do Girls often go along with it as long as you're paying?


King Kong Bar and Click bar are BJ bars they are both at the 2nd road end of Soi 6. You go in pick a girl from outside or girl on inside and have option to get blown at the bar or behind a curtain or go to a room upstairs. 800 Baht for a BJ or you can ST in room upstairs for 1300 Baht. I think you have to pay 3-400 Baht for the room if you go upstairs but i didnt make a note of the room price so cant remember off the top of my head.

The girls really are experts in giving head and will happily take instruction to suck the way you like. The ladies are usually older and more experienced. Dont be expecting very attractive 9 and 10's.

Offline PumpDump

King Kong Bar and Click bar are BJ bars they are both at the 2nd road end of Soi 6. You go in pick a girl from outside or girl on inside and have option to get blown at the bar or behind a curtain or go to a room upstairs. 800 Baht for a BJ or you can ST in room upstairs for 1300 Baht. I think you have to pay 3-400 Baht for the room if you go upstairs but i didnt make a note of the room price so cant remember off the top of my head.

The girls really are experts in giving head and will happily take instruction to suck the way you like. The ladies are usually older and more experienced. Dont be expecting very attractive 9 and 10's.

Excuse my ignorance as I have never been to one of these establishments, but when you say the girl blows you at the bar, what exactly do you mean? Are you sitting at the bar having a drink and she is giving you a BJ at same time, in full view of other customers?

Offline bugsybum

Excuse my ignorance as I have never been to one of these establishments, but when you say the girl blows you at the bar, what exactly do you mean? Are you sitting at the bar having a drink and she is giving you a BJ at same time, in full view of other customers?

In the bar area downstairs there are 2 areas a normal bar area as you walk in and another area with curatains that you can close if you want BJ in private or leave open for anyone else in the bar to see. I have done this twice once in each bar but there were no customers in at the time but it was a real turn on when the lady behind the bar is watching you getting blown and throwing in a bit of dirty talk as well.

This also is the same set up in Gentleman's clubs were you often see men getting blown in a bar full of customers but you can go behind the curtain or a room upstairs if you want more privacy. As the ladies say in Thailand 'Up to you' :D :D

Offline Steely Dan

Not checked them all, but pretty sure every bar on soi 6 has an upstairs room that you can have ST sex in.  Soi 6 is like a German FKK, but with 1000 girls to choose from.

Any place that is a Gentleman's club will have BJ in the bar, behind a curtain if you wish.  I was in Beyond bar on Soi Pothole, and noticed a curtain.  So after a nice game of pool, got a BJ and then had RO with my pool partner.  In nearby Excite club, I had full sex behind the curtain later on.  When in Pattaya, you soon learn not to be shy.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2024, 07:29:27 am by Steely Dan »

Offline mrx007

Great answers cheers. I've spotted some sexy hot girls on the Soi 6 videos lately on youtube. I was wondering if any Girl is likely to be up for it as they often look bored trying to get men into the bar. I don't want to waste time - I just want to get blown!

I've been blown in Lolita's (Bangkok and there was one in Hua Hin, now closed) and Club 4 Pattaya (Girl was incredible there) as well as Dr BJ's! in Bangkok. Just love the idea of walking straight in and getting sucked off.

Soi 6 here we come then. I've walked down it before but it was so hectic I was a bit scared (not the right word). Got blown by a hot freelancer there as I didn't see any nice lookers at the places I had researched to be BJ bars:

King Kong
My Friend You bar
Saigon Girl
(C) Lick bar

Cheers for the great replies. I'll have a hard on on the plane there....!

Offline LordGrantham

Thanks for the write up OP, we probably passed each other at some point 👍🏻

Offline Steely Dan

I just want to get blown!

Soi 6 here we come then. I've walked down it before but it was so hectic I was a bit scared (not the right word). Got blown by a hot freelancer there as I didn't see any nice lookers at the places I had researched to be BJ bars:
Not quite .  Soi 6 is for Gogo and girl bars.  Sex is upstairs.  If you want a BJ and/or RO right in the bar, you need a place with closed doors like on Soi LK Metro or Soi Pothole. See the Gentsclub link on the Pattaya wiki page.

Offline LordGrantham

Not quite .  Soi 6 is for Gogo and girl bars.  Sex is upstairs.  If you want a BJ and/or RO right in the bar, you need a place with closed doors like on Soi LK Metro or Soi Pothole. See the Gentsclub link on the Pattaya wiki page.
I got a double BJ at the bar in Babylon GC, was a first for me but no one else batted an eyelid 😏