Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: My findings so far!  (Read 482 times)

Offline The_Don

Hello all,

Let me start with a little back ground.

Been a member of adultwork since March 2011 (joined due to P/G views but didn't follow though with bookings until later)

Found this site not long after, then started reading about punters and W/G.

At the start of the year my life changed, in a big way and thus from August 2014 I started to punt.

Well what can I say, went a little crazy (got the bug?) over the last few months (5 girls in 4 days - not doing that again :dash: ) etc

I like the more fuller size W/G (12-16) but I've seen (6-10) young and old.

I know this is not really new to most, of punter that have been around for some time but!

I find this world to be a little frustrating at times:

Pictures of W/G not always a true to what you get
Services not fully for-filled
Rush to get in and out (even if your the only 1 that day and your times not up)
Clock watching / phone play bugs the hell out of me, I've paid for my time now its time to work for it.
The service some of these W/G offer and what they charge, some times leave me feeling sour.

Don't get me wrong I've had some fun but its not cheap and there are a few gems. But mostly fakes from what I've seen but its least I've limited some of the crap by looking at feed back (on here) from others.

I start posting up some reviews soon. I hope that this will help others avoid the sour and taste the sweat. But as with most things in life its: different horses for courses

« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 09:00:10 am by The_Don »