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Author Topic: Sad Stalking Cunt  (Read 9924 times)

Online hendrix

I was going to post this several weeks ago, then decided I couldn't be arsed. But following the SSC's post on my latest review, I've decided to share what's happened with UKP. Admin, Nik and a few members here are already aware.

1) A couple of months ago, one of my regulars (MissKDD) and a male escort I've booked for BBC gangbangs both received messages on aw from "Ben". Ben claimed to be a journalist investigating UKP as apparently paedophiles were using the "punting abroad" section and pm's to exchange info. Ben said that he had heard that I was in touch with one of these paedos and although I  was secondary to his investigation (that soon changed) He asked if the two prossies had ever witnessed me forcing girls, drugging them, using under age girls etc. The two prossies immediately contacted me, but after discussion, decided to ignore Ben. Obviously a twat. I informed Admin here so he was aware from the start.

2) Poor old Ben got very upset about being ignored and emailed the prossies again, this time with no pretence about investigating paedos, simply saying "by not responding to me, you are culpable with Hendrix for his actions" Again, we decided to ignore the SSC.

3) Obviously seething with impotence, "Ben" joined UKP (can't recall the handle, I'll look it up later) and messaged Admin, and was now fully focused  on me, telling Admin he'd seen pm's from UKP members talking about hendrix forcing girls to take it up the arse and encouraging others to do so. Admin informed me and I ignored it again. The prossies told me that Ben's account on aw was now deactivated.

4) Under a different handle, Ben, the sad sack of shit, then  told Admin that various unnamed (obviously) UKP members were "very concerned about hendrix's behaviour" and were desperate to delete their UKP accounts lest they were tarnished by his actions.

5) And finally Ben threw his toys out of the pram messaging Admin to say that he was a %%% member who had joined UKP just to see if it was true about hendrix's "rapist" tendencies. Also, he claimed that copies of my pm's proving all this shit might soon be published on the boards. I look forward to some excellent cut/paste/photoshop effort :rolleyes: Then, following my latest review today, Ben clearly found it all too much and had to comment.

So, there it is. We've all heard about punters stalking prossies and vice versa... And I don't actually know if Ben is a punter or a prossie, but I do know that he/she is a Sad Stalking Cunt.

If by any chance, Ben is already a member here under another name, then Ben, mate/darling.. you are a Grade A pussy. If you have an issue with me, message me. Or just stick an Ebola infected needle in your japs eye/cunt.

Thank you all, and Admin particularly for the support. I hope your punting lives are Ben free :hi:


  • Guest
I will just come out and say it there are some sad stalking cunts about male/female.

I expect Ben will be reading this and your lucky Hendrix is a gent and ignored your pathetic attempts to wind him up.

As I suggested giving you a shoeing....

Offline punk

your making people jealous, its all that quality pussy and are now attracting fans?  :wacko:

Online hendrix

your making people jealous, its all that quality pussy and are now attracting fans?  :wacko:

Ben should try a punt. There is quality pussy at every price point as any genuine punter knows. I think Ben just has dick problems that even viagra can't solve and it makes him angry.

If Ben is a "her" I really don't know what her problem might be. On balance, I think Ben is a bloke, albeit a sad excuse for one. 

Offline punk

Ben should try a punt. There is quality pussy at every price point as any genuine punter knows. I think Ben just has dick problems that even viagra can't solve and it makes him angry.

If Ben is a "her" I really don't know what her problem might be. On balance, I think Ben is a bloke, albeit a sad excuse for one.

he needs to get help.


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It would be so wrong to speculate about who it may be ........ 

Offline CatBBW

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Probably so insecure within his own sexuality, that Hendrix's reviews about MMF, TVMF, TSMF etc turns him on yet confuses him also, thus he has to find some kind of outlet for his bewildered urges.

I do trust Admin to have enough info about this individual, for any future back reference  :cool:

Offline akauya

I knew about prossies getting stalkers but punters? He/she is seriously fucked up. If it wasn't so weird and irritating you could say you have a groupie Hendrix  :hi:

Online hendrix

I knew about prossies getting stalkers but punters? He/she is seriously fucked up. If it wasn't so weird and irritating you could say you have a groupie Hendrix  :hi:

I ain't fucking this groupie unless he pays me!

The speed of his response to my review, setting up a new profile and posting, suggests he is a member here. I've had robust discussions with a fair few but I don't believe any of them would stoop this low. Ben is  probably just a voyeur type of member that wanks over the reviews and enjoys/hates mine. Or, an ex client of MissKDD upset that his special girl is seeing other blokes! :lol:


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This person really needs to get a life!  :wacko:

Your reviews inspire me to greatness Hendrix...not jealousy!  :thumbsup:

Don't let this nutjob put you off!


  • Guest
Wow - sorry you had to put up with that H. Bring on more FRs !

Online hendrix

He won't put me off :) if he is an actual punter, I feel sorry for the prossies he sees as he must be a barrel of laughs in the room :sarcastic: total anorak!


  • Guest
This person really needs to get a life!  :wacko:

Your reviews inspire me to greatness Hendrix...not jealousy!  :thumbsup:

Don't let this nutjob put you off!

Exactly VT males should not be jealous its a female trait

And to go to all this trouble shows what a sad bell end this 'Ben' is

Online hendrix

I am of course assuming that Ben is the same tit as the one that's been contacting Admin here. If there's more than one of them, I'm getting Sad Git and John Commando on bodyguard detail.


  • Guest
It would be so wrong to speculate about who it may be ........

True, I wander if we're all thinking the same thing...

Online hendrix

True, I wander if we're all thinking the same thing...

I don't want to publicly accuse any UKP members without evidence. If anybody has any ideas though (because I actually really don't) feel free to pm me. I do think the sad cunt should be named and shamed IF proven, but that's up to Admin obviously.


  • Guest
True, I wander if we're all thinking the same thing...

There should be a tongue in cheek smiley, I've amused myself for a full 7 minutes speculating who this mystery person may be but as I have absolutely no proof ......

Offline CoolTiger

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Hendrix, you're not the only one.

I've got a similar TWAT on my back, who is now sending random emailing to East Mids WGs telling them that CT is a fake, what my AW nic is, and that I have never seen any WGs and am a serial timewaster. As she herself said, I had not said anything negative about her and have not seen her so could not see the point of being sent that email.

Admin are aware of him, and his previous ID on here has been banned. Admin also suggested that I get in touch with you, as you were going through similar

Here's part of the Email he sent to a random girl, who just happened to discuss UKP with a fellow member on here when she mentioned to him this strange email she had received. The member concerned was very helpful and managed to get me a copy of the email the twat is sending out:

"WARNING. CoolTiger from UKPunting is a deranged fantasist wannabe pimp. His Adultwork username is ******. He lies about having paid sex with escorts he can't afford and has never met. He is a serial time wasting phone wanker. He posts all kinds of fictitious lies on UKPunting. Don't fall for his nice guy act, he has somehow managed to fool many people, but is a weirdo delusional fantasist.

I have deliberately published it as I want him to know that I am aware of his activities.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 11:58:38 am by CoolTiger »

Offline akauya

Bloody hell, this gets better and better (well not really). What the fuck is wrong with those punter stalker guys? Its just weird, are they upset you fucked their favorite prossie or something? They should get a life  :wacko:

Sorry it's happening to you chaps - what a weird world we live in  :hi:

Online hendrix

Hendrix, you're not the only one.

I've got a similar TWAT on my back, who is now sending random emailing to East Mids WGs telling them that CT is a fake, what my AW nic is, and that I have never seen any WGs and am a serial timewaster. As she herself said, I had not said anything negative about her and have not seen her so could not see the point of being sent that email.

Admin are aware of him, and his previous ID on here has been banned. Admin also suggested that I get in touch with you, as you were going through similar

Here's part of the Email he sent to a random girl, who just happened to discuss UKP with a fellow member on here when she mentioned to him this strange email she had received. The member concerned was very helpful and managed to get me a copy of the email the twat is sending out:

"WARNING. CoolTiger from UKPunting is a deranged fantasist wannabe pimp. His Adultwork username is ******. He lies about having paid sex with escorts he can't afford and has never met. He is a serial time wasting phone wanker. He posts all kinds of fictitious lies on UKPunting. Don't fall for his nice guy act, he has somehow managed to fool many people, but is a weirdo delusional fantasist.

I have deliberately published it as I want him to know that I am aware of his activities.

Fucking hell. Sorry you're subject to a similar sad cunt CT. Why can't these dickheads just enjoy punting?

I didn't really want to give "Ben" any attention, and guess you may have thought the same about your stalker, but if it turns out they are "legit" UKP members, the cunts should be smoked out because they'll only pick on somebody else at some point.

Offline CoolTiger

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Fucking hell. Sorry you're subject to a similar sad cunt CT. Why can't these dickheads just enjoy punting?

I didn't really want to give "Ben" any attention, and guess you may have thought the same about your stalker, but if it turns out they are "legit" UKP members, the cunts should be smoked out because they'll only pick on somebody else at some point.

I have ridden it out for past 9 months. I managed to get his IP address, and had this confirmed with Admin, but he had already been banned by then.

Barry Shipton

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Christ this is all a bit depressing - I thought punting was supposed to be a bit of fun, that's why I do it, something to de-stress and relax. What with stalkers, outers and blackmailers it makes it all too much like hard work.

If I wanted to act like a bloody spy I would have tried to join MI6 or Mossad - but all I want is a decent shag!


  • Guest
I am of course assuming that Ben is the same tit as the one that's been contacting Admin here. If there's more than one of them, I'm getting Sad Git and John Commando on bodyguard detail.

that might just mean three mental stalkers following you.

I imagine someone doing this would use a name of the opposite gender to try and cover their tracks. Its one of those simpleton tricks when one doesnt understand ip addresses and the like I think.

sorry to hear about the experiences. sounds like theres a mongo without a hobby out there.

Online hendrix

that might just mean three mental stalkers following you.

I imagine someone doing this would use a name of the opposite gender to try and cover their tracks. Its one of those simpleton tricks when one doesnt understand ip addresses and the like I think.

sorry to hear about the experiences. sounds like theres a mongo without a hobby out there.

Must be a fair few out there judging by CT's experience. I wonder if there is a forum somewhere full of sad cunt stalkers reviewing their stalking abilities?


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Has anyone considered the possibility that these nutjob stalkers could actually be females masquerading as punters??

As they say, 'Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned'!!

It just doesn't seem like something a punter would be bothered do to another punter...whereas a slighted, jealous prossie...we all know what happens when that shit kicks off!!  :wackogirl:

Online hendrix

Has anyone considered the possibility that these nutjob stalkers could actually be females masquerading as punters??

As they say, 'Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned'!!

It just doesn't seem like something a punter would be bothered do to another punter...whereas a slighted, jealous prossie...we all know what happens when that shit kicks off!!  :wackogirl:

I haven't ruled out that it's a prossie in my case...maybe one that's pissed off that MissKDD gets a lot of my business..that kind of thing :unknown:

Offline Dani

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I would say it is someone who has a thing for missKDD and hates seeing your accounts of the time you spend with her so decided to try and scare her away from seeing you and when that didn't work tried getting you banned from here so he could say to her "see I told you he was a (insert whatever here) and you should stay away from him as it is why he got banned from UKP

It does sound more like something a woman would do however I and I am sure many other prossies can say with certainty that some punters do this type of thing to.  They get fixated on a woman and despise anyone else seeing her as the other idiot shows on the Rebecca debacle some men go OTT for a prossie and then set up a hate campaign either against her or against her clients

Whoever it is though is quite sick and there are some things you should never falsely accuse someone of as some things are too awful.

Offline punk

I haven't ruled out that it's a prossie in my case...maybe one that's pissed off that MissKDD gets a lot of my business..that kind of thing :unknown:

The pimp boyfriend? could it be him?

Online hendrix

The pimp boyfriend? could it be him?

Nah, independent. That I do know.


  • Guest
Must be a fair few out there judging by CT's experience. I wonder if there is a forum somewhere full of sad cunt stalkers reviewing their stalking abilities?

Offline CoolTiger

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Must be a fair few out there judging by CT's experience. I wonder if there is a forum somewhere full of sad cunt stalkers reviewing their stalking abilities?

There was a forum-like site where they all kinds of silly things / anti-UKP were being posted by haters, etc.. Nik and Admin are aware of this site, so I won't publicise it any more. the site has been down for the past 3~4 months. 

Online hendrix

There was a forum-like site where they all kinds of silly things / anti-UKP were being posted by haters, etc.. Nik and Admin are aware of this site, so I won't publicise it any more. the site has been down for the past 3~4 months.

Christ, what fulfilling lives these people must lead.

Offline NIK

There was a forum-like site where they all kinds of silly things / anti-UKP were being posted by haters, etc.. Nik and Admin are aware of this site, so I won't publicise it any more. the site has been down for the past 3~4 months.

Hardly surprising as it was populated by fruitcakes.   :crazy:

Offline NIK

As I have constantly said there are, unsurprisingly,  some extremely strange people of both genders in this business.

A few years ago on Pnet pre UKP I made a post about street girls  on Sussex Gardens. I was contacted by a 'girl' who allegedly worked there. 'She' gained my trust with a series of posts and emails promising me a good time when I was next in the area. Like a fucking twat I gave my mobile number. Jimmy had warned me about this, but it was too late. She claimed to work on the streets, in a parlour and as an escort which set my alarm bells ringing.
The email replies would come back instantly. I asked how this was if she was working. She claimed she was sat in front of the computer at the parlour. Each reply was more and more outrageous. When it offered an overnight for £30 and bb as 'she' wanted to get pregnant by a punter I told the wind up merchant to fuck off. However I had already given out my number.
Over the next couple of days I had a series of phone messages from a guy growling down the phone and threatening me, saying stuff like all the girls hate you Nik! The  first one was unnerving because it was unexpected and I was just going into the dentists! However he sounded about as scary as a fairy and they soon stopped.

Much more seriously though I believe the same character harassed and stalked a punting friend threating to out him to a prestigious club of which he was a member and other stuff, causing my mate to remove his dozens of frs from Pnet.

To be fair it was one of the prossies I'd previously crossed swords with on Pnet who helped my mate uncover the real identity of this twat and who also tipped me the wink as to who he was.
I can understand him trying to harass me as I was never the most popular punter on Pnet, but why he had it in for my mate who actually preferred  older prossies and, unlike me, never said a bad word against them I've no idea. However whereas I had minor inconvenience for a couple of days his life was made anxious for some time by this character who was either a pimp or a nutter, or maybe both.

Offline Turtle1

Cunts that stalk have no life. i mean how shit is your life if you must stalk a guy on a punting forum. Seriously how shit must life be if this is your amusement. Not just one website but 2 websites.

The cunt should delete his internet.


  • Guest
This is truly dreadful I would suggest you use different names from any forum to your adult work names and your punting names so any escort cant link you up - have your adultwork phone number different and get a 2nd mobile phone for non adultwork punts just in case an escort was to perhaps recognise your adultwork number

Offline Clooney

Doubtless you know this anyway Hendrix, but I'd tread very fucking carefully with this.

This sounds potentially very fucking nasty. If this person is prepared to go to these lengths to get to you for whatever reason, they may not stop there and pursue you via other means.

Not trying to freak you out and I'm sure you are big enough, capable enough and smart enough to look after yourself, but there are some vicious, nasty bastards out there who are ingenious and dedicated when it comes to stuff like this.

I'm sure you'll be fine as will the girls in question. They clearly wouldn't have exhibited the obviously loyalty to you that they have if you had in anyway coerced them.

Best I luck with it all.

As an aside, I'd be the punter with the LEAST possible jealousy issues, as I actively get off of the girls I'm seeing, prossies and girlfriends, fucking other guys. Hence why I punt. Girls to whom you can say "sweetheart, I'm thinking of inviting a male escort with a massive tool around to fuck you balls deep whilst I watch and join in. I'm assuming you're free for Saturday?" are quite few and far between.

Online hendrix

If you and your brother Darmel's  barebacking clips with KDD are leaked? :)

A contender?

Offline punk

What a strange thing for bradshaw to say.

Online hendrix

What a strange thing for bradshaw to say.

Isn't it? I'm sure he's here as another more prolific poster, but doesn't have the balls to post under that name or indeed any others he might have access to.

Offline StevenS

Perhaps he might have the balls to post on this thread and explain.

Offline Dani

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Perhaps he might have the balls to post on this thread and explain.

Doubt that. Those who like to cause problems rarely have the nerve to stand up and be honest

Offline StevenS

Doubt that. Those who like to cause problems rarely have the nerve to stand up and be honest

One can live in hope


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It's wrong, sad and fucking annoying that anyone should behave in this sick manner - BUT - it doesn't surprise me.

The world of punting will fascinate outsiders - the fact that punters and escorts alike are shagging strangers right left and center!!

Within these outsiders will undoubtedly be a percentage of deranged sad twats who get off following the exploits of genuine punters on here and equally become obsessed by them to the point they want to tarnish or, in there own mind, destroy the reputation of members who are prolific posters and reviewers.

They are just sad sad little individuals who need to start living their own lives and stop following the experiences of others to the point of obsession!

Online hendrix

Perhaps he might have the balls to post on this thread and explain.

No chance. When somebody logs in just to make that comment and immediately does a runner, there's a high chance that it's somebody who is logged in under another name following or even contributing "normally" to the thread that comment appeared in. It's a shame, but punting in general and UKP will always attract the loons as has been noted. Obviously, "Bradshaw" might be unrelated to the original stalker, but the mention of "Darmel"  (sic) is telling.

It's good though, because the more the sad cunt posts, the more I know who it is :)

Offline punk

Isn't it? I'm sure he's here as another more prolific poster, but doesn't have the balls to post under that name or indeed any others he might have access to.

Very, now to find out BS alter ego