Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Dogs - American bully  (Read 5786 times)

Online badsin

Recently been discussed in parliament as to whether there breed should be added to the "banned breeds" as per the dangerous dogs act.
The powers that be said no, it shouldn't be added.

These dogs kill other dogs pretty much daily in this country, as well as killing humans regularly each year.

I'd happily ban this breed. Bred from the pit, but to be considerably larger, and generally owned by twats.

Thoughts of other members please?

"Note. I've had a couple of boxer's in the past, so I'm pro dog.
But also recognise this breed as a danger to other dogs, and humans.

Ban them, yes or no ?

Offline timsussex

IMHO Banning on breed isnt the best idea - while some breeds may be more likely to be dangerous other dogs can slip through
I knew a minature Snauzer that was plain nasty and wouldnt allow my kids near it, and in my youth a jack Russel that was just unpredicable - at least I suppose neither were likely to kill.
Perhaps all dogs should have an annual MOT (Mutt Offensive Test) and get rated from 1- dangerous to 10 - you could take his food away
Its a shame that in this country we would price it out of all proportion like Dog Passports which cost 10x the Italian vet charges

Online badsin

I'm all for dog license's always have been.
Agreed, particularly regards jack Russell that's three are nippy fuckers.
However an American bully, gets hold of your dog or you it won't end well.
These are responsible for the most death's and serious injuries than other breeds put together.

Offline Jonestown

I'd happily ban this breed. Bred from the pit, but to be considerably larger, and generally owned by twats.

Perhaps it the twats that a breeding ban should be imposed on ?

Offline shaft10

Recently been discussed in parliament as to whether there breed should be added to the "banned breeds" as per the dangerous dogs act.
The powers that be said no, it shouldn't be added.

These dogs kill other dogs pretty much daily in this country, as well as killing humans regularly each year.

I'd happily ban this breed. Bred from the pit, but to be considerably larger, and generally owned by twats.

Thoughts of other members please?

"Note. I've had a couple of boxer's in the past, so I'm pro dog.
+1 I'd ban them for these reasons

There are few references to Jack Russel's on this post, I've had Jack Russell's (and other Terriers) all of my adult life, they've never bit or even snapped at anyone, brought up around children etc. In most cases it's as much about the owner as the dog, and how they are brought up.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2023, 06:22:52 am by shaft10 »

Offline Adoniron

I'm a dog lover but it seems this breed is mainly owned by would be hard men who want to use them to intimidate other people. They do attack children as well as other dogs and it would be sensible to add them to the banned list.

Offline DastardlyDick

+1 I'd ban them for these reasons

There are few references to Jack Russel's on this post, I've had Jack Russell's (and other Terriers) all of my adult life, they've never bit or even snapped at anyone, brought up around children etc. In most cases it's as much about the owner as the dog, and how they are brought up.

I have a Rescue Jack Russell - removed from a branch of the Caravan Using Nomadic Travellers Society - she was used as a "bait" dog and when I first got her, she was an absolute nightmare with other dogs, full set of hackles, teeth out and attack, even at a range of 20 or 25 feet, plus a nasty habit of trying to chase blue light vehicles. Always absolutely fine with people though, goes up to absolutely anyone and does a "play bow" and puts her head on one side on the ground all while wagging her tail nineteen to the dozen.
She's now good with other dogs, and blue light vehicles just get a bark, so it is possible to reverse their upbringing.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2023, 06:10:45 pm by DastardlyDick »

Online lewisjones23

Not a dog that I’d trust in a million years.

The size and power of them is unreal, if they turn then no human has a chance of fighting one of them off without weapons.

Online scutty brown

Pissed myself laughing a few weeks back when we had that record heat wave.
Local facially tattooed hard man type trying to take one of these bastard dogs for a walk through the town centre. Tug, pull, swear, curse, pull again. Dog got fed up with it and laid down and wouldn't move. Half an hour later it was still there blocking the pavement, refusing to move despite more curses and the occasional attempt at pulling it.
As you can imagine the "owner" rapidly became the subject of some amusing piss-taking comments
« Last Edit: August 09, 2023, 08:28:44 pm by scutty brown »

Offline fredhiggins

Ban , 100%. A thug on both end of the lead.

Online badsin

Ban , 100%. A thug on both end of the lead.

The human ones tend to like cutting the dogs ears off, presumably with scissors.... wankers.
We often, look at the wrong end of the lead for who is the problem  :hi:

Offline Squire Haggard

The human ones tend to like cutting the dogs ears off, presumably with scissors.... wankers.
We often, look at the wrong end of the lead for who is the problem  :hi:

Ban both of them from breeding. :thumbsup:

Offline berksboy

Yep bad both from breeding !  :D :D

If we cant do that then make do with banning the dog.

Offline mh

The Dangerous Dogs Act is one of the worst ever pieces of legislation. It condemned some dogs to death that were no danger to anyone and yet was easy to get around for much more lethal animals with the slightest tweak to the breeding.

The XL Bully is worse than any dog that is on the banned list. But the government has no appetite to expand the list or change the act.

Offline ulstersubbie

The human ones tend to like cutting the dogs ears off, presumably with scissors.... wankers.
We often, look at the wrong end of the lead for who is the problem  :hi:

I wonder if this is a British thing, bald tattooed thug with aggressive hound glaring menacingly at the general public as he walks down the street.  :unknown:

Online badsin

They originate from the USA. Seemingly very popular over there, and Brazil apparently.
Guess it's a status thing.
I bet police think twice about these dogs, unless there armed, even then you'd want a couple of police firing on them

Offline Squire Haggard

Its as obvious as the balls on a dog that the XL Bully should be banned. If there were any walking about near me I would want the right to carry a firearm.

Offline willie loman

one thing that will immobilise a dog is throwing flour at its nostrils, and yes i have done it.

Offline Blackpool Rock

one thing that will immobilise a dog is throwing flour at its nostrils, and yes i have done it.
So you carry a bag of flower around at all times then  :unknown:

Even if no dogs to disable you may come across a fat lass  :rolleyes:

Offline Rick2468

Some of the dogs terrify me. I have seen a guy a few times whilst out running who takes his dog into a communal garden area outside his block of flats and leans against the gate after letting his dog off the leash. His dog is an American Bully I think and I think the guy is leaning against the gate to stop people coming in as his dog is off the leash. His dog always stares at me as I run past and I get a bit nervy even with the fence there. On one hand it's good the guy is taking precautions but why the fuck would you want a dog that you knew was a danger to people (apart from trying to look hard).

Offline Blackpool Rock

Unfortunately these types of dogs largely appeal to a certain type of person, all too often some chavvy thick twat who wants it as a status symbol to look hard.
To start with the dogs have been bred to have certain characteristics such as being aggressive and you then double down by the type of people attracted to them being irresponsible owners  :thumbsdown:

Perhaps if the people who decided not to ban them or a family member was attacked then they would reconsider.

Offline willie loman

So you carry a bag of flower around at all times then  :unknown:

Even if no dogs to disable you may come across a fat lass  :rolleyes:

i was walking down the street, and i saw a group of people trying to separate 2 dogs, the larger dog, a labrador,   had the little dog a spaniel, in its mouth, i told them to go and get flour, she went into her house, and came out with the flour, i said throw it at the dogs nose, she did, the dog immediately released the other dog. i learnt this trick from reading a book about dog fighting in the victorian underworld. i am surprised this is not better known, given the number of violent dog attacks in the last 20 years or so.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 06:43:41 pm by willie loman »

Online scutty brown

i was walking down the street, and i saw a group of people trying to separate 2 dogs, the larger dog, a labrador,   had the little dog a spaniel, in its mouth, i told them to go and get flour, she went into her house, and came out with the flour, i said throw it at the dogs nose, she did, the dog immediately released the other dog. i learnt this trick from reading a book about dog fighting in the victorian underworld. i am surprised this is not better known, given the number of violent dog attacks in the last 20 years or so.

pepper probably works better

Offline willie loman

pepper probably works better
the point of flour is that it obstructs the dogs ability to breath, without damaging the dog.

Online badsin

I've heard that spraying WD-40 in a dogs nose and face will disorientate them for a short while (not on the WD-40 thread)

Offline Blackpool Rock

pepper probably works better
Peppers good, I know someone who used it on a person who was going to leather the fuck out of him, stopped the hard cunt in his tracks  :hi:

Offline Blackpool Rock

Problem with these dogs is that a fully grown one can weigh about 60Kg but they are pure muscle and have a powerful set of jaws.

I'd like to think that if i'm attacked then i'd keep my head about me and go for the dogs eyes or nose to try and stop it, apparently grabbing the frong legs and pulling them apart will harm a dog and disable it but in the event itself most people would panic and all logical thinking goes out of the window

Online badsin

Problem with these dogs is that a fully grown one can weigh about 60Kg but they are pure muscle and have a powerful set of jaws.

I'd like to think that if i'm attacked then i'd keep my head about me and go for the dogs eyes or nose to try and stop it, apparently grabbing the frong legs and pulling them apart will harm a dog and disable it but in the event itself most people would panic and all logical thinking goes out of the window
Yes, shoving the front legs back to 90 degree's is likely to cause serious injury. However they'd be at your throat whilst your doing that.

A good few year's ago one of my boxer's got attacked by two loose German shepherds whilst I was walking him on the lead, in a residential area.
People stopped in their cars and watched as my dog was getting "wragged" by these fucking animals. Fortunately I had a dog stopper with me and sent both packing. I'm not proud of it, but glad i had it, at that time, otherwise my dog, and possibly me would of been seriously injured or worse .
« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 11:52:56 pm by badsin »

Online badsin

To the best of my knowledge, this breed/hybrid hasn't yet made its way to the UK from USA.

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Online badsin

A dog stopper?

As stated, not proud of it. After my guy had been seriously harassed by an American Staffy, again my dog on lead. I carried a snooker ball in a sock (dog stopper ) which worked well, on the one occasion I needed it . I don't advocate it, but glad I had it at that moment.

Offline shaft10

To the best of my knowledge, this breed/hybrid hasn't yet made its way to the UK from USA.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Maybe I'm being a bit of pussy, but that's not a dog to me .. I wouldn't have to strength to control that thing, you'd have to be built like Arnold

Offline fredhiggins

What part of the dog did you hit?

Or did you confuse it by asking it to guess which colour ball was in the sock.

Or do you have smelly socks?

Offline Squire Haggard

Maybe I'm being a bit of pussy, but that's not a dog to me .. I wouldn't have to strength to control that thing, you'd have to be built like Arnold

If they allow that in a public place, why not bears as well?  :wacko: :crazy:
Hidden Image/Members Only

Online badsin

What part of the dog did you hit?

Or did you confuse it by asking it to guess which colour ball was in the sock.

Or do you have smelly socks?
Two German shepherds,
1. Caught a decent whack to its left rib cage area.
2. Side of it's left neck, quite high up.

Socks, where actually those knee length ones you can buy to minimise DVT during flight's.
Personally I was quite shocked by the experience, and would never want to go through that experience again.
Smelly socks, or not, it's a shitty experience to have.

Online scutty brown

Get caught by the police with a ball-in-a-sock and you could be in the shit.
Regarded as a pretty serious offence

Offline Blackpool Rock

Get caught by the police with a ball-in-a-sock and you could be in the shit.
Regarded as a pretty serious offence
Yeah, still remember the scene from Scum  :scare:

External Link/Members Only

It's like when people have a baseball bat or similar in their car, if you get stopped then you get nicked if you say it's for self defence so have to maintain it's for playing baseball and then you get away with it but but nobody will accept that snooker balls in a sock is for playing snooker  :D

Offline fredhiggins

Two German shepherds,
1. Caught a decent whack to its left rib cage area.
2. Side of it's left neck, quite high up.

Socks, where actually those knee length ones you can buy to minimise DVT during flight's.
Personally I was quite shocked by the experience, and would never want to go through that experience again.
Smelly socks, or not, it's a shitty experience to have.
Jokes apart,I agree shitty; glad you and dogs  came out ok.

Offline DastardlyDick

Yeah, still remember the scene from Scum  :scare:

External Link/Members Only

It's like when people have a baseball bat or similar in their car, if you get stopped then you get nicked if you say it's for self defence so have to maintain it's for playing baseball and then you get away with it but but nobody will accept that snooker balls in a sock is for playing snooker  :D
You'll have a bloody hard time trying to convince a copper that you're off to play baseball at 10pm - they'll have heard every excuse under the sun - at best you'll be spending several hours in a cell, even if CPS decide not to press charges.

Offline timsussex

You'll have a bloody hard time trying to convince a copper that you're off to play baseball at 10pm - they'll have heard every excuse under the sun - at best you'll be spending several hours in a cell, even if CPS decide not to press charges.

 a decent 1/2inch square drive ratchet doesn't have the reach of a baseball bat but would do more damage than a old fashioned truncheon and I have one in my car - along with a couple of sockets
« Last Edit: August 25, 2023, 11:59:28 pm by timsussex »

Offline Blackpool Rock

You'll have a bloody hard time trying to convince a copper that you're off to play baseball at 10pm - they'll have heard every excuse under the sun - at best you'll be spending several hours in a cell, even if CPS decide not to press charges.
Yeah they will know but then again they can't prove anything, this was actually featured in one of those police camera action type programs where a lad got stopped late at night and when they searched his car he had a bat. When asked what it was for the lad said self protection and he got nicked for it, the copper said if he'd said baseball then he couldn't have done anything

Offline Adoniron

Get caught by the police with a ball-in-a-sock and you could be in the shit.
Regarded as a pretty serious offence

However if you carry a stout walking stick you shouldn't have a problem.

Offline DastardlyDick

However if you carry a stout walking stick you shouldn't have a problem.

Offline DastardlyDick

a decent 1/2inch square drive ratchet doesn't have the reach of a baseball bat but would do more damage than a old fashioned truncheon and I have one in my car - along with a couple of sockets
They are there just in case the car breaks down of course.

Offline berksboy

I have a fire extinguisher by the drivers seat and a 12inch long torch.

Offline DastardlyDick

I have a fire extinguisher by the drivers seat and a 12inch long torch.
Wouldn't be a Maglite by any chance? That's why they're made the way they are, so Security guards can carry a "weapon" they  otherwise wouldn't be allowed to. It's called "instant arming" as in "I happened upon Billy Burglar while on my patrol, he went to attack me, and I was afraid of being injured, so I hit him (pre emptive strike) with the torch that I always carry at night so I can see where I'm going". Job done!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2023, 10:12:26 am by DastardlyDick »

Offline DastardlyDick

Going back to Dogs, Met Police Dog Sections have an adapted riot shield, which has had the power pack from a Taser and conductive strips built in for dealing with Dangerous Dogs in confined spaces. The shock disables the dog long enough for them to slip a grasper over it's head.