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Author Topic: Feeling guilty after one pop  (Read 3312 times)


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Hi all, would like a suggestion on not feeling bad after 1 pop. So the thing is that whenever I see a WG no matter how good it was after one pop I suddenly feel guilty as to why I did it and not have a wank instead of paying for it. It really puts me off staying for more even though I've paid. I'd like to feel hungry for more even after I cum. Just wondering if there is any suggestions from punters as to how to overcome this. Please note when I had a gf it wasn't like that.


  • Guest
Just book for 30 min, then fuck off when you are done.

I don't think this is the right place to discuss your moral issues. Man up, do the job, move on.

Online cunnyhunt

Just book for 30 min, then fuck off when you are done.

I don't think this is the right place to discuss your moral issues. Man up, do the job, move on.


Offline daveev

Don't fuck right away, have some fun keep yourself at the point when you want to cum and don't,  i never cum till the end unless i don't get on with the girl, i know some want to pop a few times, but seems in your case not happening, so once must be fine.
Maybe you dont like giving your money away, to me its like betting on a horse, when it loses you smile and walk away,


  • Guest
Yeah 30 minutes is one possibility. But the thing is I could do it with the ex.. so why not with the wg. I don't get it


  • Guest
Don't fuck right away, have some fun keep yourself at the point when you want to cum and don't,  i never cum till the end unless i don't get on with the girl, i know some want to pop a few times, but seems in your case not happening, so once must be fine.
Maybe you dont like giving your money away, to me its like betting on a horse, when it loses you smile and walk away,

This does make sense. Gonna try pop right at the end of the hour one pop next time. Sounds almost impossible lol

Offline HappyandLucky

As your paying for it and not enjoying the overall punt then why bother?
Alternative is to grow a set, act more like a caveman, enjoy it for what it is and tell guilt to go fuck it'self. 


  • Guest
Man up like they said.  I don't think punting would be as much fun if it didn't feel a bit naughty.  But also, if it's because it's you and not because you have a childish hang up about paying for sex stop (in which case talk to your fucking priest about guilt, not us) stop being such a greedy mother fucker.  If you still must book for 30 mins or more then maybe try taking your time, relaxing, being in the moment and even attempting to give the WG a good time perhaps.  I don't see the point in tediously calculating the £s per pop.

Offline MikeBWales

Punting is not the guilty man's game unfortunately.  It's bloody expensive and you'd be better off spending your cash on something you won't feel so bad.  Saying that, the more you do it, the less guilty you'll feel I'm sure! :yahoo:

nova painted floozie

  • Guest
I think there are 3 strategies here.
1. Do what the lads suggest, push those thoughts to the back of your mind and get on with it. Use tactics to defeat the guilt such as shortening the length of your punt or delaying orgasm.
2. Identify and unpick the reason(s) behind your feeling of guilt and become the master of it thus achieving some sort of zen-like punter status.
3. Stop punting and take up some other manly pastime such as fishing, squash or motorbikes.  :drinks:

Offline Frenchie

' I suddenly feel guilty as to why I did it and not have a wank instead of paying for it. '

I would guess that you are younger member of the forum (sorry if I'm wrong ) and I think your attitude to punting may be different.
Personally I don't punt just  to get my rocks off ..if that was the whole point of the punt I would just have a wank !

The whole lead up to the one pop is the pleasure of it all....lots and lots of oral both ways , rimming both ways and sometimes just
drinking in the sight before you ..the' pop' is the icing on the cake for me . Have a good think as to what you really enjoy ,- book the appropriate girl and indulge in the little things you like and work up to the climax .

If you just want to shag and cum - then book a Romanian girl for 60 quid  and have three punts a week !

Maybe your choice of girl is the problem ?

Offline Stiltskin

Punting is not the guilty man's game unfortunately.

Exactly. I sometimes wonder if I should feel guilty about having no feelings of guilt at all. Those thoughts soon pass.

Offline ArtVandalay

I'm in the lucky situation that my wife's nagging banishes any feelings of guilt I may or may not have

One day I'll thank her for it

Offline Bigus Dickus

Do something really naughty with the girl! Let her finger your walnut or tongue your stench trench. I normally feel guilty if I shoot my baby glue into a hankie rather than a
bird. I've never felt guilty about paying for it. Are you sure it's not that you are just a tight bastard and the guilt is the fact that your investment has just ended up over a girls face rather than on have something material at the end of the punt!

Offline house music dave

Nota guuest, you are not alone, I used to feel this same type of guilt after punting, the majority of WG's I have punted with have said that a lot of clients feel guilty after ejaculating shown in terms of body language and talk. As others have said punting is a head game as well.

Immediately after the punt, listen to your favorite cd, watch a movie, or focus on the good chemicals that have just flooded your brain. Punting needs to be put in to perspective within the whole of your life. I.e. just because you punt it doesn't make you a scumbag. You have as many grey and dark areas as the next man, conversely you have the capacity to do "good" whatever that means to you.

(Apologies if that sounded like a guardian self help column)


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« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 07:21:24 pm by house music dave »

Offline ampersand

If you feel guilty after a first pop, go for a second.. That way you will only feel half as guilty per pop.  Simples.

Offline itk

I went through the same thing a few years back, happened with 2 punts in a month. Seriously thought what the hell is going on, and ended up saving for an hour next punt which went unbelievably well. Never looked back since, I think it may have been the were Plan C or D's on the day and looking back I should have gone home instead of thinking with my dick and wanting my nuts emptied.


  • Guest
Yeah I am a younger member indeed early 20s.. maybe one of the reasons why. I thought I was the only one experiencing such thing, but seeing from all your replies looks like I'm not the only one. That's a relief if I'm honest. I appreciate all the advice given here. Next punt I'll try and not think about anything "negative" after the pop and just enjoy it, I guess eventually it will go away  :)

Edit: thank you again

Offline socks

Yeah I am a younger member indeed early 20s.. maybe one of the reasons why. I thought I was the only one experiencing such thing, but seeing from all your replies looks like I'm not the only one. That's a relief if I'm honest. I appreciate all the advice given here. Next punt I'll try and not think about anything "negative" after the pop and just enjoy it, I guess eventually it will go away  :)

Edit: thank you again
If you're really keen on the two or more pop per punt scenario you can try training your brain ie visualise over and over again what you want to happen after you've popped, the thoughts you want, the things you want to go on to do etc. Build that script in your mind and do it when you're ready in reality. Focus on the script when it comes to the moment.

If it works that'll be £1,000 for the neuro-scientific therapy please.

If it doesn't that'll teach you to bare you soul on a site such as ours and listen to the sort of claptrap that'll come your way


  • Guest
First of all this is absolutely the place to discuss these issues. Ignore people who have written that this isn't the place. "Man up"? What the fuck? Should he neck 6 pints of beer afterwards and read the Sun on his way home. Not everyone here fits into the clichéd Everyman mould. Guess what? men have emotions too and if you don't like to read about that - browse a different thread!

Now the guilt gets easier to deal with the more you punt. Also after you've popped and if you still have time left - try, really try to stay. Have a lie down, maybe a massage. That might get you back in the mood for another round. I've been in this situation when I first started punting. You can get through it. If it's what you really want that is. Bear in mind that your guilt is there for a reason. Part of your personality. Perhaps you're one of the nice guys. Keep punting and it changes you as a person. I've become more selfish and less considerate of other people's feelings. Now does this sound familiar? (Tip: see the initial responses you had in this very thread).

Offline JamesKW

Normally I am a one pop man,on one to one sessions I now tend to book just 30 mins.
However at some parties I have been going to lately I have had 3 or 4 girls without popping at all.I am finding that  the journey is much more satisfying,I always now feel that my money is well spent even if I don't pop.I also have the occasional BDSM session where I don't pop but my money is well spent.


  • Guest
"Man up"? What the fuck? Should he neck 6 pints of beer afterwards and read the Sun on his way home. Not everyone here fits into the clichéd Everyman mould. Guess what? men have emotions too and if you don't like to read about that - browse a different thread!

Sorry, I'll break out the reiki healing crystals and examine his aura on a star chart before delving into our past lives and braiding each others hair.

No, wait, fucking is what people are designed to do. Your 'advice' is just trying to make an experience out of what is a biological and physiological imperative. If you want a massage, go for a massage. If you feel guilty, just book a short visit and then leave. You're not
there to make friends, you're there for a service. If you've forgotten that, you need to get a grip.

Fuck. It's not like you ask for a cuddle from the guy who's changing the tires on your car.

He's not worried about becoming more selfish and less considerate (that's just what getting older does, you revert to type, in your case selfish and inconsiderate). Accusing punting of changing your personality is just a silly excuse for not getting a grip of your own issues.

Man the fuck up.

Offline StevenS

Is it guilt  at spending money or is it a feeling of self loathing that as someone in your early 20's you've "had to resort " to paying for it? I suspect it's the latter. If you were a family man then yeah, there's always something else you could have/should have spent it on but it sounded like your single.

Bear in mind that most of us could pull if we wanted but cut straight to the sex in the easiest way. In fact I bet taking a girl out and being a bit flash with your cash would cost more and might only end up with a kiss. We all pay for sex one way or another :)


  • Guest
Man the fuck up.
That one-liner of yours is getting tiresome now. We're not all the same as you, do you not understand that? Did you just come here to troll? Go away please.


  • Guest
That one-liner of yours is getting tiresome now. We're not all the same as you, do you not understand that? Did you just come here to troll? Go away please.

Nope. You're advice to the op is to change his personality, lean not to be guilty, paper over the issues. I disagree. Mainly because you're missing the question entirely, and being insulting while doing it.

While you might feel that it's me starting an argument, it's not. You rolled up saying people here fall into a 'clichéd Everyman mould' and to 'Ignore people' who posted opposite views to you. That's argumentative. My response was defensive. That's how people work, insult them and there will be a response.

You haven't actually responded to the op, rather you've transferred your own issues onto him. He's not feeling guilty because of having sex with a prostitute, hes feeling guilty about parting with cash for sex rather than phoning an ex or pulling a girl. It's not a 'emotional' issue he's dealing with, it's a financial one.

I fully understand you disagree. But if you're going to defend your opinions, it'd be great if they were relevant to the topic. That way, perhaps, more people might agree with you.

Offline Stalinator

When I first started punting I used to feel guilty an odd time, I guess it is a catholic upbringing. One WG that I see regularly told me there is no need to feel any guilt and just enjoy the experience. I have never looked back since then. You are paying good money to empty your load into/on to a good looking woman, why should you feel guilt? The more you punt it will get easier.

I am almost 40 and more than 1 pop is out of the question for me, so I just book 30 mins, or 45 if the WG is exceptional. Any longer is just wasting money that could go on another punt.


  • Guest
Thanks for the 'nicer' replies and will put some of the advice given here to use. And for the 'less nice' replies, I'm sure we all been there.. no one starts as a sex god lmao.


  • Guest
While you might feel that it's me starting an argument, it's not.
Just scroll up and read the first reply to the thread. Yours.
I don't think this is the right place to discuss your moral issues. Man up, do the job, move on.
Most of my comment was in response to that.


  • Guest
I definitely have the guilty feeling that the OP has. For me the guilt about money. The feeling that before the punt felt like i was putting the money into good use but after cumming felt like it was such  waste and i feel like i could have the same feeling from wanking at home.  Now i get round this by only doing stuff that i may not be able to try with a civie eg. rimming or anal or BDSM


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After the 2nd 3rd pop you will be just fine and having a ball